What’s a Racist in This Year 2012?

We’ve published some articles on Occidental Dissent on what to do if you, or someone you support is smeared with the career destroying smear “You’re RACIST”. Today, I would like to ask and try to answer the question:

Q: In this year 2012 – what’s a RACIST?

Peter Brimelow – editor and publisher of the immigration restrictionist web site (my favorite) www.vdare.com gives this definition of “a RACIST”.

“A Racist – someone who is winning an argument with a Liberal, or, sadly, winning an argument with a Libertarian”

Not bad.

James Edwards – the populist Southern nationalist leader and “The Political Cesspool” radio host, takes it a bit further and states that all White Americans are now considered “RACISTS” by the corrupt “powers that be”; Edwards argues that the “RACIST!” smear is just used to silence and intimidate White Conservatives and White Americans should stop backing down and trying to plead to the Liberal/Leftists that “they’re not racists”.

James Edwards states:

“It’s been getting increasingly obvious, for years now, that “racist” doesn’t mean someone who hates members of other races and wants to harm them (which is the definition most white people think of when they hear the word). Instead, it has become nothing but a racial slur directed at white people in order to shame us into voting, believing, or behaving a certain way. In other words, liberals and non-whites use the word to “keep us in our place.” And boy, have we learned our place!”

(James Edwards, “Racism Schmacism” as quoted by Vdare)

I have my own definition of “a RACIST” that works just fine for me:

“A Racist is someone who has some loyalty to his people and someone who is not a complete idiot and/or not a complete traitor”.

So in questions of crime, mass immigration, affirmative action, proposed wars against other White Indo European nations, church affiliations, sports teams to follow, charities to support – I go with the idea that it is perfectly fine to have loyalty to my/our people (some arguments here on OD as to who are “our people”) and just not be a complete idiot or a complete traitor.

By my definition – 99% of the Japanese are “RACISTS” – not idiots, not traitors. The Japanese don’t do idiotic/treasonous things like welcome mass immigration of non Japanese immigrants to Japan, grant the non Japanese invaders preferential affirmative action over indigenous ethnic Japanese – and why don’t the Japanese do the same idiotic, treasonous things Americans and British, Western European governments do?

The Japanese are RACISTS – not idiots/not traitors to their people. Why don’t we do the same?

So whenever you here the smear “RACIST!” (usually with a hisssssssssing sound), just substitute “not an idiot/not a traitor”.


Q: “Only evil RACISTS oppose open borders mass immigration of Mexicans, Muslims, Haitians – are you a RACIST”?

A: “So you’re really asking me if I’m a complete idiot/traitor and support the mass immigration invasion of tens of millions of unskilled, hostile alien 3rd word people that will destroy my nation and my people – to answer your question/smear NO, I’m not a complete idiot/traitor to my people. Next question, next smear.

Accuser comes back – “So you’re really a RACIST, an EVIL RACIST”.

A: “I prefer the term not a complete *#@&$*#@ idiot and not a traitor to my people. You can call it whatever name/smear you like, it’s not changing anything.”

So can some of OD’s readers think of some examples of White Americans who are or who are not:

A) Idiots
B) Traitors


  1. Hunter: I would add “white” before “person”. All races are encouraged to self identify, promote ther heritage, race and history EXCEPT whites–and this is applied worldwide.

  2. When someone calls you a “racist” the proper response is:

    In your OPINION I’m a “racist”.
    You are only saying that because I’m White.
    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

  3. I have been working on a definition of racist. I think a good case could be made for this definition:

    “Racist” means any white person who believes white people deserve to have a future anywhere on this planet.

    A “racist” is a white person who does not agree that white children should be reduced to a minority in every traditionally white country in the world.

    I believe this is a very effective, and timely, strategy. Whites are starting to figure out that the word “racist” is a weapon of ethnic warfare.

  4. “You say you are an anti-racist but what you are is anti-white and nothing more.”

    Now they are going to come back and say they are not anti-white, BUT they will not be able to tell you what other races they wish to treat as they treat whites. And I mean NEVER, I can say that because I have posted the Mantra hundreds of times and gleaned the responses and none of them can answer that, NONE.

  5. True, he should probably attack the word “racist” without that word most of today’s intellectual fluffery would by like a car without wheels.

  6. I know the answer to your question of “why don’t the Japanese do the same idiotic, treasonous things Americans and British, Western European governments do?”. The answer is that these governments, specifically the United State, are invaders. Oh but surely I jest, I do not what goverment not controlled by it’s own is not an invader goverment for in fact these states are illegitimate(most certainly the US) and I dare any to question the Truth of that statement.

  7. I removed the reference to RP saying idiotic, treasonous things about immigration, crime, Muslim terrorism etc.

    There are so many other White Americans falling down in to this “I’m not RACIST – because look, I support the following *#($(# idiotic, treasonous immigration, crime, racial history views” besides RP.

    I note RP’s idiotic/treasonous comments because he was one of the most prominent White candidates that solid White Americans supported, even though he was falling down in to idiot/treasonous commentary, all to try to prove he wasn’t in any way “RACIST”.

  8. You might want to consider the possibility that the best answer to the question whether you’re a racist is the honest one: yes.

  9. The Man From Mars says:
    October 5, 2012 at 7:20 pm

    “I know the answer to your question of “why don’t the Japanese do the same idiotic, treasonous things Americans and British, Western European governments do?”. ”


    There are no Japanese anti-Japanese in Japan, calling the Japanese people naziwantstokillsixmilljews, racist, etc and getting violent, if they want to discuss what is good for the Japanese.

    There are no Korean anti-Koreans in Koreans calling the Korean people naziwantstokillsixmilljews, “racist”, etc and getting violent, if they want to discuss what is good for the Korean people.

    There are no anti-Asian countries, threatening economic blockade and war, if Asian countries won’t make policy, that guarantees Asians will be mixed and blended out of existence.

    They are doing this to all white countries and only white countries. So they are not “anti-racist”, they are anti-white.

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

  10. Why did you delete my comment, Jack? And why of all people do you focus your hatred against Ron Paul? I mean, with all the pro-Establishment, anti-White candidates out there you choose to continually attack (and insult in rather juvenile terms) RP. What gives?

  11. “In other words, liberals and non-whites use the word to “keep us in our place.” And boy, have we learned our place!” – Not necessarily, most whites are able to insulate themselves from the charge of racism by avoiding or shitcanning all discussion of anything that could possibly pertain to race, hence the invention of “white privilege”.

  12. PalmettoPatriot I deleted the original negative reference to RP playing the “I’m not Racist” game, saying idiotic, treasonous comments. So, it just doesn’t make sense to include comments complaining that there was a negative reference to RP. There is now no negative reference to RP in this post, so your concerns were listened to and accepted.

    I hope that clarifies things.

  13. I think there are different levels of racism. The most common type of racist, is the type that believes they should be proud of being white (or whatever race they are), generally wants to stay with their own race, thinks some of the other races cause a lot of social problems… but is very protective of those few people from other races whom they consider to be worthy. My uncles for example are racist, but completely accept my aunt’s marriage to a Mexican, because my Mexican mestizo uncle is suspicious of blacks also and is against illegal immigration, and is generally a good guy; and since they had children, much of my family is now part-Mexican. I would guess most of you on this site would not like that. I would call your kind “racialists”, and the other people I’m discussing here racists. These racists though would not accept segregation unless they could take along the nonwhites they like (including some Jews for a lot of these people) and classify them as white.

  14. What’s wrong with racism, anyway? That’s the part that I need explained to me.

    Nothing’s wrong with it. Quite the opposite: it’s a duty.

  15. For training in political debate I would recommend this site: http://whitegenocideproject.com/830/, the political debate techniques are discussed in downloadable podcast. These principles are derived from political agitation tactics adopted by such types as the Jew Saul Alinsky. Example: You NEVER answer the question of the opponent – one he as you playing the part of the defendant to his prosecutor you simply can’t win. A good example of what not to do was James Edwards and Keith Alexanders response to the North Carolina’s attack on their program as being: “rasis” “neo nazi” “holocaust deniers”. Instead of ignoring the charges and attacking the Reds with their own questions (” You know, Keith, the NCarolina Demo party is using Communist terminology, just how Communist are they ? What is it about the Democratic Party that hates White people ?” etc) Instead, they fumbled around with OMG, we’ve never had a nazzzi on our show, we’ve never never denied the holocaust, we’re not racist, blah blah blah. Alexander finally snapped out of it at the end and began talking about the freaks that made up the membership of the N Carolina Democratic party – but there is a method that public speakers need to learn to be effective in arguing with the Reds.

  16. @Proud Globalist Race Traitor says:

    Meanwhile you are not on pro black websites saying:
    ” The most common type of racist, is the type that believes they should be proud of being black”

    Meanwhile you are not on pro mexican websites saying:
    ” The most common type of racist, is the type that believes they should be proud of being mexican”

    Meanwhile you are not on pro asian websites saying:
    ” The most common type of racist, is the type that believes they should be proud of being asian”

    You are only on pro white websites saying these things. The title of this article asks what is a racist, well quite obviously it is you.

    You are not anti-racist you are anti-white. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

  17. The communists built walls and minefields and murdered anyone, that tried to leave their wonderful “Workers Paradise”.

    Just like th communists, these anti-whites pursue white people, when we move (White Flight) away from the massive immigration and forced integration, they demand for all white countries and only white countries. And they use threats and violence when whites want to meet and discuss what is good for whites.

    Tell me, if the massive immigration and forced integration, these anti-whites demand for all white countries and only white countries is SO GOOD…

    How come ONLY white people are the targets and how come ONLY white people are not allowed to reject it?

  18. Modern America is a Jewlag.

    I think it’s also the same case in Western Europe.

    The Poles, Czechs and Russians wised up to it years ago.

  19. “My uncles for example are racist, but completely accept my aunt’s marriage to a Mexican, because my Mexican mestizo uncle is suspicious of blacks also and is against illegal immigration, and is generally a good guy; and since they had children, much of my family is now part-Mexican. I would guess most of you on this site would not like that. ” – They did not have a separate non-white racial classification until they agitated for one, just after the system of racial preferences went through, funny that. You can’t blame us for that one, or for the fact that arabs want to get a share of the racial preferences pie themselves, and so on.

  20. Jamie, stop making the same comment over and over again. If you want to chant, go join a monastery. Im just using general terminology to give perspective to the discussion. Anyway, I’m not just anti-white, I’m also anti-Japanese, because of their collaboration with Nazis during WWII and their invasion of other Asian countries. I’m hoping that after the white countries become globalized and deracialized, Israel and Japan will be next.

  21. @John
    Outside Western Europe, Northern Europe and America, they are doing the same to Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Iceland, Ireland, UK, even Russia. And sorry to disappoint, they have been demanding the same be done to Eastern Europe for years and it is getting their special attention, right now.

    Japan is 97% Japanese and Korea is about the same. Kenya is 99% black and no one feels “awkward” about this. No one is saying Kenya is “too black” and should be less black. Black people have over 50 countries all to themselves and these same anti-whites have been clearing whites out of Africa for decades, because clearly they think “Africa is for blacks”.

    So “Anti-racists” are telling us:
    What belongs to non whites belongs to non-whites.
    What belongs to whites also belongs to non-whites.

    Once you understand the full scope of what it is they are doing, you will understand what real hardcore racism is. Logging on to pro white websites and saying naughty things about jews, blacks and mexicans, is nothing compared to what these anti-whites are up to. It really is White Genocide and committing genocide is the definition of hardcore racism.

    They say they are anti-racist, what they really are is anti-white. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

  22. @Proud Globalist Race Traitor


    You anti-whites are not on pro Japanese websites trying to make Japan LESS Japanese, because you hate the Japanese people and want them gone.

    You anti-whites are not on pro Israeli websites trying to make Israel LESS Jewish, because you hate Jews and want them gone.

    You anti-whites are not on pro black websites, trying to make ALL Black countries and only Black countries LESS Black, because you hate blacks and want them gone.

    You anti-whites only Demand this be done to ALL white countries and ONLY white countries, because you want a future without white people in it and that is Genocide according to the UN Genocide Laws.

    You say you are anti-racist, what you really are is anti-white. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

  23. @John says:
    You may have read it, but you don’t get it and most in the pro white scene including the leadership don’t get it all.

    The funny part is, anti-whites get it.

  24. The anti-white leadership get it, while the pro white leadership and intellectuals don’t understand it.

    That is pretty funny, if you like gallows humor.

  25. How come these “pro whites” complain about us repeating “anti-racist is a code word for anti-white” in defense of whites….

    But they never complain about anti-whites repeating their attack words like “racist”, “nazi”, “white supremacist” over and over when they attack whites??

    Are these “pro whites” really pro white, or are they just plain stupid?

  26. @John
    Answer my question.

    How come you “pro whites” do not object when anti-whites attack whites, using their repetitive attack words, you only object when pro whites use the same tactics, to defend white people from anti-white psy-warfare?

  27. In answer to: “So can some of OD’s readers think of some examples of White Americans who are or who are not:

    A) Idiots
    B) Traitors”

    Ross Perot was never explicitly pro-white, but his policies would have certainly helped white Americans by giving a big FU to NAFTA.

  28. “more of the same says:
    October 5, 2012 at 6:35 pm
    When someone calls you a “racist” the proper response is:

    In your OPINION I’m a “racist”.
    You are only saying that because I’m White.
    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.”

    Nah. The Proper Response is:

    Eff off Nigger/Kike/Puta/Orc/Shitskin

    Speak quietly, but with 110% confident authority. Maintain amused, disdainful smirk, and unblinking eye contact. The unblinking part, if you can out-stare your would be accuser, really freaks ’em out…..you can have fun with that.

  29. “Probably the next Hitler says:
    October 5, 2012 at 9:22 pm
    What’s wrong with racism, anyway? That’s the part that I need explained to me.”

    When some one calls me a Nazi – I just say, “Thanks!” Big warm delighted smile, accompanies the “thank you” for the compliment. Tone of voice should be warm, happy, enthusiastic….

  30. Aryan Goddess sent this to me. I am trying to find out who he is. I must contact and offer FULL WORSHIP.

    The accent is New England.

    best-rant-of-the-month.mp3(2.70 MB)

    He is my Hero.

  31. Jamie: awesome posts, eloquently said! I never grow tired of hearing the mantra perfectly executed It’s better than any 500 word, 20 post exchange to “convince” a hardened race traitor like the Bolshevik here. They will never be convinced’, they are a lost cause. It still needs to be done, however, for the benefit of those unknown surfers who do not post.

  32. I was sitting in my Catholic church tonight, praying for the destruction of the white race with my Mestizo friends, when all of a sudden we heard some guy shouting anti-Jewish slogans and profanity outside the synagogue across the street. We think it might be some drunks wandering by us after a college sports game nearby, but in case it’s one of you people on this site searching for me, know that I am well-protected and you did not quite find me.

  33. What a coincidence. Because I was sitting in my Episcopalian Church tonight, praying for the destruction of the non-white race with my White friends, when all of a sudden we heard some guy shouting anti-Jewish slogans and profanity outside the synagogue across the street. We thought it might be some drunks wandering by us after a college sports game nearby, but in case it’s one of you people on this site searching for me, know that I am well-protected and you did not quite find me.

  34. JamieG says:
    October 5, 2012 at 10:40 pm

    “””…..they have been demanding the same be done to Eastern Europe for years and it is getting their special attention, right now……””

    Here in Eastern Europe they are shooted down long time ago. We had those discussions about 10 years ago and left lost. Now they pressing only pederasy and without any sucess.

    The tactics worked out for Western Europe, don,t work here. One moron in Soros payroll blamed me racist. I laughed and told him that my anchestors were witches, my grandfather was kulak, my grandmother was class enemy and now I,m racist. You morons tried vulgar marxism here about 500 years nad do you really think that it works.

    Try to call them vulgar marxists

    Left ….racist homophobe…
    My….come on, vulgar marxism is not a part of honest discussion. Can you imagine that in agricultural discussion someone starts ranting about kulaks and public enemys and counterrevolutionary elements ,its ridiculous. We are not in Stalin show trial so words like are not accepted in civilised company.

  35. If someone calls you a ‘racist’, tell them you’re only what your lifelong experience with Negroes has made you.

  36. ‘I’m hoping that after the white countries become globalized and deracialized, Israel and Japan will be next.’

    Israel is going to be real tough nut to crack.

    I reckon a tsunami of Brown Arabs ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographic_threat#Israel ) will wash out the Jews before any type of ‘you beez racist’ campaign will shame the Jews into ‘tolerance’ and self-immolation.

  37. The phrase “anti-white” is your friend, it saves you from typing 5000 word essays when some anti-white calls you “racist”, or it saves you from having to imagine some BBF (black best friend). Put the shoe on their feet, move past WN ver 1.0 of either sieg heiling or writing boring essays that quibbled the details while trying to remain “respectable.”

  38. I was praying in the mead hall with my heren asking Tew to deliver my enemies to my sword edge and to Frigga to deliver the Lamentations of their women and bodies to my
    ship crew. Outside I heard a fuss. Some wailing monks and a Rabbi complaining about
    the goldcandsticks and jewelry we took. We looked at each other drew swords marched out to the women men and hacked them to bits and took their possessions.

    The end.

  39. “Proud Globalist Race Traitor says:
    October 6, 2012 at 5:27 am
    I was sitting in my Catholic church tonight, praying for the destruction of the white race with my Mestizo friends, when all of a sudden we heard some guy shouting anti-Jewish slogans and profanity outside the synagogue across the street. We think it might be some drunks wandering by us after a college sports game nearby, but in case it’s one of you people on this site searching for me, know that I am well-protected and you did not quite find me.”

    Dearest, when your time comes you won’t hear a thing. That drunken Auntie Semite was probably the rabbi.

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