Thanksgiving Movie – Planes, Trains and Automobiles

The “Stuff Black People Don’t Like” – SBPDL website has an excellent article discussing the fine John Hughes Thanksgiving theme movie Planes, Trains and Automobiles.

Siskel and Ebert Give Thumbs Up

We at O.D. would like to wish all of our readers a happy Thanksgiving. We hope that you are sharing this Thanksgiving with loved ones – and not with mean, bitter White hating, Antis like Tim Wise, the ADL, SPLC, 98% of the MSM – Mainstream Media etc 🙂

We like to think that O.D. is becoming something of a family – a place where regular White Americans can come and be in a good, safe, positive place. O.D. is not a White “supremacist” site, just a nice place where it is…

OK to be White.

And the John Hughes movie Planes, Trains and Automobiles presents a White American world where, yeah – it’s OK to be White.

SBPDL writes:

There is a tremendous scene – that can found below – where John Candy’s character states this:

Del: You wanna hurt me? Go right ahead if it makes you feel any better. I’m an easy target. Yeah, you’re right, I talk too much. I also listen too much. I could be a cold-hearted cynic like you… but I don’t like to hurt people’s feelings. Well, you think what you want about me; I’m not changing. I like… I like me. My wife likes me. My customers like me. ‘Cause I’m the real article. What you see is what you get.

Del Griffith – the Real Deal

And we at O.D. also like “Del” – the John Candy character, he’s a good hearted, regular White American guy who can lead a bus full of strangers in a rousing rendition of “Flintstones, meet the Flintstones, they’re a modern stone age family”. These are our folks – nothing “supremacist” – just regular folks you would like to take in to your home on Thanksgiving.

Happy Thanksgiving and God bless all our readers.


  1. Jack,
    I am going to say that which I think a lot of people are thinking but do not want to mention (and I intend absolutely no malice in this):
    You have alienated a lot of contributors to this blog with your heavy handed (and unjustified) censorship. You have done so (so you say) ostensibly to keep the discussions “positive” and “mainstream”. What you are seeing here is the reaction to both your past actions in that regard and criticism of the subject matter that you choose to address. I have seen ATBOTL’s commentary many times before and did not perceive anything in it that would indicate he is shilling for the opposition. Truly Jack, what is the relevance of posting a reference to a cinematic work by two of the absolute worst comedians (my opinion, anyway) in Hollywood? Steve Martin with his wooden expression and very poor acting coupled with John Candy who is simply obnoxious (and needs Weight Watchers in the worst possible way)? Are these two “artists” the image of whites that we want to project to the public? Do we want the public to see us as harmless comic buffoons? While I got the relevance of your piece on Tolkien (white values), this is something else entirely. Besides, while the “feelgoodism” of Turkey Day may be an innocent interlude in what has become a time of non-stop suffering for white people, this artificial, contrived holiday celebrating a fictional event in history (there was no Thanksgiving at Jamestown in the near wintertime- it took place some 50 years later in June and much farther North in Massachusettes, I believe) is not much appreciated by WN’s who aren’t very happy with a PC national holiday in a country that is no longer their own and does not express their sentiments. This site is about the suffering of white people Jack, and the wish to have a nation of our own. Not too long ago you would have immediately jettisoned this post of mine. People do not forget Jack.

  2. Oldtimer – please check out the link I got this post from Stuff Black People Don’t like. It’s a featured blog here on O.D. for good reason.

    The Stuff Black People Don’t Like article on this Thanksgiving theme John Hughes film Planes, Trains and Automobiles is very good. The article explains why Black people wouldn’t like this movie which features and all White world and presents the common, everyday White American guy played by John Candy in a warm, loving way.

    The post is also very topical – it’s a film about THANKSGIVING!

    It’s now Thanksgiving.

    So, can people get the connection?

    I have not done any, ANY “heavy handed censorship” since the new comment policy was presented to me by Hunter. I have not deleted a single comment, including the troll one here saying:
    “What are you smoking?”

    O.D. is a web site promoting the interests and culture of White America. It’s hard to find movies made in the last 50 years that present White Americans in a supportive, positive way, movies that don’t push anti White propaganda, race mixing, the Zionist agenda.

    Planes, Trains and Automobiles is one such positive movie and it’s a comedy. John Candy was a White, Gentile comedian. So please view the post, check out the link, try to find something positive to say about a positive pro White movie, or else, if you are feeling negative. Just don’t say anything.

  3. O.D. is a web site promoting the interests and culture of White America. It’s hard to find movies made in the last 50 years that present White Americans in a supportive, positive way, movies that don’t push anti White propaganda, race mixing, the Zionist agenda.

    Umm, John Candy is a Canadian actor and not a very good one at that. Most of his roles that I can remember included playing umemployed irresponsible losers, making fun of rural White people and playing a drag queen. Your real big on Hollywood Jew films aren’t you? We don’t live in a fantasy world that doesn’t match reality or look up to treachorous sell outs like Andy Griffith. Get a clue.

  4. Planes, Trains and Automobiles is one such positive movie and it’s a comedy. John Candy was a White, Gentile comedian. So please view the post, check out the link, try to find something positive to say about a positive pro White movie, or else, if you are feeling negative. Just don’t say anything.

    Alex says:
    November 26, 2010 at 9:49 pm
    O.D. is a web site promoting the interests and culture of White America. It’s hard to find movies made in the last 50 years that present White Americans in a supportive, positive way, movies that don’t push anti White propaganda, race mixing, the Zionist agenda.

    Umm, John Candy is a Canadian actor and not a very good one at that. Most of his roles that I can remember included playing umemployed irresponsible losers, making fun of rural White people and playing a drag queen. Your real big on Hollywood Jew films aren’t you? We don’t live in a fantasy world that doesn’t match reality or look up to treachorous sell outs like Andy Griffith. Get a clue.

    Jack Ryan replies:

    Alex – please reread the post and check out the link to the Stuff Black People Don’t like article referenced here.
    Planes, Trains and Automobiles directed by John Hughes and staring John Candy are most definitely – NOT, NOT anti-White HOLLYWOOD JEW films.
    The director of this movie – John Hughes is White, Gentile; his movies are criticized for never having ANY Black characters. This positive, pro White THANKSGIVING theme (it’s now THANKSGIVING) presents the everyman hero as a Midwestern shower curtain salesman trying to get home and find his/a White family on Thanksgiving.
    Hey the comedic actor John Candy is “Canadian” – Alex, Canada is a country, not a race. There are/were lots and lots of White Gentiles in Canada – these White Canadian Gentiles are our kinsmen, the same as White Norwegians, White Germans, White Serbs, Whites from Southern and Midwestern states are our people.
    Alex and others – I have no idea why a simple, positive post noting a rare, pro White American movie with a Thanksgiving theme on Thanksgiving has brought out such extreme negativity here on O.D.
    Are you with any White family this Thanksgiving holiday?
    If you can’t be with your own White family on Thanksgiving, why not work to find some alternative White families through neighborhood, or religious church affiliations?
    White friendship and kinship can be found in so many places. There is simply no reason to be NEGATIVE, HOSTILE and ALONE on Thanksgiving.

    Let us give thanks to our White families, our White communities of kith and kin everywhere across America and across the world.
    We’re still hear and 2010 has been a good one for our people.

  5. Oldtimer is now engaging in a war against Thanksgiving, Oldtimer writes:

    “Besides, while the “feelgoodism” of Turkey Day may be an innocent interlude in what has become a time of non-stop suffering for white people, this artificial, contrived holiday celebrating a fictional event in history (there was no Thanksgiving at Jamestown in the near wintertime- it took place some 50 years later in June and much farther North in Massachusettes, I believe) is not much appreciated by WN’s who aren’t very happy with a PC national holiday in a country that is no longer their own and does not express their sentiments. ”

    Jack Ryan replies:

    Wow – I haven’t read such hostility to a White American national holiday since the Boulder University of Colorado PC folks went off on Columbus Day as symbolizing the coming of European man to the North American continent and the supposed cultural genocide of Native American people of color!

    Hey Oldtimer – Thanksgiving was set up to celebrate the White English colonialists surviving and making it in the new world, making this rough wilderness in to a “New England” – it’s a very pro White, racialist holiday celebrating our people surviving and MAKING IT here in this new land, which we were turning it in to OUR LAND.
    Thanksgiving is a great, Pro White American holiday, Kwanza is not. Celebrate Thanksgiving, not Kwanza.
    Wow – this cultural Marxist stuff comes out in some weird places.

  6. “Oldtimer is now engaging in a war against Thanksgiving, Oldtimer writes:…”
    So you had to “take it to the next level”, didn’t you Jack? It was YOU who said : “If you are feeling negative. Just don’t say anything.”
    While I’m not “feeling negative”, I was just “not going to say anything”, but you had to add more fuel to the fire. So here you go; “Thanksgiving” (if you had listened to your hero HAC’s last broadcast, you would know this) was set up as a national holiday by old Abe Lincoln as a diversionary tactic to take the public’s mind off the Civil War raging at the time. The original “Thanksgiving” that was commemorated in New England in 1623 was a one-time affair. Lincoln’s stunt was for propaganda.
    The real history of the event is as follows:
    “The first actual mention of the word thanksgiving in early colonial history was not associated with the first feast described above. The first time this term was associated with a a feast or celebration was in 1623. That year the pilgrims were living through a terrible drought that continued from May through July. The pilgrims decided to spend an entire day in July fasting and praying for rain. The next day, a light rain occurred. Further, additional settlers and supplies arrived from the Netherlands. At that point, Governor Bradford proclaimed a day of Thanksgiving to offer prayers and thanks to God. However, this was by no means a yearly occurrence.”
    I am not “at war with Thanksgiving” as you so melodramatically put it. Rather, my comments were critical of your choice of films which you seem to feel portray whites in a “positive light.” A vapid film with two talentless white stooges . So now I am a “cultural Marxist’ who celebrates Kwanza? Jack, are you so out of touch with what is going on around you that you haven’t noticed all the discussion on this blog about a white homeland? Do you think that most readers here believe that we can “take back the country”? Do you think it still is “our country”? When was the last time you saw a Nativity scene in a public park? Haven’t you noticed that it (our country) has been stolen from us piecemeal? Or have you been too busy viewing America through the bottom of a beer bottle? It is no longer “OUR LAND” as you put it. And we cannot “take back America”. The best that can be hoped for is a white homeland, or if that is impossible, then fighting for enough political clout to ensure that our descendants don’t suffer the same fate as the Unkrainians under Stalin.
    Your “articles” are predictable: “feelgoodism”, emanating “positive waves” and plastering smilies all over the place. Hey Jack; some of us don’t have much to smile about- I for instance have been unemployed for the past 1 and 1/2 years (I had to retire early because of being injured at work by one of our “minority” patients). Try finding a job as a disabled white male in his 50’s, even part time. I’m not wearing my heart on my sleeve by any means, but your attitude is unrealistic. And your contribution to “the cause”? A trite essay on a movie about a couple of white comedians who make the average white man to look like a dolt. Yeah, very upbuilding, that. Enjoy your Turkey Day Jack. And if you are in an especially upbeat mood, try taking it down to the soup kitchen for the out-of-work white guys in line there.

  7. Oldtimer, from your posts I can’t figure out if you’ve ever seen the movie. Del Griffith ends up being shown to be a good man, not a stereotyped bad guy.

  8. Jack, the tone and content of your posts seem out of place here. I think that’s why you get so much criticism.

    Try not being so bombastic about your claims. You can talk about how old John Hughes movies are relatively poison free compared to the typical Hollywood product without sounding like you’re drunk.

  9. Trains, Planes and Busses

    The Jews have a word for it–S C H L O C K.

    And that goes for the schlocky Andy Griffith show, too.

  10. The Jews have a word for it–S C H L O C K.

    The jew’s word for it is kitsch. Of course they said the same thing about National Socialist art.

  11. M says:
    November 27, 2010 at 1:03 am (Edit)
    “Oldtimer, from your posts I can’t figure out if you’ve ever seen the movie. Del Griffith ends up being shown to be a good man, not a stereotyped bad guy.”

    Jack Ryan replies:

    Yes, M you are right. Del Griffith is shown in the end to be a very good man, a very good, White every man. And he even breaks through to this rich, upper class, cynical marketing executive played by Steve Martin and in the end Steve invites Del Griffith in to his home after their long trek through mishaps, the Steve Martin character recognizes in the end that Del Griffith is family. And isn’t that what we are all about?

    Breaking down foolish division, petty jealousies, personal failures and feuds that blind us to what we should be:

    One White family, taking care of each other in good and bad times.

    Check out this music video with composite scenes from Planes, Trains and Automobiles – the music is by The Dream Academy – Power to Believe.

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone.


  12. My personal problem with J.R’s “cultural” posts, is that they generally have touted phenomena that are moronic and/or revolting. Monty Python, SNL, John Candy, Steve Martin, Enrique Iglesisas.

    Even adding George Strait, that’s still “one and five”, which is why so many are booing the team and asking what the coach is doing.

  13. There is a degenerate piece of garbage out now called “DUE DATE” I had the displeasure of seeing.

    People are calling it “Planes, Trains, and Automobiles of the 21st Century“. The plots of the two are very similar, except the “race to make it home” in the case of “Due Date” is for the “straight man’s” [Robert Downey Jr.] wife giving birth, rather than for a holiday.

    I think’s it’s worth comparing the two.

    1a.) The mid-1980s film [PTaA] had apparently no overt Jewish involvement. Directed/written by John Hughes, produced by Hughes, starring Steve Martin and John Candy.
    1b.) The 2010 film is literally dominated by Jews. It is: Jewish-directed, Jewish-written, Jewish-produced, Jewish-financed, Jewish-media-promoted, and one of the two leads is Jewish [Robert Downey Jr.] (See here for documentation).
    2a.) I don’t recall everything that happened in PTaA, but I recall it to be pretty wholesome.
    2b.) The 2010 film DUE DATE features all manner of degenerate “jokes”, miscegenation, crude-sex-‘humor’, and — of course — denigration of white people. (Naturally the only roles still allowed to be dominated by Northern-European whites are the clown roles: As in the second lead in DUE DATE [Zack Galifanakas], anything with Will Ferrel, and epitomized by the disgraceful recent movie “The Other Guys”.)

    3.) Lesson: A generation ago, there were still some wholesome, non-Jewish-dominated major films coming out. (Including PTaA). This is no longer the case.

  14. Erik Nordman says:
    November 27, 2010 at 5:12 am
    “My personal problem with J.R’s “cultural” posts, is that they generally have touted phenomena that are moronic and/or revolting. Monty Python, SNL, John Candy, Steve Martin, Enrique Iglesisas.

    Even adding George Strait, that’s still “one and five”, which is why so many are booing the team and asking what the coach is doing.”

    Jack Ryan replies:
    You left out my cultural posts promoting/discussing JRR Tolkien, the Swedish pop music band ABBA, links to actor Dennis Hopper facing certain death at the hands of a Sicilian Mafia Don in True Romance and these cultural posts all received the same % of rejection, hostility, total negativity.
    There is no reason to over analyze comments that are always hostile always negative – folks who hate touching, loving all White Thanksgiving movies, folks who dismiss the White racial mythos of JRR Tolkien and the incredible success of the Lord of the Rings movies.
    There is a reason that the Swedish pop rock group ABBA is the most successful pop music group of all time:
    ABBA is beautiful – the White singers are beautiful and their songs are beautiful – simple, positive, very, very White.
    So what is the problem with promoting White culture that is “positive”, “beautiful”, “funny”, “inspirational” and very, very successful?
    Shouldn’t White Americans strive to be positive and successful in all areas -including politics, enjoy the great successes White Americans just achieved in the recent elections?
    That certain % says NO – everything is negative, everything is lost, it’s hopeless and they will brutally attack anyone who is positive, upbeat.
    So do people not like the current crop of Jewish Hollywood “holiday” movies? There is Netflix – with movie catalogs going back 80 years, and with some good advice you can find excellent, positive, pro White movies – that’s if people are interested in finding anything positive, pro White.

    Happy Thanksgiving folks, try to look on the bright side of life.

  15. Great movie.

    I don’t know why people are bashing Jack Ryan’s post. Does everything in White Nationalism(what ever the hell it’s called) have to be grim, uptight, serious, intellectual and historically 100% accurate. It’s no wonder that this so called “movement” has stood still for the last few decades.

  16. Jack Ryan’s got a point about negativity. This movie, whatever one might think of it, is without doubt a “white” movie [non-Jewish, non-Multikluti, non-degenerate… but I repeat myself!]. Look at the bright side; this movie was in theaters only 20-some years ago and it is almost-totally free of Multikulti taint.

  17. The thread title “Thanksgiving Movie” makes me wonder: Has there ever been a real Thanksgiving movie (rather than one with that as a plot element, as in PTaA)?

    The first Thanksgiving in the 1620s is an interesting story in itself:

    [begin quote]
    “The Wampanoag were the ones who helped the Pilgrims—in return for the Pilgrims’ help fighting the Naragansett Indians, who were hostile. It was the Pilgrims’ skill with muskets that helped the Wampanoag survive. But eventually the Wampanoag turned on the colonists and tried to slaughter them.”

  18. Oh yeah…’s a thought. People who smile, laugh, and are relaxed and easy going have a much easier time attracting and persuading other people.

  19. Jack, I will honestly say that I still dislike about 95% of what you post, but you do score greatly with the ABBA one. Praise where praise is due. 🙂

  20. Erik Nordman says:
    November 28, 2010 at 1:12 am (Edit)
    Jack, I will honestly say that I still dislike about 95% of what you post, but you do score greatly with the ABBA one. Praise where praise is due.

    Jack Ryan replies:

    Thank you very much Eric for the kind words and I am glad you liked the ABBA links. I really do appreciate some positive comments.

    For folks who are very interested in racial history, do some research on the female ABBA singers, there is a hidden story about the parents of one of them and I think many will find this secret very interesting.

    Take care everyone and I hope folks found some ways for positive cultural activities this Thanksgiving. I like Thanksgiving.

  21. Robert Campbell says:
    November 28, 2010 at 2:07 am (Edit)
    There would be no ABBA without Lebensborn:

    Jack Ryan replies:

    Yes, Robert Campbell wins the prize! He has revealed the secret about ABBA singer Frida Lyngstad. So for those who said my promotion of ABBA was just foolish nonsense about a pop music group that had no deep meanings, well… there was a deep meaning and the Lebensborn activism of non other then SS leader Heinrich Himmler has resulted in….

    ABBA – the most successful pop music group in history!

  22. Planes, Trains, and Automobiles has always been one of my favorite movies. It is quite funny and it’s portrayal of the pitfals of travel, though exagerated are spot on, like the scene where the uptight, germophobic Niel Page tip toes around in the filthy motel floor while the relaxed Del makes himself at home on the vibrating bed. I loved Del’s optimism on “this ain’t too bad” when the finish is striped off the side of the car after getting sandwhiched between the trucks. Or the scene where he sells niave girls shower curtain rings for their ears. But just when you think the entire thing is slap stick the character of Del comes back to prove himself more real than you ever imagined making the audience feel shame inside for pre judging him simply as a comic buffoon. Few other comedies ever worked this well. They sell this DVD for just a few bucks at Target, and its a simple 16 x 9 print of the original theatrical release without any endless trailers for other garbage, or decades later tampering with added “cgi content” of Jabba the Hut or something to ruin it. I drive by the Braidwood Inn several times a year, it’s a former Days Inn out on I-55 in Braidwood Illinois. Sadly, the suburban sprawl is starting to reach this point 100 miles out from Chicago and the tall piles of mining slag along this stretch of I-55 by Coal City have been removed. I miss the hundred foot tall pyramids, they were a sentimental landmark on the drive down old route 66. And the old America really isn’t the same, these days the real life motel where they filmed the Braidwood Inn scenes is now a slum owned by Hindu interlopers on the American countryside.

  23. I broke down and rented this movie from Netflix – saw the whole movie tonight…. really good – it’s aged well.

    I think this should now rate as THE White Thanksgiving film – Christmas has Miracle on 34th Street and It’s a Wonderful Life.

    Thanksgiving…. Planes, Trains and Automobilies.

    John Candy and John Hughes RIP

  24. The “She tough, her first baby…come out sideways and she don’t scream or nottin” line was outrageously funny. Niel getting punched in the balls was great as well, there was just so much that was hilarious yet at the same time the entire movie had a sadly serious side of a wandering widower who put foward a public face of jollyness to hide his inner depression and inability to deal with his loss. There aren’t really many comedies made like that anymore.

  25. Nightowl says:
    November 30, 2010 at 3:15 pm
    The “She tough, her first baby…come out sideways and she don’t scream or nottin” line was outrageously funny. Niel getting punched in the balls was great as well, there was just so much that was hilarious yet at the same time the entire movie had a sadly serious side of a wandering widower who put foward a public face of jollyness to hide his inner depression and inability to deal with his loss. There aren’t really many comedies made like that anymore.

    Jack Ryan replies:

    Well said. And the John Candy character works very well in our depressed, dispossessed times now – a still enthusiastic lower middle class salesman being up beat and positive as Hindus buy up the small town hotel businesses, White locals must take really crappy local jobs and work around, compete with Mestizos who are “happy to do the jobs Americans don’t want” – only the locals do want some/any jobs and the Mestizos on ly work for a short while before they drop out to be gang bangers. All the While the John Candy noble souls are not letting everyone give up – he still deeply cares about them and that is what we must do.
    Not give up
    Deeply care about our dispossessed people.
    There is hope, our people have been through worse.

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