When Whites Oppose Muslim Immigration

The opposition to the proposed Islamic Cultural center/mosque on Ground Zero is not the only place where Whites are reacting with anger to the Islamization of the West.

Whites in Western Europe – in Switzerland, Holland, France and England see large numbers of alien NW Muslims pushing in to traditional White European areas, being aggressive, insulting and generally putting the word out that they are “taking over”.

Even Pat Robertson’s CBN has noticed this conflict and supports the White French resistance to the Islamization of France/the West.

CBN Notices the French Resistance to Islamization

Here in the Great State of Tennessee – local Whites are taking to the streets, opposing the building of an Islamic mosque; some TN Whites have apparently resorted to vandalism to put the message that Muslim are not welcome in Tennessee.

Though some WN leaders like David Duke take the position that “the enemy of my enemy, is my friend” – that Muslims are fighting Jews in Israel and oppose Jewish corruptions in the American media, world finance. Thus American WN should supposedly try to make alliances with Muslims and educate Whites that the Jews are the main enemy not Muslims.

My view is WN should just recognize the glaring fact that ~ 98% of world Muslims are not White, and regular Whites everywhere in the world react with fear and loathing at the arrival of NW Muslims. 9/11/01 is very easy to understand for most Whites in America:

– nasty, ugly, hateful, racially alien Muslims were allowed to come in to OUR COUNTRY, to mass murder OUR PEOPLE, here in OUR COUNTRY.

These same ugly, nasty, hateful racially alien NW Muslims want to make huge parts of America in to…. THEIR COUNTRY. Bring in Muslim Sharia law that would deny some Good Ol Boy in Tennessee the right to drink a beer or admire a pretty woman, forcing women to cover up in Muslim burkas.

For WN, Conservative American who have had a really hard time selling Libertarian, free market economic programs to regular White working people, selling strict immigration policies to keep out Muslim extremists is a very, very easy sale.

But, too often many White American patriots, WN don’t like to do things the easy way.

So I am recommending that folks here, yes – do things the easy way: oppose the NW Muslim immigration, colonization of the USA, the White West.

Understand that know it all Libertarians like Ron Paul will come up with some private property rights argument to support the Muslims’ right to build their mosque/cultural center on Ground Zero. These R.P. Libertarian folks seem to make it their whole life’s purpose to push policies that alienate ~ 95% of the White American public.

Yes, I know it is always a danger that powerful Zionist, Jewish Neo Conservatives will exploit White resentment to Muslim immigrants to support yet another Jew war in the Middle East or just some other pro Israel policies – that’s a given. Jews will exploit anything and everything for their interests.

But, as long as you/we take a solidly pro “White” position against NW Muslim immigration, there is no reason we have to support Jewish intrigue. Plus, Jews can usually be counted on to support any Non White group attacking Whites in White communities, including supporting NW Muslims in places like Murfreesboro TN.

So, just take the White side. Take the position that NW Muslims have many, many countries of their own, we do not need to give them any of our countries, states like France or Tennessee. Arab Muslims, Black Muslims, Paki Muslims, Muslim Turks – these people are very different than us and their ways are not our ways. Be gracious and polite with NW Muslims, be honest in saying that you work against all Zionist wars against Muslim nations, but NW Muslims are simply not welcome here.

They need to go back to their Muslim countries.


  1. Ok, Denise. Since, you couldn’t resist singling me out, multiple times, demonstrate how the Jews are literally the seed of Lucifer. Not, “I don’t like them.” I want evidence they are the biological and/or soul descendents of Lucifer.

  2. I wonder how many average Red State Americans in a moment of frustration with Obama remembered David Duke from his brief interlude on the national scene 20 years ago, googled up his site to see what he had to say about “the first black president,” and clicked away with disgust when they realized 90% of the site revolves around “how evil” Israel is.

  3. I read a bit from some obscure PDF someone linked to about “tropical sun” and white people. I completely disagree, it’s the humidity, not the sunlight that makes the tropics so unpleasant for us. (also the lack of a annual freeze to kill of the bugs and all the diseases they carry.) I took an Astronomy class that focused on the sky the way Astronomy was taught in the 19th century. The reality is that the Sunlight in St Louis from mid April to mid August is 90% as intense at what you experience in the tropics. A statistically insignificant difference. It’s the brutal 90% humidity that makes large European bodies swelter in the hellish pea soup air. Notice how small and thin Vietnamese, Hindus, Indonesians, etc are who are natives of the tropics. Being a veritable midget gives a hominid a large ratio of surface area to volume in order to radiate away body heat.

  4. Nightowl: Fat distribution is another evolved adaptation to the tropics. If you carry all your excess body fat on your butt, the rest of the body can stay skinny. Had you wondered why there were specialty publications dedicated to the celebration of the female Negroid buttocks, i.e, Black Ass magazine?

  5. Night Owl: “I completely disagree, it’s the humidity, not the sunlight that makes the tropics so unpleasant for us. (also the lack of a annual freeze to kill of the bugs and all the diseases they carry.)”

    I disagree on the humidity being a killer for us. The British Isles are relatively humid, and Europe is ‘wet’ compared to even the Pacific Northwest. Humidity moderates; the Tropics (with year-round heat and UV radiation) are too much, but Europeans can survive the humidity in the Southeast. What’s your alternative, oven temperatures in the Southwest Desert? However, I do agree with your sentence in parenthesis. Having a winter snow or even frost kills would-be present Tropical Diseases and parasites. I will also admit bad Tropical elements (diseases and parasites) generally rely on humidity (and year-long heat), although Southeastern humidity would not be enough to kill us by itself.

    “The reality is that the Sunlight in St Louis from mid April to mid August is 90% as intense at what you experience in the tropics. A statistically insignificant difference.”

    Not necessarily. 10% could make a difference from skin cancer and having only a solid base tan. I noticed the difference in winter sunlight is omitted? Was that included in your science lesson? The relative absence of sunlight in the winter, while the Tropics are always in the Summer is quite significant in the equation, no?

    “It’s the brutal 90% humidity that makes large European bodies swelter in the hellish pea soup air.”

    Do you have any statistics evidencing the Southeast is 90% humid? I do not remember reading a number that high, even in Florida & Louisianna.

    Where would you rather be dropped off, without effective transportation, technology, and official drinking water (tap/bottled)? By a stream in the Southeast or Death Valley?

  6. By and large- Muslims became or have become a “problem” because of our continual and unconditional support of their archenemy – the state of Israel.

  7. “By and large- Muslims became or have become a “problem” because of our continual and unconditional support of their archenemy – the state of Israel.”

    Massive Islamic Immigration is a much bigger problem.

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