Maeve Magdalen, Rainbow Confederate Queen

Maeve Magdalen and the Rainbow Confederates are wrong about P.G.T. Beauregard and the racial beliefs of our Confederate ancestors.

Note: In the video below, you get another glimpse of what Unreconstructed Confederates sound like. They were literally the opposite of the Rainbow Confederates.


Henry Benning, Speech to Virginia Convention

Sen. Clement Claiborne Clay, Farewell Address to US Senate

John McQueen, Speech to Texas State Legislature

George P. Smoote, Resolution introduced to Arkansas State Legislature

T. Harry Williams, P.G.T. Beauregard: Napoleon In Gray

About Hunter Wallace 12380 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. You believe everything you read, too.

    If a jew wrote it down it must be the truth, in your view.

  2. I took the time to read Maeve Magdalen, Rainbow Confederate Queen’s entire Facebook post and found it well written and most interesting. She makes some excellent points and I agree with many of them. I will look forward to reading more from her. Now regarding Hunter Wallace’s rebuttal comments he also makes some good points but of course I don’t agree with all of them either. I try to study independently, searching for true historical facts when I can and believe, like all of us, we have to weigh and balance always seeking the truth. Wishing everyone the very best, be well.

  3. Onceler, I don’t believe there is a “confederate” accent. Perhaps you mean a Southern accent which is correct.

  4. Rainbow Confederates are pleb tier minds applying baby boomer grade school worldviews to our history.

  5. Okay…I’ve thought about it a little more, and he degenerate post makes me want to resurrect the KKK (more than I already do) and throw all the baby boomer Rainbow Confederates in the OVEN

  6. Slavery is not a sin…there is no prohibition in God’s Word against secession or buying, inheriting, owning a servant. If God can’t convince these liberals then no one can…The only way to win at the human level is to have some other nation or group of nations (ex: Russian and China) destroy (nuke) the liberal North and have a tough military government stand up in the South and execute every liberal in the South or other conservative states that come with us and form a nation based on white conservative nationalism…

    In the next war, you can’t just beat the North, they must be exterminated…or else the South will be…

  7. I never even heard of those Rainbow Confederates. Are they some kind of Facebook thing? If so they can’t be that important.

  8. @ bloodybill

    Was Onceler a male character? I myself am female, but too old to remember Onceler’s sex, or if he/she even had one. Weren’t most of Seuss’s characters asexual? There actually was a time when children’s books were written for children.

    Poetic license anyway. I was just kidding but Brad’s accent while quoting these Confederate figures did seem a bit theatrical.

    If this Maeve cartoon character actually suggested his rhetoric feeds into the leftists’ agenda (I stopped skimming the FB screed at the pedophile part because it’s too ridiculous), I don’t totally disagree.

    Slavery is anti-middle class, and the leftists want a communist regime where a tiny percentage hold and control all the wealth while the majority are poor and dependent. Certain of them will probably become the managerial class, or think they will.

    But defending slavery is absolutely pitching them softballs, IMO.

  9. I think we can defend the southern slave system in its context. Even though there were some cruel masters, Southern slavery was in many ways more humane than the brutal wage servitude suffered by white workers in Europe and Yankeedom during the same era and well into the 20th century. To get an idea of what that was like, read the works of Dickens or The Jungle by Upton Sinclair. Slavery could have ended peacefully with a residual of the goodwill that often existed between master and servant. Alas, Yankee blood lust prevented that from happening.

  10. I don’t disagree with you all that much, Roland. I’ve often reflected that the europeans who were seduced into coming to the US to work in northern coal mines gave up slavery with sunlight for slavery in caves.

    But the North purported to mitigate its version of slavery, and I highly doubt most Southerners truly desired a labor rights’ repressive system any more than the average Joe ‘Yankee.’

    So it doesn’t play well among the very demographic I’d think people in the League would be courting – the middle class.

  11. Slavery (bondage, enslavement, servitude, serfdom, thralldom) – the state of being a slave; a condition compared to that of a slave in respect of exhausting labor or restricted freedom; the practice or system of owning slaves

    My biggest problem with slavery is the ownership aspect. A human being should not be owned by another human being. All the people who are supposedly against slavery never talk about any other kind other than that of the pre-Civil War American South. What about the slavery of taxation? Or, being so controlled by your employer that you are, to a large degree, a slave for the paycheck? You’re either a purist that is against every form of slavery or you believe or accept slavery.

    We’re all slaves but most of us just don’t think about it.

  12. Read Kate Cumming’s “A Journal of a Confederate Nurse” although she does not speak of hating the negro, it is clear she does not feel them on the same level as whites.

  13. Turn Hearts
    JUNE 6, 2017 AT 3:32 AM
    Slavery is not a sin…there is no prohibition in God’s Word against secession or buying, inheriting, owning a servant. If God can’t convince these liberals then no one can…The only way to win at the human level is to have some other nation or group of nations (ex: Russian and China) destroy (nuke) the liberal North and have a tough military government stand up in the South and execute every liberal in the South or other conservative states that come with us and form a nation based on white conservative nationalism…

    In the next war, you can’t just beat the North, they must be exterminated…or else the South will be…


  14. Hunter I am still trying to figure out why we are having to discuss this woman to begin with. DOES ANYONE HONESTLY TAKE THESE RAINBOW CONFEDERATE FREAKS SERIOUSLY? I knew the South’s arguments for existence when I was a child. These people are FREAKS, F-R-E-A-K-S

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