Why Women Reject White Nationalism

Where are the women?


Editor’s Note: I wrote this article over two years ago. I was considering writing a new article about the subject, but nothing ever changes in the White Nationalist movement, and everything that I said below is as true today as it was back then.

I bring this up now only because the issue has resurfaced. I’ve long since moved on from White Nationalism. I have also made my peace with the movement and honestly I have nothing further to say about it.

Lately, I have been hearing the same stories from racially conscious women about the White Nationalist movement – they value their race and are eager to participate and do their part to “secure the existence of our people and a future for White children,” but they are alienated and disillusioned by some of the “wounded soldier” type rhetoric that they see at WN conferences and on the internet.

Before I am accused of picking a fight, I want to emphasize here lots of White Nationalists like James Edwards and Richard Spencer are happily married. I also couldn’t be happier with my own relationship. In spite of this, there is still a very loud group of these “wounded soldiers” out there – think of Lieutenant Dan in Forrest Gump – who have had bad experiences with American women in general, and it is a problem attracting and keeping women involved in the movement.

I bring this up because women are indispensable to any movement that seeks to “secure the existence of our people and a future for White children,” and there are attractive young women who I know who are being repulsed by these types, and I would much rather see them end up with some of my bright racially conscious friends than with the losers they are meeting in bars.

Why aren’t more women involved with the White Nationalist movement?

There is a conversation going on about this in the comments. It is such an interesting topic that it warrants a separate thread. Everyone who has attended a White Nationalist conference has noticed that men are always drastically overrepresented.

Why is that?

Dealbreaker #1: Because they are offended by the people who rail against White women on account of their bad experiences with dating and marriage. They shouldn’t have dated women like that anyway, but take out their sexual frustrations on all women with untenable generalizations.

Dealbreaker #2: Because of the HBD cogelite nerds who glorify Asian women and who denigrate White women. This is one of the biggest pet peeves.

Dealbreaker #3: Because of the aura of negativity that surrounds the White Nationalist movement. Most women can’t stand a constant drumbeat of negativity and self consciously avoid demoralizing websites.

Women like to see confidence in men. When they see men who have no confidence in themselves and who preach an “all is lost” political message, they instinctively turn away from a movement that they perceive as a bunch of losers, especially when they encounter a hostile atmosphere on pro-White websites.

Dealbreaker #4: Because White Nationalism attracts a disproportionate number of geeky, socially awkward males who have Asperger’s syndrome or who are creepy in some way as well as the homosexual misogynists who are on the warpath against women.

Dealbreaker #5: Because there is a lot of crossover between the Men’s Rights community and White Nationalism and this is a turn off to women who are culturally conservative and therefore more likely to be Christians.

Dealbreaker #6: Because the vast majority of women who qualify as “traditional” in America are strongly Christian or religious in some way. They are turned off to White Nationalism because of the atheism, misogyny, and lewd discussions about women on White Nationalist websites.

Anyone who goes to church knows that there are far more “traditional” women than men in America. Among women, it is fashionable in some circles to save yourself for marriage, whereas few men think that way these days. A respectable woman is not going to be dressed like a slut in some bar or club on the weekend.

Dealbreaker #7: Because women will always be less interested in politics than men. White Nationalism focuses heavily on politics and science and less on culture, family, and religion which are subjects which attract more conservative women.

Dealbreaker #8: Because women are more empathetic and are natural conciliators and thus mix like oil and water with the curmudgeons who are drastically overrepresented among White Nationalists.

Dealbreaker #9: Because some White Nationalists practice a type of effeminate political correctness and consciously go out of their way to elevate Asians and Muslims in particular over White Americans.

Feel free to take issue with any of the above positions. I have heard this view about White Nationalism from so many different women on so many different occasions that I am convinced it represents something of a consensus among traditional White women.

I wish someone would test this theory by creating a pro-White website with these dealbreakers in mind: exclude the HBD nerds who glorify Asian women, the negative curmudgeons, the “all is losters,” the creepy weirdos, the embittered misogynists, the effeminate homosexual intellectuals, and the Neo-Nazi atheists on a jihad against Christianity.

The website would need a good editor that would balance political discussion with a hefty complement of articles about culture, religion, and family. There would also have to be more talk about ethnicity and pocketbook issues.

I would bet money that would solve the problem. In fact, I predict that racially conscious women would start coming out of the woodwork because women are more social than men and would be attracted like moths to a flame to other women who share their views and who are potential friends.

It should be interesting to see what kind of feedback this post receives in the comments. I think I am onto something here.

Note: Richard Spencer addressed the same issue in a video at Trad Youth.

About Hunter Wallace 12380 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Fix what Denise?

    I don’t need to fix anything about women or relationship between men and women. So far it seems like I raised my daughters well, but I’ll do what I can to keep them heeled for my son in laws and grandchildren sake.

    The other women in my life, mother, sisters, ex-wife put me through hell. I’ve already added 5 White children to our ranks. I cannot afford more kids because my ex-wife got 70% of my wealth. I’ll not bring another woman into my life. The risk reward ratio is way to out of whack. When I want sex I’ll rent it. Hopefully my sons have learned their lesson and will also avoid any long term entanglements as well. Thanks to science and the free market we can have their baby batter mixed with a White woman’s eggs and cooked in a rented womb in India. Then they won’t run the very real risk of losing their children and their wealth post divorce

    nice attempt at shame language with John. Typical feminist attack, call the guy a queer but don’t address any of his points

  2. Sigh…

    Can’t we all just get along? White men and white women, I mean.

    Tomorrow is Valentines Day for Christ’s sake. Is there no decency? I say there’s nothing wrong with, for just one day a year, putting aside all the acrimony and mutual resentment, and just getting a your girl some roses and chocolates, and let her know she’s important. Take her out someplace nice. Yeah, it’s a corporate, commercial, Hallmark-holiday, so treat it like a holiday. A little time-out from the otherwise existential battle that is life. All the bullshit will be there the next day to be trudged through. One day a year, it’s no big deal to put animosity aside and enjoy yourselves. Kinda like Snoopy and the Red Baron in that Christmas song.

    Maybe it’s just my Catholic side, but I always get a sentimental about Valentines Day. Or perhaps it’s just fond memories of adolescence. But, it’s also one of those decidedly European traditions, too.

    So, extend the olive branch, if just for one day. It’s worth it. That goes for white men and women both.

  3. how can we get along when our women have sided with the very forces hell bent on destroying us?

    why give them even one day of rest? So they can feel special and correct all along? No thank you.

  4. Denise thinks I am a fag. That would be news to certain women who have spent many enjoyable hours bending over on my bed – all of them white, by the way.

    As Stonelifter says, where is the rebuttal to my “turn sex discrimination” around essay? I have not read it yet – perhaps because Denise hasn’t been able to write it.

  5. A man is explaining that much glorified “partnership between equals” called marriage to a woman.

    “You work to support me while I play with the kids. When I file for divorce you move out of the home your money paid for. You pay my legal bills even though I’m walking out on you. You give me the house, the furniture, the car and all your money. You give me the kids and pay me child support and alimony.


    What do I get out of that?


    Financial rape, dear.”

    Just ask Stonelifter if that isn’t the way it works, Denise. And then, if you still don’t like my thinking, you can bend over for me. You’ll feel better.

  6. Barb is basically right about the cost of living driving women out of the home. And yes, it is basically inflation of the money supply through the Jew creared Federal Reserve that has caused it.

    It is interesting to note that economic equality for women with men in the work place has always been basic Communism. Joseph Stalin’s 1936 Constitution guanteed it in article 122, I believe, along with maternity leave and all those other Gloria Allred “rights”. I highly reccomend a subscription to Don Wassall’s “Nationalist Times” newspaper where you can read all about these things courtesy of my alter ego, “Yancey Ames”.

  7. “Women AVOID WN because of all the bitching about women. Period.”

    Aye. WN needs to disentangle itself from The Spearhead / Roissy et al sphere.

    In fact, I never really “got” why The Spearhead types ever attached themselves to White Nationalism, anyway. How can it even be thought that the two groups have causes that even overlap even slightly, much the less align?

    The so-called manosphere is anti-White, and here’s why:

    Being misogynist is anti-White woman. If you drive away White women, you can’t have a White nation.

    But even more, Spearhead et al is anti-White men, too. Because without White women married to White men, you can’t make any more White boys. Preventing the births of more White men, what could possibly be more anti White men than that?

    As a WN woman, I understand and sympathize that White men are square in the anti-Whites’ crosshairs, to an extent far greater than White women, who, after all, do get some Affirmative Action bennies. I “get” that you guys need to discuss it. But the bile directed against White women by the likes of Roissy, et al, is just vile. Stop it.

    You guys have to decide: Are your primary loyalties to people who share your gender, that is, ONE chromosome, the Y chromosome, regardless of race? Or are your loyalties to people who share with you multitudes of genes across many somatic chromosomes — that is people who share your race, both men AND women?

  8. We see a lot of these type threads and the few women who visit these sites do get mad. But they are doing just what liberals do when they tell us all about how bad it is to generalize. They are doing the same thing as if the men on here got mad every time a name like Bill Clinton or George Bush or Brooks D Simpson came up and we, the men, started talking about how we might as well pack it in if we are going to bad mouth those men since they are white and we need white men and it is just man bashing and it is just man hating and it is just…

    Did either one of you two women make any post about the men bashing Brooks D Simpson and all the other men like him? Why not? He is a white man who is not a Jew. He is a part of our race. The comment was vile. It was hate filled.

    It is a simple fact that a significant percentage of white women are destroying the very things held dear to people on site like OD and the rest. Deplorable to be sure, just as it is deplorable that there is white trash identical to niggers in every way, but a fact and a reality. If one sets out to talk to a 1000 white women and speaks in a pro white way and ant-“Progressive,” no matter how skillfully, how many of these white women will not be hostile? How many of these 1000 white women will take the side of a DWL male instead?

  9. Sorry ladies, to many White women have sided with cultural marxism and have become the enemy. What we are bitching about is every one/ policy that has turned it’s hands against us

    It a will always be an advertorial relationship until White women start agitating for the repeal of divorce laws, child custody laws, VAWA etc and stop supporting and viewing shows/ movies etc that portray White men as useless, stupid, etc

  10. And yes, I know, there are some men on these sites who go on too much about women, but so do many go on way too much about Jews and only Jews and who imply everything wrong including the case of indigestion they have is a Jews plot, and they wear everyone out with it. And more than a few people suggest we quit talking about Jews altogether because of these people. Is that a valid suggestion? Why not? They are certainly turning people off to WN. What is the difference except the perception of whose ox is being gored?

  11. “when they tell us all about how bad it is to generalize. They are doing the same thing as if the men on here got mad every time a name like Bill Clinton or George Bush or Brooks D Simpson came up and we, the men, started talking about how we might as well pack it in if we are going to bad mouth those men since they are white and we need white men and it is just man bashing and it is just man hating and it is just…”

    Wrong. First of all, it IS wrong for White men to generalize on White women — because White men *NEED* White women. In this case, the They-Aren’t-ALL-Like-That point IS valid because in order to keep a White nation, you guys HAVE to find the Good Ones, be they few or many.

    It’s okay to generalize on niggers and jews because no White people NEED Niggers or jews, so generalizing that they are all bad is not injurious to White people because the few good ones, we don’t need, anyway.

    “Did either one of you two women make any post about the men bashing Brooks D Simpson and all the other men like him? Why not? He is a white man who is not a Jew. He is a part of our race. The comment was vile. It was hate filled.”

    Why would I defend Brooks Simpson? Brooks D. Simpson is a bad man. He’s one of the exceptions that I don’t generalize to all White men.

    The difference between me not defending Brooks D. Simpson and the Spearhead group’s woman-bashing is that my generalizations of White men are good (admitting a few exceptions) and the Spearhead’s group is women are bad with a few exceptions (grudgingly admitted). The Spearhead’s overgeneralizing of women is bad in that demoralizes White men to not look for worthy White women, which means fewer White kids, which is utterly anti to what we WNs claim to stand for. You can’t secure a future for White childen if they’re not born, in the first place.

    Don’t forget, boys, the question here is, Why so few White women in WN? The answer is, because of the bashing and over-generalizations. Stop it with the bashing, there will be more White women in WN.

    Of course, if you’re the kind of fellow whose primary loyalty is to those who share your Y chromosome, i.e., your gender, and not to those who share many of your somatic chromosomes, i.e., men and women of your race, then the woman-bashing is obviously going to be just too darn much fun to give up.
    That’s all well and good, you are who you are, but at least be intellectually honest and admit that you are NOT WN.

  12. I have no idea what Spearhead is. Don’t think i want to know. But Roissy? He treaches White men to be Niggers.

    Have White women don’t EVERYTHING they’ve been accused of?

    You bet.

    So effing what?

    I’ve written this MANY times before – so here I go again:

    Whiter men had it ALL – and threw is ALL away with both hands,

    For Jers porn.

    For the brilliant technological TAYS they create – and for pon.

    Why be a husband and father? Why build a family and community/ Why be valiant and PRTECT that community from invasion, and take-over – whne oyu can have a bachelor pad, fast cars – a new one every six months – and Bunny Girls? A new one every night!

    No broad that’s too tired for sex, whose ASS is getting broader with each White child, (FYI – the real Martin Luther LIKED big female asses – it indicated health for child bearing) no screaming kids or dentists bills – you can have a brand new Bunny Girl EVERY SINGLE NIGHT.

    Noe most guys CAN’T have a new Bunny Girlk every single night.

    But the PROMISE the HOPE THE FANTASY of a New Bunny Girl every single night – that’s better than a pain in her FAT ASS bitch, and screaming kids.

    NOW – if a guys is riach enough – he can get one of thos super fabulous Sex Robets. They look and fell just like Buny Girls! You can chang their wigs, after the initial purchase, to make them look like a different Bunny Girl EVERY NIGHT.

    Women, fyi, act like whores and fuck NIGGERS cause they are REWARDED by Jews – the invaders – for doing so.

    Whte men lost interest.

    Jews and Niggers did not.

    That Roissy? He sure would like to “back it up” (does that maean doggy style anal sex?) into Jennifer Hudson. Wow! She’s HOT!!!!! She’s not some pasty fat assed cheese thighed White BITCH.

    And Rober Occulus wil tell you gusy EVERYTHING you want ot know about Filippina women.

  13. Great blog post and interesting comments. Great comments by Barb and Denise. They both nailed it, especially Denise’s comments about how white men gave up their traditional, Biblical roles of husband, father, protector, head of household to chase after porn, cars, bachelorhood, promiscuity, etc. It’s sad, really.

    Denise, bless you for making my big ass sound like a good thing. 😛

  14. why do any of those things when a White woman can have you thrown in jail with no evidence, and take everything you’ve worked for, including the kids because she is unhappy?

    men gave up those things because women said feminism was the way to their hearts.

    and women are always on team woman; even the women here do not condemn women for voting for all leftist bullshit or the laws aimed at destroying White men

  15. “even the women here do not condemn women for voting for all leftist bullshit or the laws aimed at destroying White men”

    I’m about 99% sure I’ve had this exact convo with stonelifter, but here goes again.

    A. You’ll NEVER find me defending the feministas. They ARE destructive. I know that. They are also, a big chunk of them, particularly the leadership, jewesses. And Roissy, et al., are the flip side of the coin. They are NOT WNs, they are just pukes, opportunists looking to get free sex through exploiting the new resource — barsluts — that feminism has created..

    B. I’m defending the GOOD White women, the ones who would be interested in WN (which feministas, well, they aren’t EVER going to come here, so I’m not even talking about them) if not for the negative generalizing about ALL women that they get slapped in the face by by their own White men, when they DO tentatively begin to explore over here. They see it, they run away screaming, thinking, my God, maybe the feministas are right!

    C. Women are followers. For evolutionary psych reasons, White women are wont to do whatever the society at large tells them to do, whether it’s the style of shoes to wear, who to vote for, or whether or not to have sex out of wedlock. Men, too, are followers to a large extent, of course, but, again, for evo-psych reasons, men are more likely to be willing to rebel, often to their personal peril.

    Jewesses are VERY likely to rebel, and that’s why destructive feminism is a jewess creation. Once jewesses wormed their way into positions to influence young White women, the White women thought the way their jewess professors told them to.

    It’s going to be up the the MEN to retake their rightful roles. Hoping the women will shape up in large numbers is fruitless until the MEN have turned the cultural zeitgeist back to being White family-friendly.

    White women like me and Denise are trying to help. We few women who are early adopters of WN, because we have a larger-than-usual dollop of the male ability to follow the evidence where it leads despite social sanctions, are the vanguard for bringing White women in. Quit making it harder for us with the woman-hating.
    Because you need women in order to make White babies.
    After our anti-White enemies have been overcome and a future for White children secured, THEN we can go back to the War of the Sexes, if you want.

  16. SL – I am not defending rtrashy Race Traitor women.

    Feminism came approx 10-20 years AFTER porn.

    PORN – mass acceptance of the porn lifestyle came FIRST.

    Men QUIT being responsible adults long before women decided on the Jew BS of feminism.

    We’ve done this so many times. If White men want White woman to stop acting as the Judenslut – then White men must REWARD White women for doing so.

    Women ARE emotional. They follow where they are led – even if they don’t know it.

  17. Denise made a few good points anyway. And it is not far wrong in saying it is the men’s fault. I ‘ll grant that.

    Barb, your response is what is known as an epic fail. A hand waving “you just can’t because we are women and that is the reason” argument just shows you don’t want to actually address the problems of many (not all) white women relative to society.

  18. “just shows you don’t want to actually address the problems of many (not all) white women relative to society”

    I’m not in a position to address the problems of many White women relative to society. I don’t have a media bullhorn, and I don’t have a professorship in a university.

    I *am* in a position to explain to the men here on OD who claim to want a future for White children, why, as I see it, there are soooo very few women in WN. And my explanation is, there would be more White women attracted to WN (not all White women. Plenty of them are utterly lost. But more than there currently are) if the anti-White women bile by WN men were toned down considerably.

    WN men who have spent too much time reading Roissy, et al., DO overgeneralize that “ALL White women are like that.” So the (admittedly few at the moment) women who do wander to WN sites looking for answers are generally greeted with a thwock on the head before she’s even give an opportunity to think about WN ideals. Rather counterproductive, seems to me.

    If I’ve epically failed to get WN men on this site to understand the point I’m trying to make, ok. But, after all, the point of this post was to ask, wasn’t it? To look at ourselves as WNs and change the things we’re doing that interfere with our ideals gaining general acceptance?

    I *know* feminism is destructive. I’m not telling WN men not to condemn it as an ideology. Just refrain from the overgeneralizations about White women — because, unlike overgeneralizing about jews and blacks, we NEED the Good Ones. We can’t scare them off.

    Obviously I can’t change society by myself. I can only talk to White women I meet and try to get them to think about what kind of future they want for their children. If I recommend a site like this, and she visits, and her very first impression is, “Holy shit, they hate women, I can’t want this for my daughter,” and vows never to even THINK about such a notion as pro-White again because of the misogyny she just encountered, well, that certainly didn’t help our cause any, did it?

    Here’s the question:

    Do you want more White women to join WN, marry pro-White men, and make White babies, or is the woman-bashing just too darned much fun to give up, even if what you claim to want, a future for White children, is preempted as a consequence?

  19. Ok, that was a little better.

    The woman bashing is not for fun. It is a response to the world we live in. Is the anti-white white bashing, Jew Bashing, Liberal bashing, nigger bashing, etc., that is done by people like us done for “the fun of it?” Are you on this site and doing what you do for the fun of it? Or because of the enormous problems we face and that you want solved so we and our kids have a better life? I’m thinking it is the latter.

    The very nature and SCOPE of what has and is happening and its full analysis GUARANTEES that many an ox is going to get gored.

    But as far as women and WN or a revival of the Southern Confederacy or whatever else you want to call it, THEY WILL COME ANYWAY. The reasons you and others set forth as to why women don’t like this or that are irrelevant because what WILL bring them aboard is just what has always mobilized white women. Women became the staunchest supporters of Hitler, for example, as everyone knows. But the real reason for this is not mentioned in any of the standard histories as far as I know. The reason was that in the Weimar Republic many white women were doing what many white women do–they were fucking married men who had money and living up the night life with them. Almost all of these men were Jews at the time. Jewish women noticed this of course and soon started making crude caricatures in the form of posters of white women and making all the predictive kinds of comments and stories. As we say today, this went “viral” and was widespread. In short time German white women were hardcore anti-semites. Today in America a similar thing has been happening. Half black women have been increasingly projected in the movies as the new sex symbols. I witnessed the reaction of a group of white women to this just today in a restaurant. They were reading one of those womens magazines and saying” yeah, they are only good looking because they are part white” and from there the talk became more intensive. Black women like Michele Obama are increasingly “in the face” of white women. Women who are not totally hard left and “Progressive” are daily assaulted for not being so, witness the extreme personal attacks on Sarah Palin. Several other things along those same lines. THAT is what brings white women aboard. It is always what brings them aboard similar movements. And it is the same with most people. It is not until some direct PERSONAL attack happens to them that they make a move.

  20. feminism started in the 1800’s and helped to usher in the porn explosion

    I would dearly love to meet these good White women, for myself and my sons but so far…

    What you have epically failed to do so show some understanding of the roll White women play in the war on our people and that White men have legitimate concerns regarding our women and the risk that come with having a woman in our life. Especially in regards to how heavily weighed the laws are against men.

    Personally I don’t White women will value traditional White men until they live in a world of shit and must rely on the same old school traits they currently hold in such low regard

  21. “The woman bashing is not for fun. It is a response to the world we live in”

    I know it’s a response to the world we live in. What I’m asking for is for WN men when they post to make it clear that the problem is “feminists,” not “women.”

  22. Barb makes an interesting point about the Spearhead crowd. I would like to elaborate because I got kicked off for my insistence on the Jewish agitation behind feminism. William Price, the operator of the site, would not respond to a letter I sent him pointing out that there was no unity of men across all races but that there was unity of race. I said I agreed with most of his criticisms of women but that still did not get around the fact that feminism was the application of the Jewish Marxist principle of class warfare between the genders. I had deeply offended Price for pointing out the overwhelming preponderance of Jewesses in the movement and the disparity in Jewess feminism in the US and how women are restricted in Israel.

    Of course, the Spearhead is run by Jews behind the scenes so I got nowhere. It is the controlled opposition principle again. Having said that, women are still out of control and need to be corralled. Many wise women opposed giving females the vote way back when. I believe their opposition was well founded. Women have pushed the country leftward in many ways. The original feminists were entirely anti-black and anti-Jew. One of the ideas behind giving women the vote was to create a white male voting block against Southern black voters and Communist Jewish immigrants. That is why the Ku Klux Klan supported giving women the vote. Like many great ideas, it did not work out that way.

    I reccomend that some of you search the Spearhead for my “John Thames” on the Jews” essays and read the reaction I provoked. I really pissed a lot of people off before I got banned. It is very incisive stuff. I write to kill (litetarily speaking, of course).

  23. To Lily:

    I think a big ass is a good thing too. I like your photo. No joke: Would you like to correspond directly so I can give you the benefit of my enormously erudite, endlessly fascinating mind? I’m anti-feminist but all for the right kind of woman.

  24. Any alleged WN male that reads that prat Roissy, or the Spearhead Gar-Bahj – is no WN male at all.


    I Have Spoken. Obey me without question.

  25. Don Wassall at the Nationalist Times also reads The Spearhead, Denise. Let’s not be silly.

  26. You may not like the Spear-head or roissy but both speak about issues men face every day. White women do more everyday harm to White men than negros, and they do it with the full support of the law and other White women. Roissy gives White men the tools to flirt with women and learn how y’all. Something Denise said White men need to be better at. How men use those tools is on the individual man

    I do a fair amount of low key race baiting on the Spear-head, trying to get White men to see the war women are waging against us is the same war negros are waging against us, from the same jewish based war plan. Not sure how successful I’ve been but they have taken the red pill on feminism and women, hopefully that means they are close to taking the one on race and negros.

    And it will be a cold day in hell before I obey a woman

  27. Nonsense again, Denise. We have a great sense of humor. Wait until you read my “Mount Schmuckmore” parody on the new America. I compliment Stonelifter on being low key for the Spearhead. I said it loud and clear and got booted.

  28. Mount Rushmore is now Mount Schmuckmore. The visages of Lincoln, Washington and Roosevelt no longer adorn the mountain; it is now the faces of Alan Dershowitz, Benjamin Netenyahu and Gloria Allred who dominate the cliff face. Mount Schmuckmore dominates the new America – the America of the Zionist commissars. In the America of Mount Schmuckmore, Americans pledge allegiance to the Star of David. “My country ’tis of thee” means Israel, not America.

    Mount Schmuckmore is the America of Elena Kaganovitch and Ruth Bader Goonsberg. Ana Pauker shall be the next addition to Mount Shmuckmore. The hammer and sickle shall marry the hexagram on the tomb of the Founding Fathers.

  29. Hmmm. Nothing further. I have a suggestion for strengthening marriage and procreation. Bring back automatic father custody of children. It is a known fact that 80% of divorces are initiated by women. If daddy automatically got the kids, Mommy would also lose the child support (read: Mommy support) check that goes with it. Thus, divorce would turn into a financial loss, not financial gain, for Mommy.

    How about it girls?

  30. I got booted from there as well, despite being low key, but I got the wheels turning in the minds of a few men

    John T, you know as well as I women won’t go for it. Long term, we are screwed because large numbers of our women side with our enemies. It’s a sad fact, but it is what it is and I suggest White men set aside the romantic crap and recognize the reality of women. Than they can make a better determination on how to live

  31. Because most women identify with the progressive movement and lean left. Most have been brainwashed into thinking men are the enemy so many have aligned themselves with the rainbow coalition and there’s strength in numbers.

  32. mount rushmore is a joke, two men of honor and two progressive plies of puke. I’d just as soon have the old mountain face back, or drop the face into rubble

  33. Surprising to see this post active over a year after it was written. I agree with Hunter’s points. I’ve thought long and hard about them.

    I also am married, with a brood. (I say this, in case there are those who think I am a heretical Roman priest- i.e., a “celibate” sodomite) I have children of each sex. I have a wife. I’ve also had a mother-in-law. I’ve also had female friends, who turned on me for the most bizarre reasons, even after knowing I am happily married, and who said they were, as well. So, I’ve dealt with the female sex for a large portion of my life.

    But, you know what? I STILL don’t understand women… or their way of thinking.

    (There, got that out of the way…)

    I also have read the posts here, and what I see in the responses, breaks down to a few salient points, which I would like to note… for the men.

    ONE- Men, a woman is not a “private place” for your genitals to engage in sex with, and nothing more. Because men think about nothing but sex (and we do, rather frequently, I’ll admit) when we equate a woman- any woman- with nothing more than a place for us to put our privates into, we both demean the sexual act (talking like a priest here) and demean the woman we say we love (talking like a sinful man, here). If we have promised to ‘love, honor, cherish, etc.’ … and that ’till death do us part,’ then we have to WORK to remain both Lord as well as Master of our house (our own ‘personal best’) as WELL AS HELP OUR HELPMEET to become the type of woman God wants her to be (her ‘personal best’).

    Now, if you married a woman who doesn’t WANT to be led, then pray God will change her heart. Or, you should have discussed that BEFORE you started dating…..

    A man involved with a godly spouse-or merely a misguided on (and face it, since Eden, women are easily led astray… Ge. 3;15) It’s not a case of:

    “I’ll work the job, work on my abs, and work on pretending to be/remain the ‘stud’ I used to be in High School, while I give you money to take care of the rest of this marriage crap- home, kids, school, bills, etc.” until one day (somewhere between forty… and death) we realize the woman we once thought ‘hot’ is now an old lady, is fatter than she should be, and doesn’t ‘turn us on, anymore.’

    Rather, it is HARD WORK- and it is OUR job. Women (like Children) especially for White Men/Christian Men, are OUR JOB. Not theirs. Women are not to be rudderless- and men, WE are that rudder. Our job is (or should be):

    “Darling, I know I am a jerk, I know I fly off the handle/I like my brewskis/I watch too much tv/I don’t talk/ I don’t know diddly about most things, and will only pretend to know, just to not appear as a total dweeb in your eyes, etc., etc., etc.

    But I’ve learned, (with your help) that I don’t mind asking for directions, and will carry a map and the GPS when we go on trips, or across town to see your high school classmate/sorority sister… one more time
    And, yes, we have to work TOGETHER to make this marriage work. How can I help you, and work TOGETHER to: a) raise the kids (Should I talk to ‘Johnny’ about sex this weekend, and go through the bible guide to biblical sexuality, or next weekend? How can I help Suzie with her math, or her social studies? Yes, I’ll spank the offending child, and then talk to them and hug them, once they understand the consequences of bad behavior, because I know you will cry and not do as good a job at this ‘discipline’ thing, because you are a caring, loving woman….)

    b) Keep communication lines open (No, I don’t really want to ‘talk about it’ now, but sure, let’s go get a DQ, and discuss it… for the next two hours…. I’ll TIVO the Ball game/wrestling match/tennis game/Schwarzenegger action flick for later)

    c) clean up my messes (in the garage, in the living room, in the bedroom- toilet seat down? sure. Yes, I’ll even do the laundry under your supervision as a family on Saturday morning, and then junior and I will walk the dog, and the kids will help pick up the poop in the back yard, while you rest from cleaning the entire 3000sq.ft. home to a ‘t’- I do it, because I love you, and because you didn’t want that hairy/smelly animal, but you let ME have my childhood dream…..)

    And, most importantly of all:

    d)Love your wife as Christ loves the Church. Lead her, teach her, be to her both Father, and Husband, Brother and lover:

    “NO, dear, the reason why we don’t go that church anymore/the reason why we can’t see your feminist friends anymore/the reason why we need to think of our white racial survival, and talk about these things in history, culture, religion, and art/music/tv within our own family, yet not talk about it with your brother/sister/mother/aunt, is because they are liberal/gay/feminist/democrat;

    And maybe we might even need to move to a different town/the reason we need these prepping supplies/why the kids and you and I need to gain gun safety awareness/why the TV is going in the trash,/why I am giving up my internet porno addiction/why we must start to attend a ‘bible-believing’/orthodox church, is because….. ”

    And then LEAD your wife into ALL understanding, and start Acting like a MAN- rather than acting like a terminal adolescent- even at 50. We need to also not be assuming 1) she knows what you know; 2) she understands what you know, or 3) She is able to FOLLOW your lead, or 4) she doesn’t care, or 5) You’re too lazy to be the LEADER, and it doesn’t really matter.

    If the women on this board (Denise and barb) would like to comment, I’d be willing to learn….

  34. Woman have nothing left to offer but sex..,

    You could spend sometime reading up on the MRA, dalrock is a good place for a Godly man to start. Fr John you have no idea what woman are like these days, nothing you suggest offsets the insane risk women bring to a mans life or how they are prime movers of the cultural marxist war on Goldy White men. True not all women are against us, but the vast, vast majority are. Way to much at risk to take up with one, and when “good” women change their mind, the full weight of the state is against you.

  35. Fr John – I can tell you what women want – they want their own way. Period.

    Right or wrong – they want their own way.

    Most women – not all, but most – act on their emotions. MOST women are not critical thinkers. Women are built by God and nature to bear and raise children. Fem,ale emotional orientation revolves around this roile. Women can be incredibly selfish; Nature wants them to cut what thet perceive as the “best deal for themselves” – so they can raise kids in basic health and prosperity. If a woman gets herself a High Producing male – whether that’s a hunter, or a tax accountant – she and her kids eat.

    When women live in corrupted, vile social orders – women make REALLY stupid choices, based on a wicked false morality.

    I’ve written this so many times before – but White men had it all – and White men threw it all away. White men were in charge – and eagerly embraced corruption. Do the names Woodrow Wilson, George V, John Read and John Dewey ring a few bells? Women are not going to “come back” to sanity and decency on their own, until men do.


    You are a gadjillion percent correct, in that men MUST become the Rudder again. Too many White men are still taking the easy, lazy, irresponsible way out. (Blame women guys; that’ll work! )

    I don’t know if Barb will comment; most of the White women I know, in this scene, are just absolutely tired of even arguing about this anymore. Bored, and weary. So we just soldier on The worst enemoes of the WN movement are WN themselves…sigh.

  36. Denise- thanks (I think). Stone- I still feel you aren’t listening to anyone but your own tapes in your head. I am in my 50’s. I’ve been married for over twenty years. My generation is about all I know, but the daughters in my family all married good, decent men, who provide for their wives, and the women love their husbands. They’ve even made them much better men than when we first met the louts, as young numbskulls…. SO, I can’t say I either concur with, or have experienced the utter negativity you seem to have as a burden on your soul.

    I still believe men lead, and women follow. Denise at least agreed with me on that one. And yes, perhaps the curse of this generation that voted in the Obamantion needs to ‘perish in the desert’ before we can break free from the Feminazis and die Juden. It’s not like God’s people haven’t ‘wandered in the desert’ before. You yourself said (I think) that you had raised your five daughters to be decent.Then perhaps the only hope is that they will teach THEIR children, and maybe one of THEM will lead us to better times. I don’t know. But I still try and live my life according to the pattern of Western Civility, Christian Morality, and a basic midwestern ‘decentness’ I was raised with…. at least with my own.


  37. “Planned Parenthood targets Romney with new swing-state ad buy”

    Planned Parenthood, endorsing President Obama Wednesday morning, went after Mitt Romney out of the gate with a new ad buy in crucial swing states accusing the Republican candidate of undermining women’s rights.


    Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/05/30/planned-parenthood-targets-romney-with-new-swing-state-ad-buy/#ixzz1wNATSuPw

    Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/05/30/planned-parenthood-targets-romney-with-new-swing-state-ad-buy/#ixzz1wNAFaika

    And white nationalism is associated with the right.

  38. Fr. John and Denise–where else do ya’ll post? And Playing roots backwards. I enjoy ya’lls comments..

  39. The Council of Conservative Citizens – 7/6-7/8. Around Nashville, TN.

    Molon – I post on SF, The Council site, SBPDL – when ^#%&&^ Kersey approves my posts, and the Irish Savant.

    And a few other places, under a few other names….tee hee hee…

  40. Okay I am on those same places too except for SF and I didn’t know you could post on Council.

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