Why Voting Should Be Male Only

Many of us have come to view with serious consideration the concept that a ‘traditionalist’ state may be constructed in the future which will not be a direct continuation of the current form of the United States of America. As such, we must consider what form of government this new state will have.

A fairly large and vocal contingent of traditionalists opposes the idea of ‘voting’ altogether. Who decides how to run the country is somewhat unclear, but one form appears to be some sort of ‘national socialist’ politburo. How exactly this will be set up is completely indecipherable, since most internet ‘national socialists’ are long on bumper sticker slogans and short on real world solutions. The other solution proposed is a ‘return’ to a ‘natural hierarchy’ of a caste or feudal system which will instantly vault its proponents from the trailer park to a new leisure class of nobility.

Most of us recognize that these forms of government will be completely unpalatable to the people who created the Magna Carta and the Althing. Most of us also recognize that unlimited democracy with universal suffrage is a terrible idea, and largely responsible for the problems we face. Something in between must be found, a limited republic or democracy without universal suffrage. The central point of the argument then, is who will be in the voting pool and who won’t.

The most important delineation that we must make is to restrict the vote to men only.

Blogger April Joy Gavaza wrote recently “I’ve met women my age who are almost proud of “knowing nothing about politics.” A mom told me once, “Can you just write up a list of people we should vote for?” Her playdates, soccer games, and story times at the bookstore were much more important.” This mirrors my personal observations.

The fact that this mother is busy being a mother is not the problem: it’s what she should be doing. The problem is that she asks someone else to tell her who to vote for. In past times, this person would have been her husband, which mitigated the damage of female suffrage in the first decades after it became law. Today, it is far more likely to be the lone female friend of hers which is heavily involved in politics (probably of the far left sort), or some organization which displays a cutsified African child or other animal as its logo.

The reason for the difference is simply that male and female brains are different, as confirmed by numerous scientific studies. Among the differences discussed in a recent publication by Dr. Louann Brizendine is that “The “defend your turf” area — dorsal premammillary nucleus — is larger in the male brain and contains special circuits to detect territorial challenges by other males. And his amygdala, the alarm system for threats, fear and danger is also larger in men. These brain differences make men more alert than women to potential turf threats.” This right here gives us the explanation of why the white nationalist movement is predominantly male, as the white nationalist movement is essentially the ‘defend your turf’ mentality at the national level.

On the other hand, according to Dr. Brizendine, “the “I feel what you feel” part of the brain — mirror-neuron system — is larger and more active in the female brain.” Thus, movements which are based on emotional appeals for the ‘downtrodden’ elements of society appeal much more to women, for example the ‘civil rights’ movement, environmentalism of the ‘greenpeace’ sort, foreign aid, and assorted welfare systems.

A recent article berating the failings of American women noted that they “tend to believe in deeply unattractive insanity like “gender as social construct feminism,” astrology, socialism, putting unsightly tattoos all over their bodies, and moral relativism of all kinds.” However, an observation of left wing ‘feel good’ movements in other countries shows that women are just as active in those movements as in the US. The only countries where this doesn’t seem to happen is ones where the populace is too busy living hand-to-mouth to engage in any sort of ‘socially conscious’ political participation, or where political participation by the public at large is severely restricted.

Continuing in her summary of differences between the male and female brains, Dr. Brizendine discusses how because of the way their brains are wired, men use their analytical brain structures, not their emotional ones, to find a solution.” Obviously, you want the people who use analytical brain structures to be deciding the course of a nation, not those who make emotional knee-jerk responses.

Freedomnomics author John Lott has an excellent summary of the effect of women’s suffrage on the direction of the country. Some highlights:

For decades, polls have shown that women as a group vote differently than men. Without the women’s vote, Republicans would have swept every presidential race but one between 1968 and 2004.

Women were much more opposed to the 1996 federal welfare reforms, which mandated time limits for receiving welfare and imposed some work requirements on welfare recipients. Women are also more supportive of Medicare, Social Security and educational expenditures.

Studies show that women are generally more risk-averse than men. This could be why they are more supportive of government programs to ensure against certain risks in life.

single women who believe they may marry in the future, as well as married women who most fear divorce, look to the government as a form of protection against this risk from a possible divorce: a more progressive tax system and other government transfers of wealth from rich to poor. The more certain a woman is that she doesn’t risk divorce, the more likely she is to oppose government transfers.

But the battle between the sexes does not end there. During the early 1970s, just as women’s share of the voting population was leveling off, something else was changing: The American family began to break down, with rising divorce rates and increasing numbers of out-of-wedlock births.

Over the course of women’s lives, their political views on average vary more than those of men. Young single women start out being much more liberal than their male counterparts and are about 50 percent more likely to vote Democratic. As previously noted, these women also support a higher, more progressive income tax as well as more educational and welfare spending.

But for married women this gap is only one-third as large. And married women with children become more conservative still. Women with children who are divorced, however, are suddenly about 75 percent more likely to vote for Democrats than single men. So as divorce rates have increased, due in large part to changing divorce laws, voters have become more liberal.

Women’s suffrage ushered in a sea change in American politics that affected policies aside from taxes and the size of government. For example, states that granted suffrage were much more likely to pass Prohibition, for the temperance movement was largely dominated by middle-class women. Although the “gender gap” is commonly thought to have arisen only in the 1960s, female voting dramatically changed American politics from the very beginning.

What is left unsaid is that the changing of divorce laws was itself brought about at the demand of female voters. It is not a coincidence that divorce and family laws began changing at the same time as the female share of the vote reached its full potential.

Once given the vote, women replaced individual men with the government. Women once depended on the individual men in their lives for physical and economic security. Now the police state provides physical security, and the welfare state provides economic security. Of course, the police state hates competition, so men who use violence on an individual level to defend their interests are now locked up as common criminals, and individual gun ownership is restricted. Women don’t have much need for individual men to provide these things anymore, so as a result we end up with confused gender roles, as evidenced by the ‘emo,’ ‘hipster’ and ‘metrosexual’ phenomema.

The whole thing is one massive, inevitable, downward spiral. Once women had the opportunity to change the rules of society, they did so, in a way which gave them all the privileges of both genders and none of the responsibilities of either. This can be expected to repeat in any future white ethnostate in which women have the vote, since it results from how the female brain works. Familial laws and behavioral codes which feel too restrictive are removed, which results in the breakdown of the family. This increases the risk of being an adult female without individual men to depend on for physical and economic security (feels scary!), thus the ‘need’ to implement a police and welfare state.

Rebuttals to this argument come in two main forms. The first comes along the lines of “Not all women are like that! My great aunt Mabel loves guns and is the most right wing person I know!” True, there is a huge variation amongst individuals of both genders, and many women are ‘analytical’ and ‘right wing’ and many men are ‘emotional’ and ‘left wing’.

Thus, there is no need to prevent female politicians from running for and holding office, or choosing to become involved in political activism for righteous causes. In these instances, women may be judged on their individual merits. However, voting is the way ‘the masses’ participate in politics, so we must look to general tendencies of to evaluate wide swaths of the population, and whether or not they should be allowed to vote.

The other type of rebuttal to this argument comes along the lines of “modern men suck too! Both genders are at fault!” followed by the claim that it would be unfair and/or ineffectual to limit voting to men only. However, to properly analyze this claim, we must carefully examine what caused the demise of ‘modern men’. The police state crushes the souls of individual men, and the welfare state destroys economic growth. Note the large number of men who are recent graduates of universities and unable to find jobs due to the economy.

Naturally women are put off by men who would flee in fear from a burglar while desperately dialing 9-1-1 on their iphone, as well as those who continue to live with and remain dependent on their parents for years after completing their education. Yet, these men would be few and far between without the modern police state and welfare state.

In conclusion, regardless of the other failings of society, any state constructed in the future must restrict the vote to men only. A failure to do this will result in disaster.


  1. Here is ATBOTL’s excellent assessment of Denise:


    Denise, you come across as a somewhat unbalanced person. Anyone who has been in the movement for a while knows the type of person who is likely to turn into an informer, agent provocateur, disruptor or traitor. You give that vibe off. Some of the warning signs are your seething anger, your combativeness and your tendency to make everything about YOU. You seem to want attention and love participating in drama. You also seem to have messianic view of yourself. These are the same traits that traitors and defectors usually have, not just in WN, but in life in general. You remind me a little of George Burdi or Hal Turner. I suggest toning down your act a bit.

  2. Everyone chimed in with their own two cents. We should have more of these discussions about gender dynamics. It is an underexplored issue. The role of women in the White Nationalist movement and a future White ethnostate would excellent material for a page or two.

    I think you’ve just hit upon how to expand OD a great deal. Including women is a benefit. Nothing shocks and enrages the left more than white women supporting white nationalism. It destroys their image of the evil, white, racist, loner male and their attempt to co-opt white women into the diversity and progressive agenda.

    Earlier in my life I would have agreed with the notion of denying the vote to women but an objective review of history and how we’ve reached this point would suggest that White men have failed the system as much as women have.

    The difference is not with the masses of men and women, it’s with the elite. The greatest geniuses and leaders are men.

  3. My own personal view was touched upon in H. Rock White’s objections.

    1.) There are lots of lazy, stupid, and effeminate men who shouldn’t have voting rights either. Simultaneously, there are lots of highly intelligent and engaged women who would make excellent voters.

    2.) There is a class of Whites who are fit for voting rights in a republican state. If we should discriminate, it would make more sense to select on the basis of knowledge and civic engagement than gender.

  4. Mark, I am pretty certain you have a beautiful woman destined for you in the future, if you already don’t have one…and if you don’t, so what , just immigrate to NZ, act really retarded, down and out, and the big hipped, large breasted blonds will take your pathetic ass in. Women here are really maternal, great breeders, family oriented, – it’s weird considering this was the first country to allow women to vote. Most here still birth at home….

  5. Lena you make NZ sounds like paradise. 🙂 I’m definitely adding it to the top of my list for vacation destinations!

    I’m growing kiwis this year, I will think of you when I eat one.

  6. This is all very entertaining but a highly circular debate:

    Only with an elite that supports White interests can any of this be implemented, and with such an elite nothing else is really necessary.

  7. Robert – you are wrong.

    My CA pal is not wayward. She is tired of being snubbed. She has done things on behalf of those fellows, at IHR, and they barely speak to her, or other women that show up.

    Why would a healthy, rational self-respecting woman subject herself to rude treatment?

    White females were rightdully insulted by the repulsive article in Alternate Right – which is being touted as the Hot New Thing . And it’s full of the same old crap. One of the gals I know lamented that she can’t escape the Yellow Fever even in a place like that.

    Do you understand how insulting this constant Gook Worship is? Why shold WN females tolerate this, for one single second? You want loyalty for us? Show it. You want respect? Give it.

    Robert – I know you do not engage in humiliating, sneering behavior. I was not adressing that query to you. I was throwing it out there in a general way.

    I know you are a thoroughly sincere, genuine, thoughtful young man, in possession of a brilliant mind, and a luminous soul . I describe you as a young man , blessed with an old man’s wise nad knowing soul.

    If this issue is ever to be resolved, WN males must begin to examine their own very real deficiences. and failed strategies. They must make a serious committment to act, in the real world, to forge and create a real, 3D, actually exists White Nation.

    This begins, and possibly ends, with how they deal with women. White females, of childbearing age, are now 2% of the world’s population. What are White Nationalists doing to get them on board. Most know nothing about any of this. Most would be repelled – absolutely repelled, by the continous insults and tirades issued against women.

    Again – real world stuff – White women have absolutely no incentive to become White Nationalists. None what so ever.

    What are we doing about this? In the real world? Where is the organized strategy, to gain sympathy and loyalty? And compliance?

    Insulting, denigrating, and humiliating the females that do show up….errr…it’s not working out very well.

    A lot of you fellows are workign very hard to drive White women away.

    Well done, boys.

  8. Do you understand how insulting this constant Gook Worship is? Why shold WN females tolerate this, for one single second? You want loyalty for us? Show it. You want respect? Give it.

    I agree with you, Denise. However I don’t think using miscegenation with blacks as a weapon against white men is the right way to go about your protesting.

  9. MLGS I ordered you not to address me, or take my name in vain, until you detail what you have to offer – but your pathetic reposting of Abuttplug’s puerile and impotent “analysis” of my mental state is simply too delicious to resist:

    Come on – fess up – just how many times have you and the A beat off to that paragraph? I know it’s the only satisfaction you have – that’s obvious.

    Come on – once a day? Twice? Do you rush off to the bathroom, at work?

    Do you to get together, and read [it] it to each other, as you…errr..relieve yourselves?

    Come on. Fess up.

  10. Mark – I do think my citation of the way Black and Brown men score women is an apt ciitation.

    It’s equivalent.

    I have been reading about, and listening to WN bewailing the horror of seeing White Females with Blacks and Browns (and it’s not just the “ugly White girls), since I have bene in this scene.

    I know my example hurts. This was my intent. And it’s obviously scored a direct hit. Good. Well done, me!

    The blythe and cavalier way in which WN men, or ordinary White men, rhapsodize about Asian women, or, in the case of that odious AltRight article – non-American women – it’s just as painful, humilating, and agonizing for us. We WN females. Talk about a vicious blow smack across the face.

    I don’t thnk most Mud Sharks know that White Nationalism exists. They are simply doing what Talmudvisions, and al the Girly mags tel them to do. FYI – once more – Black and Brown men are flirty, funny and fun – at first. They say nice, complimentary things. Yes – girls like to be told that are pretty. Beautiful. Desirable. No matter what they actually look like.

    WN men seem to exalt in detailing their preference for non-White women. They seem to want to smash White women’s faces into the insults. That was definitely the tone, in that article. The whole point was to fire abuse ot White American women. That article was utter rubbish – so much was just plain inaccurate – but it was designed ot hurt, and wound, and cause pain. Perhaps you men don’t see this – but the women I know saw it. It was like having acid hurled in our faces.

    This White article? It’s not as vicious.

    It’s just stupid. It’s insulting cause it’s stupid.

    Not one of you has the ability to pull our right to vote. You won’t get to decide on who can or cannot vote if you do not learn how to attract and draw in women.

    I’m really, truly glad that so many of you were so wounded and insulted by my citation of the superior ability of so many Blacks/Browns to bag females, at least once. Good. Good for ya.

    I hope some of the ….ehhhh… “men” reading any of this, are derive just a little less gloating pleasure, when they opine on the delights of the Yellow Slants. I want to take away your fun, on this topic. I want it to hurt.

    For my sisters.

    Now maybe some of you more decent guys might begin to shame and surpress other WN males , that indulge in this depravity, instead of taking out your frustrations on the White women who want to be loyal, and who want to serve.

  11. I take no orders from you.

    WN men … rhapsodize about Asian women

    WN men seem to exalt in detailing their preference for non-White women.

    Name them.

    I’m really, truly glad that so many of you were so wounded and insulted by my citation of the superior ability of so many Blacks/Browns to bag females, at least once.

    If you are including white women when you say “females,” then you are a liar.

    Of course, you have jungle fever yourself, so I’m not surprised you would make a false assertion like this.

  12. The blythe and cavalier way in which WN men, or ordinary White men, rhapsodize about Asian women, or, in the case of that odious AltRight article – non-American women – it’s just as painful, humilating, and agonizing for us. We WN females. Talk about a vicious blow smack across the face.

    I understand your fury, and I can imagine your red hair flowing in the wind like a burning flame, Red Sonja! But don’t swing your sword so broadly, you might hit an ally. 🙂 Ordinary white men are not white nationalists!

  13. White females were rightdully insulted by the repulsive article in Alternate Right – which is being touted as the Hot New Thing . And it’s full of the same old crap. One of the gals I know lamented that she can’t escape the Yellow Fever even in a place like that.

    Do you understand how insulting this constant Gook Worship is? Why shold WN females tolerate this, for one single second? You want loyalty for us? Show it. You want respect? Give it.


    The blythe and cavalier way in which WN men, or ordinary White men, rhapsodize about Asian women, or, in the case of that odious AltRight article – non-American women – it’s just as painful, humilating, and agonizing for us. We WN females. Talk about a vicious blow smack across the face.


    I hope some of the ….ehhhh… “men” reading any of this, are derive just a little less gloating pleasure, when they opine on the delights of the Yellow Slants. I want to take away your fun, on this topic. I want it to hurt.

    Nobody here has even mentioned Asian women, let alone “rhapsodized” about them. Yet you persist in suggesting that we have. All while constantly praising Black and Mestizo men, I might add.

    At this point, it’s clear that your screeds here are nothing but an insidious brew of dissimulation, dissembling, provocation, insults, and histrionics.

  14. “Yes, the New Hampshire data shows men 275% more likely than women to vote for Ron Paul, who was the only acceptable candidate in the race.”

    Mr. Rock White,

    Actually the data shows men were 175% more likely than women to vote for Ron Paul.

    11 over 4 is 2.75, but that doesn’t mean 11 is 275% more than 4!

    11 is 175% more than 4.

  15. Denise said, “I cannot BELIEVE how CLUELESS you effing geniuses are.” The comments here reveal ONE of the severe problems confronting the WN movement. We need to clone thousands of people like Denise and Lena and dozens of people like now murdered Eugene Terre’Blanche. We need to ask Boers how they want us to help them. My opinion is that Christianity and Hollywood are the Jews’ two best tricks. The Jews and Jew allies are our greatest problem, except perhaps for WN lack of understanding. Peace on Earth — good will toward all people — might be wonderful for religious happy talk and selling merchandise, but reality is something completely different. Lying criminals rule the world, and this shall not change with White Nationalism, Black Nationalism, capitalism, socialism, Zionism, or ghetto pimp voodoo worship. In war, the honorable soldier is the crash dummy, a dupe of manipulators in either politics or finance.
    White nationalists need to learn how to help each other in every way, but most importantly in: (1) understanding the truth and (2) helping each other make money, prepare for race war, and maintain solidarity. According to Michael Lewis, author of “The Big Sort: Inside the Doomsday Machine”: “People see what they are paid to see.”According to Jay Gould, “I can hire one half the working class to kill the other half.” Our enemy is ultimately like Genghis Khan and George Soros: brutal power politics and amoral financial manipulation are what we must expect. Money makes the world go round. Money is what determines their brainwashing of us. First offer a list of 100 best books and 100 best videos to explain WN.

  16. The Scott Locklin article was intentionally hurtful, I would say.

    But far more important was what a clever work of Anti-White Propaganda it was.

    The goal of the Revolutionary is to take a grievance with X, and convert it into outright rejection of X

    For example, the Peasants are angry at the King because they think he taxes them too much.

    What the Revolutionary wants to do is to talk the Peasant into thinking accommodation is impossible, and thus convert the Peasant’s grievance with the King into an outright rejection of him.

    That’s what Locklin was trying to do with White American Men and their grievances with White American Women, convince them that their situation is hopeless, beyond remedy, and thus turn them against their female equivalents.

    Now what do I mean by “turn them against them”? Do I merely mean that he sought to create sexual disinterest? (Which would be bad and dangerous enough for the Race Locklin has in his crosshairs.)

    Actually, no. For the Revolutionary never is satisfied with the provoking of any emotion against the oppressor short of exterminationist feelings:

    “In my ideal world, I’d propose ‘ethic cleansing’ (yes, I meant to type it that way). Pack up all the grouchy, hatchet faced American women who think they know everything about how everything is supposed to be, how American men are evil oppressing orcs, and ship them off to some third world hell hole where they can build their clitorial-based feminist utopia without interference from their evil American male overlords.” -Scott Locklin

    This is an incredible statement, probably the only instance in Human History where a member of a Race proposed to wipe the females of his own Race out of a Country.

    I’m honestly trying to think of another example, but can’t.

    The thing is that it’s so cruel, and at the same time so utterly Maladaptive.

    Self-Castration is a good evolutionary strategy by comparison.

    Hell, ANYTHING would be a good evolutionary strategy by comparison, including having Gay Sex with an HIV infected Man while telling an AK-47 brandishing Muslim Terrorist that Mohammad was a liar for saying the Koran had anything to do with God.

    Now perhaps Locklin doesn’t believe in evolution. But this raises the question: “Where does he think we came from?”

    It can’t be that he believes we were created by God, as his entire output drips with a Roissey style of Atheism.

  17. 69Denise
    “The a fuckwit like RF shows up. with is idle, moronic threats/
    RF – try it. We can undo you, and this movement, faster than you can imagine, as you lie alone in your bed.”

    “Bring RF. I’m gonna bitchslap him, twice. For being an obnoxious little bitch – and for never having a girlfriend in his entire life.”

    You know, birdie, for me it worked perfectly – we (me and my beautiful Russian girl) are halfway our second son.
    Thanks for your compliments.

  18. After reading some of the latest comments from poster ‘Denise’, and not so much what she says – but how she says it – I am inclined to agree with MGLS and ATBOTL in their assessments of her.

  19. Miscegenation is wrong whichever gender does it.

    Has anyone else noticed “high yellows” describing themselves as white.

    I do internet dating and the “white” girl I met yesterday lunchtime was definitely an octroon or less black than that.

    I won’ be meeting her again, that’s for sure. Interesting to think though that to the mainstream population in Europe she’d pass for white.

    Having lived in Africa has its benefits, like being able to spot the mischling

  20. …rather than lending credence to HR White’s assertions by lashing out with defensive, emotional rhetoric aimed at drowning out the debate and silencing critics? – Robert Campbell

    My point exactly as well.

    Utterly childish and narcissistic, this sort of lunatic, mentally ill ranting belongs over on VNN with the Linderites than it does here.

    Additionally, after reading more of your comments, you are totally gratuitous in your attacks of White men, Denise, especially about the part of supposedly ‘WN men’ having ‘yellow fever’, since White Nationalist men, are, by definition, committed to White women and for the well being of the future of White families.

    We know damn well that simply cannot be done courting, as you call them, ‘gooks’.

    You are needlessly conflating Libertatians and CONservatives, particularly that stupid Locklin piece over at AltRight, with White Nationalists in order to have something to lash out at White men with — whom you obviously must have had a good deal of personal problems with throughout your life (hence your histrionic attacks on RF, and Bernard I believe) — and now you want to dump on all of us for your feelings of rejection and ‘betrayal’ that you personally experienced, perhaps over an asian woman… or an attractive, non-WN White female ‘civilian’. (Sorry, but simply being ‘WN’ is not going to make a women more attractive in the dating market to men… I wish it was otherwise. Nor is your typical man in the WN movement going to fawn and bend over backwards for a woman just because she shows up to a meeting — that is part-and-parcel of establishment ‘pop-culture’ which is destroying White females and families — that of male supplication to women.))

    Well, sorry to let you down, but we all go through these sort of things in life, so your life isn’t so ‘special’ – as much as your self-centered personality may wish otherwise. White women, aside from the infintestimally-small number of ‘WN’ women, have been utterly alienating average White men for the last couple of decades – applying, hypocritically, the strictest of ‘criteria’ for a White man to have before he has the ‘honor’ of getting with her… Is it no wonder that many White men have returned the favor by demanding the same standards of unrealistic ‘perfection’ from White women (as much as I strongly disagree with this)?

    And for you to advocate, ‘Roissy-style’, that White men should act like Negroes and Mestizos to ‘git wymmyn’ shows and indicates that maybe you have some personal experience with this (you know, perhaps before your ‘WN awakining’)… or at the very least, shows poor, low-class prole behavior. You obviously do not have much experience with racial genetics, since White’s and White men in general are k-selective rather than r-selective, so much of of the disgusting Negroes behavior in, er, ‘courtship’ is a product of his African, rather than European, evolutionary past.

    Oh, and another thing, in case you forgot, WN, men and women alike, are extremely marginalized by society at large, so of course this is going to put a crimp in their lifestyle choices in the kinds of jobs and mates they will be able to get and attract. Consider all this, and try to be a bit more logical before you go off on another of your self-serving rants.

  21. Women want men to be men. They are angry over the fecklessness and general immaturity of most of us. Good women seek good men and cannot find them. They understand that it takes a real man to allow a woman to be all she can be, as vice-versa.

    But men today are prevented, even excused, from excercising their power in the home and in all public spaces in large part because they are at the mercy of women’s political power. In the short time since women have been given suffrage, we have normalized total war and the totalitarian state. We have made safety, radical individualism, egalitarianism, and other materialistic concerns our highest collective goods.

    Infused with too much of the maternal , Christianity has been turned into a something more akin to Marxism-meets-Sesame-Street than the guide to victory and stability it was in Christendom. Women now lead “men” in congregations across the land in prolonged begging sessions and painfully vapid praises of our “totally awesome” God. Many, if not most boys today, are raised by women and never mature into real men. The fathers and husbands have given up trying to fight this insane situation.

    Our entire civilization is in steep decline, thanks to a vacuum of manly virtue and the women cannot fill it, no matter how hard they try. Our Greek, Roman, American, etc. republics had it right: direct political power should be restricted to responsible men of good lineage.

  22. MGLS, I ordered you not to address me, or take my name in vain ‘Denise’

    Take your “name in vain”?!? And just who the hell are you??

    …You seem to want attention and love participating in drama. You also seem to have a messianic view of yourself. These are the same traits that traitors and defectors usually have, not just in WN, but in life in general. @ATBOTL

    Atbotl – you must be a psychologist. Excellent call on the messianic delusions of these attention-seeking mental defectives.

  23. Landser – I’m sorry, truly sorry, that you decided to jump on the asshole list.

    What have you done in the real world for Whites?

  24. I’m sorry, truly sorry, that you decided to jump on the asshole list.

    Densie – Coming from what I know about you now, I look at being on this ‘list’ as a badge of honor.

  25. You know I used to think that only the non-whites were caveman and their thoughts were back in the stone age. Boy was I ever wrong!

    You can’t have it both ways fellas. You wanted the tits on a stick Pamela Anderson type whom looking good (for you to show her off) was more important than things like a brain, having the ability to cook and manage money.

    Many married white men here in So Cal are in deep shit right now. Had they married a REAL woman instead of Candy the reformed stripper, they may have had something left. While Candy was out getting her nails done at the Gook Me Love You Long Time Nail Salon, you were managing your construction business with illegal alien help. Help who would probably rape your wife and steal you blind while you were in the other room.

    I’m the lady Denise talks about in CA. Each and every night I give food that I glean and find to white people ONLY. I’ve been doing this for over a year. In fact most of the street kids and homeless men are white. They’re far nicer and more of a gentleman than most of the men I’ve met in white nationalist circles.

    I was married before and now I’m a widow. My late husband was a WN, probably more hardcore than me. However, he had no problem with smart women because he wasn’t insecure. He knew that having me by his side didn’t detract from his manliness, it only added to the equation.

    I’ve been to a few of these WN meetings and I’m snubbed for no reason. Most of these men haven’t even seen a naked woman and most of them are probably 40 year old virgins. I’ve decided I’m done with these meetings. My time is too precious to waste on talking to men who think they’re too good or too smart to interact with me.

    If you want to piss off and encourage the white women to leave this movement, keep making articles like this. It’s this type of attitude from many white males in the movement that keeps me away from any meetings now or ever.

  26. Denise,
    I am also disgusted by white men who desire non-white women, especially when it’s a so-called WN. It is insulting and traitorous to mom, dad, family, clan, nation, ancestors, country, and apple pie — even more so now considering our current crises.

    Just curious, What do you think about what I wrote above, about what Laura Wood writes at ThinkingHousewife.com, and about what Larry Auster writes about feminism? What do you think about white women’s culpability in all of this?

  27. Re: Eric in 166
    Eric said:
    “The Jews and Jew allies are our greatest problem, except perhaps for WN lack of understanding. Peace on Earth — good will toward all people…”

    Actually the proper translation of “peace on earth and good will (Luke 2:14),” is “Glory to God, and on earth peace, toward men of good will,” that is, peace to those who please God, rot to those who don’t. In our version of course, God is a a lover of natural human diversity, which must be protected through the institution of an ethnostate.

  28. What is histrionic personality disorder?

    Histrionic personality disorder is one of a group of conditions called dramatic personality disorders. People with these disorders have intense, unstable emotions and distorted self-images. For people with histrionic personality disorder, their self-esteem depends on the approval of others and does not arise from a true feeling of self-worth. They have an overwhelming desire to be noticed, and often behave dramatically or inappropriately to get attention. The word histrionic means “dramatic or theatrical.”

    This disorder is more common in women than in men and usually is evident by early adulthood.
    What are the symptoms of histrionic personality disorder?

    In many cases, people with histrionic personality disorder have good social skills; however, they tend to use these skills to manipulate others so that they can be the center of attention.

    A person with this disorder might also:
    Be uncomfortable unless he or she is the center of attention
    Dress provocatively and/or exhibit inappropriately seductive or flirtatious behavior
    Shift emotions rapidly
    Act very dramatically as though performing before an audience with exaggerated emotions and expressions, yet appears to lack sincerity
    Be overly concerned with physical appearance
    Constantly seek reassurance or approval
    Be gullible and easily influenced by others
    Be excessively sensitive to criticism or disapproval
    Have a low tolerance for frustration and be easily bored by routine, often beginning projects without finishing them or skipping from one event to another
    Not think before acting
    Make rash decisions
    Be self-centered and rarely show concern for others
    Have difficulty maintaining relationships, often seeming fake or shallow in their dealings with others
    Threaten or attempt suicide to get attention

  29. Thank you, Reginald, for you astute analysis of of that Lockloser piece.

    Yes – it was exceptionally nasty, vicious, and destructive. The reactions against the females expressing their outrage, are revealing as to the acute degree in social ineptitude, boorishness, and sheer callousness that a number of White males have in dealing with women.

    I’m going to restate my points again. because a lot of you are thicker than sludge:

    White Nationalism begins and ends with White women. Period. And most WN are disastrous in dealing with women.

    Women have no incentive to be involved in this at all. There are no rewards. None. Nada. Zip. The women that do show up can expect to be insulted, in every way, and get slapped down for expressing any objections to being treated like dirt.

    Now – to the Congnitively Challenged Retardates on this thread – I never ever ever said that Blacks, Mestizos, were superior to White men. (Although a lot of you are making my case, for me). I SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAID they are world’s better – world’s better at attracting female attention. About “game”. No matter what they do with women, once they get them – they get them

    Uh huh. They do.

    They are “engaged”. Kevin MacDonald refers to this as “a winning personality”. Screw that k selecton/r selection nonsense – Blacks and Mestizos are mating, and polluting the White gene pool – because they are initally nice to White women. They know how to appeal to White women. Your fancy book larnin; ain’t doing a damned thing for any-one, on that front.

    Sorry fellas – “prole behavior” is what it’s all about. They are outbreeding Whites. You may well resent the fact that a depraved and destructive “popular cuture” sets the tone, and sets the standards – but that is where it’s at -and what are you doing about it?

    FYI – jews pay attention to psychology, to an acute and demoic degree. But you fellas balk at exhibiting mere courtesy, to any female that doesn not meet your rarified standards. Meanwhile, Blacks and Mestizos breed on……..

    So many of these guys don’t get it. Apparently they never will.

    As far as various noxious comments I have never ever ever been attracted to non-White males. I have never ever ever even touched one.

    I’ve had plenty of opportunities to do so, howver, since I am a woman. And I have seen plenty of White females “hook up” with non-Whites males. Which I’ve warned against. The reason females are mating with non-Whites is that White males treat them like dirt!

    No one expects WN males to fawn all over any woman that shows up. They just want to be included in normal conversation. And treated with basic courtesy.

    That seems to be such an affront to WN male sensibilities, that idea, doesn’t it?

    Also – on that note – WHAT’S SO WRONG WITH THAT IDEA? Why don’t you EFFING geniuses fawn all over any woman that shows up? You whine about that way White women behave – but you don’t do one bloody thing to influence change.

    Maybe just maybe more wil show up? Maybe she’ll bring her friends? Maybe? If they have incentive to show up?

    Black and Mestizo males fawn all over White women, when they show up. That is known as “positive re-inforcement”.

    In practical terms, it’s all about getting people to show up.

    Why is that idea so hard to grasp? Why is that idea so resented?

    So – you can dump on me, and insult me, and dump on other White women, and insult other White women. You guys dumped all over Lena – simply becuase she objected to he content of this essay. So – who gives flying fuck (crude prole terminology) if she did get emotional. Who gives a flying fuck if I did, or do? I don’t . You do.

    You can’t handle trhe “emotional reaction” of one, or a handful of women.

    Yup. But you are gonna create that White Homeland, where women won’t be alllowed to vote, any second now.

    None of you have one single shred of power to prevent me, or any other woman from actually voting.



    You guys get all pissy hissy over the simplest things. “Emotional women” OoooOoOOooooo! Oh no!

    Let’s insult them. Let’s threaten to replace them. Yay! That’ll work!

    Le’ts see how it’s working in the real world……

    Man oh man do you suck, in the trenches. No worries – you aren’t in the trenches. No dirty fingernails for the Elect!

    Now run along back to the Amren Comments – where you can all make elegant, well-written posts, ruefully fussing over the dreadfully crass, violent Negroes, and the oh-so-alarming burgeoning of the violent invading Mestizos (Shhhhh! Don’t mention that “J” word. That won’t do!)….and all the other distressing elements at work, and expanding in 3D world, where you can all engage in very polite, well-worded debates, in the ways you will one day restrict those odious, impolite, emotional females from voting, when you have your White Homeland, any minute now.

    There. That’s better.

  30. Annie! Yay! Heil!

    Be careful these elegant superior White male God of All Landless Beings may denounce you as




    A (shudder) FEMINIST!!!!

    They may even resort othe Judaic tactic of hauling out fraudulent Jew “scienctific-icky” scams like “psychological analysis ” in order to attempt to marginalize anythin you say – or- even better – try to avoid answering your points….cause…they…can’t…..

    I think the name “Bernard” sounds kinda Jewishy….

  31. Landser – I’m not surprised, at all, that you consider being an asshole as a “badge of honor”.

    That little post wholly encapulates the fundamental problem with the WN “movement”.

  32. “Many, if not most boys today, are raised by women and never mature into real men. The fathers and husbands have given up trying to fight this insane situation. ”

    Rusty, there is profound truth in this. No-fault divorce enabled women who tend to silliness to bail on their husbands for capricious reasons.

    So I looked up the history of no-fault divorce. Like virtually every single other thing that ails today, it originated with the Bolsheviks.
    Is it what average women want? I doubt it. The history of feminism, especially the radical, shrill, man-hating kind, is overwhelmingly Jewish. Bolshevism was Jewish. Young White women, being inexperienced and heady with their new adult freedom, are easily led by evil Jewish professors. But it’s not the femaleness that makes them so — it’s the youth. Boys are just as misled today, as the “whigger phenomenon” shows.

    If more fathers were in the home in the teenage years, girls’ desire to please dad would go a long way towards helping them ignore these Jewish pied-pipers, just as young men need a man to teach them how to control their impulse to punch.

    Young women are controlled by what is socially acceptable if dad ain’t around. (As are teenage boys — even rebellious has a kind of social approval stamp to it.) WNs need to be independent moviemakers that show, in a positive light, young women lovingly submitting to her husband. Merlin Miller’s got the right idea.

  33. Rusty – I am unfamiliar with that Thinking Housewife site. I will check it out later – it sounds intriguing.

    I have not read Austers writings in feminism. There is so very much to read. I rejected “feminism” ages ago, since I observed, perhaps approx 20 years ago, that it’s all a buncha vile dykes. I know now that the whole thing is led by Jewish dykes.

    I didn’t know that when I was young. I didn’t have a glimmer of understanding why somethng like that would even matter.

    Jeez – if these brilliant White Nationalist males had perhaps done somethng, in the real world, to try to reach me, when I was a mere slip of a girl, and other young women perhaps things wouldn’t be as bad as they are. I was pretty cute then (I’m still not bad at all, for an older woman, My pal Annie is a knockout. But she’s an old bag now, like me, so who cares, right?) – pehaps I woild have been worthy of attention and courtesy.

    I liked fun and music and art and dancing, way back then. Loved clothes, and jewelry. Those dykes were horrific. Ewwww. Why did they hate men, and being a woman, so very much?

    Maybe some guy never bothered to pay attention to ’em….make them feel pretty. Even if they weren’t. Maybe if some guy payed the slightest little bit of attention to them – instead of Chasing Porn thrills – maybe all those forlorn White girls wouldn’t have wnaderd down false paths, and maybe they would have paid attention to themselves, and become pretty, and productive….maybe there would be lots more White babies………

    Is al of the above too self-serving and narcississtic for you? Too emotional and irrational? If so – let me know by tellng me you will replace me with foreign women, and take away my right to vote one day. Mm’kay?

  34. Denise,

    No, it is refreshingly honest and informative, Dankeschoen. I suspect we would get along very well.

    As for boys, most of our training comes from a strongly multiculti, safety-conscious environment, where fathers and uncles have abdicated all responsibility for passing on the manly arts to their s’s sons. Our indoctrination from school, media, and home in the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s was absolute. Women are now our equals or betters, natural boyishness and testing were becoming frowned upon if not practically illegal, and all discussions of race, nationality, and clan integrity are evil.

    Our fathers and grandfathers moved out of the public and private spaces, retreating into RedTeam-BlueTeam politics, sports, television, or the office. Mothers and sisters took over, with their own ideas of what a man should be. It was difficult to figure out what to do to. Cars became more expensive and complicated to work on, war became too mechanistic, chivalry was laughed at now, wholesome male comradery became suspect, manual labor changed from a noble endeavor by a man with limited means into an economic and social path to the bottom of society. White girls were not only a mystery, they seemed hostile. There were the untouchables and the exploitables, and no guidance as to what it all meant nor to respectable alternatives. I speak in generalities, of course.

    Thankfully, for those of us who rejected the stoner culture, computers came along and gave us somewhere we belonged. So, here we are, in charge now, and clueless and barbaric as hell.

  35. Barb,
    Thank you. As you suggest, our restoration will be a joint project between us and among us, alone. That is, Euro men and women will have to learn to dance together again in harmony, and we can only do that without the interference of those hostile foreigners. Too, men must take back their turf, despite the feminists, and make a healthy space for wives, mothers and children once again. This will require courage and wisdom, which are as rare as ever.

  36. This men-boys dichotomy is, in a general sense, specious moralism; the temperaments to which it refers have at least much to do with race and circumstance as a cultural environment imposed by a highly advanced technological society — are permanent characteristics that is to say, found in every society that is any more advanced or different from American military barracks or Scythian nomads. Accusing white males today of preferring to be “weak” and “boyish”, if those are the markers we’re using, is as callous and stupid as the Edwardians who believed the poor were poor and unclear because they chose to be and would be so in any environment; in other words it is a vindictive, and actually unscientific, mentality which sees nothing more in temperament than some mysterious “failure of nerve”. And this precisely is the mental reach of female White Nationalists, who will never tire of whining that there are boys and no men, a none too clever disguise for the “failure” of men to have rescued or supported them despite their usually quite miserable characters.

  37. Hey maybe the fact that pigs can’t fly is what’s holding us back. Since we have a better chance of creating flying pigs than repealing women’s suffrage perhaps we should focus on that. Furthermore, pigs aren’t currently essential to our movement so we don’t have to worry about alienating them. The only difference is that trying to create flying pigs might make us look loony to potential WNs and only further marginalize us… oh wait…

  38. Most white men care more about the superbowl*, world series, and the masters tournament than they care about their race. What their wives used to complain about, members of their race now do, too!

    The games have just got to go!

    * Besides, what self-respecting white man salivates at the sight of black men running around in skin-tight nylon?

  39. I refuse to blame either white men or women for the situation we find ourselves in. Both sexes are being manipulated on a massive scale via social engineering, laws, media, Jewish intellectual movements, etc. We know the source of our problems. Let’s focus on that.

  40. Rusty. Thank you. You are a gentleman, A true one. Thank you for sharing your personal experiences with me.

    I had no idea that it was like to be a boy, enduring the radical and Demonic Judaic transformation of society.

    Sounds like it totally sucked.

    FYI – I have little boys, growing up, in my life. (Robert and Hunter – you know where to look, if you want to see their actual faces). I want to assure you that I, and all the other hateful, vitriolic old prole bags, in their lives, do everything we can. every day, to encourage and celebrate their “boyness”.

    Fortunately – very fortunately for them – they both have stong, very loving fathers. The guys are prole guys, doing prole work, like building things, and fixing things – but they love thier boys. And they are “there”. (The really funny thing is that all the Old Vitriolic and Hateful Hags, that they know, are schooling them in the philosophies of Racialism.)

    I’m telling you this casueI want to make up, in some small way, for what was done to you, as a boy. I’m sorry that women were stupid enough to not understand that they can’t teach boys how ot be men.

    Somehow, you seem to have managed to learn. Good on ya!

    “…..our restoration will be a joint project between us and among us, alone. That is, Euro men and women will have to learn to dance together again in harmony”.

    That’s wonderful. That’s lovely. I know you mean that. I know that you do not feel that you are condescending, and lowering yourself, by asking women to dance with men. And asking men to dance with women.

    I will remember this.

    Yes Rusty, and Lena, and Barb, and Trainspotter, and Andrew Yoeman – let’s dance……

  41. Joanne Dee,
    Couldn’t agree more. Most fathers, grandfathers, uncles, brothers and cousins just flat-out don’t give a sh*t about anything else but their own little hobbies. They don’t even care to teach their own sons much of anything about anything.

    The young ones, well, we’ll see. This new barbarity they are reviving may well be exactly what is needed in the long run. Civilization can get too civilized, too structured, too effeminate for any real man to function properly in. If a complete break-down is what it’s gonna take to get these guys’ feckless butts moving again, and to remove all the feminazi contamination, then so be it. Though it sure is gonna be painful being the “adjustment” generation(s). I would prefer that we vote ourselves out of Mordor, if possible.

  42. “Spock” was a Jew.

    That V fingered sign-thing, Leonard Nimoy dsiplayed, while in character – Nimoy was a Jew. I remeber reading an interview, where Nimoy spoke of seeing that sign, in synagogue, as a child.

    Shatner’s a Jew too.

    He is still proud of having performed the very first inter-racial kiss, on air. He did this with a Negress.

  43. Thank you ski, and Matt.

    Thank you very, very much.

    Funny and witty.

    Wow. In WN males! No way!

    I like these things.

    I’m a chick.

    It’s all about me.

    I like funny and witty.

  44. I’m not surprised, at all, that you consider being an asshole as a “badge of honor”.

    Damn straight 🙂

    And each and every one of your psychotic, posts demonstrate what is wrong with women in not only the ‘WN’ movement – but in any movement where women seek out power and attention – especially from, and over, men.

    Cambria Will Not Yield: Unsex Me Here

    …When a woman asks Satan to unsex her, what is she really asking? She is asking to return to her unredeemed, pre-Christian state of existence. She wants, as Eve wanted, to be as God. But Godhood is not available for a woman, or a man, in the Christian Faith. The position is already filled. One must apply to the lower regions if one desires godhood.

    A true respect for women entails a refusal to submit to the impersonal feminine principle. When a woman acts as a nurturer of children and all things Christian, she should be given all the respect and love that the code of chivalry demands. But when she steps out of that role and becomes a Lady MacBeth, she should be fought to the death, preferably her own. When MacBeth refuses to oppose his wife’s demonic will, he not only loses his soul, but his wife loses her soul as well.

    In his play, The Taming of the Shrew, Shakespeare good-naturedly shows us the only way to overcome a Lady MacBeth. She must be opposed every time she steps outside the Christian orbit. If she is successfully opposed, as Petruchio successfully opposes Katharina, tragedy is avoided and there is domestic and civil peace. The difference between Lady MacBeth’s statement, “Unsex me here; And fill me from the crown to the toe, top full of direst cruelty,” and Katharina’s, “Thy husband is they lord, thy life, thy keeper, Thy head, thy sovereign,” is the difference between heaven and hell. The European male prefers hell. +


  45. “They must make a serious committment to act, in the real world, to forge and create a real, 3D, actually exists White Nation.
    This begins, and possibly ends, with how they deal with women. White females, of childbearing age, are now 2% of the world’s population.”

    Yes, this is very much spot on and a harsh truth for WN males who have not realized this yet. The white “community” is clearly going through a natural purge at the moment that is not just to do with producing an eventual White state, but rooting out COMPLETELY the decadence that has gradually seeped into Europe for centuries, picking up alarming speed after 1959.

    Part of this ‘purge’ will involve an end to the nerdy, hiding-behind-a-computer male. I am not exempt from having behaved like this and if I have to go in order for the eventual REAL white state to raise, then I will accept it.

    We have to realize we are in for a struggle like no other in the coming decades, and centuries, and sacrifices have to be made. The Third Reich realized this, and they left us behind a beautiful monument to what WE once were.

  46. Imperil,
    We (as in each of us individually, at the same time and in harmony with others) must do both — fix ourselves and eject the foreigners — simultaneously. We should perhaps make the latter a project of the former, a joint shunning effort.

    And though I am angry and wounded by the indifference and traitorous attitudes of many of my fathers and brothers, I am respectful enough to allow that most had their own justification for their abdication. They were manipulated and damaged too much by the foreigners also, and I heartily welcome their wisdom and assistance (if wisdom it truly be). Let the new direction toward the old understanding begin now.

    Oh, brother. Upon proofing, that reads really corny. But I really mean it, so I’ll let it stand.

  47. “I refuse to blame either white men or women for the situation we find ourselves in. Both sexes are being manipulated on a massive scale via social engineering, laws, media, Jewish intellectual movements, etc. We know the source of our problems. Let’s focus on that.”

    Been waiting all day for a post like that. I thought this was common knowledge. Our overall problem is thought control, which is of mostly jewish origin. Any post which fails to take this (thought control) into account is incomplete.

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