Avoiding Persecution as a Racist

Most of the Alternative Right, racial realist, Southern Nationalist “movement” is lamenting the defection of Derek Black, son of Don Black of Stormfront and responsible Alabama Klan fame. It appears the Southern Poverty Law Center (Southern $ Billionaire Outlaw Center) has infiltrated an open White Nationalist group/family and caused great harm to our just cause.

Here’s a commentary by WN activist Bob Miles on this subject – he argues that we should try to protect our privacy as much as possible to avoid harassment and open persecution – we live under a brutal alien occupation that we now call:


Take Off the Hood … Scream Our Foes!
Take Off the Hood … Scream Our Foes!
by Robert E. Miles, Pastor, Mountain Church

Take off the hoods! scream the foes. “Come out into the open if you are not ashamed of what you believe in” is the cry of the liberal, the do-gooder and the federal traitors. What they are really saying is “Come out and let us get a better shot at you!” … and they mean just that! Well, kinsmen, let us resolve any questions or doubts which you may have about that viper emanating hiss.
The word “invisible” in “Invisible Empire” means just that. It describes the condition of the Racial Resistance. It describes the manner in which that Resistance is intended to operate. It describes the type of weapons which that Resistance is to be equipped with in this coming era. Secrecy may not be fully possible in this electronic age but privacy, a degree of secrecy, is quite possible. Secrecy is what bedeviled the federal tyrants during the period of the First Era of the Order, that courageous Ku Klux Klan. Secrecy is what enables the few to confuse, confound and to conquer the many. It was the ability of the stalwart bands of individuals, surrounded on all sides by congoids and Washington-directed satraps and local sellouts, to appear, to disappear and to re-appear, that gave our South and our White Race its victory. It was the psychological warfare and innovation of the “now you see them, now you don’t” type of cavalry tactics that enabled the Klan to terrify the foe and divide him up into easily digestible morsels. It was the inability of the local traitors, as prevalent then as now, to definitely identify who the masked rider was or where he came from. And the masked rider in the coming Fifth Era of the Klan will not be riding a horse called Silver, nor integrating with any Indians called “Tonto”. Yet, he will fight for justice, for what is right, and for the rights of the white minority in both the East and the West, the North and the South. Yes, you had better believe it. He will be riding. It will be with a thunder of hooves, and a hearty “Ku Klux Klan” ringing out through the night, that he will herald in the Fifth Era of this Ancient and Honorable Society, this Astral Order called the Ku Klux Klan!
The television era of the Klan, the Fourth Era, is dying and passing into history. It has served us well. But its age is over. Its duty has been done. We now enter the Fifth Era. There are four seasons to the year, not five. Yet, when we enter the fifth season, are we not entering the first all over again? Shall it not be so with the eras of the Invisible Empire also? Invisibility is a weapon. It is a terrific weapon. It is our weapon. It is the characteristic of the Order. It was the reason why the Order gained political power in the First Era. It does work. It can work. It shall work again.
Those who are the spokesmen, the public lecturers and the open contacts for the Order, cannot become invisible. They accept the limitations and the burdens which such entails. They are lightning rods which the foes’ fury falls upon in times of storm. Yet, they have a responsibility to safeguard those who are private, secret or invisible. Just as the lightning rod protects the ones inside the house, so must these human periscopes protect the ones who form the grand body of the Order. But let none confuse the roles! From here on in, the bulk of the membership must be secret! And that takes work. It takes planning and effort on the part of leaders, at all levels. If the Order is to again gain political power, it must regain the use of that tool which gave it its greatest victory.
So, don’t let the taunts of the foe cause you to raise your head above the edge of the trenches so that he can get a better sniper shot at you. Understand your role. Understand that we are in enemy occupied territory. No guerrilla force wears parade uniforms in battle. No special forces units wear medals into combat. No covert army ever succeeded where it let the foe chose the time of battle, the territory on which to fight, nor the manner in which to fight. We are the fog, the First of God! Let us again begin to plan, to train and to act as such in deadly seriousness. For, if we do not, we shall be quite dead, seriously!


  1. Courtney from Alabama says: I actually like it when men act “misogynistic” … traditional and masculine and … responsibility for your family and race. Blaming Jews and women for all your problems is when you sound weak and effeminate to me

    That’s the way, Courtney, white males haven’t had the survival instinct beat completely out of them yet, so beat them down for having their (researched) opinion about Jews. Good ‘ol political correctness from the Amren whites.

  2. I’m not lamenting Derek’s Der Untergang.

    If he wants to be Mark Potok’s pen pal and join TJ Leyden on the lecture circuit to give speeches about white privilege and structural racism, then fine.

    I feel sorry for his family. I can’t believe he would do that to his father was already in poor health. I know there are people who hate Don Black, but I also know for a fact that the situation is exactly as it has been described.

    No one who is slamming Don Black would want to see their own son become a traitor and stab you in the back in the way that Derek has done here.

  3. JP,

    If you are going to start an irrelevant argument underneath the wrong article, then I am going to defend myself under the wrong article also.

    I love how my antagonists on these websites argue with me by taking my argument to the extreme and putting words in my mouth. If we were having a “well researched” argument about Jews, we wouldn’t have all these people in the movement going to the extreme, claiming Jews are behind everything wrong with our race. That scenario that gets conjured up by some of you is factually impossible.

    I never denied that most Jews are liberal, or that they have had a hand in a lot of stuff. That doesn’t mean they are behind everything wrong with our race. Yet it sounds like that is how certain branches of the movement feel, when I listen to their internet radio shows and they can’t get one sentence out without mentioning Jews.

    I am all for a “well researched” discussion. The problem is that that isn’t what is happening. Accusing me of “beating men down” and being of the “Amren political correctness” persuasion, doesn’t change any of that.

  4. “he argues that we should try to protect our privacy as much as possible”

    Why scurry under rocks when you could be doing the same to them? It still amazes me how some groups just seem to lack organizational skills. Here, it’s easy: form a political party, gain political power, use that political power to crush your enemies. Simple.

    And that’s exactly what the opposition has been doing for decades in case anyone has any qualms about that. Why play by the opposition’s rules in a system rigged to ensure your defeat?

    Republicans will likely lose both the presidency and the congress in 2016. This will create a vacuum to be filled, possibly by another political party aiming to replace the defunct republican one – perhaps one with secession on the mind. A political party also has some limited protection against non-profit groups such as the SPLC and ADL.

    It wouldn’t be difficult to use a state legislature to your advantage: make foreign buying of in-state media assets difficult or impossible ensuring that people with your ideology control them, provide protection for your political party (use state resources to sue the SPLC out of business when they violate their non-profit status by criticizing you, publicly expose their donors, tax their donations, etc.)….and on and on.

    Even if you don’t fully capture the legislature, you can still hold it hostage with enough elected officials: “republicans, give us what we want or the dems will get control…you game for that?” In time, more republicans will defect as the national party crumbles until you have majorities.

    The answer is pretty simple, and it doesn’t require hiding under rocks. Give the people a reason to emerge from hiding – a political party that can punish the people who might punish them. Only then, with that protection, will the masses emerge from their slumber.

  5. “I feel sorry for his family. I can’t believe he would do that to his father was already in poor health. I know there are people who hate Don Black, but I also know for a fact that the situation is exactly as it has been described.”

    Peer pressure’s a bitch.

    But the unfathomable antagonism of “WN” – at least as it exists on SF – makes it doubly and triply likely that an individual exposed to a cosmopolitan environment like a modern university setting would reconsider or recant his racial views, especially if, as seems to be the case, those views were not entirely the product of personal reflection but were forced on one. If Derek Black must assume responsibility for the harm his actions have caused, isn’t it equally incumbent upon WNs to accept some portion of responsibility for the fierce opposition they themselves create?

    Here’s Maxfield Parrish (aka Ward Kendall, author of WN fiction) laying out a plan of retaliation:

    “I don’t know about a SN seizure of power in the South, but should there ever be a WN seizure of power in the USA, all these individuals will need to be immediately hunted down and rounded up. Same treatment for them as for Derek Black – then relocation to Africa.”

    That’s only one step removed from WLP’s notorious “lampposts” solution. This is a clear-cut case of racial passion exceeding racial prowess. With that one misstep you cede the entirety of the moral high ground; but for that misstep the moral high ground remains yours for the taking. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

    PS – Surely the article by Pastor Miles could do with better formatting. It looks amateurish as hell the way it is.

  6. Courtney, I just want to say that I agree with you and respect you for what you’re saying here. I believe self identifying “Jews” and Jewishness need to be critiqued and should be called out for what they need to be called out on. Jewish power and influence and the “holocaust” industry need to be exposed. HOWEVER, it seems many “white nationalists” want to blame EVERYTHING on the “jews”! If they stub their toe, it’s the Jews’s fault! If it’s a rainy day, it’s the “jews” fault! It just seems that many people on certain websites want to blame “jews” for everything that goes wrong. As I said, “jews” and “jewishness” need to be called out, but when people blame ” the jews” for everything, it becomes obvious that they are looking for someone or something to blame for their own shortcomings. This is why I now rarely post on a website that shall not be named that you also post on. Believe it or not, I think ex-“jew” Gilad Atzmon critiques “jews” and “jewishness” better than any white nationalist ever could.

    Anyway, Courtney, I respect you for saying what needs to be said. And I apologize to you if I have ever upset you in the past with my words. Best wishes.

  7. Courtney, I wouldn’t worry about proving whether Jews are good or bad, just be Pro White. It will make your life a lot simpler.

  8. @Courtney

    “I never denied that most Jews are liberal”

    US Jews aren’t liberal.
    – US Jews support Israel’s ethno-nationalist policies.
    – US Jews oppose mass immigration of non-Jews to Israel.
    – US Jews oppose illegal immigrant amnesty in Israel.
    – US Jews oppose diversity in Israel.
    ergo US Jews are self-evidently Jewish ethno-nationalists. They only pretend to be liberal in countries where Jews are in the minority.

    They support policies in America that they don’t support in Israel. Why don’t they support those policies in Israel? Because they think they’re harmful to the majority. So they support policies in America that they think are harmful to the majority. They don’t want the majority in America to adopt Israeli-style ethno-nationalist policies because they think those policies are good for the majority.

    It couldn’t be any more self-eveident that US Jews are ethno-nationalists and not liberals.

    Now there could be a never-ending and tedious debate over what *proportion* of the current problem was caused by Jews but i don’t think that is neccessary. The critical point for White people to grasp is Jews are ethno-nationalists and do everything on the basis of “is it good for the Jews?”

  9. Comments are apparently closed on the other article, you obsessive-compulsive ninnies.

    @Courtney, why are you beating them down at all? We’ve got Amren and then we’ve got a group of whites that know the white countries are being destabilized by Jews. The Amren whites don’t have to worry about their “sophisticated” image being tarnished by the “white-trash anti-Jew hicks” because the two groups don’t belong together anyway.

    But don’t beat our men down. Politically-correct men who are worried about their image aren’t going to be able to fight what we’re facing. They’re already giving up our territory, power and security because they’ve lost their survival instinct. White females are already being fed upon by nonWhites, and they do nothing. Let them have their own opinions, anger, and instincts if they can find them. Otherwise you’re just like the establishment trying to make them more docile.

  10. It’s not unusual for the gifted and talented to have an eccentric side. I believe Ward Kendall falls into this category. Although he often comes across like he belongs in a ward, I’m glad to have his talents on our side. The man once told me I’d settled into his crosshairs as an enemy and ought to be shot like a dog for supporting Obama for president. Or words to that effect.

  11. prisonerinobamaland says:

    ‘HOWEVER, it seems many “white nationalists” want to blame EVERYTHING on the “jews”! If they stub their toe, it’s the Jews’s fault! If it’s a rainy day, it’s the “jews” fault! It just seems that many people on certain websites want to blame “jews” for everything that goes wrong. ‘

    I’m tired of that old hackneyed argument. Stubbing toes – get real. The jews have their hands on the important levers of power in government, finance, politics, media, education, damn near every area of importance.

    Most of the antis who are not jews were influenced by jew propaganda in one form or another.

  12. One of the great things about George Wallace was that he was the first Southern politician since Jefferson Davis to spend a considerable amount of the his time campaigning in the North. Wallace took the fight to the Yankees, Jews and Catholics, and told them how it was, and he was respected for it.

    I think every Southern politician should at the least take a look at Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, New York, Baltimore and Washington. Is that what you want, for what is left of the South, and the Ohio & Mississippi River Valleys? If you really want to get exotic throw Los Angles & San Francisco into the mix too.

    I’ve always felt that Don Black was naïve, and that he really didn’t have a national grip on things. I’m sure his son hasn’t fallen to far from the tree. I don’t want to make foolish, stupid, dangerous comments like “Maxfield/Ward”, because we really don’t know what is going on in the Black family, and their personal dynamic. But, spending some time seeing for yourself what conditions are on the ground can’t hurt anything! If George Wallace could do it, you can do it. This goes for the ladies too.

  13. One of the great things about George Wallace was that he was the first Southern politician since Jefferson Davis to spend a considerable amount of his time campaigning in the North. Wallace took the fight to the Yankees, Jews and Catholics, and told them how it was, and he was respected for it.

    I think every Southern politician should at the least take a look at Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, New York, Baltimore and Washington. Is that what you want, for what is left of the South, and the Ohio & Mississippi River Valleys? If you really want to get exotic throw Los Angles & San Francisco into the mix too.

    I’ve always felt that Don Black was naïve, and that he really didn’t have a national grip on things. I’m sure his son hasn’t fallen to far from the tree. I don’t want to make foolish, stupid, dangerous comments like “Maxfield/Ward”, because we really don’t know what is going on in the Black family, and their personal dynamic. But, spending some time seeing for yourself what conditions are on the ground can’t hurt anything! If George Wallace could do it, you can do it. This goes for the ladies too.

  14. @Courtney
    Arguing the intricacies of this kind of thing (Jews etc), and getting upset with people if they don’t agree, is why White Nationalism never went anywhere and is a national laughing stock.

    Solution: Just be Pro White and talk about that.

  15. prisonerinobamaland,

    Every so often, people like you and Courtney come along, claim there are WNsts who blame it all on da Jooz, then stutter and sputter when challenged to identify WNsts of any importance who do this. So who do you have in mind specifically?

  16. The notion that WNsts “blame” X [Jews, blacks, etc.] for “their own problems” is a core tenet of anti-white, anti-racism.

  17. OT:

    Hilarious. Checkout the username. If anything positive comes out of this whole tray-bon thing, I hope it’s that “Chimpout” gets worked into the public lexicon.

  18. “we live under a brutal alien occupation that we now call: BRA”

    Why CALL it “BLACK run”? I know, I know. But it isn’t.

  19. “Who, specifically, are the WNsts who say Jews are behind everything?”

    Lew, who, specifically, taught you to speak English? I want names.

    If you can’t provide those names do I conclude you can’t speak English?

    Or should I conclude it’s something you “just picked up”?

    That’s sort of how it works with the impression people form of WNs from reading forums like SF and VNN.

  20. Courtney,

    Think we used to chat a bit when james edwards show had open chats. Hope you are well!!!

  21. It’s amazing how pert near everybody in this country defiles their bodies with ugly markings, drawings and scribbled garbage which is called art.

    Young kids and middle aged sheep of all ages parade around in the summer proudly exposing ugly graffiti on their flesh.

    The fattest women at Wal-Mart with the most cottage cheese are the worst offenders. Do they think tattoos hide the fat or somehow make it look more attractive?

    Mexican and nigger gang members, rappers and professional AFFLETES may have started the craze, I don’t know.

    How and why this became so pervasive? There are no laws requiring folks to get tattooed.

    I asked a kid working the drive through at my local Wendy’s why he decided to have ink on both arms, his neck and face? And why he perforated his nose, ears, eyebrows and lips with studs and rings?

    He was a nice looking young man who turned into a circus freak. Some of those tattoos are very expensive. He makes minimum wage.

    Smart move? Who would want to hire him in the business world?

    He told me all his friends are doing it. He think he looks cool.

    Could he give me a name of someone in particular who influenced him to destroy his good looks?

    I doubt it.

    It’s in the air. It’s everywhere. A big part of this insane pop culture.

  22. Liked Robert E. Miles article. Don’t think the violence would work in this day and age, but a hidden empire of networking, most certainly works for our enemies. We need to encourage that somehow.

  23. Lew, this is the first time I’ve ever posted here. So, how can you accuse me of “stuttering.” And then you go so far as accusing me of being “anti-white” and “anti-racist.” This is another reason I’m losing interest in “white nationalism” and don’t want to be involved in it. Any thought or opinion that someone doesn’t like gets me accused of being “anti-white.” I once was even accused of being paid by the SPLC! If only part-time work in this economy was so easy to find! LOL! Silver already answered your question, at least partially. Do you spend time at SF and VNN? As for specific individuals, I’m sure I’ll get flamed for this but after reading his website and listening to his podcast for some time now, it sure seems that David Duke spends 99% of his time speaking and writing about the “Jews”. EVERY single podcast of his is devoted to “jewish” control. Heck, I even remember one day his podcast was having technical difficulties and he blamed that on the “jews”. He at least implied it. I almost burst out laughing! Now, I think he communicates a lot of truth, but after a while, it’s gets pretty unoriginal. Sometimes, I think people like him and others would kill themselves if Jewish power and influence were to significantly decrease or totally disappear, because it seems to give him and others meaning and purpose. What would these people do without “the Jews”? LOL! By the way, who’s making anyone watch movies from Hollywood? Who’s making anyone watch TV, including the MSM? Are the “jews” actually forcing you to watch that which they control? The best article I’ve read on this subject is by Jim Goad over at takimag. It’s called “jews in my sandwich” or something like that. Google it. You’ll find it.

    Anyway, no hard feelings towards anyone here, but I don’t think I fit in with this movement and it’s not for me. I share a lot of your views on things, but I’m losing my desire to be part of any kind of movement. Hell, I’m becoming wary of collectivism in general, even white collectivism. If that makes me “anti-white” in your eyes, so be it. I hate the SPLC, and and can’t go the direction of Derek Black, but as some wise people here and elsewhere have stated, the negativity and delusion expressed by many people in various WN forums is enough to make this movement VERY unappealing.

  24. Silver,

    The claim is an exaggeration at best and malicious misrepresentation of WNst ideas masked by concern trolling at worst.

    No one in WNsm blames it all on da Jooz. If there was/is anyone of note who did/does this, I’m pretty sure you’d know about it.

    In one of these debates, I identified 4 or 5 reasons the JQ refuses to die. The main reason is that people are always coming out of the woodwork denying, distorting, misrepresenting and straw-manning the issue. This inevitably launches the next foray into the topic.

    If people across the dissident communities would just accept “no way out but through the Jew” as the default the same way they accept ideas like “universal equality is bad,” everyone could move on.

  25. “He was a nice looking young man who turned into a circus freak. Some of those tattoos are very expensive. He makes minimum wage.

    Smart move? Who would want to hire him in the business world?

    He told me all his friends are doing it. He think he looks cool.”

    Kids now days feel there’s no future.

  26. I said something about you that is true. In alluding to WNsts “blaming” Jews for their “shortcomings,” you used ideas associated with anti-racism. It doesn’t mean, necessarily, you are anti-white. It does mean you used their language. Feel free to quote David Duke in his own words saying it’s all da Jooz.

  27. prisonerinobamaland says:

    ‘I’m sure I’ll get flamed for this but after reading his website and listening to his podcast for some time now, it sure seems that David Duke spends 99% of his time speaking and writing about the “Jews”. EVERY single podcast of his is devoted to “jewish” control.’

    Most people do not understand the depth of the jewish problem. If they did they would appreciate David Duke instead of criticising him for his efforts.

    Why focus on trivialities when they are the root of so many problems?

    prisonerinobamaland says: ‘By the way, who’s making anyone watch movies from Hollywood? Who’s making anyone watch TV, including the MSM? Are the “jews” actually forcing you to watch that which they control?’

    No need to force people to watch that stuff. It’s now a way of life to watch tv, go to movies and do what all the other brainwashed sheep are doing.

    Funny how 99.9% of the jew controlled media is consistently anti-White yet no one gets upset.

    But David Duke and a handful of others in that tiny niche are pilloried for focusing on jews too much.

    You don’t like it? Stay away from his site.

    By the way who is forcing you to listen to and watch David Duke’s productions?

  28. “If people across the dissident communities would just accept “no way out but through the Jew” as the default the same way they accept ideas like “universal equality is bad,” everyone could move on.”

    Well said. Amazing how many people tap-dance around the issue but then, I get the feeling it’s too late for Americans. The level of inter-mixing going on with the tribe is beyond anywhere else on the planet. Whether it’s a relative, friends, Family Doctor, bank manager, lawyer, church-group etc, separation is impossible. What other motive is there for those who need to defend them? I mean, what’s the big deal if they do get ‘persecuted’ this time around? They all go back to Israel or France or the UK, lol how tragic.

  29. Hunter – than you for your posting your thoughts on Derek’s horrific treatment of Don, Chloe. nd the rest of his family.

    This sad betrayal is a few days old. I was trying to be careful in my posts. I was trying to not be totally cruel. I’ll be blunt, now. Don and Chloe’s biggest mistake was over-indulgence. Derek’s nowhere NEARLY as intelligent as they believed he was. They wanted Derek to be a shining, brilliant hero. They was what they wanted to see, and not what Derek is. A spoilt rotten not terribly bright mind-bogglingly rude. selfish beyond comprehension BRAT. He’s never had to work for one single thing is his life. He’s been played like a violin, by those that wanted to strike a blow. He’s too stupid to see beyond is own self-indulgence. He’ll be chewed up and spat out as soon as he ceases to provide any utility what-so-ever. He’ll deserve what he’s going to get.

    I don’t know if this treachery will ever be reconciled with his parents. God help his family. He can’t hurt them anymore. He’s shot his pitiful wad. May Karma make him pay for what he’s done a thousand-fold.

  30. Pro White Joe,

    Arguing the intricacies of this kind of thing (Jews etc), and getting upset with people if they don’t agree, is why White Nationalism never went anywhere and is a national laughing stock.

    Solution: Just be Pro White and talk about that.

    What the hell does that even mean? Just be pro-White and talk about what … exactly?

    What do pro-whites as you understand that term support for white folks that WNsts don’t and vice versa?

  31. An interesting item in the news illustrates nicely the incredible power of the jew in this country.

    Read about this crooked rat jew and the kind of operation he ran and ask yourself why 6 former attorney generals from both parties and 24 congressmen would pettition the judge for a light sentence.

    I’ve read accounts of how this creep destroyed the little Iowa town his plant was located in and was detested by the locals.

    He knowingly hired hundreds of illegals, many were children, was charged and convicted on 86 counts of financial fraud. You could search Google for an in-depth look at the charges.

    Just a brief overview:


    Former AG’s Request Leniency For Rubashkin

    (JTA) — ‘Six former U.S. attorneys general have criticized prosecutors’ recommendation that a kosher meatpacking plant executive receive life in prison for bank fraud.

    The former attorneys general, as well as 17 other Justice Department veterans, expressed their concern in a letter to Linda Reade, the chief judge of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Iowa who is presiding over the Sholom Rubashkin case. Rubashkin was the former manager of the Agriprocessors kosher meat plant in Postville, Iowa, convicted last November on 86 counts of financial fraud. His sentencing hearing is set for Wednesday.

    Earlier this month, federal prosecutors submitted a sentencing memorandum in the case in which they calculated that Rubashkin’s crimes resulted in a score on a federal sentencing guidelines scale that correlates with life imprisonment.

    The six former attorneys general to sign the letter are Nicholas Katzenbach and Ramsey Clark, both from the Johnson administration in the mid- to late 1960s; Edwin Meese III, who served from 1985 to 1988 during the Reagan administration; Richard Thornburgh, from 1988 to 1991 during the Reagan and Bush administrations; William Barr, from 1991 to 1993 during the Bush administration; and Janet Reno, from 1993 to 2001 during the Clinton administration.

    Federal immigration officers raided the Agriprocessors plant in 2008, arresting hundreds of employees. The raid set the company on a slow slide toward bankruptcy. Prosecutors dropped immigration charges against Rubashkin last November, just days after a jury convicted him of financial fraud.’

    Now ask yourselves why this bozo has all these big wheels coming out of the woodwork to carry water for him?

    Who in their right mind would want to defend such a scumbag?

    Ah, but you forgot about the pressure from organized jewry.

    Oy! From where are we going get our brisque for the holidays?

  32. Hello All:

    This is my first time posting here. I am usually at SBPDL as White Mom and at Amren as well.

    Okay, my thoughts. I am a White Nationalist. I am a race realist. I believe in secession. I was raised in PA but I am from Canada. I am an American but see myself more as a white trying to survive in a country run by elites trying to sell us out to the globalists.

    Okay, here is the rub. What is America? Is it a country? Is it a corporation? Is it a white nation? Is it Christian oriented.

    I ask these things because I think that we/us/ I have to define that which I am fighting for in order to be clear.

    What am I fighting for? My freedom. Freedom for bring attacked by groids. Freedom to raise my kids as I see fit? To not pay for a bunch of illegal wetbacks’ healthcare.

    Re: Amren. I like the articles, some posters are nice, BUT the site is too PC and won’t name the Jew and the Jews are part of the problem. Not all of it, but a big part because they see themselves as Jews first and not Americans. They see whites as tax slaved hoy to fund the ethnostate of Israel. Where is the White ethnostate? Since we pay for Israel, can we move there?

    Jews are behind porn, an industry used to defile white women and destroy our families and Christianity.

    Whites need to recognize these things and separate from Jews and Judaism completely. We must separate from Black America.

    Yes, we disguise ourselves and mask out intentions as we have to survive first to thrive, but each day we must take actions that are for the betterment if WHITE European Christians. It is a silent civil war which will escalate to the physical, but best believe the war is won before we fight. So, we win by intellectually withdrawing from the media, from commercialism, from porn, and from interactions with Jews and groids.

    Draw the battle lines and begin

    White Mom in VA

  33. @Lew
    Are you really asking what Pro White advocacy means?

    It means talking about what is good for Whites. Exposing, opposing and labeling anti-White sentiment and policy, *no matter who it comes from* – every day.

    Whites, Whites, Whites! Always discussing Whites! Anyone that attacks White Interests is anti-White. We make no excuses for any anti-White, no matter their race. We hold them fully responsible and we beat them back.

    Always push White interests to the fore, despite strong opposition and censorship. If the subject isn’t White Genocide, we interrupt rudely and change it to that subject and force people to discuss it, because we are banned everywhere.

    That is how you advocate in the interests of Whites!

  34. Re:Tattoos

    A lot of tattoos declare a commitment to a person, group, or cause, or provide some kind of personal history. Russian prisoner’s tattoos are especially informative; a knowledgeable person can look at a prisoner’s tattoos and know his life story. It is a kind of resume.

    I think there is a hunger for belonging and commitment. Tattooing someone’s name on your skin is a means of binding you together and showing others how you feel (felt) about that person.

    The recent prevalence of tattoos is a sign that people are socially impoverished. A healthy society would provide them other means of establishing and asserting their identities. Writing on one’s own skin is a desperate act.

    Full disclosure: I have no tattoos.


  35. “No one in WNsm blames it all on da Jooz. If there was/is anyone of note who did/does this, I’m pretty sure you’d know about it.”

    Okay, but you’re qualifying it with “anyone of note.” If you read through WN threads you’ll find more than a few comments that imply it all comes down to Jews.

    My own point, however, wasn’t that WNs claim that Jews are to blame for everything. My point was that WN tends to focus excessively on Jews and that it’s difficult for an observer or a newcomer not to get the impression that the focus is excessive.

    Here’s an example of excess from a “notable” (if being regularly published at Counter-Currents counts, which I don’t think is an unfair standard):

    “Intelligence is a complex trait involving the unknown interactions of many genes which also serve other functions. Assuming a fixed, explicit, operational definition of intelligence could be agreed upon, what else might go wrong in the total organism—mental, spiritual, and physical? The Jews serve as a salutary, if foreboding, warning. Who would want to create such an abortion?

    And later,

    “Another check on unrestrained enthusiasm over eugenics is posed by the phenomenon of the Jews.

    If, as some experts maintain, Jews are indeed the product of eugenic practices that molded them over the millennia into what they are today, that is an almost overwhelming argument against applying eugenics to the human realm.

    Apart from their heavy load of genetic diseases, the possible result of excessive inbreeding, who in his right mind would want any human population to resemble, even remotely, the Jews?”

    That was from Andrew Hamilton in his rather silly, almost hysterical, anti-eugenics article, “Eugenics versus Race.”

    Is that not excessive, Lew? It certainly goes well beyond the claim that Jews are merely political opponents. Is it really shocking that a common garden SFer might infer from that that one ought not to suffer a Jew to live?

    The effect of it all is really the opposite of what is intended, which is to bring to light the fact that Jews are powerful and support white genocide – or at least that they stand in the way of policies that would prevent it. The focus, instead, turns to just how horrible Jews are and how everyone should hate Jews and just you wait till I get my hands on you, Jews, and things of that nature.

  36. Not bad Jackie, a fair decent article; I knew you had it in you. To elaborate I don’t know if it will be the KKK too much baggage and bogged down by the state but mabye someday. Violence will be the answer, question is when?

  37. “Just be pro-White and talk about what…exactly”?

    Have you ever checked out Bob Whitaker’s website? You’ll get a lot of answers there.

  38. Biblically, it’s prohibited to do tattoos (Leviticus 19:28 for example).

    Of course, that’s the OT, so if you say that you are “judaized.” Be that as it may, I’ve not even MET that many people who got a tattoo.

    Which is what led me to wonder about the catholics. I mean, what part of the OT do you hang onto IF following the advice and laws in OT makes on “judaized?” If you accept tattoos, how much of the other stuff do you accept (and so on, with that line of thinking). They are fair questions for a white and normal person to ask.

  39. “I’ve not even MET that many people who got a tattoo.”

    Excellent news, Dixiegirl, from your part of the world. First the city invaders and now locally-bred young people are mostly tattooed, in our area. But some of us here still reject all tattoos, “cuttings in the flesh”, etc. Perhaps the scarlet letter was a good idea though. There would be a lot of scarlet letters.

  40. DixieGirl, you’re asking legitimate questions, and I hope other pay close attention to them. It behooves us to maintain a constant internal dialogue of “What do I believe? And WHY do I believe this? And is this rational and good (like Father), or insane and evil? (like our enemy)”

  41. Sam – Coutney and I criticize David Duke for his 24/7 obsession with THE JEWS, because it’s not effective and is counter productive – confines American White Nationalism to a tiny, powerless group of losers.

    Duke goes as far as defending Muslim terrorists who flood in to White countries and murder our people. The vicious anti White Jews also support the Muslim immigration invasion of our White countries so David Duke somehow ends up on the same side as nasty Arab, Pakistani Muslim terrorists/rapists and in a strange twist on the side of anti White Jews like NY Senator Charles Schumer.

    When David Duke was being effective in the early 1990s and reaching large percentages of mainstream Whites, he wasn’t pushing 24/7 anti Semitic Jew hatred. He was concentrating on issues regular White people care about.

    Hitler never fell down in to 24/7 obsessions with the Jews – the great propaganda movie Triumph of the Will has exactly zero references to Jews.

    Our goal should be to do what works. 24/7 obsessions with Jews doesn’t work.

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