The R.E.A.L. Ghostbusters

GhostbustersJeffrey Imm wants to help the Tea Party Movement with a problem: hate. Like a Scientologist with an E-Meter, he has detected a dangerous level of “hate” in the Tea Party Movement. He’s driven by a passionate desire to help people solve a problem that they weren’t able to detect without his help. He’s a political “ghostbuster”, filling his rhetorical Proton Pack with hatemongers, White supremacists, racialist infiltrators, and even neo-Nazis.

Of course, he doesn’t actually want to help the Tea Party Movement. He wants to manipulate it, using the tried and true “Faggot Method”. This method is simple and effective:

  1. Label your opponent a faggot
  2. Accuse his playmates of faggotry for hanging with him during recess
  3. Offer absolution to those who assist in isolating and stigmatizing the faggot

Witch TrialAll you need is a sexually insecure audience and the whole thing goes viral. Jeff leverages the same basic formula, accusing status-insecure White men of being “racists”. Before you know it, they’re roving through their own ranks like obsessive drill sergeants, darting their eyes about for signs of “hate”. They become sort of like the Jews who assisted in the genocide at the Nazi concentration camps, with the distinction being that they’re not actually coerced: They think strictly enforcing liberal discourse is a top priority for conservative activists.

Yesterday I received an email from an MSNBC journalist wanting to know how my tea party speech went. I’m not quite sure whether she was stupid or whether she was a bit distracted and under the impression that I’m stupid. Either way, I politely explained that I didn’t actually give the speech to any Tea Party audience and am not affiliated with any Tea Party group. The target audience were my fellow White Advocates and I didn’t make any effort to share it with a wider audience.

But she’s pushing a narrative, and so is Jeff. They’re joining an emergent liberal groupthink campaign to imply that the Tea Party movement is probably racist. What they don’t realize is that the rules are changing. Changing times call for changing strategies. Techniques which were once proven methods of achieving the desired results can begin to backfire as technology progresses, opponents adapt, and the temperament of the audience shifts with the political and economic circumstances.

White Americans are beginning to tire of the accusation of racism. They’re beginning to detect a definitive tribal difference between the Middle American “us” and the global multicult “them”. They’re also being radicalized by political, economic, and social trends that are cornering them. A vague sense of foreboding and despair which comes with the decline and death of a nation is being captured in the millennial prophecies, doomsday obsessions, and the pervading pessimism.

These people, our opponents, have spent their entire adult lives in complete political, social, and economic control of Middle America. At this point, they take their ability to manipulate and control us for granted. They mistake their highly leveraged INFLUENCE for actual CONTROL and they’ll keep pushing until they break it. Even the most docile of domesticated dogs will instinctively snap and become aggressive if pushed far enough into a corner. And they can’t stop pushing. They won’t stop pushing.

Jeffrey ImmJeffrey Imm refuses to allow a mob of angry White people to forget that it’s White. Even if the GOP appoints a Black man to lead it, Jeff will open his big fuzzy mouth and accuse them of racism. Even if the Tea Party conventions are boiling over with Zionists and non-White speakers, Jeff will continue wagging his bony little finger in their face. Even if White identity is espoused by Ivy League intellectuals from Japan who play the clarinet, Jeff will silence them.

We White Advocates have been trying for decades to awaken the sleeping tiger of White American identity and we’ve failed miserably. Fortunately, Jeffrey Imm, the weasels at MSNBC, and the entire political establishment are gathering in a circle around the wounded animal, poking it, prodding it, kicking it, spitting on it, and calling it a racist. Jeff will get his wish soon enough: of making Tea Party activism synonymous with White Advocacy. But he should be careful what he wishes for.

About Matt Parrott 98 Articles
Matt Parrott is a low IQ wignat LARPing costume clown.


  1. “…He’s driven by a passionate desire to help people solve a problem that they weren’t able to detect without his help.

    “…Jeffrey Imm, the weasels at MSNBC, and the entire political establishment are gathering in a circle around the wounded animal, poking it, prodding it, kicking it, spitting on it, and calling it a racist.

    As the old saying goes…



  2. Holy smokes, great post! That is true inspiration!

    The t-shirt with “free China now?” China is what it is. Who the hell is he to tell China that it’s not free? What would China look like if he “liberated” it? Rainbows and flowers everywhere?

    China is a place with real problems, but Jeffrey Imm in no way has the “answer” for them. China is a victim of globalization just as much as we are. I think it all started with the Nixon visit in 1972. It wasn’t about Nixon, it was about Kissinger as the agent of the bankers, to “open up” China to a globalized relationship with the US. Bye bye US manufacturing.

    I think someone already mentioned it — Imm will be the new Jim Jones if he gets enough followers. He’s got a crazed, vacuous look in his eye.

    They sound like they’re getting pretty scared on the MSM.

    One thing NPR said is that they heard Tea Party people call for lynching. We’re going to get Tea Party folks, and we’re going to have to tell them to discipline their speech. Yelling for lynching is unserious, it’s a feature film idea of how to do politics — a quick fight, a quick solution, happily ever after, credits roll.

    We have the model, the framework, and indeed the content to do serious culture hacking that will lead to a creeping coup d’ etat.

    Degeneracy is like sewer water pooling up around our ankles, and it’s those with “conservative” or “right wing” or “nationalist” impulses that are frantically bailing the sewer water out.

    The right wing impulse is not some indulgence; it’s forced on us because society is run so perversely and stupidly, even amid the high tech cornucopia.

    We are a Force of Nature. The liberals are basically people who want to work as little as possible and rub their pee pees in many variations, like bonobos.

    If liberals were truly virtuous people, they would have stuck with the “back to the land” movement and overthrown industrial agriculture and the military industrial complex. But instead they “sold out” to a life of sinful ease and passivity.

    The liberals aren’t really passionate. They are cowardly, and vicious. But they are weak and not really into it.

    Thom Hartmann has a radio show, and he did a segment on an “attractive blue eyed blonde haired woman who will marry anyone . . . well almost anyone, for health insurance.”

    that’s libs for you, marrying titillation (until you see her web page) with their pet cause. Total bonerbos.

    The sewage rising up to knee level doesn’t matter, as long as I get health insurance.

    The liberals fear us as a force of nature. They sense that they are mere mortals, atomized and consumerized, and we are an energetic, enraged and numerous.

    The Civil Rights Movement was obviously a controlled from above thing. A few mere mortals were in charge.

    The Tea Party thing is a force of nature. No one is in control.

    The only problem is it’s not self aware . . . yet. They are in the ANGER stage of DABDA denial anger bargaining acceptance.

    Acceptance doesn’t mean surrender. It’s acceptance of responsibility for what needs to be done. An intellectual maturation has to occur, like growing from a kid to a grownup.

    They still want to change things just by demanding the change, but they aren’t sure what they want, yet. They have to figure out what the better thing looks like.

    What needs to be done is a critique of every aspect of how we live, from food production to transportation to education to manufacturing and trade and even entertainment.

    We can’t wait for top down solutions. That’s the Tea Party problem, they are looking for top down solutions. they want a “good father-mother” government instead of an evil one.

    The economic downturn will serve to force us to develop bottom-up, local solutions to our problems.

    The right wingers will home school their kids. the liberals (mostly) won’t. People who think like us will naturally rise to the top.

    this is probably why they are so desperate to “diversitize” the US and Europe. They know Whites are quickly becoming self aware. The fact that homeschooling is a “conservative” or “right wing” thing means we’ll take over. it’s only a matter of time. Our people will be the “middle” and “upper middle.”

    There is no such thing as a “working class revolution.” It’s impossible. I guess that was the “trick” of Communism. Call it a “workers revolution” but all it was was regime change by banksters. They realized they could play both sides of a war, and so they figured they could get skip the wars, roll up their sleeves, and do “regime change” by themselves.

    The Bolshevik revolution was nothing but a proto version of George Soros’s “color revolutions.” A bankster’s revolution from above, in the name of “equality.” The Civil Rights Movement — another “bankster’s revolution.”

    What they fear most now is Nature, and Nature is us. Aryan Human Nature is something they can’t necessarily control. We are the Weapons, but we don’t know it . . . yet.

    Skynet is becoming self aware.

    Judgment day is coming.

  3. A very good assessment, Wiki. It’s amazing how much kicking the White ‘dogs’ have patiently endured. Like Jews, the libtards don’t know when to quit. Their sick, masochistic pummeling of Whites will eventually blow back on them.

  4. Jeffrey Imm checklist:

    1. Former FBI agent.
    2. Married to Jewish woman.
    3. Gets face on TV to rant against “Islamofascists” and “white supremacists.”
    4. Front a “civil rights organization” that most likely consists of himself and a paycheck from the ADL.

    Facts 1 and 3 up there represent the other side of the Hal Turner coin. That he’s running with the “anti-terrorism” and DHS crowd is the most interesting – why isn’t that brought up each and every time Imm is mentioned? That’s the most important and relevant fact about him.

    “Faggot Method” and “circle around the wounded animal, poking it” sums the rest of it up perfectly. Once most white people realize that “racist” just means “white” it’s game over, and Obama is the gift that keeps on giving. God I hope the Democrats keep Congress and they try to push an amnesty/immigration during record unemployment. It will be game over.

  5. I think that Jeffrey Imm is on the right track with his accusation of racism. Whites are, to some degree, racist, which is related to having a fear and dislike of other races. All humans are like this, it is our natural ethnocentrism, which has been confirmed in studies of the brain (when a White is shown a black face, subconscious alarm bells go off in the subject’s brain, and vice versa). Even studies of babies imply this.

    Every human of every race has a natural preference for his own kind, and a subconscious dislike of the “other”. Jeffrey Imm naturally has these same feelings toward other races, but being taught that this inherent tendency is evil, he has appointed himself one of the Grand Inquisitors seeking to stamp it out. The Whites in the Tea Party movement also sense their natural ethnocentrism, and feeling guilty for it, are vulnerable to being shamed.

    The question is, why is our ethnocentrism something to be ashamed of? What is so wrong with wanting to associate with your own kind, and avoiding those not like you? This ethnocentrism is at the underlying reason why each race naturally segregates itself whenever possible; in schools, in cafeterias, in neighborhoods and churches. This is a central reason why multi-ethnic nations disintegrate; they are not meant to exist. Expect there to be continuing and increasing White political movements, with similarities to the Tea Party phenomenon, but also slowly moving into explicitly White territory. The centrifugal forces of ethnic tension are at inexorably working at separation.

  6. Kiev “Who the hell is he to tell China that it’s not free?”

    He’s a low-level representative of Amerikwa, so he’s demonizing the Chinese who are major rivals to global empire. I wonder if he’s big on Fulan Gong rights as well? I bet if the US decided to, say, invade Venezuela for their oil, Imm would be demonizing Chavez as an “anti-semite” (come to think of it, he’s probably already doing that.)

    These campaigns are often really, really obvious if you know where to look. He probably gets his agenda from the State Department web site.

    I am imploring people to stop taking people like Imm and the like at face value, in some cases they are not just Jews and shabbos goys pushing Jewish interests like the authors and Kunsler-types WNs rightfully criticize. Sometimes, it’s literally a script, talking points, and the like. Imm doesn’t believe a word of what he’s saying, and he probably doesn’t even write most of it.

    I’m fairly certain that the audience that Imm is performing for is US, do you see? Not even the tea partiers – somebody like Imm isn’t going to have any influence on the tea partiers, aside from singling out any racially aware ones and lumping them with us.

    Imm has been assigned to the white nationalist movement. He’s our very own ADL officer. He’s a 9-5er.

    Kiev you completely get it with your last two articles about the death penalty and non-violence. We have no other options than to be as moderate and open as possible. We’re obviously enough of a threat that they put at least one full time guy on us. Imm is like a badge of honor.

  7. Well, yes. If they label the Tea Party “racist”, they might just embrace and own the label, robbing it of it’s sting, and defining their own identity.

    We are very close to being able to dictate the terms of the discourse right now, very close indeed ….


  8. The t-shirt with “free China now?” China is what it is. Who the hell is he to tell China that it’s not free? What would China look like if he “liberated” it? Rainbows and flowers everywhere?

    China is a place with real problems, but Jeffrey Imm in no way has the “answer” for them. China is a victim of globalization just as much as we are. I think it all started with the Nixon visit in 1972. It wasn’t about Nixon, it was about Kissinger as the agent of the bankers, to “open up” China to a globalized relationship with the US. Bye bye US manufacturing. — Kievsky

    Aw c’mon brother Kievsky, I hope you’re not taking this clown all that seriously.

    He doesn’t really give a rat’s patut or care about the China and the Chinese people — or ‘liberating’ them from a “totalitarian communist” regime.

    Noooo, he want’s to ‘liberate’ China from the Chinese people themselves — ‘liberate’ the government of China from having ethnic Chinese running it.

    Cause, you know — can’t have genuine nationalists running a truly national government anywhere in the world.

    With the exception of one special and chosen cOuntrY, of course! 😉

  9. Jeffrey Imm checklist,

    I don’t post too much about how much the the law enforcement is on our asses because I don’t want to scare people off. I was a very active propagandist, protester and leafletter for the NA back in 2000-2002 in the Boston area. We were totally legal and non-violent, but the Boston cops could walk up to us and call us by name.

    Later on as a result of some people getting in a scrape with the law and seeing a police report, we found out that White activists in the Boston area are being watched by the “Boston Regional Intelligence Center”

    Meanwhile, hosting the Democratic National Convention in 2004 gave law enforcement chiefs the impetus to create an intelligence center that is now being touted nationally. At the Boston Regional Intelligence Center, or BRIC, Boston police and officials from surrounding communities compile and analyze raw information about common criminals, potential subversives, and terrorists.

    Potential subversives? That’s us they have in mind. East Coast White Unity, which has been getting together for 7 years without committing any crimes, is still classified as a “criminal gang.” If I had the money I’d hire a lawyer to sue the BPD to remove that classification and stop wasting tax money surveilling people who get together to have barbecues and do Walk for Cancer and Can Drive for the Homeless. ECWU is about as dangerous as the friggin’ Rotary Club, but it has a much younger membership.

    When I was a Russian linguist in the Army I did a 6 month assignment doing translation/interpretation work for a law enforcement agency pursuing Russian-language (Jewish) organized crime. I saw how cops think and operate.

    They depend on you, their target, to give them material for investigation, arrest, and conviction. If you say scary things, well they have justification to wiretap you and surveill you! All they want is a little thread to pull. The case doesn’t need to be a good case. The arrest is the punishment; conviction is just icing on the cake. Even if you fight them and win, they still got you. They made you get a lawyer, they dragged your good name through the newspaper, and there’s no punishment for them if you fight the charge and win.

    There’s lots of people out there saying scary things. But they aren’t White nationalists, so they are ignored.

    Millions of dollars of tax money goes to bag White activists. I like to imagine how frustrated they are, when we don’t act like Hollywood Nazis.

    Frustrating the kwaps is the number one reason to discipline your speech, to practice a very strict taqqiyah of non-violence. Even if you say it’s taqqiyah it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you don’t say anything they can ever use. The exercise of speech discipline will make you a better person. You learn impulse control, you become more tightly wound, and this is good.

    Al Taqiyya
    Islam mandates deception [taqiyya] when Muslims deal with non-Muslims. Muslims are allowed to lie to unbelievers if the lie is for the protection of Islam or the furthering of Islamic goals and objectives. In the cause of Islamic expansionism, Muslims falsely inform non-Muslims that: Islam is a “religion of peace”, the Quran mandates pluralism of religions, “jihad” is only about an “inner spiritual struggle”, unprovoked violence against non-Muslims is un-Islamic, immigrant Muslims wish to fully integrate into Western countries by adopting democratic principles instead of Sharia Law, Muhammad was a man of peace, etc. None of these things are true. Taqiyya is not about truth. Taqiyya is about deception — lulling Western people into a false sense of security, while, in reality, Islam directs Muslim immigrants to “appear integrated” while actually living as a state-within-a-state…until they take over.

  10. Hey! Imm is just trying to help! Let’s help him help!

    China is a rillyrillyrilly big country. Filled w/ billions of Chinese.

    They need him more, there, than we do here.

    Let’s send Jewfrey to China – so he can help “free” them. I’m sure the Mandarins in charge will rillyrillyrilly appreciate Jewfrey’s help.

    Then – he can help the Palestinians in Gaza.

    Now – this post mentioned something called “Nazi concentration camps”…


    What is that?

    Is that like a place called “Atlantis, or something?

  11. … Potential subversives? That’s us they have in mind. East Coast White Unity, which has been getting together for 7 years without committing any crimes, is still classified as a “criminal gang.” If I had the money I’d hire a lawyer to sue the BPD to remove that classification and stop wasting tax money surveilling people who get together to have barbecues and do Walk for Cancer and Can Drive for the Homeless. ECWU is about as dangerous as the friggin’ Rotary Club, but it has a much younger membership. …


    Interesting points you raise here my friend… very interesting ones.

    So you are saying that ‘the fuzz’ – as they were called in the ’60’s – is harassing people on the Right for political reasons, and not over any crimes, real or imagined, being committed.

    Well, it seems just what Babylon is really all about, after all.

    I would like to post these following links to help White Americans realize to that they indeed have Civil and Legal Rights! …just like Black and Brown people do.

    FLEX YOUR RIGHTS – Use them or lose them

    I also implore everyone here to genuinely care about exercising your Legal, Civil and indeed Human Rights as White Americans!

    After all, Whites are People too.

  12. “Yesterday I received an email from an MSNBC journalist wanting to know how my tea party speech went.”

    Was it one of the nice looking ones?

    Anyway, that is so crazy when you consider the first paragraph clearly set the “Tea Party Convention” frame as a joke.

    Anyway, I think you should’ve ran with it, and talked about how the Tea Partiers loved your speech and lapped it up like mother’s milk!

    Can you imagine how many extra hits you’d get if MSNBC ran a hit piece on you?

  13. Reginald,

    It was Tricia McKinney, a “three-time Jeopardy champ”. This would confirm that *I* am certainly the stupid one. She appears to be a journalist for the “Weekend Today” program.

  14. Kievsky
    They [Tea Party demonstrators] still want to change things just by demanding the change, but they aren’t sure what they want, yet. They have to figure out what the better thing looks like.

    They know what a better thing looks like. They want America the way it was during the Reagan years or earlier. Most of them don’t understand that they’re remembering a whiter America. They aren’t willing to face the facts about race.

  15. Yes, Kievsky – that is exactly right. The problem with the Tea Partiers is that they are NOT racist.
    They’ll be forced to face facts regarding Racial Reality, sooner or later. They won’t like it, and everything will be much, much worse.

  16. I’m not sure what it would take to make Tea Partiers “face facts” about race. I think we need to see our role as to build our own, completely independent pro-white movement rather than to co-opt other movements. We are too small and disorganized now to influence the Tea Partiers of anyone else. We have to gain many times our current strength before anything like that becomes possible.

  17. “They know what a better thing looks like. They want America the way it was during the Reagan years or earlier. Most of them don’t understand that they’re remembering a whiter America. They aren’t willing to face the facts about race.” @Old Right

    KMac refers to this as *Implicit Whiteness*.

    “Anger in White America — Again”

    So there may be some hope for them after all. 🙂

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