Romney Pussy Footing on Racial Issues

I have supported the Romney for President campaign. Mitt’s a solid White guy – was a decent governor of a tough to govern Northeastern liberal state. This campaign is strictly a campaign of a BRA Black, anti White candidate – Obama against a White candidate – Romney. That’s not a tough call for those of us who have lived under brutal BRA urban regimes like Harold Washington’s 1980s Chicago and David Dinkin’s 1990s New York City.

Sure, people can find fault with some of the positions of White rulers like Ian Smith or Mayor Daley II, but when the alternatives are Robert Mugabe and Harold Washington, it’s not really a tough call.

Back to Romney. He’s been saying some racially foolish things in the last few weeks – like visiting an all Black Phily public school and announcing that he and Conservatives have some grand, new ideas about civil rights and education. Also, Mitt Romney put up a trial balloon saying the White European country of Russia was America’s #1 global foe – utter nonsense. Does this mean that Mitt Romney is selling our people out? Not really, more like Romney is pussy footing around on divisive racial issues as he and his handlers think the MSM will be nicer to Romney if he says he’s most concerned about Black civil rights (from a free market, Conservative perspective) and he only wants to use America’s military might against White European nations like Russia or Germany in the past – that’s always a standard pussy footing White Conservative stance.

OD readers need to get a good understanding of the reasons White American leaders do the things they do – why they take anti White positions or as in Mitt Romney’s case, they pussy foot around on racial issues.

The great Wilmot Robertson states that there are 5 categories of White Americans who take anti White positions, who are racial renegades to our people.

The most numerous are:

1) Pussyfooters (largest in number)

These are the White Majority members who take no positive action against our own White group but seldom, if ever, defend it. They are basically White “pussies”, cowards who don’t ever want to get involved in controversy, hurt their safe, country club, suburban lifestyles, or in Mitt Romney’s case, provoke the vicious wrath of the Lib/Min MSM – Mainstream Media.

George Bush Sr. was a classic Pussyfooter – he never wants to cause a scene, will dress in a clean shirt and tie and host Nelson and Winnie Mandela and try to suck up to the NAACP and the Urban League, appoint affirmative action Blacks like Colin Powell. Go anywhere where there are lots of White Americans who will never take a stand against illegal immigration, Black riots, horrible anti White movies and music and you are amongst mostly “pussyfooters”. Other names for these white pussyfooters are:

a) sheep
b) Goyim/cattle
c) blankos

2) Trucklers

These are the White Majority members who are not born rich like the Gracchites and do not exude any of the aristocratic manners. They are Whites who were born poor and had to struggle for their money and power, they go in for anti White political and social actions just because it helps their position, helps them get money and power. They are just “going with the flow” – when anti White, pro “minority” activism is popular – they go with it. They are not true believers, just opportunists. The classic Truckler is Lyndon Johnson, to a lesser extent Harry Truman.

3) Gracchites

Named after a rich patrician Roman family, White Gracchites take the side of the mob, lower class non Whites to become the mob’s “Leaders”. They are interested in fame and power and since they can’t lead their own wealthy White people, they go over to the other side to try to lead the mob. Examples of Gracchites: FDR, New York City mayor John Lindsey, the Kennedy family, the Kennedy family successfully used, uses a mix of high class, noble “Camelot”, with anti English, anti WASP appeals to working class Irish Americans.

4) Old Believers

Whites who honestly believe their White, idealistic religious, economic, political beliefs can work for everyone. If only the world accepted their version of Christianity, their version of free market economics, the original intent of the American Constitutional republic with separation of powers, Bill of Rights etc everything would be OK and there wouldn’t be any racial conflict. We would say that these people are nice, well meaning “idiots” – “useful idiots” as Stalinist Communists would call them.

5) Proditors

Whites who are straight out, willing “traitors” to our race – who hate our American White people, our culture, our institutions – who willingly embrace virtually all violent anti White causes out of pure hatred for their own people, their own culture. Examples are Jane Fonda, Students for a Democratic Society, the Weather Underground, John Brown.


  1. “Romney has already said he would hope that illegal immigrants would “self-deport” which I’m guessing means no actual enforcement.”

    The political will doesn’t and won’t and needn’t exist for operation wetback. Mestizos will leave in significant numbers when handouts dry up. No, not all Mestizos. Mestizos are not a rapacious and protected caste like Negroes, they’re little more than a nuisance and moneypit. America will never be racially pure and the sooner Whites accept that the better.

    Lucky for us White interests (demographic safety / politicocultural supremacy of our group) dovetail with the economic interests of all productive people regardless of race. There will not be a day of the rope, democracy coupled with disenfranchisement is the way.

  2. “That’s not a tough call for those of us who have lived under brutal BRA urban regimes like Harold Washington’s 1980s Chicago and David Dinkin’s 1990s New York City.”

    Well I haven’t lived under those regimes, but I have lived under Barry Soetoro’s aka Barack Hussein Obama brutal regime and it hasn’t been pleasant.

  3. “no democratic path”

    It’s true most American newborns are nonWhite but only appx. 15% are Negro. The situation is manageable especially considered that the only allies Negro subhumans have are Whites and Jews. Guys are giving up way way too easy.

  4. I am not sure that this list is complete. How would you label the vast number of our people (co-workers at your job, for instance) who are willing to sell you out to the boss in a second for favors or just “pat on the back” in the event that there is anything you have done that the employer frowns upon? “Trucklers” or “pussyfooters”? These people that I am referring to are not necessarily poor; just willing to do anything to “get ahead” at work. They are most careful, however not to do this to minority members- just their own (whites). I am “the other George” btw- there are two of us here.

  5. I want to thank everyone who made constructive comments on this post.

    The topic of the post is that Romney has been “pussy-footing” around (not used here as a vulgar term) on some racial issues, like putting up a trial balloon to make the White European country of Russia the USA’s #1 geopolitical foe, instead of some real NW threat like the murderous Zeta Mexican cartels or just Mexico the nation that’s invading our country and looking to take away the South West of the United States.

    Fortunately for us, Romney’s trial balloon to bring back the good old days of the Cold War to fight THE RUSSIANS, didn’t take off. The American public thought it was utter nonsense.

    Another point of the post is I wanted to introduce OD readers to the brilliant writing, racial analysis of Wilmot Robertson who wrote The Dispossessed Majority.

    Robertson categorizes traitors in the American White ranks in 5 clearly definable categories:

    1) Pussyfooters (largest in number)

    2) Gracchites – rich noble types like FDR & the Kennedys who champion the NW masses as a way to have power for themselves and achieve great social esteem.

    3) Trucklers – poor Whites like LBJ who go with the anti White flow for $ & Power

    4) Old Believers – Whites who think the US Constitution or their church will save the whole non White world, make all the violent, destructive Black people in to middle class, responsible, patriotic Americans.

    5) Proditors – Whites who violently hate our/their White American people.

    Please try to learn these identifications and watch out for all 5 types in your local communities and on the national scene. Getting lazy *** White pussy-footers to care and actually do something about Black crime, massive non White immigration, that’s not the same as taking down a powerful anti White Gracchite like one of the super wealthy, handsome Kennedys.

  6. Does anyone remember that 90’s movie, “Things To Do In Denver When You’re Dead”?

    One line in that movie sums up our present political situation.

    The story line centered around a ragtag crew of gangsters who screwed up a mission that had been ordered by the local Godfather. Andy Garcia’s character was trying to get his guys out of town, but they kept getting picked off by a hit man.

    Andy had arranged to have a n***** gang protect the nigger of his crew. As the n***** gang rolled up in their lowriders with gangsta rap blaring, Andy’s n***** friend said to him, “You know you’re in some deep s*** when the cavalry that comes to save you looks like that.” Or something like that.

    You know we’re in some deep s*** when the guy that’s gonna save us is a Massachusetts liberal who laid the groundwork for Obamacare and tolerated, and even funded, sanctuary cities in the state he headed as governor.

    (Moderator’s note: please avoid using open four letter curse words and the “N word” – we’re trying to appeal to a wider audience. Also, we ran a post presenting some very imaginative, humorous words for Black people that need to be introduced in to the general American vocabulary. Here are some of the fan favorites:

    Webe – Pronounced “we be”, refers to the inability of blacks to conjugate the “be” verb, resulting in “we be” instead of “we are” when making references to themselves.
    Nigloo – Blacks that make it up to very Northern Canadian places normally associated with eskimoes and igloos.
    Baboomba – From the “booming” of their car stereos
    Groid – Short for Negroid.
    Moolie – Shortened from Melanzane, meaning “eggplant” in Italian. Eggplants have black skin
    Naga – North American Ground Ape; Affectionately used by the LAPD during the Watts riot in Los Angeles.

    These words are very descriptive, entertaining and are much more acceptable, effective in many social situations where using the “N word” would not be.

  7. “Outlier says:
    May 28, 2012 at 2:01 pm
    The coming race war …….

    “Asian fans racially abused in Euro 2012 stadium”

    “Chris Rogers attended one match in Ukraine where he saw Asian men being kicked and punched, despite supporting the home team.”

    HAHAHAHAHA!!! “The police are not helpful at all”.

    Young men – go home. Return to your own homeland. While you are still able to do so.

  8. First, Happy Memorial Day.

    Second, Hunter, Thank you for clarifying for me the ‘groups’ into which so many of the most frustrating elements of my racial awakening have been derailed by.

    I now know how to categorize, and deal with accordingly those whose ‘eyes are blinded, lest they see.’


  9. The beatings in the stadium or during tournaments are quite uncalled for. what is the World Cup for otherwise? sporting tournaments are a moment that hostilities ought to be suspended.

  10. Here’s a suggested term for the state of White’s in the US: “Runningscareds”, of course there are the subsets of Wiggers, Crackers, etc. May I suggest another for those disgustingly stupid fundamentalist whose latest craze to to adopt Negro’s:” Spoonbillicals”

  11. Sol is playing to the peanut gallery here. England fans will not be attacked by Ukrainians. Some asshole put him up to it. The only time that England fans get killed is if they are outnumbered and a Marsailles Arab with a dagger slashes his throat or a Turk in Galatasary hears the Englander from leeds mutter about Kemal Attaturk and he’s got a dagger. These are the only two examples of ENGLISH fans getting killed in recent memory. Both pasty white men looking for a punch up getting killed by an ethnic.

    Sol should shut his gob.

  12. The most spurious comments are those attributing a bounce in race realism to Obama’s black face. Obama polls better than he should precisely because of his blackness. Most Whites think he’s a great intelligent guy, many enjoyed his crummy books and genuinely wanted him to succeed. What the media saturation that so deftly humanized the him (&by extension the undertow) can’t do is alter DNA. He and his constituency are hardwired for failure in modern society.

    Economic upheavel and a resultant fear among middleclass Whites of being sucked into the black undertow is the real cause for any gains to our camp. Romney will take austerity action to get the economy back up:RIOTS. Certainly more of a ‘wake up’ Whites than a dapper AA pretender on the flatscreen and a placated underclass on the other side of town.

    Can we cease the contrarian nonsense? Im tired of carrying water for Romney but some that would vote for a Nigger-scoundrel and dare to call it pro-White leave me no choice.

  13. Fr John +

    You’re very welcome.

    Just one point to clarify. I am a distinct separate person from OD’s great young Southern gentleman Hunter Wallace.

    I’m a White, in my late 40s, am mostly Midwestern WASP/blue eyed Anglo with one Russian Grandfather who was Russian nobility. He fought in the White Army against the Reds. I’m about ~ 85% Nordic White – with Germanic/Nordic blood on all sides of my family including my Russian Grandfather’s side, but also some Slavic blood, which I am very proud to possess. Slavic Whites seemed to be inoculated against the cursed traps of Liberalism/Libertarianism – favoring tough, brutal White leaders under Czars or later Soviet regimes. Russia has never had a liberal leader like Jimmy Carter 🙂

    Hunter Wallace is proud to be exclusively White American Southern Partisan – which is very good. I’m much more pan European and try to find good things in all White groups as long as they aren’t anti White. I have worked with White liberals, White secular and White Christian groups of many denominations, even responsible White gays. I can also go White pagan, Savitri Devi style White Hindu – it just depends on the crowd.

    For some reason, I’ve lived 2/3 of my life in American urban areas like New York City and Chicago where racial “issues” are always right around the corner and where there are few, no elected White Conservatives, GOP and sadly few beautiful White Southern gals with great Southern accents (though we just got one as a bar tender in a neighborhood bar). I’ve learned to adapt.

    Thanks to everyone who took the time to read this post and get to know the various types of White American racial traitors.

  14. There’s malarky afoot when posters on this site suggest voting for Obama. Contrarian isn’t a word I’d use to describe the faulty justifications or spurious strategizing.

  15. Give Romney a break. He has to get elected to stop something even worse. That’s not possible right now if you are going to speak the sad truth. It will have to be a step at a time. It can be done because more and more Pussyfooters and Old Believers will be getting their noses rubbed into the mess they’ve made.

  16. People who talk about voting for Obama for the purpose of starting a revolution or race-war, would, in reality, be the first people to take off and hide in their bunkers if it actually started.

  17. Jack Ryan: Wilmot Robertson liked J.B. Stoner and NSRP. He also said said it would be better to have a Nuke War than keep going the way we are going now. Tom Metzger on White Aryan Resistance has alot of Insaturation publications posted. Alot of things you say are good. But you get mad when someone talks about Khazars. Anyway, your article is interesting.

  18. The current state of political affairs in the US is sometimes referred to by WN’s as “BRA”, Black Run America, which is apt. It is a tribute to the weak generations of American White’s beginning in about the 1950’s that they gave up their entire nation by the end of the 20th Century after their forbears took about two centuries to build its infrastructure. I guess we can see that claptrap about doing for “future generations” is rot, these “future generations” proved to be corrupt weaklings – come on Irish – I know your better than the Americans !

  19. 313Wop says:

    “People who talk about voting for Obama for the purpose of starting a revolution or race-war, would, in reality, be the first people to take off and hide in their bunkers if it actually started.”

    Why? What evidence do you have for this correlation? I actually think an Obama defeat rather than a win would be more likely to cause the niggers to riot but I’m not voting for Romney because unlike you I have actually read his website position urging military action against Iran.

    Why don’t you just stop posting? Nothing you say ever makes any sense. You don’t have the slightest idea about how deluded Obama voters hoping for a race war would act. You’re nothing but a stupid greaseball tainted with Asiatic blood. Go away. Or better yet, stay in your shithole Detroit and just STFU.

  20. There is good deal of resistance in the US military against going to war with Iran. This is a good sign that there are patriotic Americans in the Pentagon.
    Netanhayu wanted Obama to go to war with Iran, but Obama couldn’t so easily obey because there’s no support for war against Iran in the Pentagon or the US military in general.
    Only the jews want war. Only the jews are the ones pushing for war. More and more Americans are starting to realize this.
    The Israelis may not get their war against Iran that they are drooling at the mouth for after all, Obama or Romney. Top brass at the Pentagon are starting to put up resistance. A very good sign.

  21. “I also think there is an implicit recognition that white people are effectively tax slaves for a hostile master class”

    Land of the free(bie) and home of the slave.

  22. Only the jews want war. Only the jews are the ones pushing for war. More and more Americans are starting to realize this.

    They want to incapacitate the entire Middle Eastern military so they can tear down the Dome and re-build the Temple. Otherwise, there will be too much jihad to deal with. The Dome is the 3rd holiest shrine in Islam.

    Did anyone notice the “Esther” kicked off her world tour in Israel ? It was mentioned on kosher conservative Newmax.

    “Madonna Kicks off World Tour in Israel” May 25

    Madonna isn’t Jewish but she has adopted the Hebrew name of Esther and studies Jewish mysticism. She is known here as “Queen Esther” and Israeli media announced that “the Queen has arrived.

    Queen Esther was a jewish queen of Persia (aka modern Iran). The timing seems odd, don’t you think?

    “Jewish mysticism” – what that’s all about? Should we be worried about this?

  23. The problem is that the recognition is implicit. The great transformations involve moving from implicit to explicit.

  24. The only reason I can think of why Iran shouldn’t be drone-attacked is because they’re somewhat antagonistic towards Israel. I enjoy Holocaust cartoons as much as the next guy but Tehran destabilizes good Sunni countries that we have longstanding relationships with. Tehran and Damascus brand weather vane anti-Zionism isn’t appreciated by the Arab Street. It doesn’t help that Shii’ism is unbearably syncretic and ugly… Saddam was right about “persians, jews and flies”..

  25. The reason we keep getting pussyfooters like Romney is because they know you’ll vote for him anyway. The whole system is setup to allow two parties to jostle for the margins. So stop voting for people who are just good enough. If you move the margin toward WN then one party or the other will need to move to capture it to stay relevant.

    If you live in a solid red state then write in Paul or hunter Wallace or Hitler or something. The party elders will see that and know they will have to change if they want to keep their jobs.

    If you live in a purple state….then weigh the decision to send a message vs hooting the Kenyan based on the arguments presented in the thread. For most of us I’m willing to bet our States are solidly one Colorado or the other….in which case your vote doesn’t matter for the outcome but cam be used to tell them you’ve had enough.

  26. The US and the Arab Middle-Eastern countries have a long history of very good diplomatic relations. Americans,for the most part, built their oil industry ( along with Europeans). Americans traveling in the Middle East were always treated with respect and friendship.
    There weren’t any problems between Americans and Arabs until Israel showed up on the scene and Washington decided to give Israel it’s unconditional support. That’s when all the problems started.
    The Middle East was greatly destabilized when Bush the Father went to war against Iraq. And the Middle East was even more greatly destabilized when Bush the Son went to war against Iraq.
    The destruction of Iraq by USrael destabilized the Middle East, for anyone concerned about the de-stabilization of the region.
    The Iranians are reacting to the great destruction of a neighboring country and the fact that Uncle Sam is on two of it’s borders ( Iraq and Afghanistan). They are reacting to all the rhetoric they hear from Jerusalem and Washington, to the build up of the US navy off their coast, and to Mossad/CIA undercover actions within Iran itself with the goal of undernmining the country from within.
    USrael is destabilizing the Middle East. Usrael have been at it for a long time now.
    The USrael miltary dropped so much depleted uranium ( It’s radioactive) on Iraq, massive numbers of new born Iraqi children are being born with great deformities.
    It was a great crime against the people of Iraq. They never did anything to us. The war was based on lies. And the lies came from Jerusalem, via London and Washington.
    This caused the destabilization of the Middle East, not anything that they Iranians did, or ae even doing today.
    USrael did everything in it’s power,which is considerable, to cause a rift between Sunni and Shiite, as well between Moslem and Christian. Iran didn’t do this, USrael did.

  27. “The political will doesn’t and won’t and needn’t exist for operation wetback.” Maybe, and maybe not. I would not underestimate the ruthlessness of whites when the going gets rough. As long as the going is not to difficult, it will be as you say. But when the money dries up, the credit is gone, the taxes continue or increase, whites are progressively asked to work and sacrifice more for a strange people they share nothing in common with but the empty title of “American”, and whites see their children as 2nd class citizens in the very lands their fathers built for them, then they will be likely to do what is in the best interest of themselves and their children. It will all depend on the economy. Those in control know this, and seek to keep whites sedated with goodies until we are so outnumberd and demoralized that any revolt is futile.

  28. LA Times – Romney holds a 58% to 34% lead vs Obama amongst US veterans:,0,3670596.story?track=rss&

    I see a couple of you talking about soccerball. I know this is of no interest to 99% of you but – US stock continues to rise around the world due to the exploits of your international soccerball team which beat Scotland 5 – 1 on Sunday in Florida. This was a big result in the soccerball world where the US is a popular, growing force.

    (Disclaimer: no vulgar swear words were harmed during the making of this post)

  29. Lily Della Valle says:
    May 29, 2012 at 1:20 am
    Great post, Jack.

    Jack Ryan replies;

    Thanks you very much for the good review Miss Lily Della Valle.

    I would like to encourage our women to “marry up”, not in the class way , but in the racial way.

    Some of our Southern European, Southern Italian women have some issues with DNA, Arab Moors etc. A lot of this is true science, otherwise it is gossip.

    But the realty is that there are hundreds of thousands of Anglo Nordic Midwestern guys (like me) that are available – we’ve got good genes, but we have some “issues” with being boring, not good dancers/lovers (I’m a great dancer).

    I strongly suggest some Southern Italian, Southern European, South American gals take the initiative and marry White Anglo, Nordic guys like me – the children are great.

    I just went to a Memorial Day picnic with ~ 100 white children, many marriages along the lines that I mentioned above.

    Just marry up.


    White nationalism is about “love”, not hate.

    Make love not war.

    14 Words

  30. “I strongly suggest some Southern Italian, Southern European, South American gals take the initiative and marry White Anglo, Nordic guys….”

    Not a good idea, not good at all — to encourage mixing our northwest European genes with Meds and Hispanics, to hasten the decline of blue-eyed blondness, red hair, and superior IQ!

  31. Joe they have that and more reason to hate us. But the Iranian political theatre can’t distract from centuries of Safawi machinations against rational acting Sunni administrations. Shii’ism is a socialist slum-cult whose rabblerousing leaders should be excluded from political discourse. They fester in successful countries (ie Gulf states) and demand handouts or feign secularism and nationalism to assume dictatorship over a majority they despise and kill wantonly(Syria).

    What Iran is instigating in Bahrain is cause enough to shun them.

  32. @jack ryan

    What the hell are you on? First, you’re start this silly crusade to get ADULTS to watch their language on an internet blog that deals with GRAPHIC ADULT issues. Then, you delete my response to that ****** Rudel, on the grounds that my language broke comment guidelines, but leave his slur-filled attack on me untouched. Hypocrite. Finally, you assume the role as this creepy matchmaker, suggesting that Italian women exclusively give themselves to “Anglo and Nordic” men — a category you just happen to fall into.

    I’ll tell you what — maybe I will just bounce, and Jewdel can sell his pathetic wolf-tickets or promote HAC to his heart’s content or whatever else, and you can go on saving the collective white soul without any fear of “bad words”. Cool?

    (Comment edited for very vulgar curse word)

  33. “Just marry up…. White nationalism is about “love”, not hate. Make love not war.”

    But marrying-up is often miscegenation.

  34. “Make love not war” sounds Judeo-Yankee-Quaker, or at least, Quaker. What was served at that picnic?

  35. @Tamer of Savages
    I will do more reading about the subject. I respect what you have to say. In my post, I just wanted to point out the great destabilization that US and Israel has caused.
    I will study up on the matter of Iranian shenanighans.
    I don’t care if Uncle Sam shuns Iran. I just don’t want a war with Iran. I think it would be a giant disater for the United States. We have enough problems as it is.

  36. I followed the link to, where “The Dispossessed Majority” was on sale. The reviews were almost uniformly positive, with one exception. Before even reading the body of the review, I looked at the name: Jamar Joyner. LOL.

    Just to be sure, though, I clicked the link for “see my other reviews” and the aforementioned individual’s other review are for a “wine cooler holder.” A nigga gotta get his drank on after he finds out a cracker wrote a book warning other crackers about what we got in stoe foe ’em, gnome sayin?

  37. AWWW COME ON GUYS!!!! Chris – what do you “bounce”? Don’t you dare go anywhere!!!!

    JR is a cool guy. I’ll bet he saw some lovely Italian beauty, and is engaging in little romantic projection. It’s sweet!

    Mosin – maybe YOU ought to have had some of the elderberry medicine I was served this afternoon. I’m in a wonderful mood. Meds are WHITE. Italians are low IQ? Hhhmmmm The ROMANS, Leonardo De Vinci, Michaelangelo, Verdi, Machievelli, Olinto De Pretto (the Italian the kike fraud Einstein ripped off0 – all a buncha dummies.

    For SHAME Mosin.

    What is all this online bitch-slappping about?

  38. 313Chris says:
    May 29, 2012 at 2:44 am
    @jack ryan

    “What the hell are you on? First, you’re start this silly crusade to get ADULTS to watch their language on an internet blog that deals with GRAPHIC ADULT issues. Then, you delete my response to that ******** (curse word) Rudel, on the grounds that my language broke comment guidelines, but leave his slur-filled attack on me untouched. ”

    JR replies:

    I tried to find the post from the flame war you had with this other individual – I couldn’t find it, or I would have deleted it.

    Mea culpa.

    I’m trying to be very fair.

    The best thing to do is for folks to police themselves. Always use a spell checker before posting and then also look for curse words, violations of HW’s comment guidelines. Delete your own comments that are offensive. We’re White people, we’re supposed to be a bit better than the masses.

  39. Yeah, Mediterranean women selling off their heritage, discarding their historical faith, giving their genetic inheritance hostile strangers — yeah Jack, that’s “marrying up” huh? Because Italian men are just soooo low, a stone’s throw from being Arabs or niggers, according to your “science”.

    Now I finally understand why Hunter, Apuleius, Stonelifter, et al despise Yankees so much. I didn’t get it before, hard-headed Asiatic Wop that I am, but I get it now. Jack Ryan is a racial carpetbagger.

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