Letter From Europe 2

Comrades –

Greetings again from the middle of modern Europe, from a huge capital city that shall go nameless. There is plenty to update you on this week, so let’s get going.

— The new U.K. defense minister was caught unawares by a lone reporter and in an intelligent and in depth discussion of NATO goals in Afghanistan, the kind that not only does one not see in the U.S. but that at times one wonders if a U.S. politician is even capable of, the minister announced (I paraphrase from memory) “look, we’re here because it is in our national interest and not one moment longer, we’re not here because we care about education policy in a 13th Century society.”

The minister’s honest words (and, let’s face it, the U.K. is outta there no matter what Unca Suga has to say about it) were retracted just as soon as the U.S. could throw a patented American Hissy Fit (Triple Grande, with an extra shot). But, NATO this or NATO that, we will soon be all alone in Afghanistan, and the Europeans have calculated that there is no value, no value whatsoever, to staying or to continuing to suck up to the U.S. Note, especially, that this war push has come from Barry Obama.

— There is locally where I live a city election. I’m not real used yet to the abbreviations of the parties, though I knew that one set of letters was allied with the Muslims, the others were for restricting immigration. Before I could look it up in the morning, the ads and posters of the right-wing party were defaced overnight with red paint and, in some places, writing in Arabic. This saved me the hassle of having to look it up.

— Meanwhile, NATO continues to expand. The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia is next in line, even though they can’t even agree here on the name of country. Just for the record: your sons and daughters are pledged to die for Macedonia. As you might imagine, the feeling is not reciprocated.

— Further illustrating that when the change comes, it won’t be according to the rules, the situation in the Netherlands makes it crystal clear that even strong mainstream electoral success means nothing when it comes to the U.S. and EU enforced rules. Effectively, Wilders has been forbidden from government, even in a purely symbolic role. Dissent will not be allowed.

— Speaking of the EU, the situation here is quite interesting as we are now well into Phase II of its existence. In Phase I, it was a pure American import, the American system exported to Europe. To understand the EU in this phase, one must merely envision No Child Left Behind writ large: No Country Left Behind. With enough funding and technical assistance, and the right political will and the right people, we can finally reach the promised land where every nation (child) can govern (read) as well as White (Northern European) kids (countries). In other words, Norway and Germany pay for Portugal and Greece, in much the same way that Smith and Lucas pay for Leroy and Gonzalez.

During this phase, opposition to the EU was more or less like the opposition in the U.S. “Look, peoples, nations and government are NOT the same, they DO have cultural and racial characteristics and to pretend otherwise is folly of the first magnatude.”

That was then, but this is now. Now, the EU groans along for one reason and one reason only: to pull the former Eastern Europe into the mainstream. Everything it does is directed at bringing Slovakia, Romania and even the former East Germany into the real world.

In that sense, now that I’ve seen it up close, the EU makes sense. The scope of the change that is necessary in the East is massive. It is not a matter of changing governments or this or that program, but of human personalities. In the East, even in the Year of Our Lord 2010, everyone from the local shopkeeper to the minister of the interior is afraid to make a decision lest it lead him to destruction and, in any case, we all know we are powerless before the state, and, by the way, there is no point in working with other people because the more they know the more they can use against you.

The people I’ve come to admire here speak of change in the East being a three or four generation process. I think that’s probably generous, but it certainly provides a lot of substance to the question “Why, exactly, do European leaders cling so strongly to the EU when it presents so many disadvantages?”

Imagine a world where we were in union with Mexico whether we liked it or not. What would be better: 1) to let them go their own way, knowing that their hordes would cross our borders; or 2) involve ourselves and our money deeply in their government with the goal of making Mexico a place where Mexicans could make a Mexican life for themselves without thinking of migrating?

This is the situation the European nations are in. They are scared; you can feel the fear.

— On the street, the world spins in greased grooves the way it has for centuries. There are cafes near my apartment which are older than the Republic. And after two months I can answer one question without reservation, with absolute certainty and with total confidence: European girls are vastly prettier, nicer, and just damn plain outclass American women from here to the moon. It isn’t even close.

— In poor Ireland, the tail has come off the Celtic Tiger. Unemployment is at 15% and tax receipts are down 9 billion Euro from this time last year. Houses in Dun Laoghaire (dun-leer-ey), a suburb of Dublin that is the main ferry line to the UK, that went for half a million Euros five years ago are selling at auction for 100,000 euros to Polish plumbers who wisely socked away their earnings. Meanwhile, in the name of inclusiveness, the Irish Government has imported African Muslims to South Dublin.

Wonders of wonders, the reaction of the locals, despite their superior education and culture, despite being EUROPEAN, despite being better than Americans in all things that matter, as they will readily tell you if you would but listen, is massive White Flight, with the Irish becoming a minority in districts of Dublin for the first time in recorded history.

From Mississippi to California, from Haiti to Peru, from Ireland to Italy, from Egypt to Mozambique, the utter failure of the Black race and the desire of everyone to get away from them as far and as fast as they can is one of the few constants in an ever-changing world. And, yet, we are not allowed to comment upon it. For it is too obvious.

— Met a Black ex-pat the other night. Intelligent, insightful, smart, fully American, more than me. What a strange world it is that we must be so sundered from people who rightfully should be our brethren. Such is the power of race. Individually, we may be friends, even comrades. But, as a whole, people will side with their side and the advancement of peoples is a zero sum game. It’s powerfully sad.

— In Finland, the government has gotten itself in trouble by noting, publically, that Russia really isn’t that important anymore. The Bear growled and made the usual noises.

And the Finns LAUGHED.

Imagine that, my friends.

My, how this Old World has changed!


  1. This is an essay to remind us of how powerful the “Elite’s” taboos are. A sure fire candidate to be writing for National Review.

  2. Very interesting report, but not a word about Thilo Sarrazin the german (social democrat) central banker who is warning about the dumbing down of Germany from muslim low IQ immigration. Tomorrow his book comes out in Germany, Schafft Deutschland sich ab? Angela Merkel has warned that Germany’s standing in the World has been seriously damaged. Sarrazin is the first member of the ruling elite in any Western country to speak openly about the dangers to our race from immigration.

  3. Imagine a world where we were in union with Mexico whether we liked it or not. What would be better: 1) to let them go their own way, knowing that their hordes would cross our borders; or 2) involve ourselves and our money deeply in their government with the goal of making Mexico a place where Mexicans could make a Mexican life for themselves without thinking of migrating?

    Wait, so is this your theory of why the EU exists? To keep Slavs and Meds out of NW Europe? If so, why are their blacks, Turks, Arabs, etc. in these countries?

  4. Being born and raised in Scandinavia and spending a substantial part of my life there, before I became an American, I can only note with sadness how quickly the rest of Europe is following the path downwards.

    Growing up, there were Turks, Yougos and Italians around. They had been actively recruited in their homelands to come up north and fill the need for labor. Later came the hordes of (actual) refugees, followed by the larger hordes of “refugees”. Arabs and East Africans, mostly.

    I never thought I’d see a place like Ireland volunteer for that misery… 🙁

  5. Steve: Without the EU, any European country could simply expel any unwanted non-citizens.

    MJ: It’s not clear to me. Does Angela Merkel think that Germany’s standing is damaged by dumb Moslems, or by writing about dumb Moslems?

  6. Erik Nordman says: Growing up, there were Turks, Yougos and Italians around. They had been actively recruited in their homelands to come up north and fill the need for labor. Later came the hordes of (actual) refugees, followed by the larger hordes of “refugees”. Arabs and East Africans, mostly.

    I never thought I’d see a place like Ireland volunteer for that misery…

    No surprise to me – just one more example of the cheap labor/free trade mental illness at work! When making money becomes the most important thing in your life, little details like racial purity don’t merely take a distant back seat, they are heaved out of the car altogether.

  7. very poorly written article …
    and for the record, Norway is not in the E.U. so no, they won’t be paying the education costs for Greek and Portuguese children.

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