Alt-Right vs. Alt-Lite


Boy, many of us woke up yesterday to find ourselves in a strange place.

I’ve spent much of the last 24 hours defending Richard Spencer on Twitter. I say this is a strange place because we are on the opposite end of the Alt-Right. We’re populists, not elitists; Christians, not atheists; more downhome than fashy. We’re more likely to drive a pickup truck than to hail a cab with Uber.

Still though, we consider ourselves natives of the Alt-Right. We’ve been involved in the larger scene for many, many years now. We have been around from the beginning. We might live on the opposite side of the Alt-Right island from the NPI fashy dude bros, but it is still our freaking island. We have long known everyone on White Man’s Island. We know everyone’s longstanding beef with everyone else.

Well, that was until they came along. It was going on before Trump’s campaign, but it has dramatically accelerated over the past year and a half. They are the Alt-Lite. They are conservatives and libertarians who have only recently immigrated to White Man’s Island. Some of these interlopers are now using The Heil Heard Around The World as an excuse to stake a claim to our freaking island.

By the Alt-Lite, I am referring to Breitbart, the Milo phenomenon, Paul Joseph Watson and Infowars, Cernovich and a few other people. A few years ago, none of these people were around. They certainly weren’t nationalists. They saw that our movement was steadily gaining ground and opportunistically hopped on the bandwagon. We’ve always known this would be a problem once our movement began to hit a critical mass.

I’ve seen this up close. In fact, I think I can explain why and how it happened. It started around the time of the Trayvon Martin case when we were writing about race hoaxes and black crime. We’ve covered the race beat for years, but it was starting to generate enormous traffic. That was the precise moment when all these conservative clickbait websites suddenly began to cover racial issues which they had long ignored.

They noticed that there was a large audience and growing market for our issues. The top management at these websites must have realized that there was a lot of money to be made by adopting our issues while watering down our Narrative in order to maintain plausible deniability. All these stories about black-on-white crime, illegal aliens, political correctness, anti-White outrages, etc., etc., generated those sweet clicks which allowed them to gain marketshare over rival conservative clickbait websites.

That’s how the Alt-Lite was conjured into existence. It was basically conservative websites pushing Alt-Right material in order to generate clicks and revenue. It was their version of crack cocaine. I’ve never listened to talk radio, but I assume they were in on the act as well. After two or three years into second Obama term, all these clickbait stories had produced a hybrid of conservatism and the Alt-Right.

Now, we suddenly have a new problem on our hands. We have all these people running around with half-baked ideas on social media. We’ve got all these clickbait entreprenuers and bandwagon jumpers in search of an audience who had nothing to do with us until they realized they could make buck off the plight of our people. They’re out there selling e-books, gold coins, water filters, survival packs and pop-up advertisements. Get your Silver Bullet Collodial Silver for only $19.95. You will need it to fight the globalists!

I’ve got a lot of differences with Richard Spencer, but we all know he is ideologically driven. He’s a longtime resident of White Man’s Island. We know what Richard Spencer is about. Breitbart, however, is the Wal-Mart of nationalism. It is the premier Alt-Lite conservative clickbait website run by some Jews out of Los Angeles. It’s useful in the same way that Wal-Mart is useful, but no one in the right mind would say Joel Pollack in his yarmuluke crying about “racism” is one of us. They’ve set up shop in our hood and we’re their customers, but none of us work there. What the hell does Milo Yiannopoulos – a Jewish homosexual who boasts about carrying on interracial relationships with black men – have to do with us?

Anyway, I’ve steadily grown disgusted with all these triangulating hucksters, johnny-come-latelys and money-making poseurs boasting about all their clicks and e-book sales. They’re all condemning Spencer who boasts about the spread of his ideas while they are boasting about the growth of their audience. It was especially offensive when several of these Alt-Lite types tried to purge Spencer from the Alt-Right – he’s banned from Twitter and unable to defend himself, so they kicked him while he was down – because they concluded he was having an adverse effect on their marketing gimmick.

That shit just rubbed me the wrong way. It made me want to get all Red The Angry Bird on them. Don’t walk into another man’s house, smack your gums, put your feet up on the coffee table, and tell the man who lives there to get out. Bro, show the man of the house some damn respect! He’s allowed to make mistakes!

Note: It even rubbed Andrew Anglin the wrong way!

About Hunter Wallace 12380 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent