The Belgian Congo: A Civilization Destroyed By The Black Undertow

In a century, the Belgian Congo was lifted from cannibalism to skyscrapers and automobiles. In half a century, it has returned to the jungle.

Feast your eyes on this: a photo gallery of an entire civilization destroyed by the Black Undertow and transformed by freedom, equality, and democracy – which result in climate change and structural inequality – from a prosperous and pacified country into the biggest hellhole on earth.

Several years ago, I remember reading about how the copper thieves systematically tore down power lines and other infrastructure in Katanga Province following independence from Belgium. The infrastructure of the Congo was literally cannibalized in the same way that a Black Undertow based salvage economy is emerging in cities like Detroit in the United States.

The U.N. intervened and launched air strikes on the Whites in Katanga who were attempting to secede from black controlled central government in Leopoldville. Freedom failed in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Note: The Africanization of the Congo (or Haiti or Zimbabwe or Clayton County or Detroit) is what happens when liberals like Brooks D. Simpson and James Epperson get their way. Civilization inexorably plunges into decline.

As the formerly prosperous plantations and cities fall into ruin and neglect and are overwhelmed by the darkness of African ignorance and tropical vegetation, the Yankee is left standing over the ruins of civilization, beating his chest with pious lectures about “progress” and the wickedness of “racism,” as reality stands as an irrefutable monument to the genius of segregation and the folly of universal equality.

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Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent