Why Voting Should Be Male Only

Many of us have come to view with serious consideration the concept that a ‘traditionalist’ state may be constructed in the future which will not be a direct continuation of the current form of the United States of America. As such, we must consider what form of government this new state will have.

A fairly large and vocal contingent of traditionalists opposes the idea of ‘voting’ altogether. Who decides how to run the country is somewhat unclear, but one form appears to be some sort of ‘national socialist’ politburo. How exactly this will be set up is completely indecipherable, since most internet ‘national socialists’ are long on bumper sticker slogans and short on real world solutions. The other solution proposed is a ‘return’ to a ‘natural hierarchy’ of a caste or feudal system which will instantly vault its proponents from the trailer park to a new leisure class of nobility.

Most of us recognize that these forms of government will be completely unpalatable to the people who created the Magna Carta and the Althing. Most of us also recognize that unlimited democracy with universal suffrage is a terrible idea, and largely responsible for the problems we face. Something in between must be found, a limited republic or democracy without universal suffrage. The central point of the argument then, is who will be in the voting pool and who won’t.

The most important delineation that we must make is to restrict the vote to men only.

Blogger April Joy Gavaza wrote recently “I’ve met women my age who are almost proud of “knowing nothing about politics.” A mom told me once, “Can you just write up a list of people we should vote for?” Her playdates, soccer games, and story times at the bookstore were much more important.” This mirrors my personal observations.

The fact that this mother is busy being a mother is not the problem: it’s what she should be doing. The problem is that she asks someone else to tell her who to vote for. In past times, this person would have been her husband, which mitigated the damage of female suffrage in the first decades after it became law. Today, it is far more likely to be the lone female friend of hers which is heavily involved in politics (probably of the far left sort), or some organization which displays a cutsified African child or other animal as its logo.

The reason for the difference is simply that male and female brains are different, as confirmed by numerous scientific studies. Among the differences discussed in a recent publication by Dr. Louann Brizendine is that “The “defend your turf” area — dorsal premammillary nucleus — is larger in the male brain and contains special circuits to detect territorial challenges by other males. And his amygdala, the alarm system for threats, fear and danger is also larger in men. These brain differences make men more alert than women to potential turf threats.” This right here gives us the explanation of why the white nationalist movement is predominantly male, as the white nationalist movement is essentially the ‘defend your turf’ mentality at the national level.

On the other hand, according to Dr. Brizendine, “the “I feel what you feel” part of the brain — mirror-neuron system — is larger and more active in the female brain.” Thus, movements which are based on emotional appeals for the ‘downtrodden’ elements of society appeal much more to women, for example the ‘civil rights’ movement, environmentalism of the ‘greenpeace’ sort, foreign aid, and assorted welfare systems.

A recent article berating the failings of American women noted that they “tend to believe in deeply unattractive insanity like “gender as social construct feminism,” astrology, socialism, putting unsightly tattoos all over their bodies, and moral relativism of all kinds.” However, an observation of left wing ‘feel good’ movements in other countries shows that women are just as active in those movements as in the US. The only countries where this doesn’t seem to happen is ones where the populace is too busy living hand-to-mouth to engage in any sort of ‘socially conscious’ political participation, or where political participation by the public at large is severely restricted.

Continuing in her summary of differences between the male and female brains, Dr. Brizendine discusses how because of the way their brains are wired, men use their analytical brain structures, not their emotional ones, to find a solution.” Obviously, you want the people who use analytical brain structures to be deciding the course of a nation, not those who make emotional knee-jerk responses.

Freedomnomics author John Lott has an excellent summary of the effect of women’s suffrage on the direction of the country. Some highlights:

For decades, polls have shown that women as a group vote differently than men. Without the women’s vote, Republicans would have swept every presidential race but one between 1968 and 2004.

Women were much more opposed to the 1996 federal welfare reforms, which mandated time limits for receiving welfare and imposed some work requirements on welfare recipients. Women are also more supportive of Medicare, Social Security and educational expenditures.

Studies show that women are generally more risk-averse than men. This could be why they are more supportive of government programs to ensure against certain risks in life.

single women who believe they may marry in the future, as well as married women who most fear divorce, look to the government as a form of protection against this risk from a possible divorce: a more progressive tax system and other government transfers of wealth from rich to poor. The more certain a woman is that she doesn’t risk divorce, the more likely she is to oppose government transfers.

But the battle between the sexes does not end there. During the early 1970s, just as women’s share of the voting population was leveling off, something else was changing: The American family began to break down, with rising divorce rates and increasing numbers of out-of-wedlock births.

Over the course of women’s lives, their political views on average vary more than those of men. Young single women start out being much more liberal than their male counterparts and are about 50 percent more likely to vote Democratic. As previously noted, these women also support a higher, more progressive income tax as well as more educational and welfare spending.

But for married women this gap is only one-third as large. And married women with children become more conservative still. Women with children who are divorced, however, are suddenly about 75 percent more likely to vote for Democrats than single men. So as divorce rates have increased, due in large part to changing divorce laws, voters have become more liberal.

Women’s suffrage ushered in a sea change in American politics that affected policies aside from taxes and the size of government. For example, states that granted suffrage were much more likely to pass Prohibition, for the temperance movement was largely dominated by middle-class women. Although the “gender gap” is commonly thought to have arisen only in the 1960s, female voting dramatically changed American politics from the very beginning.

What is left unsaid is that the changing of divorce laws was itself brought about at the demand of female voters. It is not a coincidence that divorce and family laws began changing at the same time as the female share of the vote reached its full potential.

Once given the vote, women replaced individual men with the government. Women once depended on the individual men in their lives for physical and economic security. Now the police state provides physical security, and the welfare state provides economic security. Of course, the police state hates competition, so men who use violence on an individual level to defend their interests are now locked up as common criminals, and individual gun ownership is restricted. Women don’t have much need for individual men to provide these things anymore, so as a result we end up with confused gender roles, as evidenced by the ‘emo,’ ‘hipster’ and ‘metrosexual’ phenomema.

The whole thing is one massive, inevitable, downward spiral. Once women had the opportunity to change the rules of society, they did so, in a way which gave them all the privileges of both genders and none of the responsibilities of either. This can be expected to repeat in any future white ethnostate in which women have the vote, since it results from how the female brain works. Familial laws and behavioral codes which feel too restrictive are removed, which results in the breakdown of the family. This increases the risk of being an adult female without individual men to depend on for physical and economic security (feels scary!), thus the ‘need’ to implement a police and welfare state.

Rebuttals to this argument come in two main forms. The first comes along the lines of “Not all women are like that! My great aunt Mabel loves guns and is the most right wing person I know!” True, there is a huge variation amongst individuals of both genders, and many women are ‘analytical’ and ‘right wing’ and many men are ‘emotional’ and ‘left wing’.

Thus, there is no need to prevent female politicians from running for and holding office, or choosing to become involved in political activism for righteous causes. In these instances, women may be judged on their individual merits. However, voting is the way ‘the masses’ participate in politics, so we must look to general tendencies of to evaluate wide swaths of the population, and whether or not they should be allowed to vote.

The other type of rebuttal to this argument comes along the lines of “modern men suck too! Both genders are at fault!” followed by the claim that it would be unfair and/or ineffectual to limit voting to men only. However, to properly analyze this claim, we must carefully examine what caused the demise of ‘modern men’. The police state crushes the souls of individual men, and the welfare state destroys economic growth. Note the large number of men who are recent graduates of universities and unable to find jobs due to the economy.

Naturally women are put off by men who would flee in fear from a burglar while desperately dialing 9-1-1 on their iphone, as well as those who continue to live with and remain dependent on their parents for years after completing their education. Yet, these men would be few and far between without the modern police state and welfare state.

In conclusion, regardless of the other failings of society, any state constructed in the future must restrict the vote to men only. A failure to do this will result in disaster.


  1. “Good women seek good men and cannot find them.”

    That’s simply a crock. What women say they want and what they respond to are two radically different universes. Women say they want good men, but compete en masse for the few bad boys in demand that are perceived as the alpha males. Nice guys, responsible guys who do the right thing are bores to most women, who many times need drama and are instinctively drawn to strutting peacocks who are often defectives. The “there are no good white men” line is a feminist canard. Shame that a WN male would even regurgitate this nonsense.

  2. “Good women seek good men and cannot find them.”

    This should realistically read — “Good men seek good women and cannot find them.”

  3. Isn’t it amazing that we ‘White Nationalist’ men have to be ‘lectured’ on how to ‘properly’ be a ‘man’ from an older, childless, husband-less, former feminist — who ‘demands’ that we fawn on and kiss her butt, just because “she” is ‘gracing’ us here with her mere presence?!

    Translation: White men cannot do anything by themselves without some kind of benediction or approval from a woman or a minority group member (no different from the Tea Baggers kissing up to blacks and mestizos that deign to hang around with ’em).

    If any man is in agreement with this, then you better start questioning your masculinity, since the moment a man starts supplicating to a woman, or begin seeking her approval, is the moment he ceases being a man, especially to a woman/women.

  4. TabulaRaza,
    The rift between the sexes and the proper re-ordering of society will not happen by itself, even after we expel the interlopers. And at this rate, we will never get rid of them in time to beat our extinction. But if men and women cooperated on a common vision, they could work now to repair the damage. After that, expelling or shunning the enemy would come much more easily. As I said earlier, we have to work on several things at once, all of which are interdependent.

    I am simply commenting on what I see all around me, in my class, and in the homes of my and my children’s friends, and what I read by popular authors I respect. Most men (present company excepted, of course) today are less than they were “back in the day” and much less than they could be. To compound the problem, most don’t want to hear the truth about themselves and don’t want to see what they have become. They do not want to have their attention drawn to their self-absorbed attitudes, their overall boorishness towards women and children and society in general, and their unwillingness to recognize the situation or to change it (to put both sexes in proper order). But until they see what they are, compared to what they were and could be again, they will have no motivation to change. And they must change inside themselves first before the physical enemy can be expelled.

    In the first place, white men abdicated to Jews and then to women. They have proven that they are no substitutes for white men. Obviously, we will have to lead the charge to take back what is rightfully ours. We are the only ones who can regain control, but if we are willing to acknowledge our current internal states, and only if we are willing to take on the responsibility and risk dying in the process.

    We are not groids and hebs that we always blame only others for our troubles. Truth and love must come first — before self, before tribe, before anything. Without truth and love, there is nothing worth living, fighting, or dying for.

    That so many of you here are hostile to these ideas is most distressing, a very bad omen.

  5. Charlemagne,
    It works both ways, of course. But because obviously women cannot or will not change the current situation, I address my comments only to the men.

  6. With her attempts to tear down and denigrate white men and elevate non-white men, Denise has revealed herself as a enemy of the pro-white cause.

    I disagree. She’s just displaying a typical female reaction: flipping her wig. This is how women argue.

    Well, I don’t think anyone can accuse H. Rock White of writing a boring article. I’m told the parallel Stormfront thread is up to eight pages long. This thread has gotten more responses than even the Terre’blanche coverage.

    I can just imagine all the women with their wigs hanging half-off over there at Stormfront, LOL. It’s kind of funny to watch, really, women running around, wigs hanging off, completely unaware of the embarrassment they’re making of themselves.

    The adversarial posturing here, by some parties on both sides of the debate, is not helping in any way whatsoever.

    No getting around the fact that the women in this thread have been showing their asses to all the passers-by (my apologies to the exceptions, I don’t mean you).

    Svigor – I normally like you very much – but you are writing like you are on your period tonight.

    I still like you Denise. See how that works? Agree to disagree? But you’ve embarrassed yourself with your behavior in this thread. It might be time to cut your losses and take a time out or something.

    I NEVER said that WN males can only mate with WN women.

    What I have been writing is that WHITE WOMEN will be repulsed by the way so many WN men behave towards them and treat them.

    Lol, then you’re dragging a dead cat into the discussion that has no bearing. What evidence do you have of how any of the men here treat women?

    You won’t HAVE a Homeland at all – if you can’t learn how to draw and and attract females.

    What does that mean? Politically? Nonsense. Men have proven sufficient for the vast majority of the political movements throughout history, and men will prove sufficient for ours. I welcome women who want to join but we’ll do it without you; either way. Women certainly aren’t necessary to the movement.

    Socially? Of course women are necessary. Of course we need our white women. But that has little/nothing to do with WNism per se.

    Where is the incentive? If I showed this thread to young White females I know, who are looking for a boyfriend, or a mate – they’d think you were all mental. Walk away, and never look back.

    Lol, this ain’t a dating service.

    NO WN female is a feminist. Drop that canard. We ARE strong, opinioned females – who think for ourselves. I’ve written earlier that WN females are the Outliers of the Outliers. Most women are absolute herd creatures. They do “what every-one else does”. We do not.

    I know WN women are opinionated. Opinionated is pretty much par for the course for any ethnopatriot. But in my opinion, scratch your average WN woman and you’ve got a feminist. In every discussion of these issues I ever had with the wymminz of Stormfront, hand to God, every one of them started to sound EXACTLY like conversations with antis. Guess who was using all the anti’s arguments?

    I like you and respect you. Every-one has an off day. I am not putting you on the Pathetic Impotent Surly Backed-Up Lone Wingnut, Completely Socially Retarded Social IQ of .000000000000010 Point Even Hookers Laugh List.

    I like and respect you too. I respect any and all whites who genuinely care about their race, which ipso facto puts them head and shoulders above lemmings.

    Not tonight.

    Maybe you’re the one caught at the wrong time of the month?

    I found myself scrolling right past most of the rest of the posts in this thread. Mission accomplished for some, I guess. Let’s just say the comments have pushed me an few notches closer to the author’s conclusion – and I didn’t even read his post!

  7. BUT, I’m not giving up on this thread yet. Did anyone answer my simple question?

    Who’s to blame for the appalling lack of females in our movement?


    Or, shall we hold women to some standards of responsibility and blame them for their appalling lack of interest in the fate of their race?

  8. What does that mean? Politically? Nonsense. Men have proven sufficient for the vast majority of the political movements throughout history, and men will prove sufficient for ours. I welcome women who want to join but we’ll do it without you; either way. Women certainly aren’t necessary to the movement.

    Absolutely correct on this account. When White men get the national power back in their hands, we will have more than enough women to even know what to do with.

    Or, shall we hold women to some standards of responsibility and blame them for their appalling lack of interest in the fate of their race?

    I’m with Svigor here. White women, (and nearly all women, on average) care far more about money and status concerns, i.e. – maintaining a “respectable” middle class life style, than they do about abstract notions regarding race.

  9. Criminy, Svi. I answered this several time. Do you have me on post-blocker or something? White men, of course. White men are the ones who gave up and white men are the only ones who can get it back and make it right. Women and juice can’t do it, they’ve proven that beyond doubt. White men and White men only! Accept no substitutes.

  10. Svigor

    What “movement” are you talking about? Any white mother who gives birth to white children has fought and won her battle for the white race. She does more for the future of whites then ten million internet blogs and comments. Furthermore, it actually takes a masculine, highly individualistic sort/type of woman to be interested in writing, philosophy and politics. Often it is actually an alienating curse for a woman, in a manner you could never understand, and worse if she comes to racialism. It is rare to find the whole package. The masculine understanding of hierarchy, of wanting advise and to learn from those better, and smarter, the liking of debate, and to be spiritually able to take intellectual blows, and so on is just not common in women, and it is not only uncommon in women but men as well.

    I can tell you I have met very few authentic individuals, and traveled and lived all over the world, searching them out. If you do find one as a friend or lover, consider yourself lucky.

  11. In my son’s favorite book, Watership Down, the females are definitely secondary characters, waiting for the males to do something, to protect them. The males are very realistic in their demands of the females. They want them first for babies, then for digging, then for company. It’s all pretty matter-of-fact and settled, with no battle of the sexes possible and all responsibility for a proper social order and survival dependent upon the males. I wonder what white women today think about that.

  12. Women aren’t the problem. Jews aren’t the problem. The problem truly began with the white man’s “Teutonic-Christian stupidity” (in the words of Schopenhauer) which gave birth not only to feminism and woman veneration, but also to egalitarianism and liberalism. White women f*cked everything up, but that’s only because white men allowed them to. We dealt ourselves the mortal wound, not the Jews. WNs give them too much credit and paint them as some kind of comic book super villian with uncanny powers, when all they really did was pounce on a wounded animal like a pack of gutless hyenas.
    In his epic novel War and Peace, Leo Tolstoy warns young men to “never marry” until they’ve done all there is to do in life. He likens married men to “chained convicts” who have lost “all freedom” and whose lives consist of nothing but “drawing rooms, gossip, balls, vanity, and triviality”. A married man “knows nothing” and is “fit for nothing”, for he must devote himself to satisfying the whims of his wife, who, as a woman, is inherently “selfish, vain, stupid, trivial in everything”. So was Tolstoy also working for the Marxists and writing propaganda aimed at destroying the European family? Of course not. Tolstoy’s impassioned warning only indicates that feminism was the product of “Teutonic-Christian stupidity”, as Schopenhauer eloquently puts it in his treatise On Women, and not some Marxist conspiracy. Yes, the radical feminism which appeared in the 20th century was an exclusively Marxist affair, and the screech of feminism would certainly have never reached such ear-grating highs in the absence of Marxists, but then there wouldn’t have even been a screech at all if it weren’t for the foolishness of European men and their culture of romance, gallantry and woman veneration.


  13. …White men, of course. White men are the ones who gave up and white men are the only ones who can get it back and make it right.


    I agree and greatly respect what you are saying with one caveat: That White men are the sole cause of White women’s issues and problems – or lack thereof.

    This is simply not realistic, since we should understand, as Christians, that we are all fallen creatures and that women can be just as base and sinful, if not moreso, as men can be … and men simply cannot be held primarily responsible, morally or otherwise, for much of their self-seeking and irresponsible choices in life, especially when it comes to sex and attention-seeking from men. Remember that it is women that overwhelmingly choose the men who will be in their lives – again, for good or for ill – not the other way around.

  14. Svigor – the problem is the men.

    I cannot believe your reactions. So many of your “men” are just looking for any excuse to bash women.

    It’s appalling and pathetic.

    I don’t even want to check the Stormfront thread. God knows what I’ll read. I’ll see men taking out every frustration, and pathetic self-indulengence, on the last females they ought to be attacking. Lord – it’s horrid enough on this thread.

    I’ll hear my WN sisters howling in pain and fury. They are here to help. They are the only females in the world that are astute enough to see what’s going on – and you fools cannot wait for any little chance to piss all over ’em. Really – you are grooving on pissing on women.

    That’s sick, and sad.

    The enemies of the White Race did not devalue White women. They went after White women. Studied their needs, and desires, and attacked the White Race via those needs and desires. Wildly successful strategy.

    Of course White females didn’t know any better. It sounded so good at the time……..did for men, too. The “Sexual Revolution” was designed ot obliterate social mores, and destroy healthy, funtioning relations between men and women.

    FYI – while women were learning to be sluts, and career women and reject motherhood – White men were off pursuing thsoe sluts, in order to obtain easy sex. Millions of White men are very ahappy to emulate Negroes – engaging in stupid, self-indulgent behavior, and endless “hot sex”. Chasing the Porn Queens.

    My good and extremely intelligent pal Annie put is beautifully – White men want Candy the Reformed Stripper. And then wonder why she doesn’t want to ruin her figure with kids, and spends him into bankruptcy.

    You guys want a slightly cleaner version – and God PLEASE gimme one that keeps her mouth shut!

    Well – you’re not gonna get what you want.

    You fellows are all pissy cause women are outraged by the dismissive idiocies exhibited against them, and then doubly pissy at any emotional expression at all.

    The very concept of being merely polite, and courteous to women seems to be a monstrous psychic horror. White men didnt; used to thnk that way, or act that way.

    Many of the non-WN males I know don’t think or behave this way.

    My pal Annie is going to an event, filled with men, next week, in stead of the IHR meeting – because she was sought out, and invited. The men there are normal, healthy men, and what tshje will be doing will be much more functional and productive, than anything she could ever do at an IHR meeting.

    Epic PHAIL. You are exhibiting what went wrong, in the first place.
    Do you think you are gonna be successful without leanring how to deal with women? You seem to think White men are just gonna rise up, and take land, and perhaps seize females later. How “Gor”. Uh-huh.

    It won’t work. There really are no untouched places on Earth. There nowhere left to go. The Enemies of the White Race have every means to follow and destroy, very easily.

    We all know, or should know, that Whites have huge incentives to betray their own kind. You brilliant fellas have just given every women – WN, “civilian”. or non-White – more huge incentives to act against you.

    Bravo. Well done, Drive of the WN females, cause they are mouthy, and maybe even “feminist”

    Do the Jews’s work for him, this time. The Jew loves that.

    Now – to you cognitive retardates – I never was a “feminist” – I said I rejected it. I checked it out -was appalled – and rejected “feminism”.

  15. P.S. – Svigor – word up – your male arrogance is on display, when I mention showing young White females various websites, and you snark about this not beinga dating service.

    Who said this was a dating service?

    Isn’t the whole point to spread the Good Word of White Nationalism?

    Don’t WN want young females to be amenable to promoting the interests of the White Race? And having White babies?

    Instead of mongrels?

    WN websites are now awash with WN males showing young females all the wonders they will enjoy, when they sign on.


  16. Lena – post 214 – brilliant exposition of the plight of the Questing Female.

    How can I get in touch with you?

    I still fervently believe in White Nationalism. I think it’s
    the only choice we have…….but I think there are those of us that do not need to be hindered by fanatists, in order to achieve any goals.

  17. I remember one night on the ‘Hitler Channel’ (‘History Channel’, or was it the Military Channel???) about the story of one of Adolf Hitler’s most devoted personal bodyguards, Bruno Gesche.

    Essentially Herr Gesche was with the Fuhrer well before he even was the Fuhrer, going back with him to the days of the Munich Beer Hall Putsch in the 1920’s.

    Gesche was completely loyal to his boss, even when it cost him personally, before the National Socialists came to power in 1933. The ‘cost’ to him, of course, was his being not able to find steady employment in Weimar Germany — he as well was being constantly fired from what little work he could actually find (for an idea on just how bad individual Nazi men really had it in the Weimar era, the future Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler was a chicken farmer, for example).

    As a result of their employment prospects, you can just imagine how the women of that time treated them, right? Yup, you guessed it, as marginally as they treat us in “Weimar Amerika” — in spite of the fact that the National Socialist party was way more positive in their appeals to the masses than we are today (partially they had to be out of necessity, since they were running for national offices, but were indeed far more communitarian than the White racialist movement is here in America).

    Still, much of them were shunned by many German women on an interpersonal level. Once they came to national power in 1933, however, Bruno Gesche and all the NS men who served in the ‘trenches of Weimar’ had more girlfriends than they knew what to do with.

    Again, Svigor called it right.

  18. WN men … rhapsodize about Asian women
    WN men seem to exalt in detailing their preference for non-White women.

    Name the “WN men” who “rhapsodize about Asian women” and “exalt in detailing their preference for non-white women.”

  19. My good and extremely intelligent pal Annie put is beautifully – White men want Candy the Reformed Stripper.

    False. Millions of white men want nothing more than to marry a nice, wholesome white woman and have children. Your problem is not that all white men want Candy the stripper, but that the men you desire and are attracted to want Candy the stripper.

  20. #195 Thank you, Rusty.

    I believe most women on this site will agree, some of the guys can blame us gals for all the problems but in the end, it is really the guys. The guys are the patriarchs of the family and of the race. Most women just want to be treated fairly. We need men to defend the race and demand that their women be ladies again.

    No more he-she’s and no more she-he’s!

  21. Your problem is not that all white men want Candy the stripper, but that the men you desire and are attracted to want Candy the stripper.


    This seems to be especially true of outlier, aggressive types of women.

  22. I’m with Svigor here. White women, (and nearly all women, on average) care far more about money and status concerns, i.e. – maintaining a “respectable” middle class life style, than they do about abstract notions regarding race.

    I wouldn’t put it that exactly that way, but yes. Ever heard of the Medicine Wheel? It’s a circle Amerinds thought encompassed human behavior. Four poles, eagle at the top, mouse at the bottom, bear on the left, elk on the right. Eagle sees the big picture but isn’t good at small details, mouse can only see his small world but sees all its little details, bear is solitary but independent, elk is social but dependent. Each has its place, and the Indians thought the center represented the ideal.

    I think women are just skewed toward the mouse, and men toward the eagle. As Scrooby points out, scanning the horizon for threats is our job; making the nest is women’s.

    Criminy, Svi. I answered this several time. Do you have me on post-blocker or something? White men, of course. White men are the ones who gave up and white men are the only ones who can get it back and make it right. Women and juice can’t do it, they’ve proven that beyond doubt. White men and White men only! Accept no substitutes.

    What question are you answering? Sorry if I missed something, as I said the comments were becoming less and less worthy of my time and I scrolled past a lot.

    Often it is actually an alienating curse for a woman, in a manner you could never understand, and worse if she comes to racialism.

    Let’s refrain from the “you wouldn’t understand stuff,” yeah? I can no more jump into your sex and understand its burdens and privileges than you can jump into mine.

    Svigor – the problem is the men.

    So, the absence of women amongst the ranks of those trying to save the European peoples is the fault of men? There’s grrrl power for you; shift responsibility for female failings onto males.

    I cannot believe your reactions. So many of your “men” are just looking for any excuse to bash women.

    D, you’ll recall that you traipsed in here and started showing your ass. This is typical of wymmin; you want all the rights of men, but you want a man to pay the bill when it comes due. Men generally know better than to start running off at the mouth if they can’t take the heat. Wymmin don’t. Want to know why? Because we indulge you. The way we indulge children. Real women know this and don’t take advantage. But wymmin can’t help themselves.

    I don’t even want to check the Stormfront thread. God knows what I’ll read. I’ll see men taking out every frustration, and pathetic self-indulengence, on the last females they ought to be attacking. Lord – it’s horrid enough on this thread.

    D, most of the horror on this thread has come from you. I can’t state it any more plainly than that.

    I’ll hear my WN sisters howling in pain and fury. They are here to help. They are the only females in the world that are astute enough to see what’s going on – and you fools cannot wait for any little chance to piss all over ‘em. Really – you are grooving on pissing on women.

    Lol, when did I piss on women? You’re doing all the pissing here, and then you cry some more when you get a stream directed at you. You actually blamed the absence of women in the movement on men. And you wonder why you’re not being taken seriously?

    Again, I recognize what it means to be a WN woman, but that doesn’t just get you a get out of jail free card.

    The very concept of being merely polite, and courteous to women seems to be a monstrous psychic horror. White men didnt; used to thnk that way, or act that way.

    That’s a crock of shit. Courtesy is a two way street. I’m courteous to women. Wymmin don’t deserve the same respect.

    We all know, or should know, that Whites have huge incentives to betray their own kind. You brilliant fellas have just given every women – WN, “civilian”. or non-White – more huge incentives to act against you.

    “I’m going to kill whitey because he dissed me.” Brilliant! With friends like that, who needs enemies?

    My position is really pretty simple. When women act like ladies, I act like a gentleman. When they don’t, I don’t treat them like ladies. If a woman wants to play with the men she can get the same treatment. Which is a farce, really, I’m only going to give them a sample of what I’d give a man, but even that’s enough to bring the wig off.

  23. I believe most women on this site will agree, some of the guys can blame us gals for all the problems but in the end, it is really the guys. The guys are the patriarchs of the family and of the race. Most women just want to be treated fairly. We need men to defend the race and demand that their women be ladies again.

    Joanne gives off strong signals of womanhood, as contrasted by wymmindom.

  24. Wrong, Germanicus.

    You don’t know what you are talking about at all. You are listening to one of the chief twits on this site.

    MLGS – tell us about you personal life. Who are you dating? Are you married? Have you bene married? Do you have children? Do you talk to your children?

    Do they speak to you?

    Germanicus – tells us about your bevy of women. Do you have more than you know what to do with now?

    Or will this GOR world magically appear when you are all in power?

    White – woman are reading this article. I don’t need to show it around.

    I actually would not . I’d be mortified to do so.

    This has been a good thread, cause it’s a turned into a long-festering boil, that’s been burst. But as far as the content?

    Talk about an embarrasment. OMG.

  25. Denise-

    You can get in touch with me on my blog if you would like.

    I have been beat up on so many blogs and forums that I do not even care to contribute to anything anywhere. I only read this blog and contribute when I have the time because Hunter/Prozium was kind enough to link my blog here. But no worries, I do have a pretty thick skin.

  26. Good Lord, what a thread — where to begin??

    Denise, respectfully, I ask you as a friendly acquaintence if you could stop personally and needlessly attacking so many of the male posters here, who largely did nothing to deserve the extreme criticism directed against them.

    I completely agree with the fact that that Locklin article was trash and ‘not worth the paper it was written on’ — but really, he is no ‘White Nationalist’, and your critiques of his article should be on the AltRight site — not here. We here overwhelmingly disapprove of miscegenation in any and all its forms, whether its from White women or men.

    A lot of us carry much of the personal hurts and sorrows of the past around with us, and of course they can sometimes be easily reactivated, but this is not the place, nor the people to do it to, since many of us are indeed in the same boat.


  27. Svigor – you are really really sad. You are a sad sad man.

    Too many here are.

    I’m not embarassing myselg. You are. Really. I know you don’t *see* this. I am beginning to think that ….errr…an unfortunate number of WN males are as congenitally incapable of self-reflections, and self-assessment, as any Jew.

    You boys are far more destructive to “the cause” than you can begin to ever imagine.

  28. Sorry fellas – “prole behavior” is what it’s all about.

    It’s no surprise you believe this, Denise. In addition to having jungle fever, you are vulgar, crude, profane, and semi-literate.

    WN men … rhapsodize about Asian women
    WN men seem to exalt in detailing their preference for non-White women.

    Name the “WN men” who “rhapsodize about Asian women” and “exalt in detailing their preference for non-white women.”

  29. Denise, you should soul-search over your blame-shifting. I mean really, WN men are to blame for white women’s near total lack of interest in WNism? You consider that the position of a mature, reasonable adult white person?

  30. Kulak – I didn’t start it. I jumped in to defend the miserable attacks levelled against Lena. Which have revealed the real ugliness, of attitudes against women.

    You ask me to cease and desist in the personal attacks? Why aren’t you asking the males to do the same? The personal attacks against myself are far more vicious than anything I’ve written. I’ve not yet resorted to ludicrious “psychological analysis”, as I regard this sorto of thing to be a noxious Judaic tactic, and if I were to do so – then I’d tempted to get really nasty.

    Also – when I first began entering into WN discourse – the pain exhibited by males was heart-breaking.

    Does this give men leave to trash and disdain females, and whine and fret and snark, when females object?

    Did a female contributor write an article about how “only women should vote”?

    Again – kindiegarten stuff – don’t dish it out if ya can’t take it.

    Kulaks – on a practical level – do you think, on a practical, PR level, writing articles about “only men can vote” is attractive to get women to support White Nationalism?

  31. Denise, you should soul-search over your blame-shifting. I mean really, WN men are to blame for white women’s near total lack of interest in WNism? …

    This should actually read ‘white women’s near total lack of interest in marginalized WN men’.

  32. By the way, F. Roger Devlin’s new TOQ article “Sexual Liberation and Racial Suicide,” is the best WN article on the topic of gender to heretofore written, imho.

  33. Kulaks – on a practical level – do you think, on a practical, PR level, writing articles about “only men can vote” is attractive to get women to support White Nationalism?

    No, I don’t agree with this position, but we can respect, and as Svigor points out, ‘agree to disagree’ on certain topics without attacking eachother, especially so personally.

    Additionally, the exchanges with some of the posters with Lena did not seem all that hostile — as well, she ably seemed to defend herself reasonably enough (let me know Lena if I said anything in error in this respect).

    Again, why the profound criticism toward the men of this site who, nearly to a man, are adamantly against Asiatic miscegenation, is rather puzzling.

  34. WN men … rhapsodize about Asian women
    WN men seem to exalt in detailing their preference for non-White women.

    For the fourth time, Denise, name them.

  35. Yes – Svigor. I do.

    You need to understand why I do. Start soul-searching. Read back through the posts on this thread, for a start.

    There’s a thread, on Stormfront, now, entitled how can we attract “Women to White Nationalism”. This has been an ongoing issue.

    As in all things – it would not be an issue, if it wasn’t a huge problem.

    So – what have you been doing to attract women to White Nationalism? Or men?

  36. WN men … rhapsodize about Asian women

    WN men seem to exalt in detailing their preference for non-White women

    For the fourth time, Denise, name them.

    You can ask this question ten times ten, and you still won’t get an answer — BECAUSE THEIR IS NONE.

  37. Svigor, I appreciate your information on the medicine wheel (Post #228). I recall reading some oriental philosopher saying that the purpose of marriage is so that, over a period of many years, a man and a woman will eventually get to understand the viewpoint of the opposite sex and thereby become whole, or at least, less incomplete and narrow. Sounds okay to me.

  38. I completely agree with the fact that that Locklin article was trash and ‘not worth the paper it was written on’ — but really, he is no ‘White Nationalist’, and your critiques of his article should be on the AltRight site — not here.

    Yeah, really.

    So ‘Wonder Woman’ — did you post your attacks all over at Altright??, or are we acceptable substitutes for your misandry since the other site will likely block and ban your comments?

  39. Hunter,

    I am sorry if my last comment influenced your displeasure about this thread.

    I am not trying to be a wise-guy, nor am I looking to fight with anybody. Sorry again, since this is an interesting thread.

  40. Svigor asks, Why are there few White women in WN?

    Denise asks, What’s in it for White women?

    My answer is, what’s in it for me is my concern for my children. I want them to be able to live in one of the marvelous kinds of countries White people create, unmolested by the invading hoards, who will hate them and, just maybe, decide to shoot them. Or at the very least make their lives impossible.

    But when doing what is best for the children means a huge loss for oneself, the mixed emotions are difficult. Women like Lena are in shock when the realization hits that working for a White nation, that is, doing what’s good for the children, may, in fact, mean the men revoke our vote.

    The men are correct that single women and especially single mothers vote themselves goodies and some women feel sorry for other women or non-Whites. These women have forgotten their obligation to our own men, and so the men have a point when they say universal suffrage is a disaster

    But THAT’s why I like my idea. Steve Sailer did a whole study that showed that red states have higher marriage rates — married women are being influenced by their husbands and voting conservative. We should not lightly toss aside that piece of information. MARRIED women with children are likely to be responsible and worthy of trust, because she’s got a husband to point the flaws in her emotions-based thinking. Give them and their husbands EXTRA votes, and the selfish single women and fools can be outvoted.

    “Who’s to blame for the appalling lack of females in our movement?”

    A lot of mothers are just unaware of our predicament. White women are, in general, less interested in politics, so since she doesn’t see it on TV, she doesn’t know about it because she doesn’t go to non-mainstream political sites on the internet to even be told of it.
    Since even their own husbands are far more likely to be Fox-tards, themselves, than WNs, these women have likely never even HEARD these facts about race.

    As for single women, they are either Jewesses contributing to ethnic war against us or young women who, being young, are silly and do what gets her social approval — and WN is NOT fashionable at the moment. As it becomes more so, more women will join us.

  41. WN is NOT fashionable at the moment

    This is the penultimate reason why so many women are against, or at least not for us.

    Just like most of them were in Germany before Hitler’s rise to power — then, virtually overnight, they became loyal nationalists.

  42. My goodness, after reading nearly this whole thread – somthing I really didn’t want to do, – I must say there Denise I am utterly shocked by some of the uncalled for and personally insulting, and demeaning things you said to so many here.

    Goodbye and goodluck to you.

  43. “Just like most of them were in Germany before Hitler’s rise to power — then, virtually overnight, they became loyal nationalists.”

    Germanicus, I disagree that OLDER, married, women are excessively influenced by fashion. More likely, the older (married) women were following their husbands’ lead, and when their husbands decided that NS was correct and educated their wives on their thinking, the older, married women saw the logic and agreed.
    The “fashionable” problem comes in with young women. But again, it’s not the femaleness, it’s the youth, as young men are influence-able by what’s current, also. Even rebelliousness has a “fashionable” and odd sort of social acceptability aspect for boys.

  44. “BUT, I’m not giving up on this thread yet. Did anyone answer my simple question?

    Who’s to blame for the appalling lack of females in our movement?”


    You dismay me with your idiocy, which I dearly hope is feigned.

    Anyone who doesn’t think the World is 6,000 years old knows that EVOLUTION is to blame.

    The average Woman is more responsive to social cues than the average Man is.

    Therefore in a society where Pro-White Advocacy is harshly looked down on, Women will be less likely to be Pro-White Advocates than Men, even after taking into account the fact that Men are more interested in the general field of political activism.

  45. Barb-

    You totally misunderstand me. I am not appalled at the idea of not voting, I don’t really care, as it is meaningless. You should read my comments. Your vote, my vote means nothing. We as women are not responsible for the decisions that have been made that have destroyed the fabric of white America. It is a lie and a fantasy to blame me (a woman) for most of the things that took place before I was even fucking born! When did you or I get to vote on anything that matters? Homosexual education in public school? I never voted for that. Blacks integrating in schools? We never voted for any of these destructive measures or any destructive measures and yet, this article here blames us for all of this and worse. Tell me when white women have had an opportunity to vote on something that matters? And contrary to what this article insinuates life today is not better for the average woman. It is far, far worse, many pushed into the degrading sex industry for lack of better job. Many white women are molested or raped as children and even this happening to boys is on the rise. These sorry souls become drug addicted. Life for the average American woman contrary to what this trash article implicates is one of hardship not privilege. Only the most inexperienced, blind and coddled, single man would think or believe otherwise.

    As far as fantasizing about what the rules should be in the future white nation, I might be better off to fantasize about what heaven might be like when I die.

    If a man has such a hard time reaching between his legs and realizing just exactly why he was born with balls, it really is not my problem. The only thing a white man needs to be doing is finding a mate and having kids. Outside of that nothing else really matters. There was a man in India who carried around a twin brother living inside of him for almost twenty years or something. Even this freak of nature managed to find a mate. And white men here can’t? Boohoo.

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