

Christmas 2012.. Not “It’s a Wondeful Life”

1 Comment

  1. I am not one to look for a Jew behind every attack on my people but, damn, I keep finding one anyhow! For the life of me I cannot figure out why Jews, who have been welcomed here and have prospered here so greatly, hate us so. I can tell you this, though, I’m getting tired of it. Besides the filthy anti-White excretions of Hollywood, we have the big push to confiscate our weapons led by, who? Bloomberg, Shoomer, Feinstein, Soros, et al. Jews every one of them. Jews are smart, clever, and creative. They could be a wonderful asset to any country but they only act as parasites, eventually killing the host and then they drop off to find another victim. I love Israel, it is the Jewish homeland, Jews should go there and leave me alone in mine.

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