A Pict Song

Since my post earlier this evening offended most, I deleted it.  Apparently, I have issues. Duly noted.

Since my own words have failed me today, I present this post to: 1) note for the record that I deleted the post myself, so that no one thinks that there is anything going on here other than self-censorship after reading and understanding for the most part the view behind the protests; and 2) to present the words of another, to make the same point I was aiming at without offense.  So, “A Pict Song,” by Kipling.  To get my meaning, merely posit USG as modern Rome and the Mexican people as modern Picts.

A Pict Song

Rome never looks where she treads,
Always her heavy hooves fall
On our stomachs, our hearts or our heads;
And Rome never heeds when we bawl.
Her sentries pass on – that is all,
And we gather behind them in hordes,
And plot to reconquer the Wall,
With only our tongues for our swords.

We are the Little Folk – we!
Too little to love or to hate.
Leave us alone and you’ll see
How we can drag down the Great!
We are the worm in the wood!
We are the rot in the root!
We are the germ in the blood!
We are the thorn in the foot!

Mistletoe killing an oak –
Rats gnawing cables in two –
Moths making holes in a cloak –
How they must love what they do!
Yes – and we Little Folk too,
We are as busy as they –
Working our works out of view –
Watch, and you’ll see it some day!

No indeed! We are not strong,
But we know Peoples that are.
Yes, and we’ll guide them along,
To smash and destroy you in War!
We shall be slaves just the same?
Yes, we have always been slaves,
But you – you will die of the shame,
And then we shall dance on your graves!

We are the Little Folk – we!
Too little to love or to hate.
Leave us alone and you’ll see
How we can drag down the Great!
We are the worm in the wood!
We are the rot in the root!
We are the germ in the blood!
We are the thorn in the foot!


  1. Since my own words have failed me today, I present this post to: 1) note for the record that I deleted the post myself, so that no one thinks that there is anything going on here other than self-censorship after reading and understanding for the most part the view behind the protests;

    Well now I definitely think there was a conspiracy. You’re protesting too much!

  2. I, too, missed out on being offended. In the name of equality, I demand the right to be as offended as any other person. Seriously, though, can we set up a link to this post with a caveat so that everyone can judge for themselves?

  3. The post is gone. In short, it was a link to a San Francisco Chronicle story that detailed the State of California’s announcment that while its population has increased by 4 million from 2000 to 2008, that same time frame saw the unexpected exodus of more then 500,000 Whites from the state.

    I used this fact to describe how destructive Latino and Asian immigration is, used very unkind language and inflammatory slurs about said immigrants, noted that the numbers game means that White Nationalism will become more viable sooner than I had thought and then closed noting that our day is coming and that we should be picking out suitable lampposts for the traitors who aided and abetted our current situation.

    Many regular posters and authors thought the language too abrasive, counter-productive and that the part about violence was out of line. Upon reflection, I agreed with them and took it down. It was up for around 2 hours. I regret that I did not keep a copy.

  4. This is what I meant to post for your original entry before it was removed:

    Keep up the good work Albert and pay no attention to those who say your tone is too contentious. As you stated why should we show even the slightest respect for people who hate us and are destroying our communities and the country? Speaking in honeyed tones is a bit foolish at this late hour.

    What is happening is California will happen to every other state in the union if the mestizo invasion continues unchecked. Then where will whites run to? The North Pole?

    I used to travel to S. California for business on occasion between 1999-2002 and fell in love with the state’s natural beauty and beaches. It had it all; great weather, a booming economy and gorgeous women. If not for the population density and racial problems I would have strongly considered moving out there. As I understand it the white trickle out of Cali became a flood following the Rodney King riots. A couple Californians readily admitted that is was no longer safe for white people.

    For all intents and purposes, S. California has become just like Mexico. Mexico is where Mexicans are as the adage goes. They will never morph into law abiding, flag waving, ditto heads no matter how hard the patriotards, Republicans and Christians wish it to be.

  5. I for one thought the racial stereotypes were hilariously accurate, if unkind. Without the lampposts comment, the original post likely wouldn’t have drawn any flak. The Kipling poem is very apt.

  6. Albert Jackson,

    Minus the sentence about lampposts I thought that it was very good piece too.

    By the way, are you a native Californian?

  7. I think Mr. Jackson is the best contributor on this site.

    I didnt get to read the taken down piece but I would have liked to read it. Maybe post it on the forum later if you don’t feel comfortable putting it back up on the main page.

  8. The white hating rulers of Sweden are changing the rules so the lampposts will be safe.
    Sweden’s palace coup
    June 6, 2010 by Cavatus

    The Swedish code of laws
    The Swedish government intends to change the Swedish constitution. In order to do this there is a need for two parliamentary decisions with an election in between. Since there will be an election in September, the government was in a hurry to vote for this decision now before the MPs go on holiday so that they can deal with the issue after the election again – provided that they get the necessary majority in order to do so.

    The contents of the government bill gives every reason for concern. The Ministry of Justice describes the amendments as extensive, and they are indeed so extensive that they in practice reshape all the public power. The main function of the constitutional government bill is to further centralize the political power to the hands of the State. The main features that are alarming are: (links to different sources)

    – There is a far-reaching discussion on why it is a good idea to restrict the free right of nomination at general elections. There is in other words just a question of time until such restrictions will take place.

    – It will not be possible to freely add candidates on ballots on the election day

    – There will be a stronger barrier against small parties at the municipal level.

    – Municipalities and county councils are defined without being given today’s power of taxation. The municipal self-government has a long history and is thus put an end.

    – The principle of public access to official records is abolished for backup copies.

    – Introduction of secret government meetings, that have always been public, this means that the government can legislate without the presence of the supervision of the public. Thus people cannot know anything about how or why the MPs voted as they did.

    – The power of the State is dissociated even more from the people since you cannot bring a lawsuit against an MP at office without the permission of the parliament with a five sixth majority.

    – The cabinet ministers must be Swedish citizens. Earlier they had to have been Swedish citizens for 10 years in order to get such an appointment.

    – The number of citizens who demand a municipal referendum will be 10% instead of earlier 5%. The result will continue to be solely ”advisory”.

    – Multiculture becomes constitutional: unaccompanied refugee children partly get more constitutional rights than earlier.

    – On the same time a policy that demands immigrants’ assimilation is rendered impossible. They get a constitutional right to be excused from becoming Swedish and learn the Swedish language. the State imposes thus a balkanization of the society that is paid by the majority.

    – Swedes get the same rights as illegal immigrants. I many cases the constitution does not any longer comprise Swedish citizens. The word “citizen” is changed into “everybody”. In that way the constitution comprises immigrants, legal as well as illegal ones. This is certainly not explicit, but there is undoubtedly room for the fact that the law will be interpreted like this in practice.

    – The right to use the military within the country against Swedes. This is contrary to what the military authorities themselves want.

    This ambition to centralize the political power even more in Sweden is very alarming. That no debate exists is the strongest sign of the fact that the constitutional amendment without doubt is the biggest political piece of news i Sweden – everything according to the Swedish rule “the greater importance, the greater silence“. The changes will come into force in 2011, unless there is a formidable revolution among the party support of the electorate.

    It also shows that the resolution was taken with acclamation and not by the ordinary way of voting: by pressing the yes or no button. By doing so, the decision of a single MP cannot be questioned – they are anonymous. We cannot know who voted for what. Acclamation means that there is no objections whatsoever among the 349 MPs, something that itself is serious.

    Even worse is actually fact that the committee that has prepared the government bill only claims for a partial approval. In other words there were objections in the committee that were not made public in the final discussion in the parliament. This is nothing less than a flagrant example of a full-scale palace coup!

    The last – but not least – shocking part of this is that nothing has been mentioned about this in the Swedish media. Are the journalists so incompetent that they find the princess wedding more interesting? Or are they trying to conceal something from the people?

    The constitutional amendment paves the way for the abolition of every part of the Swedish parliamentary democracy. Sweden is, in short, in bad trouble – economically, socially and constitutionally.

  9. The question is, do the Californians who leave learn anything from the experience? Do they become future WNs, or do they remain racially-neutered suburbanites?

  10. If I may butt in, the Lost Post began with an excerpt from a Frisco paper about the exodus of Whites from the state. Particularly noteworthy was that the data came from from a State agency, the question being, Why is the State so interested in White ex-Californians? The answer is that they are the taxpayers, and California will collapse even quicker than we thought without their money, because the non-White mouths to feed are increasing and the White-provided resources are decreasing.
    Albert Jackson followed that with an intemperate but accurate description of how Mexicans can ruin anything, even a glorious White paradise like California, and further suggested that Whites ought scout their neighborhoods for suitable lamp posts for hanging traitors.

    Some people objected to his intemperance, and a few said Why be polite to people who are destroying us? Others said, If you’d seen your hometown destroyed, maybe you wouldn’t be so calm.

    More or less.

  11. The question is, do the Californians who leave learn anything from the experience? Do they become future WNs, or do they remain racially-neutered suburbanites?

    The ones that are part of the exodus already knew their lesson. That is why they move to Idaho. Idaho is almost entirely former California Sheriffs and Highway Patrolmen.

  12. Jackson’s comments on Pict Song are ridiculous:

    1) the USG has been effectively inviting the Mexican hordes
    2) the USG is using said hordes to attack White people

    3) the USG is our enemy – if the Pict strategy works, we should use it ourselves

  13. Yeah well the other side plans to hang us from at the earliest opportunity. But go ahead and take out the questionable lines if it will make the critics happy. That post needs to go back up.

  14. What could possibly be more offensive than what our country has become??????

    First rule a man should learn in life…..nice guys finish last. That is certainly where we’re at right now. If you like where we’re at……then keep it up.
    If not, then maybe we should start pissing some people off!

  15. @Robert Reis

    That’s a shame, I tend to expect things like that from the United States Government. I suppose that there will need to be a tightening of control as the multicultural experiment moves into the next phase. It sounds like the government is simply being proactive.

    Anyways, quite a shame to see that happening to a country with such a high standard of living. I have heard that Swedes frequently complain about it being a boring place to live. It sounds like soon it will have all of the excitement of a large pot boiling over.

  16. You retracted the previous post because of criticism that ” the language too abrasive, counter-productive and that the part about violence was out of line”?
    You are too easily influenced by others and the critics are cowardly. If they feel the part about violence was “out of line”, then I have to wonder what kind of WN “resistance they are fantasizing about (from the safety of their homes, natch)? This was only speech and they fear it to the point of censorship? If you are afraid of the (imagined) consequences of your words, what on earth makes you think you will have the courage and moral conviction necessary to form a new “White Nation”? And if you fear that you will drive away possible converts, has it not occurred to you that those who are deflected from this website because of the use of language in outspoken terms calling for justice for White People are not candidates for such a movement in any case?
    Many here talk about forming a new country of their own comprised of secessionist Southern states. One wonders how such could ever come about when so much concern is given to weighing words in the balance of politcal correctness for fear of offending our brown conquerors and their legislator friends.

  17. The reason that the Swedish nomenklatura is clamping down on municipal selfgovernance is that there are WN parties making headway on that level and the establishment is starting to feel the wind blowing.

    The Sweden Democrats (Sverigedemokraterna) are represented in dozens of local councils and will probably make it past the 4 % barrier for parlamentary representation in next year’s general election. This party has already started the transfer from WN to plain paleo-con in order to become “acceptable”. They are now accepting Christian Arabs as candidates in certain areas and are talking about some non-white groups being “assimilable”. This, together with the fact that they are “proud friends of Israel” (according to their website) is causing defections.

    The National Democrats (Nationaldemokraterna) is the more radical WN party and is slowly gaining local representation. They recently had a smaller party join them and is also absorbing a lot of defectors from the Sweden Democrats.

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