ACLU Declares War On Christmas in Tennessee

Here’s a news story that should interest some of our proud Southern boys. The
The Cookville Times reports that Hedy Weinburg, ACLU executive director in Tennessee is sending threatening letters to Tennessee public school superintendents warning them not to have any “Christmas” parties as this promotes one religion over others. The ACLU has taken a leading role in the “war against Christmas” – while the Mainstream Media (MSM) insists there is no “war against Christmas”. Here’s the Chatanooga Times story:

School superintendents across the state were reminded by the ACLU this week that holiday celebrations focusing primarily on one religious holiday amount to an unconstitutional endorsement of religion.
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) letter, addressed to 137 public shool leaders across the state, stated that it was responding to a number of complaints from families about school party activites this Christmas season.
Hedy Weinburg, ACLU executive director in Tennessee, cited several U.S. Supreme Court decisions about the matter.
But several area citizens, like Jim Brown, think that such admonitions are misguided and potentially dangerous. Brown commented on the news, saying “We are a Christian nation. Let’s act like it.” and said that he hopes that the teachers and administration will celebrate the Christmas season.
Said one area teacher (name withheld), “I respect people of different faiths, but that doesn’t mean that I’m going to eliminate my own from my work and and my classroom. I can enjoy Christmas as Christmas without worrying that I’m going to offend someone. My money still says that I trust in God. Are they going to stop me from using that, too?”
The letter was sent from the ACLU to the top administrators across the state. What those administrators do with the information is yet to be seen.
What do you think about the subject?


  1. Jack Ryan – let’s be fair in dealing with Jews – like Hedy Weinburg.(Or am I just jumping the knish?)

    Come on Jack. Not all Jews are bad. We can form alliances with “good” ones.

  2. Christians need to throw a stinking shit fit and drag the ACLU in every time a menorah goes up instead of rolling over and playing dead. And if the ACLU REFUSES to fight and take them down, then they need to be sued for discriminating AGAINST Christianity in favor of JUDAISM. I have no problem with Christmas being banned from public displays and being restricted to private property as long as other religious displays are as well.

    I want one-size-fits-all laws put in place. If not, there should be hell to pay.

  3. Clytemnestra – that’s what I’ve been saying all along. We are DEALING with Non Whites. Screw this “suck it up/be polite and courteous/ be respectable” CRAP.

    That’s fine with other Whites – but non Whites interpret White stoicism/good manners as “Sucker to be plucked clean/mortally wounded move in for the kill” time.

    When are Whites gonna learn this? We need to MAKE A GOD-DAMNED SCENE. Raise Holy HELL. Kick and yell and spit and pull EVERY stunt in the book.

    Don’t worry about “Now we are acting just like Them” Too freaking bad! Had we NOT allowed Them to invade our world, in the first place – we would not have to Act Just Like Them, in order to get the message across.

    ANY Communications 101 class will tell you that if you want to communicate with another – you have to speak to the Other in a language the Other understands.

  4. Oh, fuck the Kikes. Seig Heil, whatever. There is no end to their chutzpah. I can see no way for us to survive in the same world as these whining, cowardly, bullying ingrates. They come around looking for trouble, even in flyover places like Cookville, Tennesee. They’re not content to rule the economy, the media, the culture, the Federal government, they’ve got to hunt down every last trace of authentic community and stamp it out. I was once a real philo-Semite, read their magazines, their books, cheered for Israel. They seemed such an admirable, capable people, until I was once mistaken for a Jew and had the beans spilled all over me. My eyes have been open for years, and yet they still amaze me by their dishonesty and vileness.
    No Jews, know peace.

  5. Discard says:
    December 19, 2010 at 12:10 am
    Oh, fuck the Kikes. Seig Heil, whatever. There is no end to their chutzpah. I can see no way for us to survive in the same world as these whining, cowardly, bullying ingrates. They come around looking for trouble, even in flyover places like Cookville, Tennessee. They’re not content to rule the economy, the media, the culture, the Federal government, they’ve got to hunt down every last trace of authentic community and stamp it out.

    Jack Ryan replies:
    I understand your feelings. My own approach is to be firm but fair with both Jews and Blacks. With Blacks, make a very clear distinction between decent Blacks, talented Blacks and Blacks who are falling down and behaving in bad ways. I note that Whites in the South live close to Blacks, don’t run away and often like and respect lots of decent Blacks, But, when they see Blacks behaving like Northern ghetto low lifes, using vulgar language, playing rap music – Southern Whites engage these poor behaving Blacks and instruct them in a no nonsense way to stop doing the bad behavior – they say things like “We don’t speak this way down here”. It’s like it’s the White guy’s bar and the patrons – Black and White have to submit to basic rules of decency.
    With Jews it should be the same way. This is our Country – we out number Jews by at least 30-1. We made this good country and the Jews were somehow allowed to come in. It should be made clear that Jews can only stay IN OUR COUNTRY if they behave with some minimum levels of good conduct. One thing Jews are not allowed to do is fight a “War Against Christmas”. We can celebrate Christmas in our country, we always have and we always will. If Jews don’t like public celebration of Christmas they can move to Iran and appeal to the good side of that dark, hairy dwarf Muslim leader that sponsors Holocaust Revisionist conferences.

  6. Jack Ryan: Jews were, I think, 1% of the population of Czarist Russia, and look at the damage they did. How many Jews are there in Tennessee? How many cancer cells are you willing to have in your brain? I’ve come to believe that any is too many.
    Yes, there are “good” Jews. Can you discuss the Jewish war on Whites with them? Point out how much their brethren do to earn the hatred of their hosts? The only good Jew is one who spends eight hours a day begging us not to castrate the whole tribe, because there are a whole lot more of them just begging us to do exactly that.

  7. Discard says:
    December 19, 2010 at 1:50 am
    Jack Ryan: Jews were, I think, 1% of the population of Czarist Russia, and look at the damage they did. How many Jews are there in Tennessee? How many cancer cells are you willing to have in your brain?

    Jack Ryan replies:
    My position is to understand the Jewish situation, good and bad, mostly bad and do effective activism that generates positive results for our people.
    And simply ranting and raving about how evil the Jews are and how the Jews control everything, that isn’t effective, it doesn’t result in positive results. I have presented this ACL-Jew war on Christmas in Tennessee as an excellent propaganda opportunity for local Whites in Tennessee to step up and defend the public celebration of our Christmas against “THEM”. But local Whites need to step up and take advantage of this great propaganda opportunity. Ranting and raviing on the Internet about how evil Jews are – that doesn’t cut it.

  8. “My money still says that I trust in God. Are they going to stop me from using that, too?”

    Good line from the article. But yeah, probably. Increasingly debit and credit are the only two payment options. Businesses seem incentivized and able to offer extremely good deals—but only if cards, not cash, are used. In this way, as “cash” notes disappear, it will be a CHOICE. And everything has to be a choice where one is just sort of compelled to act a certain way. IN a recession who can’t afford the deals? And then, after paper is gone awhile, who would really care if the “money” (no one uses anyway) is different?

  9. “Can you discuss the Jewish war on Whites with them? Point out how much their brethren do to earn the hatred of their hosts? ”

    Almost always not.

    And THAT is the thing that is often pointed out by many WN’s. The same about Blacks and Muslims. Supposedly, we are told by the media and “intellectual” types, that “most [fill in the blank] are not really like that and it is only a few bad…” But of course you seldom if ever hear the supposed “good ones” speak out against the bad ones. Their silence is deafening. Common sense should dictate that that means the “good ones” really agree with and secretly applaud the actions and words of the bad ones.

  10. A simple solution: Amend the Tennessee constitution (1) to state that establishment of a state church means selecting a particular church and establishing that church as the state church by specific legislative act – nothing more; (2) to protect all faiths and sects except those that seek to replace civil and criminal authority with religious authority – the members of any sect that advocates such a position will be deported; (3) to protect free exercise of religion by stating that public and group expressions of religious conviction even in the context of state proceedings are constitutional; and (4) to criminalize attempts to use the Tennessee courts to limit in any way the free exercise under item (3) and to disbar any advocate participating in such activity.

  11. The polarization is what matters. We don’t want a solution, we want this fight to go on and on and the Christian side to NEVER SURRENDER.

    Because the more they fight, and get used to the idea of waging conflict against the War on Christmas people, who are the same people who are doing multiculturalism and gay marriage and open borders et cetera, then our side of the War on Christmas broadens the front to the rest of these things.

    The WOC could be the proxy for everything else — get the American Scots-Irish in the Mind-Warring mood. The WOC is definitely a Psy-Ops Mind-War thing, as surely as forced integration and race-mixing movies and Holocaust education.

    The mind is the battleground, and religion is the weapon. It’s not an ideological conflict, it’s a religious war, and the sooner we realize this, the better. You may find organized religion repugnant — have you considered that this maybe was done on purpose? To alienate us from the one Weapon we can use?

    Our enemies organize themselves in synagogues, churches and mosques. Duh! That’s where the organized and fanatical people are. They fund themselves with non-profits and organize themselves in their temples of anti-white action, and we scoff at Organized Religion.

    Historians of the 22nd century will regard this era as one of a religious conflict, that it took a long time for one side to figure out that it WAS a religious conflict.

  12. Sorry, but there is nothing about JUDEO-Christianity that I want to fight for. What IS Christmas anymore anyway, but some federally mandated, long, coercive shopping trip to artificially pump up a moribund economy? When that same government cannot be bothered to defend the reason for the season from anti-Christian activism. Why should I submit to being herded into a Jewish mall, where I am force-fed Jewish Jingle Bell Rock Jingles to buy overpriced junk that was made in China and overcharge my credit card to finance profits for Jewish merchants. And for all my pains, I can’t even get a “Merry Christmas” from the cashier, lest it offend the NON-Christians who might be shopping there. Screw that.

    JUDEO-Christian churches as the hive of pro-White activity? RU serious?! They are the pipeline that is bringing in Somalis, Afghanis, Iraqis, and every other non-Christian refugee from any Muslim country we so much as blink at in endless wars for Israel. Moreover, they are filled with White Christian Zionist Rapture Bunnies who want to drag the country into MORE endless wars for Israel.

    This War on Christmas is nothing but another distraction. I can celebrate Christianity at home with my friends and family. I can put up lights, a tree, a cross, and a nativity set AT HOME. I don’t see any value to erecting any of it in a public square so I can look at it on my way to the shopping mall.

    No. The longer I am involved in White Nationalist theory, the more inclined I am to militant secularism. If you think about it, a religious symbol is part of race and culture. That is why Christian symbols are going down and Menorahs and Stars of David are being erected in their place. Our religion and culture is under Zionist occupation. The people have been brainwashed into Judeo-Christianity. We need to take out these symbols of Zionist supremacy using the weapon of the Zionists and THAT is SECULARISM. The more militant, the better.

    Jews have been ardent defenders of Church-State separation and Whites have let them get away with this without any realistic or LEGAL retaliation. It behooves White Nationalists to become ardent defenders of SYNAGOGUE-State separation. We need to go after those Menorahs NOW.

  13. Spooky says:
    December 19, 2010 at 8:53 pm (Edit)
    Jack Ryan, why do you hate Iran?

    Jack Ryan replies:
    Please read the post – here’s the reference to Iran

    “If Jews don’t like public celebration of Christmas they can move to Iran and appeal to the good side of that dark, hairy dwarf Muslim leader that sponsors Holocaust Revisionist conferences.”

    I am presenting the truth that the current Islamic Republic of Iran is not overly friendly to Jews/Israel, so Jews shouldn’t cause trouble here in the USA and lead the War Against Christmas in our country.

  14. “This War on Christmas is nothing but another distraction.”

    It’s a free opportunity to attack multiple double standards.

  15. “It’s a free opportunity to attack multiple double standards.”
    Is it? It seems to me that all these radio talk shows who like to moan about the War on Christmas never care to come out and name who is behind it.

    Wouldn’t it be better to give these jerks the righteous – but legal – beat down they are begging for? They don’t like the reason for Christmas, but they love how the season fattens their wallets. How about teaching those Grinches the glorious lesson of “be careful what you wish for?”

    BOYCOTT Christmas until these annoying buttinskis learn that there can be no Christmas unless they respect the reason for the season and the people who believe in Him. If they lose their shirts every Christmas some annoying yenta takes out a Nativity, etc. ad nauseum, how long can they or will they keep it up, before they put a muzzle on their bitches and leash their dogs?

    I think it’s worth a try.

    BOYCOTT Christmas. Stay out of the stores and simply spend quality time at home listening to real Christmas carols and saying “Merry Christmas” to your friends and family. Take that “Happy Holidays” nonsense and ram it down their throats until they gag on it.

    Oh yes, and throw a stinking hissy fit whenever and wherever you see a Menorah. Sick of it. I’m done.

  16. “Is it? It seems to me that all these radio talk shows who like to moan about the War on Christmas never care to come out and name who is behind it.”

    That’s them. There’s nothing to stop someone whenever this comes up saying to whoever happens to be around that this “secular” stuff only applies to Christianity and the people who attack Christmas (e.g ACLU) seem to be the same people who promote every non-Christian religion.

    You don’t have to defend Christianity. The war on Christmas is just another opportunity to attack the multicult.

    There may be other viable options as well.

  17. Rush just talked about an anti Christmas crusader and mentioned her very Jewish sounding name. What more can he say and not lose his show? If people can’t figure out the connection when they keep hearing all these Jewish names there is little that can be done at the moment.

  18. “and mentioned her very Jewish sounding name”

    That’s the easiest and most work-safe way to do it. I do that when talking to people about cultural marxism. I just stress the names and mention how they had to escape from Germany to get away from the Nazis and the penny drops on its own eventually. With enough practise you don’t have to mention the word until after they do.

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