Tea Party Speech

I was originally scheduled to speak at the National Tea Party Convention, but have been snowed in. A political activist from Alaska was found at the last minute to fill in for me at the event, but I would like to go ahead and share the speech I prepared with the good folks at Occidental Dissent.

Don't Tax Me, BroLike many of you with me this evening, I supported Ron Paul before supporting Ron Paul was cool. I threw $20 at his first money bomb, the one which sent the first ripples of surprise through the political community. I voted for Ron Paul even though Indiana’s primary took place long after the race had been decided. I voted for Chuck Baldwin because I refused to vote for warmongers and bankster puppets.

But that was all back when they were laughing at us. That was when they wrote us off as delusional cranks whose efforts were a distraction from the important work that John McCain and his Washington establishment were doing. But who’s laughing now? For the first time in living memory, the Middle American people are waking up, paying attention, and even hitting the streets.

This changes everything.


As Gandhi once said in his own struggle for his own people: First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then they lose. The enemies of our American nation have stopped laughing. We should celebrate how far we’ve come, but we should realize that the fight has barely started. The political establishment, both the liberal Democrats and their fake opposition in the GOP, will come for us. The lobbies of the multinational corporations, the global bankers, the foreign governments, and the ethnic interest groups will try to buy some of us, silence some of us, and even persecute some of us.

Think about the trillions and trillions of our dollars the government has been throwing at other people. Who are these other people? If we seriously threaten that transfer of wealth, they’re going to come at us like cornered animals, fighting for their collective entitlements. They’ll call us names, tempt us to accept compromises, and even send masked thugs to assault us. But worst of all, they’ll take away the one thing many of you crave the most: your status and your respectability.

The smart money is on this whole movement imploding on itself as soon as you all feel your respectability threatened. We’re all against the bailouts, the deficits, and the rising taxes. But few of us realize that the organizations and institutions with a stranglehold on the American status competition game are the same ones bleeding us dry. Do you have the courage and focus to keep fighting when the entire media is laughing at you, all the “experts” are scoffing at you, and all the government bureaucrats are treating you like a criminal?

*Awkward Silence*

That’s what happens when you’re actually threatening the system.

What's the Plan?At this point, you’re all a potential threat, but you’re not a real threat…yet. Many of you sitting here today support the imperial wars in the Middle East, nation-building favors for the Israel Lobby. You hold a conviction that the budget must be balanced in the same brain that you hold a conviction that we must govern the entire world by force. These conflicting beliefs can only exist for so long in such a small space before one overtakes the other. Choose life.

And at some point, you’ll have to own up to the identity issues. You’ll have to admit to yourselves that Jewish lobbyists are sending our sons and daughters to die in the desert. You’ll have to admit to yourselves that the recent economic bubble was orchestrated by Jewish bankers in collusion with Jewish congressmen and a Jewish Federal Reserve. In order to stop it from happening, you’ll have to openly discuss the actual people who are raiding our coffers and hijacking our military. You’ll have to admit that the Mexican invasion is more than a paperwork issue. You’ll have to forget the drug problem and admit the thug problem.

We can only be taken seriously if we stop speaking in code and start speaking like grown men and women. Therein lies the rub, ladies and gentlemen. You have a choice. You can choose to be respected or you can choose to be taken seriously. You can have respect or you can have honor, but you can’t have both. In fact, being respected is a sure sign that you’re not a serious threat.

We’re all in this together and we’re in this for far more than a balanced budget. We’re in this for even more than the fate of our republic. We’re in this for the fate of ourselves: White Americans. Look around you, stand up for a second and turn in a circle. The media jackals have been giggling about it for months and the “experts” are all upset about it, but none of us will dare to admit the glaringly obvious: that we’re all glaringly White. We’re a people, and not just any people. We’re the people who created this country and the only people to whom it will ever rightfully belong. We are the progeny to whom this republic was entrusted by the founding fathers.

Now, everybody wants to hijack this tea party movement, and we White Advocates are no exception. The libertarians think they own you. The GOP thinks it owns you. Fox News thinks it owns you. Sarah Palin thinks she speaks for you. But you will all get to decide for yourselves, as individuals, which direction to go when the powerful groups destroying our country force you to either go radical or go home. We in the growing White Advocacy movement are there to fight for you and your family against our enemies, not for principles against abstractions and code words.

When an honest White cop is verbally assaulted by Obama’s Black racist friend, Obama jumps in with his own verbal assaults. When Obama goes to church, his preacher damns America and the White men who created it. When Ron Paul questions the wisdom of invading Iraq, he’s accused of anti-Semitism. Don’t let the handful of Uncle Toms in attendance tonight distract you from what you know to be true: that we are a nation, with a great country, that other people are stealing from us in broad daylight.

If you’re serious about taking it back, I invite you to join me.

About Matt Parrott 98 Articles
Matt Parrott is a low IQ wignat LARPing costume clown.


  1. Yosemite,
    Thanks for responding. Not to gang up on you, but your “refutation” of Kevin MacDonald’s thesis seems somewhat lacking. In your response, you suggest that Dr. MacDonald does not supply enough evidence to prove his theory (but a refutation suggests a theory has been decisively disproven). Perhaps you could list some of the sources you used in making your judgement. Hopefully, you will agree that special interests can accomplish a great deal in our government, by applying pressure and funds strategically over a long period. Would I be correct in assuming that in your opinion, it wasnt especially important that the “gates be opened” in the eyes of Jewish leadership, and further, that there was no long term push to get this done, heavily funded by Jewish sources? In other words, you do not believe that there was a powerful Jewish special interest group pushing non-White immigration energetically for decades, correct?

    As far as the displacement of Whites, its hard to consider Germans much different than Anglo Saxons; after all, both the Angles and the Saxons were Germanic tribes, blood relatives of the modern-day Germans. For all your dislike of Irish, Slavs and Italians, they certainly are White, most have light skin, eyes and/or hair. Although they have not fully assimilated, and are not the same as the Germanics, we did have a nation that was 90% White in 1965, and something like 70% of the White population was Northern European. The US of that time could be described at that time as a White, Christian nation, both ethnically and culturally, with restrictionist immigration policies; the gates were closed.

    At the time, very few Americans were in favor of a flood of non-Whites entering the nation. But some political force must have been in favor of this, in order to muster the votes to get the immigration act passed. Its not an easy thing to get done, as one can see from our Health Care debacle. In your opinion, I presume that the political force behind the 1965 act was “Liberalism”, a nebulous force that organizes our representatives (at least the “Liberal” ones) and causes them to do unexpected things that the public doesnt want. Am I correct in interpretating your remarks to mean that you feel this was the force responsible for getting the act passed?

  2. Now, the Perian golf contains 65 percent of the world’s oil reserves. We cannot afford to have a potential enemy dominating that region of the world. (“Yosemite”)

    Thus the wisdom of inducing Iraq and Iran to become friendly client/satellite states by, optimally, displacing Lesser Judea to a Madagascar, or, at the least, by distinctly biasing foreign policy toward the mutual interests of “our” and their polities.

    Unfortunately, Lesser Judea runs Greater Judean foreign policy. “That region of the world” – once quite well disposed to the West – is now re-radicalized and otherwise hostile (the “potential enemy”?) because of the forceful implantation of the mortally-insulting and alien “Zionist entity” and the reintroduction, to the area, of “Crusaders”.

    As a rough political generality, the control of oil is comparable to the control of gold in past centuries, or the control of industrial capacity or the control of the seas in the 19th century, and therefore we are profoundly involved in the requirement to use our power to prevent oil from being monopolized in the hands of men whose designs are less than pacific.

    Weasel words. Iraq was led to understand, by April Glasbie, that it would be permitted to move in and stop Kuwait from slant-drilling Iraqi oil. In order to destroy *Lesser Judea’s* enemy, a mendacious propaganda campaign was then launched to portray Hussein as a potential oil “monopolist” and latter-day imperialist Hitler, by, among other lies, claiming that Iraqi forces were lined up to invade Saudi Arabia, and by suggestively and cynically repeating “in the aftermath of 9/11…, ” ad nauseum. Thus another web of lies was erected toward the realization of Jewish objectives, at the expense of the gullible goyim.

    The Iraq [war] was undoubtedly in America’s best interests.

    To the extent that “America” is understood to be the Greater Judean satellite of Lesser Judea, one might make that somewhat questionable argument.

  3. White Preservationist. Thanks for schooling Yosemite. If he considers Kevin MacDonald “a charlatan” than he certainly missed even more irrefutable evidence of Jewish meddling in American immigration policy presented by David Duke.

    This chapter only deals with their direct role in the government process. It doesn’t deal with their prominent role in media promotion of immigration, and in their incredible ability to influence Gentile politicians through both money and media.

    My Awakening by David Duke
    Chapter 13: The Jewish Led Alien Invasion
    http://www.davidduke.com/general/my-awakening-chapter-24-the-jewish-role-in-immigration_2518.html. I

    Here’s an in house celebration of the career of activist Earl Raab whose gloating over the Jewish role in opening the floodgates of Third World immigration into the US to prevent another Nazi-like ethno threat to Jews is notorious among WNs.

  4. Yosemite
    I am not diverting attention away from racial problems by attacking liberalism because liberal ideology (including classical liberalism) is responsible for our present racial situation.

    Liberalism is the root cause of our problems if you go back far enough. It was liberalism that let the jews in and removed all restrictions on their activities. If we had never fallen for liberal notions of equal rights and religious freedom we would be be relatively jew-free. But once the jews get in and take over liberalism’s damage is done. Today neocon jews create new anti-liberal ideologies of jew supremacism to control their host society and discard their liberal masks.

    To solely focus on fighting liberalism now is like the defenders of a city that’s being overrun by barbarians convening a week long council meeting to discuss how to repair the gate rather than fighting the marauders.

    So yes, if we could travel back in time eliminating liberalism would save us. Today if we crushed liberalism we’d find ourselves fighting jewish communism, neoconservatism or some other totalitarian system. In fact the whole “war on terror” is intended to create a jew totalitarian state, eliminating our liberties in preparation for the slaughter.

    Presently the state is under absolute jewish domination so for the time being whites must be enemies of the state. Once society is all white and jew free we can consider non-liberal, collective doctrines on their merits. Liberalism of the sort that let the jews in will be discredited. But some of the ideas in the United States constitution, the right to bear arms for example, have merit.

  5. Many interesting posts on the thread.

    To WP, your insights are well appreciated and many are things that I have considered and still do consider and remain undecided on some. Thus the need for dialoge to come to a consensus as to what the movement is about. I very much identify with your take on right/left slant, I do not believe that when you stated you would live under either a right or left establishment that you were referring to the liberal/progessive politics of today in the case that this establishment had a “left” hue. Allow me to clarify.

    First, I am not sure how stewardship for the environment became a “left” idea, excecpt for the fact that so many “conservatives” are just greedy, decadent capitalists with no concern for anything else but money (including race and culture), so the issue was swooped up by the left. I am total agreement with you on all that you say with your support of many so called “left” policies of today, such as environmentalism or a social saftey net for the proper people done responsibly and adhering to healthy cultural values. I have had much experience with the European trades system, a system that many Americans would classify as “communist” which to me has always been absurd. Mandating trades training at a young age and have someone pick up the tab besides a 15 year old is not anything but responsible and mature for anyone with the least bit of vision as to what is necessary to sustain a competive industrial society over the long term. Contrary to many claims in the American mainstream, European trades clean our clocks, and I think what remains (they are erroding like most time tested social safe guards in the western world) of these systems is much more indicitive of racial/national solidarity and wanting to preserve that culture and its achievements than it is of “leftist” or “communist” influence. From your posts I am confident that you would be in agreement.

    When I refered to refusing to accept a left government in an ethnostate, I should have used the word progressive instead or liberal. What concerns me are mainly the moral issues as I agree with many other posters here that that is the base, whether they realize they agree with me or not. I am talking about what has been identified here as the liberal/anarchist/everything-goes paradigm that wants a forced equallity of all. This is immoral. Maybe we should steer clear of that term and use socialist to identify responsible government programs that help the true national identity of a culture, not left or liberal nor progressive.

    As to WPs invisionment of an ethnostate divided into conservative and liberal hamlets I have considered it and will continue to do so, but wish to state my initial thoughts on this at that time. I think if the social clock were rolled back perhaps 50 years (I know this isn’t possible, but just to make the point) this would be completely attainable and desirable. Now I am not so sure. I think that Jewism, ie: liberalism, has become so far advanced and contaminated the white race so deeply in many sectors that in the case of WP’s politically diverse ethnostate we would probably be in a civil war in a very short space. In the case we were not, we would spend so much time bickering and politicing that we would be very weak, and soon overran by our neighbors. I am not demanding that the new ethnostate be completely of the same mind, of course a certain amount of political variant is necessary and desirable, but the current polarization is too extreme to be workable. That is my current position, but will continue to ponder this. Then again, maybe that is how it would have to pan out. First an ethnostate, then civil war. It wouldn’t be the first time and perhaps is inevitable.

  6. ben tillman, andrew, et al.,

    I have read Kevin MacDonald’s trilogy, and I used to accept his general conclusions as you do. It’s beyond the scope of this blog to refute in detail the work of Kevin MacDonald. I merely mentioned him in passing. What I will say is this: MacDonald’s work is characterized by sloppy scholarship, such as citing a document well known to be forgery as though it were authentic, citing David Irving as a qualified authority on WWII, making obvious statistical blunders, misrepresenting and distorting the works of other academics whom he cites, using selective evidence, relying heavily on outdated theories such as group selection, and failing to compare his thesis to alternate hypotheses.

    See also

    Jefferson A. Singer. “Review of Separation and its discontents by Kevin McDonald.”
    Eugen Schoenfeld. “Review: A People That Shall Dwell Alone: Judaism as a Group Evolutionary Strategy by Kevin MacDonald.”
    Seth Garber. “Review: Separation and Its Discontents: Toward an Evolutionary Theory of Anti-Semitism, Kevin MacDonald and Antisemitism.”


    “Can you offer any evidence that we’re controlling Iraq’s oil production, now?”

    I never said we are, but we have certainly liberated Iraq’s oil reserves from the monopolization of a potential enemy. The new Iraq Constitution contains language that guarantees major access of foreign companies to Iraq’s oil reserves. Whether oil was the motivating factor in the Iraq war is irrelevant, since the effects have been the same. I will say this, though: Neoconservatives in the U.S. called for the sell-off of all of Iraq’s oil fields and planned for a coup d’etat long before the September 11th attacks. Former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan said that the removal of Saddam Hussein was “essential” to secure world oil supplies. Additionally, in his memoir, Mr. Greenspan writes: “I am saddened that it is politically inconvenient to acknowledge what everyone knows: the Iraq war is largely about oil.” In an August 30, 2005 speech, Bush stated a major role of the occupation of Iraq was to prevent oil fields from falling into the hands of the enemy. Finally, it is worth noting that both the President and Vice President were formerly CEOs of oil and oil-related companies such as Arbusto, Harken Energy, Spectrum 7, and Halliburton.

    Oil is undoubtedly worth going to war for. The importance of oil to national security is unlike that of any other commodity. As James Paul points out,

    “Modern warfare particularly depends on oil, because virtually all weapons systems rely on oil-based fuel – tanks, trucks, armored vehicles, self-propelled artillery pieces, airplanes, and naval ships. For this reason, the governments and general staffs of powerful nations seek to ensure a steady supply of oil during wartime, to fuel oil-hungry military forces in far-flung operational theaters. Such governments view their companies’ global interests as synonymous with the national interest and they readily support their companies’ efforts to control new production sources, to overwhelm foreign rivals, and to gain the most favorable pipeline routes and other transportation and distribution channels.”

    In fact, our entire society is dependent on oil. We would have no food,were it not for the petroleum that goes in fertilizers and then to transport it here.

  7. As far as the continuing debate about Jewism or liberalism being the root of our problems, which came first, the chicken or the egg, let’s drop it for now gentleman and focus on the platform. It is encouraging to see so many posters here with informed, intelligent, highly literate points, I learn in leaps and bounds daily from you gentleman (and Denise!) so let’s use it to progress, not argue 6 of one or a half dozen of the other. Jewism is liberalism, liberalism is Jewism. If we feel the need to hash the finer details out as to what made the pitbull a blood thirsty beast, fine let’s do it later, but right now we have a blood thirsty beast firmly clamped onto our calf and going for the throat.

    I would very much like to invite anyone to expand on the excellent ideas that WP submitted regarding white only “eco-villages” and the like. This is the type of progressive action that is needed at this point. We should also look into the formation of an ethnic friendly credit union. WP, you should investigate contacting the individual that is trying to start the all white BB league. No disrespect intended at all to any of my fellow posters here, the intellectual debate is stimulating and has its place, but we need physical action as well at this point. For example, I am fortunate enough to have a seasonal job and no dependents that reside with me at this point so I can travel and relocate to meet individuals from time to time. Who is willing to begin to consider the possibility of communing, starting with a small percentage of donations of one’s income for the common good of the cause? Not to start doing this tomorrow, but steer the debate in that way? Begin to share resources on a physical level, pool labor to make us efficient and really get to know one another through the day to day interaction that is necessary to form the deep trust and bonds required for the great task ahead of us? If we aren’t willing to go there relatively soon, I don’t believe the movement will make it. Instead of pointing out where we disagree constantly, let’s point out where we agree, where we can compromise and where we can’t. It is Jewish of us to do otherwise. Whether Kevin Mac is right on the spot, been refuted or not, is it really paramount at this time? It is obvious that as to whether Wiki, WP, Oldright, Andrew, or Yosemite like KMac or not, or was it the Imm. Act of ’65 that caused our demise, you all agree on the type of behavior that is unacceptable regardless as to what the label is. Let’s build from there as to what we want to do, not just say. This is just my two cents of course as to how I would like to see things progress, I’m not trying to dictate here, it is purely an invitation.

    To Wiki, much respect my man, I understand your fishing comment and give you a lot of credit for having a pair to deliver that speech if you could have, and I have no doubt you would have. I just wonder if your pond for fishing should have been a little better selected for catchable fry, not man eating sharks that would have leap from the water and consumed you with one gulp, leaving the rest of us to mourn over your devoured carcass. I think at this point in a “major public forum” like that one was, where most are still incapable at this point (although maybe not in the future and with baby steps first) of absorbing these bare truths, a Jared Taylor style would be much more effective. Jew brainwashing has a very powerful hold over much of the populous still, even those that could eventually be strong advocates for your cause. Timing is very important in politics.

  8. WOW! There were a lot of posts on this topic. So the “Tea Party” people managed to help Scott Brown get elected, if that was a victory, then it was a hollow one, for he no sooner got his Senate seat then he tried to distance himself from those very people: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/01/14/scott-brown-held-tea-part_n_423198.html
    This is the usual pattern of things political in this country- we white people have not just been marginalized, we have been used and disowned. Face it folks; working “within the system” (aka : “vote the bastards out of office” does not work). Changes to this government will not come about through “gentle, democratic means”. We are way beyond that now.

  9. I am all for half-barbaric Whites. They are the ones with enough racial solidarity to “fend off” non-Whites.

    As far a “greasy wops” – most of the Iye-ties I know are totally hip to racial issues. Meds are non Nordics – but alliances are vital.

    Neo – the White Elite began betraying their own racial stock approx 2 centuries ago, in Europe. Wiki, I believe, is speaking of Racially Aware Whites creating their own NEW Elite. Which is happening already. The sooner the sell-outs die off – the better.

  10. I am about ot write the Definitive and FINAL assessment of Prof. Kevin MacDonald – so here goes:

    Were I 13 years old again, and all of MacDonald’s books “Tiger Beat” magazine – he would be my Bobbie Sherman, David Cassidy, and The Beatles all rolled up into one.

    He is my Intellectual David Cassidy 4-ever.

    So – insult him. Go ahead. I’ll track ya down and I’ll cut you, beeyich. Mmm….Hmmm

  11. Neo – the White Elite began betraying their own racial stock approx 2 centuries ago, in Europe. Wiki, I believe, is speaking of Racially Aware Whites creating their own NEW Elite. Which is happening already. The sooner the sell-outs die off – the better.

    You’ve missed the point of an inside joke.

  12. “Half-barbaric ‘Krauts”???

    Germans are different, and ‘lesser’ than the ‘civilized’ Anglo-Saxons???

    (Looks like the dissimulator ‘yo-semite’ came out of hibernation after a pleasant few months away from our site, and ‘he’ is back stinking it up again)

    Here is a little lesson for you –

    Of Teutonic Blood – Early Contributions to Civilization of Germans & German-Americans

    Few would deny that the Germans have long been one of the most important peoples in Western history, science, engineering, music, war and peace. (Incidentally, Germany has waged far fewer wars over the last 1,000 years than Britain or France.)
    But few also realize that German (with Austrian/Swiss) is also the biggest ethnic heritage in the United States.

    Even fewer white Americans or others realize that the English are a kind of “Germans”; that these two peoples, with the Dutch and Scandinavians, form one original Germanic language group; that they are all closely related to Kelts (Scots, Welsh, Irish etc) and Italic-speakers in language and culture as well as blood; that all Europeans (except the Basques of Spain, the Hungarians and Finns, and a few other small groups) speak what were once mere “dialects” (now tongues that have diverged so far that they are separate languages) of the same original language from the Bronze Age; that this one language and people spread, in the pre-Columbian era, from Ireland to Italy, and from Russia to Iran and India; and that despite World War II anti-German propaganda, this people actually did call themselves “Aryans,” (hence Ire-land and Ir-an, and ar-istos, for the pure, noble Greek founding families, the “aristocracy”).

    Narrowing things down quite a bit, we arrive at the Germanic peoples. They were called Teutons (Teut or Deut[sch] means “the people”) or Gerr-mans (men of the “gerr,” a very dangerous and accurate close-range short spear that was whipped with a strong wrist flick off a grooved shaft of wood while running forward). They moved from their snowy Urheimat to even more snow, into southern Sweden and Norway, up into southern Finland (where an Asian people, the Suomi, replaced their language with their Finno-Ugric Asian tongue), over into Denmark and into the northern half of Germany.6
    The Germanics (Teutons) broke up into two groups, the Scandinavians (the future Vikings) in Denmark, Norway and Sweden, and the Germans (now split into Germany, the Germanic-dialect nation called Netherlands and the similar Flemish half of Belgium, German-speaking Austria and most of Switzerland; plus England (created by northern Germans from Angeln and Lower Saxony (home of recent chancellor Gerhard Schroeder), hence the Anglo-Saxons.

    The name of our country, “America,” is the Latinized form of Amerigo (named for the Italian aristocrat Amerigo Vespucci who sailed to South America). Fifteen years after Columbus, in 1507, the name was invented and put on a map of both North and South America by the German scholar and professional cartographer Martin Waldseemueller. The name “Amerigo” was one of those Lombard Germanic names the northern Italian aristocracy passed on through the generations, from the Germanic Amal-rik, “work king” (meaning “extremely hard-working”). In Anglo-Saxon and modern English the name Emmeric has become Emory.http://www.barnesreview.org/html/_1_german_blood.htm

    Oh, and BTW, fuck you ‘Yo-SEMITE’.

  13. ***Attention all***

    Please don’t anyone take the punk-ass little dissimulator going by the handle ‘yo-semite’ seriously — he is a provacateur-extraordinaire.

    He is here to promote intra-White friction and animosity by making stooopid and gratuitous insults toward other White Americans, namely, nearly anyone who is not supposedly a ‘pure’ ‘Anglo-Saxon’ — whatever exactly the heck that means.

    I guess this is his new ‘schtick’ — or whatever script his handlers have given him — since last spring/summer (as some of you may remember) his ‘game’ was calls for violence against Jews and openly sticking up for Von Brunn. (Which can easily enough be found in the archives).

    Go away beeyotch, you have absolutely nothing meaningful to say or contribute here. You are pure poison, plain and simple.

  14. Strange – for some reason my last post didn’t go through. Here it is again.

    ben tillman, andrew, et al.,

    I have read Kevin MacDonald’s trilogy, and I used to accept his general conclusions as you do. It’s beyond the scope of this blog to refute in detail the work of Kevin MacDonald. I merely mentioned him in passing. What I will say is this: MacDonald’s work is characterized by sloppy scholarship, such as citing a document well known to be forgery as though it were authentic, citing David Irving as a qualified authority on WWII, making obvious statistical blunders, misrepresenting and distorting the works of other academics whom he cites, using selective evidence, relying heavily on outdated theories such as group selection, and failing to compare his thesis to alternate hypotheses.

    See also

    Jefferson A. Singer. “Review of Separation and its discontents by Kevin McDonald.”
    Eugen Schoenfeld. “Review: A People That Shall Dwell Alone: Judaism as a Group Evolutionary Strategy by Kevin MacDonald.”
    Seth Garber. “Review: Separation and Its Discontents: Toward an Evolutionary Theory of Anti-Semitism, Kevin MacDonald and Antisemitism.”


    “Can you offer any evidence that we’re controlling Iraq’s oil production, now?”

    I never said we are, but we have certainly liberated Iraq’s oil reserves from the monopolization of a potential enemy. The new Iraq Constitution contains language that guarantees major access of foreign companies to Iraq’s oil reserves. Whether oil was the motivating factor in the Iraq war is irrelevant, since the effects have been the same. I will say this, though: Neoconservatives in the U.S. called for the sell-off of all of Iraq’s oil fields and planned for a coup d’etat long before the September 11th attacks. Former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan said that the removal of Saddam Hussein was “essential” to secure world oil supplies. Additionally, in his memoir, Mr. Greenspan writes: “I am saddened that it is politically inconvenient to acknowledge what everyone knows: the Iraq war is largely about oil.” In an August 30, 2005 speech, Bush stated a major role of the occupation of Iraq was to prevent oil fields from falling into the hands of the enemy. Finally, it is worth noting that both the President and Vice President were formerly CEOs of oil and oil-related companies such as Arbusto, Harken Energy, Spectrum 7, and Halliburton.

    Oil is undoubtedly worth going to war for. The importance of oil to national security is unlike that of any other commodity. As James Paul points out,

    “Modern warfare particularly depends on oil, because virtually all weapons systems rely on oil-based fuel – tanks, trucks, armored vehicles, self-propelled artillery pieces, airplanes, and naval ships. For this reason, the governments and general staffs of powerful nations seek to ensure a steady supply of oil during wartime, to fuel oil-hungry military forces in far-flung operational theaters. Such governments view their companies’ global interests as synonymous with the national interest and they readily support their companies’ efforts to control new production sources, to overwhelm foreign rivals, and to gain the most favorable pipeline routes and other transportation and distribution channels.”

    In fact, our entire society is dependent on oil. We would have no food,were it not for the petroleum that goes in fertilizers and then to transport it here.

  15. Kulaks,

    Regardless of anything Yosemite – or any real or imagined Agent Provocateurs – might be saying here I don’t like any comments that dishonor James Von Brunn. He was a brave man who stood up in the twilight of his life and tried to make a difference against the enemy.

    Few have the courage to follow in his steps – I know I don’t – but I would hope we White Nationalists can at the least avoid following the sickening path of faux-respectability demanded by our genocidal masters in condemning him.

    I’m all for “peaceful”/”legal” solutions insofar as they are still even possible. Von Brunn, perhaps unwisely, saw the futility in this. If a lot more of our people had the courage to act as did Von Brunn our delivery would be much more attainable.

    What ZOG calls terrorism has kept the Muslims from, as yet, being absorbed into the NWO so it’s not without efficacy. When ZOG itself perpetrates the same acts times a thousand it is of course justified and moral.

  16. Please don’t anyone take the punk-ass little dissimulator going by the handle ‘yo-semite’ seriously — he is a provacateur-extraordinaire.

    He certainly has undergone an extreme shift in viewpoint in a relatively short period of time.


    He [von brunn] should be regarded as a martyr for our cause.


    Honestly, Prozium, with all the merits of your blog, it still boggles my mind that you continue to give a platform to such crypto-Semites as Guy White and Ian Jobling. Why give them the oxygen of publicity? Why link to them? Why advertise for them? Why give them a voice? Why let them spread their philosemitic message?

    We need to follow a NO PLATFORM policy towards Jews and Jew-ennablers.


    I would say 100 percent of Jews [support race replacement]. The few Jews who even claim to be against white race-replacement are merely trying to use whites to fight our Muslim allies. It’s merely an excuse to secure a safe environment for Israel, and to protect Jews from the growing (and justified) antisemitism of the black race. The Jews are indeed our misfortunate, and the only solution is to fumigate the entire nation so that every Jewish and jew-ennabling parasite can be obliterated.

    Compare that to: As for your remarks about Jews and Israel, I don’t care. This is another example of how militant, obsessive anti-Semites poison the pro-white movement.

    Ha! From “The Jews are our misfortune” to “The anti-semites are our misfortune” in about eight months. That’s some turnaround.

  17. Contrary to what some would believe, there is a pretty wide area to inhabit that’s between a naive faith in the political process and becoming a radical misanthrope. A patient reading of my faux speech would show that I don’t believe White Americans will be treated fairly or equitably as they pursue their political goals. That’s kind of the thesis: You know where to find us when this latest attempt stalls. There’s a lot of serious work to be done, and one of those serious projects is reaching out to the White American masses, as frustrating and apparently fruitless as that is.

  18. We were all raised on violence. It was delivered with our mother’s milk.
    When not watching the media version we encountered it at school, on the playing field, or maybe got caught up in it by design or accident in the public sphere. I daydream about beating and killing one or many people almost daily. It’s curious that I have to be so cautious about entertaining the wrong thoughts after a lifetime of desensitization through a cultural glorification of violence. I’m thinking bad James Von Brunn thoughts right now. God help me.

  19. ABOTL,

    AP’s try to get other people/organizations in trouble by violating whatever TPTB define as “the rules”. As of now not condemning men like Von Brunn, Matthews, Lane, Hale, etc., does not violate those rules. Enflaming people to undertake the same types of acts is what an AP does. I do not advocate you or anyone here breaking the rules.

    Understand the difference?

    In our Talmudic age many awakened Whites are no longer noble as is the character of Aryans but smart alecky and sarcastic. If we can’t even respect the efforts of men who risked all to try and wake up our people what are we? We don’t even need to agree with them just not put them down.

  20. Wiki,

    That is a good “speech” though the reactions of you reading it to a typical Tea-Party crowd would not have been pretty. That type of crowd requires much more subtlety and simile if the desire is to reach them as a crowd. Your words would only work with the renegade that happened to be there.

    The “masses” are currently unreachable but those who drift away – like all of us did in the past – will need to continue to be reached at the margins.

  21. I was scanning the posts above of “Yosemite”, and I have no doubt that Kulak is right about him being here simply to “cause friction”. As a matter of fact, that is traditionally what the Jew does best in “dealing” with his enemies- try to set them against one another so as to keep their minds off him. He gives his agenda away in several places, most noticably here:
    “For one thing, our whole society is utterly dependend on oil. We would have no food, were it not for the petroleum that goes in fertilizers and then to transport it here, and then of course there are plastics and various other materials. Now, the Perian golf contains 65 percent of the world’s oil reserves. We cannot afford to have a potential enemy dominating that region of the world. ”
    Control of the world’s supply of oil is certainly at the top of world Jewry’s list of “things that are good for the Jews” (and which are important for their rich lackeys whose personal wealth is centered around Arab oil as well- such as the Bush family). They are dealthly afraid of the Russian/Iranian alliance which threatens their control of the world’s oil supply and were it not for former president Putin, the Jews would control Russian oil as well (kudos to Vladimir Putin for that one!). Yes, oil is important to our society, but we could just as well get it by BUYING it from the Arab countries (after all, they have to sell it to somebody-they can’t eat oil) and America need only establish and maintain good relations with them, or Russia to ensure our continued oil supply. Further; America had no problems with any Arab country until Israel was established through the machinations of British Jews and “Lord Balfour” who couldn’t keep his fly zippered and his dipstick where it belonged thereby setting himself up to be blackmailed by English Jews . The Arab nations of the Persian Gulf are not “our enemy”, Yosemite, they are Israel’s enemy.
    You also stated:
    ” The general tone of American society has obviously declined as a result of the importation of millions of half-civilized Irish, German, Slavic, and Italian immigrants to the US.”
    “Half-civilized”? Well, Sir; the English (whom you seem to identify with and adore) were not “civlized” until they were conquered by the Romans (the forefathers of the Italians!) and who showed them what civilization was all about. And since I am of both German and Slavic (Serbian, specifically) extraction, I guess that I must have a “double whammy”! I will not descend into an argument about the nationalistic tribalism of such labels, for that is exactly what you are after. To me White is White, no matter the “nation” (an artificial construct which has no basis in reality except on a piece of paper called a “map”). Further, the technological accomplishments of the Germans are too numerous to list here, and you might like to know that one of those “half-civilized” Serbians named Nicola Tesla is responsible for the AC electric system that allows you to warm yourself, cook, and which provides a use for the world’s oil supply that you are so worried about.
    While you may be of English and Scandinavian descent as you claim, there are plenty of Jews living in those areas (they infest the world, don’t you know) so what are you really? From your “concerns” and your anti-German attitude, as well as your attempts at promoting conflict here, I would say you are either a crypto-Jew or a Shabbatz-Goy. You are no friend to our cause, that much is certain.

  22. By the way, Yosemite, the Iranians ARE white (even though they adhere to Islam) and that is another reason why the Jews hate them. Destroying whites wherever they find them is their priority.

  23. ROFLMAO!

    Some journalist from MSNBC just contacted me thinking this speech was for real! I probably came || close to getting to be Keith Olbermann’s “Worst Person in the World”.

  24. Wikitopian
    Some journalist from MSNBC just contacted me thinking this speech was for real! I probably came || close to getting to be Keith Olbermann’s “Worst Person in the World”.

    You should have played along. You could have put this site on the map.

  25. “Yeah. I’m in the hotel lobby with Sarah and we’re denying the Holocaust right now.”

    “If you talk to Scott Brown, tell him I want my copy of Mein Kampf back.”

    “Actually, I’m standing in an empty auditorium…the crowd got so excited by my speech that they started chanting ‘Der Jews ist Verboten!’ and stormed out of the building to go avenge little Mary Phagan.”

    MSNBCtards. Nature’s answer to Foxtards.

  26. Yoseminite

    You support Israel..but you you do it with NATIVE BORN WHITE AMERIACN tax payers money..money that could be spent subsudizing the health care and college education of NATIVE BORN WHITE CHRISITAN AMERICANS. Or to put it another way you are fuill of shit.

    Jews were allowed into the ivy league..from there the legal professional…wall street…the justive system ..they have put a noose around the NATIVE BORN WHITE AMERICAN CHRISTIAN population…it can be very dangerous to protest against race-replacement.

    NATIVE BORN WIHTE CHRISTIAN AMERICANS made the mistake of trusting Jews. If the Jews weren’t in America, it would be much much easier to fight against race-replacement. I full expect the Jsws who identify themselves as White Nationalist to demand the conitnued subsidizing-billions every year-the state of Israel…and this subsidy includes NATIVE BORN WHITE CHRISTIAN TEENAGERS for canon fodder. It is one big con game.

  27. The Iranians are not White you retard. White basically means European. But it is also an exclusionary term even in a European context. I do not want to flood America with Spaniards,Bulgarians and Greeks. The Greek owned restaraounts are a slave operation. And the cost of these slave operations is passed off to.. NATIVE BORN WHITE TAX PAYERS. The “White” Cubans down in Miami are NATIVE BORN WHITE AMERICANS.

  28. I meant to say:The “White” Cubans down in Miami are not NATIVE BORN WHITE AMERICANS. I wish Peter Brimelow would stop courting them.

  29. Careful, Jupe, this blog is being taken over by individuals whose nerves can’t handle frank talk about Jewish influence. Wikitopian in particular doesn’t like that, and Kievsky also can’t psychologically handle it. They crack mentally when you post stuff like that and with Kievsky your comment gets zapped.

  30. You didn’t talk about Jewish influence, Scrooby. You talked about me being a probably traitor, me being stupid, and me censoring your comments. You engaged in a direct attack on me for no discernible reason. I invite you to go back through the archives and find an example of me getting upset about frank discussion of the JQ.

    And now I’m being compared to Abe Foxman?! Oy vey!

  31. Scrooby,

    Is it true that you are a mischlinge? I have heard several times that you are of partially Jewish ancestry and I have never seen you refute this.

  32. Fred

    If White Nationalist Jews do not try and steer the White Nationialist movement into fanaitical support for the state of Israel, then I have no problem with Jews in the White Nationialist movement.

    Look, I saw a negro attempting to rape a Jewish Woman, I would put my life on the line to save her from being raped….I would have done this even for Susan Estrich.

    There was a brutal rape of two White Women in South Carolina about 15-17 years ago. they kidnapped and and gang raped for two weeks. Both younf women. One of them was a young Jewish woman.

    Negro males are savages. That millions of of White Men will sit in front of their wives and daughters watching young negro males running around in tight pants this past sunday shows you just how emasculated millions of White Males are. WE need sepration from blacks.

    Israel is demographcally doomed.

  33. That millions of of White Men will sit in front of their wives and daughters watching young negro males running around in tight pants this past sunday shows you just how emasculated millions of White Males are. WE need sepration from blacks.

    So very true, Jupiter. The way millions of white men sit on a couch drinking beer and eating chips as they watch television and cheer like schoolgirls for a bunch of negroes running around on a football field is absolutely pathetic. Then the rest of the week these corpulent slobs prattle on about “fantasy football” and such. It’s incredibly depressing just to think about, and it goes to show how far we have fallen as a race.

  34. I dated a guy, last year, who, on our first date, told me the “Footbal is THE MOST important thing”.

    He was rather large. He appreciated my racial beliefs.

    That date was our first, and last, date, after he said that.

  35. “Scrooby, Is it true that you are a mischlinge?” ( — Robert Campbell)

    My blood is a mixture of German, Russian, Ashkenazi. I identify as a German. All my life I identified as an American until the Jews made it that to do that you had to identify as a Negro: all Americans have to be Negroes now, according to the Jews. If you’re not a Negro yet, you have to do your best to turn into one. So say the Jews. When the Jews forced that set-up on the country I switched from American to my underlying identity, German. As you know, all Americans have an underlying identity.

  36. “Fred, […] I have no problem with Jews in the White Nationalist movement.” ( — Jupiter)

    Neither do I. As long as they pass muster as opponents of forced race-replacement and advocates of humanely conducted total restoration of the racial/ethnocultural status quo ante. If they don’t pass muster — which they probably don’t in any given case, it’s rarer than hens’ teeth — get lost, obviously. But you’re right, for any who pass muster, as far as I’m concerned, if they want, they’re in. I never take part in these debates on “whether or not Jews should be allowed in the WN movement.” I always sit those out, without comment. The reason is I see nothing wrong with Jews being in. But again, they have to pass muster. That’s rare in a Jew, as you know.

    “Israel is demographcally doomed.” ( — Jupiter)

    If it is, that’s only poetic justice: “What goes around comes around.” They should have thought of that before they started forcing race-replacement on everybody else.

  37. Jupe, you know, you and I know Jews — I’m from NYC, you’re from Long Island. The Jews are no mystery to us. A lot of these guys who populate these blogs, like a lot of the commenters here and at similar blogs, are weird in that they don’t have a clue what Jews are like and are always going overboard or underboard. They don’t know what in the hell they’re talking about three quarters of the time. You just have to sit back and let it all pass.

  38. “You didn’t talk about Jewish influence, Scrooby. You talked about me being a probably traitor, me being stupid, and me censoring your comments. You engaged in a direct attack on me for no discernible reason. I invite you to go back through the archives and find an example of me getting upset about frank discussion of the JQ. And now I’m being compared to Abe Foxman?! Oy vey!” ( — Wikitopian, #89)

    That’s a mischaracterization of what I said but I’m not going to drag this out with further comment. I stand by what I said, as you stand by your log entry and your replies to me. The one who’s on a comment-deletion kick is Kievsky: yesterday he deleted two perfectly harmless comments by Tanstaafl and one by me replying to Tanstaafl, and today he deleted additional ones also in no way deserving of being deleted. He’s showing there’s something the matter with him, something the matter with his nerves and with his brain. Part of it is, as is now crystal clear, is he’s a dimwit. That’s all I’ll say at the moment.

  39. Fred,

    Are you implying that if these small town WNs really knew Jews, they would be less fervent in their beliefs, or more?

    I reside in an area that is heavily infested with Jews, and they are a very unpleasant people. It made a mark on me early in life: who are these people? why are they so different?

    Interesting note: One of the few Professors I had “on my side” (meaning that they had any degree of objectivity) as an undergraduate was a Sephardic guy from Israel. He looked like something Julius Streicher would have drawn while in a particularly foul mood, but he was very open-minded and respectful of my genuine intellectual curiosity. He had me lecture the class in his stead on two occasions, and I helped him with a dissertation/book he was writing on NS mysticism.

    Last time I heard from him, he was writing a play about Wewelsburg and Himmler’s circle. He asked me to go have beers with him a few times, but I felt that was inappropriate (for several reasons) and kept our discussions confined to the classroom and his office. He was an amusing fellow, always joking with me about when his co-ethnics were going to “cut him in” on their “Jew gold.”

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