Lighten up Francis

OK – we can put a lot of the blame on the ZOG MSM – for presenting a negative image of WN/Patriot activists. We’re supposed to be a bunch of “HATERS” – psychos, societal misfits – people that just can’t handle modern society.

Sure – the MSM is pushing a negative stereotype of WN/Patriot activists….
but the truth be known. Many of our folks could improve on our image, work to present a better, healthier, more positive image.

Here is a scene from the movie “Stripes” where Francis/Psycho really needs to lighten up a bit.


  1. I think James Edwards is the ideal white activist with regards to image.

    (I do think that he ought to grow some hair so as not to fit the “skinhead” stereotype, but oh well)

    He’s young, handsome, married to an attractive white woman and already has a kid (and presumably plans to have more).

    He’s articulate, has a good sense of humor, and is just an overall pleasant individual.

    This movement needs more young people and women, as well as people who could easily blend in with mainstream crowds.

    While I respect middle aged white and European scholars such as the late Sam Francis, Jared Taylor, Tomislav Sunic, Raymond Wolters, etc, white nationalist movements too often look like old peoples’ movements.

    We also need more women.

    A) Our detractors will no longer be able to successfully smear us as sexist.
    B) All of us white people are in this together.

    But yeah, more young people, more women, more mainstream types, etc.

    I do think that the number of white nationalists who are mainstream (ie. are up to date regarding music, sports, have non-white friends, etc) is increasing.

    I myself am living proof of that.

  2. @Political pessimist,

    You have non-White friends? Myself, I have non-White co-workers, with whom I have a cordial relationship. There’s even a Black guy (a lay pastor) who’s way above par for his race, when it comes to intelligence and behavior. I could never have any of these as personal friends, though, for reasons of ideology and culture. Doesn’t it present you with problems or are these people acquaintances rather than personal friends? I would be interested to hear you expound.

  3. Political Pessimist says:
    October 1, 2010 at 3:08 am (Edit)
    “I think James Edwards is the ideal white activist with regards to image.

    (I do think that he ought to grow some hair so as not to fit the “skinhead” stereotype, but oh well)

    He’s young, handsome, married to an attractive white woman and already has a kid (and presumably plans to have more).

    He’s articulate, has a good sense of humor, and is just an overall pleasant individual.”

    The Editor replies:

    Yes, I agree – James Edwards comes off very well, young, smart, hip – with a good sense of humor. He relates well to his readers, listeners and it is not a surprise that he has an attractive wife and young family.

    The Francis/Psycho character depicted here from the (very funny) movie “Stripes” – is of course a Hollywood created stereotype. Unfortunately there is some truth to this stereotype that too many negative people are attracted to the WN/resistance movement for the wrong reason. They do hate most things and most people, including most of our own White Indo European people.

    We need to create most positive energy, present spokesmen like James Edwards that folks like to be around.

    Thanks again Political Pessimist

  4. @ Erik Nordman

    Well, considering that I live in California and grew up in the Bay Area (and still live there), it was inevitable that I would have non-white friends.

    If I didn’t have non-white friends, I would have a very poor social life indeed.

    For the most part, having non-white friends doesn’t get me into too much trouble, since a) most of them are not black, being primarily Asian and to a smaller extent Hispanic. b) for the most part, we avoid racial issues, and to the extent that we do delve into racial issues, it’s mostly mild humor and jokes about non-Asian and non-white races. At least for college (where I attend a UC that is over 50% Asian), that is the case.

    In high school, where my friend group was majority non-white, my views did indeed get me into trouble, and I had several intense arguments with my pals. Although they (including the one black guy in my group) actually respected me for my honesty. I flat-out said that, “I’m racist and I don’t like black people,” and my black friend, while getting into with me on certain occasions, respected my fortitude and bluntness. At the very least, he knew that I wasn’t to be messed with.

    Although I actually ran into a couple of my former high school friends this summer and we got along fine.

    But yeah, on an individual level, I get along with most non-whites just fine, and have many friends.

    The non-white group that I mainly have problems with is blacks. Blacks just rub me the wrong way, although I even have a FEW black friends, though not many. I attended a middle school in Oakland that had a good number of blacks, and had a not so pleasant experience. As a result, I’m very apprehensive when around blacks, friend or foe.

    I get along with Hispanics and Asians just fine. In fact, I don’t have any ill feelings towards Asians. In fact, I think that most of my friends (at least now) are Asian!

    To the extent that I am hostile towards Hispanics, it’s only because of mass demographic changes through immigration and the resulting political ramifications for white people. On an individual level, I have no problem with Hispanics. My manager at my university work place is Hispanic, I’ve had various Hispanic friends throughout my adolescence, and I just don’t that much anger towards them (a little, but not much).

    Of course, it’s goes without saying that I don’t go around advertising the fact that I’m a white nationalist/advocate when in their presence.

    Since you’re wondering how someone with my views could possibly have non-white friends on a fundamental level, I really don’t think that it’s so complicated.

    The reason why I’m hostile towards “diversity” is because I have FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE with “diversity.” I’ve been on the front lines of the culture wars. It’s only BECAUSE of my extensive contact with non-whites that I feel the way I do.

    Think about it. Would I really care about these issues if I lived in a place such as Iowa or Oregon? No. There wouldn’t be any non-whites for me to be friends with, or to be angry with.

    But as someone living in the Bay Area, California, you’d better believe that I care about these issues.

    So paradoxically, I have non-white friends AND am a white nationalist as a result of my exposure to diversity.

    It’s a bit confusing, to be sure.

    But I see no big contradiction between being pro-white/a white nationalist and having friends of different races.

    I hope that answers your question.

  5. We need to create most positive energy, present spokesmen like James Edwards that folks like to be around.

    Hypothetically, what if these spokesmen turn out not be zionists?

  6. Alex says:
    October 1, 2010 at 7:44 pm (Edit)
    “We need to create most positive energy, present spokesmen like James Edwards that folks like to be around.

    Hypothetically, what if these spokesmen turn out not be zionists?”

    Editor replies:

    This shouldn’t be a big problem. If White commentators, political leaders who gain support because they are pushing programs that are on our side, go over to other sides, take the 30 pieces of silver and push destructive programs like Zionism, Neo Conservatism, Freudian Psychoanalysis, open borders immigration under some twisted libertarian mind warp – we’ll note this sad fact and work with others to expose the traitors/idiots – hope that clarifies things.

  7. O.D. readers should have noted that the comments section has been tightened up, O.D. is no longer publishing everything that gets submitted. O.D. editors are deleting comments that are off topic, are personal smears against O.D. writers, editors. In addition, O.D. has a problem with folks trying to promote some type of race denying economic or political philosophy that will supposedly make everything OK. One such philosophy is the true believer cult of Libertarianism – and too many hard core Libertarians push for complete open borders immigration in to the US, the West – these Libertarians insist that everyone in the world should be “free to choose” – even if it means 20 million HIV+ Black Nigerians choose to move to Ireland or Minnesota.
    There is simply no trying to use reason with these Libertarian true believers – they’re in a cult.
    For other racially conscious White Indo European people who do favor many parts of the Libertarian philosophy such as less government, lower taxation and more individual freedoms – that’s fine, as long as you put our race and culture first, and support commons sense immigration programs and generally put our own people first.
    This isn’t Free Republic, nor is Reason Magazine. In those places it is taboo to say anything RACIST. Here the situation is reversed.

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