NPI Conference Allegedly Excludes Homophobes

By Hunter Wallace

Update: Richard Spencer has addressed the matter at Radix Journal.

The SPLC has a story on this.

I’m not in the least bit surprised. I’ve heard a lot of chatter about this on Facebook from close friends so there is definitely a kernel of truth to the story. Originally, Dr. Michael Hill had planned to address the NPI conference, but pulled out for unstated reasons.

I’ve said in the comments here on countless occasions that the only homosexuals that I have encountered in my travels on the “Far Right” have been at White Nationalist events like Amren conferences. There is clearly a divide in the pro-White movement over the inclusion of homosexuals and whether they should be tolerated or accepted in prominent leadership roles and as speakers at events.

As for Richard Spencer excluding Matt Heimbach, I can’t be sure if it was due to his views on homosexuality or whether it was due to a preexisting rivalry and animosity. I’m guessing those two have different views on the subject, but I seem to recall Heimbach squaring off with Thom Robb over race and homosexuality in the past.

We have lots of White Nationalists here. What do you think?

About Hunter Wallace 12380 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent