The Alt-Right: Obituary For a Brand

We’re starting a bunch of shit tonight, y’all!

Greg Johnson has weighed in at Counter-Currents with his two cents on Hailgate:

“The great irony here is that I have published quite a bit about Hitler and National Socialism at Counter-Currents, whereas literally the only thing Nazi-like about Richard Spencer is his haircut. This is why everyone was so surprised, whether pleasantly or unpleasantly. When I first met Spencer in 2008, he was dating an Asian woman (something now public because of an article in Mother Jones). The only foreign regime he strongly identifies with is Putin’s Russia, which is valiantly battling against “Nazis” in Ukraine. As long as I have known him, Spencer has been chummy with Jews like Paul Gottfried. NPI, like American Renaissance, has always played patty-cake with certain Right-wing Jews. Before Spencer came on board, NPI had published Edward Rubenstein, Byron Roth, and Michael Hart. But, unlike American Renaissance, they published Kevin MacDonald as well. Spencer has continued in that vein, publishing additional books by Roth and Hart, plus Richard Lynn’s The Chosen People, and various essays and introductions by Paul Gottfried. Before long, Spencer will be back to business as usual, which means that most of Spencer’s new-found friends will simply go silent — or be back at this throat. …”

I mean, seriously … just stop right there. No one on this planet has spent more time pouring over, translating and publishing manuscripts from obscure esoteric fascists over the past six years than Counter-Currents. If that ain’t the pot calling the kettle black, what is folks? What are they even arguing about?

I’m watching this and I don’t get it. From where I am standing, NPI, Trad Youth and Counter-Currents are all immersed in some degree of fashiness. Spencer & Co. all have that “fashy” haircut. Trad Youth is all into the Romanian Iron Guard and Golden Dawn. Greg Johnson and Counter-Currents spends all its time celebrating Wyndham Lewis, Julius Evola, Francis Parker Yockey and any number of fascist intellectuals.

I’ve already said that what happened at the NPI conference was the culmination of its own fashiness. The Heil Heard Around The World was years in the making. They’ve eschewed a more mainstream aesthetic in favor of the edgy, fashy look. It just came back to bite them in the ass and now they are like I can’t believe this has happened!

I can’t be the only one who sees the humor in all this.

Note: I’m not fighting with anyone here. Just laughing at people squabbling over their own fashiness. Guys, if you really believe in that stuff, own it!

About Hunter Wallace 12380 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent