The Enemy Of My Enemy Is Not Necessarily My Friend!

Recently the proprietor of this blog wrote

Traditionally, the United States has always had good relations with the Islamic world.

In fact this isn’t true in any meaningful way, though I’ve noticed that those who focus on the JQ almost invariably end up taking some variation of this position, Pat Buchanan has, and much more recently Richard Hoste.

But I believe this position is based on a shortsighted misreading of history.

Obviously Europe has struggled against Islam for centuries but the fact is that just about as long as there has been an America we have had a conflict with Islam.

In 1773, after the end of the American revolution, America became responsible for its own national security. An ongoing issue which we inherited from the Crown was the depredations against American flag ships by the Ottoman empire, specifically that Ottoman ships were taking the crews as slaves.

Due to a lack of funds America first attempted to buy their way out of trouble through a disastrous attempt at paying tribute, but like every such scheme throughout history the amount simply kept inflating until it became cheaper to go to war.

Before they took that drastic step Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, in March of 1785, traveled to London to negotiate with Tripoli’s envoy located there. They asked “concerning the ground of the pretensions to make war upon nations who had done them no injury.”

The Ambassador replied “It was written in their Koran, that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave; and that every muslim who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to paradise. He said, also, that the man who was the first to board a vessel had one slave over and above his share, and that when they sprang to the deck of an enemy’s ship, every sailor held a dagger in each hand and a third in his mouth; which usually struck such terror into the foe that they cried out for quarter at once.”

America opted not to pursue war at this time but the tribute ultimately reached about 20% of the American budget which was, needless to say, unsustainable.

Ultimately America did go to war with the Ottoman empire, but as is so often the case when dealing with Islam they were raiding ships again not two years after the peace treaty was signed which ultimately lead to the Second Barbary War.

The end of the Second Barbary War entailed the release of over a thousand Christian slaves.

Next came the Great Game of colonization and the Middle East was in many ways quiescent until WWII.

In early May 1941 Iraq, the new home of the Caliphate, entered WWII on the side of the Axis.

And so on and so forth. Hunter suggests that we have had “good relations” with Muslims over the years but I have to wonder, what are we talking about exactly?

Ironically it strikes me that in some ways they have the same problem we do, a progressive elite that don’t accurately reflect the hopes and aspirations of Muslims, the hope to crush the West and the dream of planting the black flag of Islam over Dar-al-Islam.

When we look at the realities of Islamic immigration to the West which parts are we liking, exactly?

The crime? The rapes? The no-go areas? In fact let’s call the horrors of Islamic immigration into the West the microcosm of my larger point, no matter what you think of Jews, in the real world it just doesn’t add up to Islam being anything other than just as much of an existential threat as the Jews pose.


  1. Actually I seem to recall that America did have good relations with the Arabs back in the 1970s (after the gas shortages of course). It was only after Ronald Reagan was president that relations deteriorated.

  2. Since there isn’t a thread in the off topic forum for the thread where Matt asked me a question, I’ll answer it here:


    Basque Country is in the North of Spain.

    See here:

    Sicily is in the South of Italy, and part of it is actually just a smidge further from the Equator as a City in Syria is.

    Portopalo Di Capo Passero, Sicily: 37.3 Latitude
    Cizre, Syria: 36.7 Latitude

    “It’s not obvious to me that climate drives selection for complexion.”

    If two places are the same distance from the Equator, they’ll both be hit by the suns rays with the same degree of intensity.

    For this reason if two groups evolve at the same latitude they’ll strongly tend to have the same skin complexion, even if they aren’t related.

    Skin Complexion is selected for by climate via the mechanisms of Skin Cancer and Vitamin D deficiency.

  3. Terry,

    Where I think the confusion comes in, and I address this in the piece, is between the much more Liberal elite who liked the West just fine and average Muslims who were not so crazy about us and would like to see us subdued.

    The Shah of Iran, the sultans of Saudi, even Saddam Hussein were much less devout than their subjects and were more than happy to do business with the West.

    So much like when people talk about “America growing dumber” while ignoring the role of minority demographics, when you say “good relations” with the Middle East I would ask you to clarify that, good relations with who exactly?

    I can only repeat my conclusion that I think Islam and Muslims are every bit as much of a threat as Jews and we ignore that at our own peril.

  4. Reginald: “If two places are the same distance from the Equator, they’ll both be hit by the suns rays with the same degree of intensity.”

    This is generally true, but not necessarily an absolute value. I saw a UV distribution map, where North Texas receives more direct sunlight than (further south) Florida. Even non-Tropical areas in Australia appear to receive more direct UV rays than many areas of the interior Tropics.

    But, yes there is a reason why some Brown Caucasians are almost mistaken for AmerIndians and Blacks self-associate with South Pacific Australoids (who are ironically the most genetically distant humans from Black Africans).

    And, being closer to the equator generally entails more direct sunlight.

  5. You’re basically arguing against a strawman and a throwaway line that HW made. Neither Hoste nor Buchanan nor Hunter Wallace have ever argued that Muslim immigration isn’t a very bad thing.

    I think you’ve also missed the main point that Hunter attempted to make: Islamophobic Jews amplify and distort the Muslim Issue. Firstly, Muslims aren’t such a threat to us that we need to go and fight them half way across the world in their lands. And second, an obsession with Islam obscures the fact that the real issue is race: it wouldn’t be any better for Europe to be flooded with non-white Christians, Hindoos, or Atheists.

  6. I guess I’m one of the people necessitating the “almost” in “almost invariably.” But you did give yourself enough latitude with “some variation” to make the observation meaningless anyway, so no biggie.

  7. Casting the American conflict with the Barbary corsairs as a religious conflict is historically untenable on every level.

    The one other conflict you mention involves Islam courageously aiding Europe in the battle for its survival, a chapter in the monumental struggle between Rome and Israel, which you somehow believe bolsters your dubious and ill-defined assertions regarding the existential threat of Islam.

    If this is not satire of some kind, it is sloppily researched tripe of the lowest order.

  8. The Muslims have many countries of there own – most, terrible, backward, disease ridden lands filled with ugly women and dark, hairy men always angry, ready to do murder and mayhem supposedly for some holy Jihad, yeah, whatever.

    Understand that a White Western European country – Spain, once faced all the issues that we faced now with NW, Muslims, Jews etc.

    Here is a great historical commentary on Spain, where Whites once did what needs to be done and took the White side:

    Spain 1492: White Christians vs Arab Muslims and the Jews.

    Race and Religion During the Spanish Re-conquest

    Instauration Magazine November 1992

    Every schoolboy is or should be familiar with the year 1492, the year of the (re)discovery of the New world by Christopher Columbus, a Genoese in the service of the Spanish monarchs, Ferdinand and Isabella. For Spain, 1492 was to be the most important year in its history, as well as one of the most important in world history. it was the year the Spanish nation was consolidated, the year it said adi6s to the middle Ages, the year when the splendorous Spanish State took center stage in the political evolution of the the beginning of the year, on January 2, after a long siege, the army of the Spanish monarchs marched into the city of Granada, thus reconquering the last of the real estate seized by the Arabs and moors seven centuries earlier. Then, on March 31, the Catholic monarchs signed a royal edict that ordered all Jews in Spain to convert to Christianity or ship out. Five months later Columbus sailed out of the Spanish port of Palos hoping to discover a new route to the Indies. His tiny fleet passed boats loaded with Jews sorrowfully complying with Ferdinand and Isabella’s expulsion order.


    In this 500th anniversary of Columbus’s epochal voyage, much of the celebration has been marred by media inspired attacks on Spain for her “cruelty” and “foolishness” in expelling Jews. No one seemed to care what was done to the Muslims, who were also given the choice of conversion or expulsion a few years later, just as no one these days seems to care much about what was done to non-Jews in WWII German and Soviet concentration camps, where the death toll of Gentiles was probably ten times greater than the number of Jewish fatalities. Actually, any Jew who converted to Christianity was perfectly free to stay in Spain. Those who left could take all their earthly possessions with them, except gold and silver coins and trinkets.

    The current media story line is that the Spanish, in a fit of blind religious fanaticism, cut off their noses to spite their faces by kicking out the clever and enterprising Jewish community. Having heard these tearful tales over and over again, history buffs could be forgiven for thinking that only mass insanity could have led Spaniards to commit such an enormous gaffe. Jews, today’s spin doctors insist, were the cultural and economic backbone of Spain, the most educated and verbal segment of the population. Only greed, envy, ignorance and Christian bigotry could possibly explain this act of pure folly. once again, a peaceful, unoffending people were driven out into the cold because of the heartlessness of their wicked neighbors. But that is not the end of the story! As is almost always the case, there was a price to be paid for persecuting the Jews. The price for Spain, according to the Jewish version of history, was its decline and fall, following the loss of so much Jewish brainpower and the economic and cultural benefits which Spain’s rivals, Portugal and Holland, received from swarms of Jewish refugees.

    Per usual, when it comes to Jews, the story they tell is, shall we say, at variance with the facts. Fourteen hundred and ninety-two was the year Spanish civilization took off like a rocket. Within a century or two, Cervantes was writing Don Quixote; Velasquez was painting his incomparable portraits; Calder6n was writing his brilliant plays. it al most seemed as if the presence of the Jews had kept Spanish culture under wraps and their forced removal unloosed tremendous bursts of artistic, literary and economic energy. (Might it be possible that the same unshackling of cultural forces would produce similar results if the Jews left the U. S.?) In A History of Medieval Spain, Professor Joseph F. O’Callaghan provides us with perhaps the most scholarly and precise treatment of Spanish history in the time between the Arab conquest and the moors’ surrender of Granada. Spain had its origins in the Roman Empire. The Roman provinces in what is now Spain and Portugal furnished the Empire with some of its greatest emperors. with the fall of Rome, Spain was transformed into a kingdom of Visigoths, one of the German tribes which had inherited remnants of the Empire. The Visigothic kings were Christianized and ruled over a population comprised partly of Nordics and largely of mediterraneans, with a heavy sprinkling of Jews. Later, when the Arabs imposed Islam on Spain, the composition of the population was not greatly changed. The overwhelming majority of Arabs and Spaniards belonged to the Mediterranean race, though Nordic racial traits, such as fair complexions and blue eyes (Isabella had them), were discernible in the ruling circles of both peoples. Some Nordic genes had been implanted by the Vandals who swept through Spain before the Visigoths and fought their way as far as Tunis in North Africa. Here, it might also be noted, that the Muslim rulers and caliphs of Spain were not exactly cultural throwbacks. The Alhambra Palace in Granada is the most beautiful and most graceful pleasure dome to be found on any continent. In 675 the Muslims launched their first raid on Spain, which was repulsed by the Visigothic fleet. By 711, the Arabs had conquered North Africa and were ready to invade Western Europe. in only 21 years they penetrated as far north as Tours in France before being defeated and thrown back by the Franks under Charles Martel.

    The reasons for the woefully poor showing of the Visigoths vis-A-vis the Arab invaders had to do with treason in high places. As O’Callaghan remarks, “Certainly the Jews and others who had suffered under Visigothic rule welcomed the invaders as liberators and collaborated with them.” As O’Callaghan also points out, perhaps to avoid endangering his academic standing, the Jewish renegadism was justified by the “disorder” of the Visigothic Kingdom. The reconquest of Spain started in the rugged mountains’ of Asturias in northern Spain. There a Visigothic knight, Pelayo, refused to bow down to the Muslims and won the first battle in a 700-year-war between Islam and Christianity. The Reconquista, as it is known, was a glorious era in the history of the West. A proud and fierce people would be tried and tested in a thousand battles. The Jews, as is their custom, quickly burrowed into the Arab fabric of Spain. Generally preferring Muslim to Christian overlords, the People of the Book were allowed to practice their religion without interference and became key elements in Muslim society. it need hardly be added that the Christians who had suffered from Jewish moneymen in Visigothic times, came to loathe them more than ever in Muslim Spain.

    By the 11th century the situation in Spain had become fluid, with the Christians slowly nibbling back parts of their lost lands, while constantly under the threat of fierce Muslim counterattacks. It is not surprising that the eternal “middlemen” should rise to the surface in these troubled times. In both the Muslim and Christian parts of Spain, Jews engaged in all their age-old occupational specialties: usury, the slave trade, prostitution, tax “farming” (contracts to collect taxes for the kings and nobles), the law, medicine, administration and any other type of employment that required little or no physical labor. Worst of all from the point of view of the pious Christian population, they were able to infiltrate the church in large numbers. it was this last activity that led to their downfall. As Muslim power waned, Jews relied more and more on the expanding Christian kingdoms of Spain to provide them with their customary perks. Employed by Spanish monarchs in the most sensitive matters of state, especially in finance, Jews never had it so good since the good old days of Solomon. The Chosen, however, could not enter the church without converting. It was not too long before true Christians realized that the Christianity of most “New Christians” was only skin deep. That converted Jews mocked the Christian religion, celebrated Jewish feast days, and were slowly and subtly introducing Talmudic themes into Christian theology were open secrets. It was no wonder they came to be viewed as a hostile element, busy weakening the Christian nation in the very face of the Muslim enemy.

    High-Octane Religiosity

    In the Middle Ages religion was the fault line of the world. In the same way that the West fought communism in this century, so the Christian West fought the power of Islam in those crucial years. Religion was central to all aspects of life, there being no such thing as a secular state. It is a waste of words to argue that Christian Spain should have made room for Jews and Muslims. Such an accommodation was quite out of the question in the Age of Faith. When Spain expelled the Jews, England, France and other European nations had long since sent them on their way, for approximately the same reasons. The main difference was that the number of Jews and their influence and affluence in Spain were vastly greater than elsewhere in Europe. Ironically the European nations that would later condemn Spain for expelling Jews were the first to voice suspicion of Spain’s “purity” because it had been “defiled” by the presence of so many Jews and Muslims. Queen Isabella agreed up to a point. She knew very well that as long as Jews remained in her kingdom they would constitute a political, cultural, philosophical and theological fifth column, not to mention a military liability in the event of a Muslim attempt to retake what they had lost-a scary scenario that was always a possibility.

    Isabella and her husband, Ferdinand, knew in their hearts that only by building one undivided and indivisible Spain could they carry out the tremendous task they had set for themselves. They understood what we seem to have forgotten: You cannot build a nation out of disparate population groups widely separated by culture and religion. Either Jews and Muslims would leave or renounce their faith, or Spain, as a united Christian country, would never endure. Although Jews are not a race, they act like a race and should be treated as one. Anthropologically speaking, they are various mixtures of the Nordic, Alpine and Mediterranean races, with a few distinctive facial traits showing up in many of them. Isabella’s relying on religion to define a Jew may have been adequate in her day, but it would be wide of the mark in 1992. Today, in the U.S. about 70% of Jews are non-religious. To use Judaism as a basis for expelling Jews would allow the more intelligent and more devious Jews to remain in our midst.

    The Jews in the Christian Spain aborning were not fools. They were quite aware that popular sentiment was rising against them. Fighting back in any way they could, they bribed powerful and corrupt nobles and worked their way into high positions in the government and church. All in vain. In 1391 massive anti-Jewish pogroms broke out across Spain. In that year, thousands of Jews were killed in Aragon and Castile. in the words of O’Callaghan,

    Hostility towards the Jews had often been manifested in the past, chiefly because of their involvement in money-lending and tax-farming. Complaints about Jewish usury and Jewish tax collectors occur again and again in the records of the Cones [the Spanish parliament or assembly] . . . . Though the Crown usually promised to attend to these complaints, Jews continued to figure prominently in the management of royal finances. The riots of 1391 spelled the beginning of the end for Spanish Jewry, although it would still hold on for another hundred years. The simple truth was that Spain had outgrown Jews, just as it had outgrown Muslims. The Jews, as stated previously, had no part to play in Spain’s great years, which, some cynics say, is why Spain had its “great years.” The Encyclopaedia Britannica (1963 edition, vol. 2 1, p. 122) adds: “The tide of national enthusiasm, religious fanaticism and indignation at Jewish financial operations reached its high-water mark about three months after the fall of Granada. . . .” Apparently there were early-bird milkens and Boeskys in the ranks of Spanish jewry. Professor Philip W. Powell, in his book, The Tree of Hate (published in 1985) attributes the expulsion of the Jews to a religious conflict between Judaism and Christianity. He is not afraid to meet the issue of anti-Semitism headon: ‘The very misleading term of ‘anti-Semitism’ is so carelessly, or malevolently, tossed about these days that it virtually has no meaning except as a convenient rock to hurl in anger–but, like a rock, it can hurt.” He goes on to say: The Jews’] impassioned opinions hamper the writing of fair and unbiased accounts of Spain. Jewish emotion, when aroused by historical memory of [the] Spanish Inquisition and expulsion, exaggerates and distorts, and certainly gives little shrift to the Spanish side of the story …. Jewish writers are aided by a popular opinion, much of it created by themselves, which for centuries has influenced writing upon these themes.

    Powell points out that while it is true that all the 165,000 or so Jews who refused to give up Judaism were expelled in 1492, many more chose to stay and converted. Those who only converted superficially underwent various forms of capital punishment. Jews and other writers of anti-Spanish tendencies, have preferred to focus attention upon these Spanish crimes as a means of demonstrating Spanish cruelty and bigotry. The usual groundwork for this is a morality of later centuries applied to 15th and 16th century historical situations, without that sense of justice so essential to historical interpretations. Or, sometimes more simply, it may come from the well-known Jewish propensity for cultural replenishment out of martyrdom. Professor Powell gets to the nitty-gritty in these words: But the majority of the Spanish people, witnessing [all the] evidence of Jewish-Converso influence . . . . and simply the numbers of Jews daily discernible in the population would, and did, view the situation with antagonism.

    Explaining that this antagonism sometimes led to mob attacks on Jews, Powell dryly adds, “If there was anything uniquely Spanish in all this, it was not intolerance or bigotry, but rather a notable forbearance in comparison to the ways the Jewish problem was handled elsewhere in Europe.”

    Inquisition Hype The chief purpose of the Spanish Inquisition, established in 1480, was to ensure that Jews did not create a “state within a state.” The Inquisition was a defense of the monarchy and a defense against treason. Many European states applauded its creation as a needed step to rein in Jewish power. Whatever the Inquisition was to become once the Jews had gone, it served its primary purpose in ridding Spain of a hostile force of infiltrators and subversives at a time when the church and nation were in grave danger. The ferocity of the Spanish Inquisition may well stem from the fact that it was in large part staffed by Jewish converts, who amply demonstrated that they had lost none of their innate venom by switching religions. Jewish converts who fell all over themselves to prove their loyalty to their new faith were the driving force behind the grim and fanatical persecution of other Jews. Tomas de Torquemada, the ferocious inquisitor General, who sent so many of his brethren to the stake, is said to have been of Jewish descent. No less an authority than Salvador de madariaga, one of modern Spain’s leading intellectuals, holds to the view that the peculiar intolerance of the Spanish Inquisition can be traced, in part, to the presence of Jewish converts in its highest ranks. Madariaga, by the way, made up for this “anti-Semitic” opinion by stating that Columbus was a converso, but not necessarily a Marrano (pig in Spanish), a derogatory term for a convert who practiced Judaism secretly. Several Jewish scholars, including the non-scholars of Time magazine, have accused King Ferdinand of being “part Jewish,” though they never satisfactorily explain where the Jewish genes came from. To sum up, Spain’s expulsion of the Jews was logical, rational and, for the times, not overly cruel-far less cruel than what modern Jews have done and continue to do to the Palestinians. The Spanish have no need to apologize for their actions in freeing their nation from a harmful internal enemy. The Jews resented their expulsion, as they have resented other forced exoduses in their history. The truth is, contemporary Jews should not blame Spain for their ancestors’ misfortunes five centuries ago. They need only to look in the mirror.


    N.B.F. and W.R.

  9. Iraq the new home of the caliphate in 1941? That’s laughable, unless you’re a fan of Bernard Lewis or Edward Luttwak, perhaps. Iraq in 1941 was a recently independent republic that underwent an ultimately unsuccessful coup by the hands of Rashid Ali al-Gaylani. After al-Gaylani was routed by the British within a couple of months, and their preferred Regent restored to power, al-Gaylani fled to Germany where he was recognized as the Iraqi leader in exile. Can we focus our efforts on how to effectively separate from those who are killing, torturing and raping our people here by the tens of thousands per year, instead of a country that launched a few Scuds at Israel in 1991 that didn’t even kill anyone? Western cultural preservation to me means standing up for the rights of self-determination of European people globally, and not being Israel’s muscle to the detriment of our own interests in the Middle East.

  10. Casting the American conflict with the Barbary corsairs as a religious conflict is historically untenable on every level.

    Exactly. It’s like the Somali pirates today. They’re nominally Muslim, but they’re engaging in piracy and stealing stuff simply because they can.

  11. “The one other conflict you mention involves Islam courageously aiding Europe in the battle for its survival, a chapter in the monumental struggle between Rome and Israel, which you somehow believe bolsters your dubious and ill-defined assertions regarding the existential threat of Islam.”

    Dead on Vindex.

    When you consider how things have turned out for Whites after the defeat of the side the Muslims took, we should thank them for trying to save us.

  12. Reginald: “When you consider how things have turned out for Whites after the defeat of the side the Muslims took, we should thank them for trying to save us.”

    The Muslims have no desire to save us. So, even if we would have benefited from their victory (which we would not have anyways), we would still owe them nothing.

  13. The Muslims have no desire to save us.

    “Desire” and other emotive concepts are worthless. What’s important is realpolitik. Obsessing about these moral and emotive concepts is why we’ve been jerked around by Jews who use religious and moral manipulation.

  14. The problem is, most people critical of Islam are not paleocons/libertarians and do not hold HDB views, so they end up sounding hypocritical and stupid, such as the black “conservative” ministers who call Muslims evil even though they have better moral values than about 90% of these ministers’ parishioners and the neocons who whine about Arabs in France but think Mexicans in the Midwest are wonderful.

    I don’t have a problem with Islam any more than I do, say, Christianity. Both of them are Semitic religions alien to Europe. And I’m more worried about liberal Christian Marxists and “compassionate conservative” Evangelicals destroying this country from the inside than Muslims thousands of miles away.

  15. “So, even if we would have benefited from their victory (which we would not have anyways),”

    Well I guess if the Axis won it would’ve changed the course of History enough that we probably never would’ve been conceived.

    At the same time, with the possible exception of Slavs, Whites as a group would’ve been far better off if the Axis won.

    Instead of debating whether to let Non-Whites into Europe, we’d be debating which crimes are serious enough to warrant those guilty of it being sterilized.

    No one would have even thought of suggesting letting Non-Whites into Europe.

    The reason the goalposts of ideological debate got moved so far to the Left is mainly because Germany and Italy lost World War II.

  16. In America, Muslims are irrelevant. Just stop immigration, problem solved.

    In America, it is encouraged to hate Muslims by the Fox-tard neo-CON idiots as well.

  17. America had strong relations with the Muslim world after WW2 when we were seen as a foe of European colonial powers. We strongarmed the French, British, and Italians into relinguishing their colonial possessions in North Africa and the Near East. In the Suez Canal War in 1956 America sided with Egypt against Britain, France, and Israel.

    We also made Turkey a NATO ally and stationed nuclear missiles there for rapid response to a Soviet threat. Those missiles were later withdrawn pursuant to a secret agreement with Russia to withdraw missile spositioned in Cuba.

    As for the Barbary Pirates, they may not have been true Mohammedans. Like Kamal Attaturk who was a Sabbatean Doenmeh Jew
    many of the pirates of the Mediterranean and Caribbean who were believed to be of Portuguese or North African descent were in fact Jews who were expelled from Spain during the Inquisition.

    That is why white Caribbean millionaires like Sean Paul or Bermudans like Mike Douglas are often Jews. They are descended from Marano Jews [aka crypto-Jews] who fled Spain and settled in the New World. This is also why most of the slave ships and the Dutch East India Company were owned by Jews.

    Jews ran the shipping business ever since their days of piracy, which was then a highly capital-intensive form of organized crime. [See the writings of Professor Tony Martin or the Nation of Islam’s “Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews” as a reference.]

  18. When we look at the realities of Islamic immigration to the West which parts are we liking, exactly?

    The crime? The rapes? The no-go areas? In fact let’s call the horrors of Islamic immigration into the West the microcosm of my larger point, no matter what you think of Jews, in the real world it just doesn’t add up to Islam being anything other than just as much of an existential threat as the Jews pose.

    Remember as well fellas that not all Muslims, or even Arabs, are the same, especially ethnically, and even racially.

    Just like in the Western lands — it is primarily the more Black and African elements of Islam that contribute most disproportionately to the problems coming out of those lands.

  19. Thinking that Islam is not an American problem is a major mistake. There’s hundreds of thousands of Moslem immigrants and there’s more coming every day. Major midwestern cities are full of them (mostly Somalis) and there are New England cities (I recall reading about two of them) that have problems with Somalis ruling the town.

    Islam is merely a bizarre copy (literally) of Judaism and Christianity (they even acknowledge Jesus as a prophet!), with it’s own twists. They are not as powerful (or nearly as intelligent) as the Jews, but there’s a lot more of them and, as I stated above, they’re growing fast in America.

  20. Most of the Muslim troublemakers in my beloved ancestral home of France are Moroccans — who are overwhelmingly mulattoes — as are most of the Muslim rabble throughout Europe.

    Moroccans are the Mexicans of Europe, plain and simple.

  21. At the same time, with the possible exception of Slavs, Whites as a group would’ve been far better off if the Axis won.

    Instead of debating whether to let Non-Whites into Europe, we’d be debating which crimes are serious enough to warrant those guilty of it being sterilized.

    No one would have even thought of suggesting letting Non-Whites into Europe. – Reginald

    I agree with this 1000% (and even think the Slavs would have been better off in the long run under German suzerainty than under Bolchevisme juif (Jewish Bolshevism).

    Even for France, Marshal Pétain, the hero of Verdun, had tremendous respect for les allemands – the Germans – his former battlefield opponents. He was on record for saying that much of the twentieth century was a disaster for France, thanks to the ‘cancer of Marxism’, which the Germans was looking to rid from the European body politic.

    The reason the goalposts of ideological debate got moved so far to the Left is mainly because Germany and Italy lost World War II.

  22. “The reason the goalposts of ideological debate got moved so far to the Left is mainly because Germany and Italy lost World War II.”

    This was part of Reginald’s comment that I meant to include in the commentary quoting his.

  23. Major midwestern cities are full of them (mostly Somalis) and there are New England cities (I recall reading about two of them) that have problems with Somalis ruling the town.

    From 2000-2005, the population classified as Black by the United States Census in Maine experienced a 99% increase, which was mostly due to increased migration of people originating from Somalia and Sudan.

    As a native New Englander, it is my opinion that this is the highest and most disgusting treason. But the issue is not Muslims in Maine, it’s negros in Maine. Somalis wouldn’t be any more desirable if they were Christians, Buddhists, agnostics, or Scientologists.

  24. As a native New Englander, it is my opinion that this is the highest and most disgusting treason. But the issue is not Muslims in Maine, it’s negros in Maine. Somalis wouldn’t be any more desirable if they were Christians, Buddhists, agnostics, or Scientologists.

    Just as I said as well – its predominantly the Negroids (and part-Negroids) of the Arabic world that contributes so heavily to much of our problems with them.

    Nordicreb – Is your Scandinavian heimat primarily overrun with mulatto Moroccans, like they are in France?

  25. Bernard: In 10-20 years, try telling the Europeans the Muslims are really their friends-merely misunderstood by us Islamaphobic Bigots.

    Didn’t say anything about “friends.”

    I admit the Jewish elite is not our friend. But, there is no reason to let our guard down with Islamic Jihad.

    Um…does “keeping ’em out, forever” count as letting “our guard down?”

  26. We DO need massive islamic immigration. We need it to stimulate ethnocentrism of Whites. It is like tobacco ash sometimes dropped into a wound after cancer surgery in the first half of 20-th century – to incite sterile inflammation which can help get rid of remaining cancer cells. Getting “sensitized” to blatant hatred on the part of muslims, Whites will more readily see JQ.

    The main advantages of Islamic immigration other than the above mentioned are
    1. It is “sterile” – there is little danger of assimilation, because they hate us so much and they religion is too incompatible
    2. They will help to drive jews out.
    3. Miscegenation is less damaging than with negroes.

  27. 3. Miscegenation is less damaging than with negroes.

    Absolutely not. We should never, ever countenance miscegenation with any Muslims.

  28. Bernard: “Um…does “keeping ‘em out, forever” count as letting “our guard down?””

    I am not doubting your opposition to their mass immigration into North America and Europe.

    I am speaking in the context of those who think we can become geopolitical allies with Muslims against Jews. At least Europe will be too busy fighting for suvivial, to ally with Muslims against the Jews.

  29. I am speaking in the context of those who think we can become geopolitical allies with Muslims against Jews. At least Europe will be too busy fighting for suvivial, to ally with Muslims against the Jews.

    Don’t worry Steve — the way events and trends are headed I wouldn’t be at all surprised to someday soon see the whole world ally together against the aberrant, evil machinations of Zionist Supremacism — which is the fountainhead of so much of the contemporary world’s problems.

  30. WNs shouldn’t let concern for the domestic Jewish question make them (a) sound like Noam Chomsky on Israel, which has a very different vibe from American Jews and (b) get pollyannish about Muslims who have been at war at the West since the 10th Century. The West, however, is white Christian Europe, and the Judeo-Christian values types don’t want to explore all the implications of that.

  31. @31 The Spaniards, going back to 600 BC or before have a huge addition of Asian & Semite blood. So do the Italians south of Rome, and the Greeks & their neighbors too. These are historical facts, not speculation. Let’s not kid ourselves.

  32. The Muslim problem is different in American than in Europe.

    In Europe, Muslims are the main demographic threat. They should all be deported. Europe is insane to allow any Muslim immigration at all. Islam is incompatible with the West.

    In America, Muslims are irrelevant. Outside of Detroit and Jew York Shitty, Muslims are a tiny irrelevant minority. Obviously, we should keep any more from coming, at all. America should have zero immigration at this point in time.

    But 99% of the time you are dealing with an American crying about a “Muslim threat” it’s a neo-conservative FOXtard, if not a Jew-enabler. There’s no point in invading the Muslim world.

    Once Iran gets nukes, they will be able to keep independent of China – which is exactly why the backstabbing Israelis are selling our weapons technology to China, to form an anti-Western block controlling ME oil with China.

    The US should simply make friends with the major oil powers, and keep out of each others countries. And somebody needs to spank the Zionist regime in Palestine, and hard, as they do nothing but cause trouble for everybody.

    If the US needs any military action in the ME, it’s to disarm the Zionuts in Israel.

    We should peacefully import oil from Saudi Arabia and Iran and leave it at that. We need at least one nuke armed ME power to fend off China and Russia and that’s it.

  33. I grew up in Germany when it was all-German. There were a few Turkish ‘Gastarbeiter’, but they kept a relatively low profile They weren’t really on the radar. No more. The non-whites have grown to a sizable part of the population. It’s sad and infuriating. The Germans, and Europeans have suffered two horrendous world wars. Nobody wanted any more war. The desire for peace trumped all else. The post-war prosperity helped fuel dreams of a happy and prosperous modern liberal, open-minded life, No one ever expected the multi-cultural mess they find themselves in now. The reality is sinking in.

  34. Veni Vidi all good points, including the relative smallness of any domestic problem. In truth, there has been no major domestic Islamic terorrism. T here’s the guy in Arkansas, the guys in Buffalo, the guy who shot up LAX, DC Sniper, and a few others, but nothing unmanageable. Close the borders, and problem solved.

    The problem with Auster and others that want to make common cause with Israel because of a common enemy is simple geography. We have different strategies that work for us on account of this. We don’t live in Arabia. We don’t have a large domestic Muslim problem like Russia (from seeking a warm water port in the 19th Century) or France and the UK from letting ex-colonials invade them. We have not chosen to relocate to the Middle East the way European Jews did after WWII in Israel. In other words, we can more realistically adopt a strategy of strategic disengagement, which avoids unnecessary contact, friction, cassi belli, and the like, even if we have common enemies with India and Israel. We shouldn’t imagine these primitive people belong here, but we also shouldn’t concluce because they hate us now as (a) an “invader” of Muslim lands (b) a sponsor of Israel and (c) a symbol of Western economic and military power, that they will do so forever if we avoid them. We can strategically disengage and rely on our oceans, the coast guard, and our immigration controls to stop what Israel and Russia and India cannot easily avoid. Thankfully, Muslim power projection capability is minimal, so we should be safe (indeed much safer) in this fashion rather than trying to import democracy and other alien value systems to people that don’t want us interfering with their way of life and who are naturally hostile to all that is Western.

  35. And, I should add, my plan would make us much safer than pretending people are our civilizational allies and friends–the Israelis–who in fact have cleverly guilt tripped us after playing nice with the Soviet Union for the first two decades of their existence, who are hostile to and receive hostility from our real friends in Europe, and who, to this day, are willing to do business with anyone and everyone to serve their own interests, even when it hurts ours, such as their attempted sale of AWACS type planes to China. This is their prerogative, but we should look out for our interests as aggressively as they look out for thiers. Most important, being closely aligned with them, as we are and as we are widely perceived to be, reaps a whirlwind of resentment, hatred, and animosity from Muslims that might otherwise ignore us, particularly if we were not also trying to democratize (i.e., Americanize) two of their ancient states.

    Auster and other conservatives who support Israel downplay the cost of this support and overstate the very modest benefits–intelligence and technology sharing for instance. They approach the issue emotionally and romantically, either because their coethnics and coreligionists are involved or because they are blinded by messianic fantasies wrought from dubious studies of Biblical prophecies. Either way, our interests as a nation need always come first, and other nations, even long-standing allies like UK and France, must be dealt with objectively and dispassionately. Just as we intelligently did not get involved in the Falklands War, despite the UK being involved, we shoulnd’t be involved in Korean border squabbles, Iraqi elections, Israeli designs on its neighbors, and a whole lot else.

  36. A few points:

    1.) With the exception of the Barbary Pirates, an incident of less significance than the War of 1812 or Quasi-War with France, the U.S. didn’t really quarrel with the Islamic world until well into the twentieth century. The U.S. spent the nineteenth century absorbed with the internal conquest of the North America.

    2.) WW1 and WW2 were wars of choice. The U.S. was dragged into those wars through Britain. If it were not for Britain, the U.S. would have sat both of them out.

    3.) As the poster above says, the U.S. put pressure on France and Britain to dismantle their imperial presence in the Islamic world, and for a time the U.S. was considered a fair broker by the Arabs. We didn’t support Israel as strongly as we do now right out of the gate.

    My solution:

    1.) Cut Israel loose and other foreign clients like Egypt.

    2.) Adopt the Chinese approach: no rhetoric or pressure about “human rights,” approach foreign countries purely from the perspective of national and economic self interest.

    3.) End Muslim immigration.

    4.) Start deporting the Muslims that are already here.

  37. This entire essay may as well be neo-con agitprop from 2002. They tried the “Barbary pirates” bs back then, and nobody give a sh*t what the koran says.

    The entire Muslim world is a primitive backwater and not a threat to anyone but themselves. The White nations in Europe and North America are so technologically and economically advanced compared to the camel jockeys and rag heads in the ME, it’s a wonder how con-tards ever actually believed they were a “threat” to us. Oh right, because their idiot boxes told them Ragheads did 911 and they believed it. No cure for that level of stupidity.

    in the real world it just doesn’t add up to Islam being anything other than just as much of an existential threat as the Jews pose.

    Muslims in Towelhead-land are no threat to us. If it wasn’t for the jew fifth column in America (and Europe too, evidently) we wouldn’t even be having this conversation. We’re supposed to be all scared of towel-heads because of PIRATES in Arabia? Give us a break.

    I doubt that the pipelines in Afghanistan are really all that important to us geo-politically, and the occupation of Iraq does nothing to help America, just to allow the leeches in Tel Aviv to steal Arab oil.

    Petraeus 2012

  38. I agree with the four points above. It’s time for Americans to grow up and learn how the world actually works, and stop mouthing off about “human rights” and “spreading democracy” and getting a hard on when Iraqis dip their fingers in purple ink to “vote” for one or another towel headed warlord.

    If anything, we should be occupying Africa, rich in natural resources and a population barely above subsistence farming. Instead, all the White people (again, because of their Jew Tubes) are cheering when White “racists” get murdered. Meanwhile, China is taking over all of Africa with it’s vast oil and mineral and agricultural wealth.

    And the con-tards in America are bitching about camel jockeys torturing each other and cutting off each other’s hands, as if we’re supposed to “civilize” these people? Who cares?

    Instead, we’ll wind up like zombies following jew propaganda about genocide in Darfur, and spend American blood to seize their oil and turn it over to Kikeistan. Nuts!

  39. @38 Charlemagne

    That’s a pretty big name, Charlemagne for an Italian Roman Catholic to use. LOL.

  40. @38Charlemagne

    Btw, name calling doesn’t take away the fact that the Cathaginians, who were Asians-Semites controlled & settled Spain, and Southern Italy from as early as 1000 BC. That’s the facts sonny.

  41. 3. Miscegenation is less damaging than with negroes.

    Absolutely not. We should never, ever countenance miscegenation with any Muslims.

    If you can’t understand what’s being said, try to restrain yourself from responding until you do. If you find people pointing this out often enough, consider restraining yourself from commenting altogether.

    Yes, miscegenation with Muslims is, on average, less damaging than miscegenation with blacks. No, that doesn’t necessarily mean we should countenance miscegenation at all. It means what it means, as stated.

    There’s something to be said for the idea of using Muslims against non-gentiles. I mean, imagine a scenario where we team up with the Muslims to defeat the non-gentiles; does anyone here think the mess left over would be harder to deal with than the non-gentiles? I don’t.

    Not saying we should or even could do this, but it’s worth thinking about.

  42. In Europe, Muslims are the main demographic threat. They should all be deported. Europe is insane to allow any Muslim immigration at all. Islam is incompatible with the West.

    In America, Muslims are irrelevant.

    Indeed. The idea of using Muslims against non-gentiles in Europe is a bit silly. Muslims are the main (proxy) threat, and instead of non-gentiles, they have American hegemony.

    In America, non-gentiles and their useful idiots are the main threat, so it makes sense to at least consider the idea. And if we win over here, Europe’s chances increase substantially.

  43. And it’s funny, but I was thinking about Lewiston and the traveling Somali circus earlier today. I can’t find it within myself to feel too sorry for Lewiston; now those Yankees are getting a taste of what they would no doubt loudly recommend for us southerners. This isn’t simply schadenfreude; it seems the only way to get these SWPLs off our backs is to give them a dose of their own medicine. Wait ’til the first generation of their kids comes of age, then the Yankees in Lewiston will start to really understand.

  44. Some White Nationalists have already allied themselves to the muslims. David Duke is very critical of Israel and it’s ongoing genocide against the Palestinians which I think is a good tactic in dealing with zionists by exposing the hypocrisy of Jewish backed multiculturalism and diversity in America. There are also some White Americans who have joined the muslims to fight against American soldiers and the ZOG government in the Middle East. Just a thought but I wonder what effect Sharia Banking would have on the Jewish financial stranglehold of the West if it were to become widespread?

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