Exchange with anti-white Sally Kohn

I found Sally Kohn’s article interesting because it brought up the old leftist favorite about “white and blacks unite against the plutocrats.”

This doesn’t actually work in reality, because it’s very easy for the plutocrats to buy off the Blacks. Whites would give them the choice to work; the plutocrats offer welfare and political rights over Whites. Most Blacks go for the latter without a second thought.

Blacks aren’t idealistic and energetic about work projects, which is what Whites are all about. It would be impossible for Whites and Blacks to do a successful work project, unless the Whites were the bosses and leaders of it. On an equal footing, it ain’t happening. Blacks don’t work if they don’t have to. I dont’ say that to insult them, it’s just a fact. So that’s the 100% refutation of the Trotsky-ist race-class “black and white unite against the bosses” fantasy.

I posted to Sally’s “Movement Vision Lab” and got a reply:

Rob says:
April 1, 2010 at 6:05 pm


The problem with your Trotskyist race-class critique is that the races are too different to “unite on economic interests.” Whites and blacks cannot unite, because we are incompatible. We work at different paces, we have different lifestyles, we want do things differently.

It’s the multiracialists who are keeping everyone down by forcing diversity on all of us. Homogeneous societies are able to resist the capitalists and have strong unions and economic protections. The Bosses love multiracialism, and they thank people like Sally Kohn for jewstifying multiracialism and blaming the victims.
sallykohn says:
April 2, 2010 at 8:10 am

Wow, Rob, I’m really thrown by your comment. Thanks for busting out our common assumptions that Right wingers are pro-segregation and pro-capitalism and Lefties are pro-multiculturalism and pro… well, who knows what economic vision we have but that’s another post…

I’m genuinely torn as to whether to take down your comment or not. But I believe in free speech, so I’m gonna leave it up.

Suffice it to say, I think your analysis here is utter crap. Apart from the cultural and social benefits of multiculturalism (which we don’t put a price tag on but should value quite highly), it’s the diverse urban areas and states that are faring the best economically while the segregation-prone parts of the US are suffering. I would point you to this analysis:

You’re regurgitating a red herring argument that poor white folks use to blame people of color for their plight rather than the reckless capitalist systems and rich white folks, who they’d rather admire than blame. Truth is, diversity is our greatest ally in uniting to fix our common problems. Your analysis is yet another obstacle to liberation.

I replied to her reply, but it isn’t up yet. I don’t know if she’ll let it go up.


Are you sure your correlation is causation? Are Blacks and Hispanics on welfare really creating economic prosperity? Or is it just that their Section 8 Housing places are plunked in areas with high tech industry?

I became a White nationalist during the high tech boom of the late 90’s early 00’s. I lived in the Harbor Point apartment complex in Dorchester, Massachusetts. I paid 1300 a month for my apartment, while my Black and Hispanic neighbors paid nothing for their apartments and didn’t work at all. They called me “rich white boy.” I said, “I’m not rich . . . I have to work and you don’t.”

What I noticed about Boston is that to live there, you have to be wealthy or welfare. They squeeze working people who aren’t on welfare really hard. The reason is the welfare people take up a lot of housing, and thus drive up the rent. If it wasn’t for the welfare people, middle class professionals could afford to live in Boston.

I wrote an article about my experiences at Harbor Point:

One recent immigrant woman who actually had something of a work ethic wanted to learn computers and so I taught her basic IT skills — enough to go get herself an affirmative action job in downtown Boston, a mere 3 T stops away. But her husband warned her that if she gets a job, she loses the vast array of welfare benefits.

I have seen what you leftists do — you rig the system against White people in every possible way, and pat yourself on the back for doing so! Not to mention the many useless or harmful fake jobs you give yourselves such as “affirmative action officer,” and “diversity coordinator” and “housing monitor.” What a joke! I definitely hate Leftists way more than colored people, who are merely your pawns that you use against us.

However, I have had plenty of social interaction with Black and Hispanic people. They have very different habits of life that are incompatible with the better sort of White people. Blacks and Hispanics are low investment parents, and it’s totally insane to be subsidizing their reproduction, while taxing White parents like myself. Also, Black males consider it a ” genocide score” when they impregnate a White girl with a mulatto, thereby ruining that girl for White men. The Blacks have no intention of helping the girl raise the mixed race kid – they just want to help Leftists like you, Sally Kohn, to commit genocide against the White race.

Over at Occidental Dissent we have a Movement and a Vision too, Sally. That Vision is to see the day when insane and dysgenic policies of funding Israel on the one hand, and an army of welfare rabble and their enablers like you on the other, are ended, and we Whites once again control our own destiny. We don’t need people like you to tell us how to live, Sally. We reject your tikkun olam. You people can’t fix a tire, much less “the world.” You are destroyers, and history will plot a direct relationship between your power and the decline of the USA.


  1. An excellent rejoinder there Kievsky. Kohn’s Marxist sophistry and Jewish dissimulation is quite apparent. Her racially subversive tautology has, through her co-ethnics in the MSM, already effected the placement of a crypto-Marxist, mulatto demagogue into the White House.

  2. Deogolwulf’s non-WNist description of the managerial-therapeutic state, which he sees simply as advanced liberalism :

    Liberalism, unsurprisingly, has no tolerance for things not conducive to its own dominion, one which means a clearing-out of all bonds, strictures, and particularities which hinder the efficiency of the market and its bureau-technocratic regime. (The market serves to keep satisfied the man-pigs that liberalism has created.) The supposed neutrality, fair-mindedness, and magnanimity of liberalism are great deceits. If your values, traditions, customs, beliefs, religion, racial, ethnic and social ties, etc, do not matter, then it “tolerates” you; for it wishes to make the public sphere “neutral” (i.e., in total accordance with its principles) and free of the imposition of values (expect its own). If your values, traditions, customs, identity, and so forth do matter against the smooth levelling of society, then it persecutes you as a bigot and so forth. Presently it seeks the destruction of the major oppositional factors in the societies over which it dominates, and thus allows — nay, “celebrates” — the minor factors which are rivals thereto. But, eventually, it will act against them too, if it survives.


    Liberalism is the most insidious, destructive, genocidal, and effective of all the modern political ideologies with which it shares an origin. The others, by being crude in suppression and still bearing the marks of visible authority, as well as nonliberal and non-“neutral” values, engender opposition by populations gripped by the liberal ideology. Liberalism can destroy a nation or ruin an ancient culture more thoroughly than Marxism, and do so with hardly a shot fired against their “happy” masses, and all done with the sweetest smiles and the strongest claims to utmost tolerance.

    Liberalism is a sublime totalitarian ideology which, by all the means and techniques of sophisticated propaganda, “education”, and bureau-technocratic process, would dominate every aspect of life and thought and destroy all particularities that stand apart from it. We are now dominated by the greatest totalitarian regimes yet seen. (Totalitarianism is not authoritarianism.) And they can even get their minions to declare themselves proudly the “freest men in history”! Liberalism certainly has liberated their basest passions and desires: and the liberal regimes, through technological and commercial means, can satisfy them like a great mother-sow. Men ruled by their liberated passions are the most easily debased and dominated. One just needs to pull the right strings.


  3. If a leftist genuinely wants to analyze things from a class perspective, they need to ask themselves why the corporations and media are so strongly in favor of diversity, multiculturalism, and open borders. The answer is intuitive – multiculturalism makes it more difficult to organize workers. Immigration cuts down wages. The capitalists view this as a win-win scenario.

    “The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas, i.e. the class which is the ruling material force of society, is at the same time its ruling intellectual force.” -Karl Marx, The German Ideology

    By Marx’s own perspective, the dominant ideas are always the ideas of the dominant class, the capitalists. If the capitalists are behind all this diversity nonsense, then the leftists are just towing the company line. Immigration restrictionists have always been supported exclusively by middle-class and working-class political groups.

    Edward Alsworth Ross, a sociologist from Stanford university, was kicked out of the faculty because of his anti-immigration politics. This was over a hundred years ago! The only people who supported restricting immigration were the labor unions and the masses of working people in this country. If the capitalists are fomenting this resentment against immigration and demographic change, where’s the smoking gun? Where’s the conspiracy?

  4. A year ago, Sally coauthored an article that heaped praise on Japan, pointing out things such as the economic stability of its middle class, the lack of resentment between classes, and the strong tendency of Japanese companies to “contribute to the common good.”

    I wonder if it’s ever occcurred to Sally that Japan’s being the most ethnically and culturally homogenous society among all first-world nations may have something to do with the way it runs so well. They don’t have a bunch of hostile, resentful and incompatible minority groups screwing up life for them. Can you imagine the damage that would result from their letting in, say, a million Jews? Jesus.

    But – Sally asks – what about the Nobel prizes? What about Einstein and Mahler and all the geniuses of economics? What about the diversity? Well, fuck you, Sall. Japan obviously has no need for the toxic shit you’re peddling.

  5. Sally Jewess provided no concrete examples of high diversity metro areas enjoying a boom amidst a nation wide depression. It’s an article of faith among leftists and diversity mongers that racial diversity automatically translates into economic prosperity and social amity. She obviously cannot construct a factual rebuttal to constructive criticism other than to label all heretical arguments as “utter crap” and threaten to censor or ban said criticism.

    Can Sally prove that racial diversity leads to a corresponding increase in wealth wherever it takes root? I think not and you will labeled a racist and anti-semite if you challenge her thesis. As Detroit proves when whites leave en masse the city literally implodes yet Sally would believe that the right racial mix could lead to its resurrection.

    Blacks, whether rich, middle class or poor, put race before class which precludes any possibility of whites and blacks uniting to take down the plutocrats. It seems an increasing number of plutocrats that Sally rails against are in fact Jewish, so she better be careful what she wishes for.

  6. Great comments, all! I’m really psyched that I can post replies to her blog on my blog, and not be subject to her “comment moderation.”

    We have taken apart her unoriginal and formulaic Zinnism–Trotsky-ism, and we did it like Gentile men and Gentile women. No ad hominem, and yet very cutting commentary against all that she represents. Because it’s not about her personally, but about her political shtick and the economic niche based on this political shtick.

    Let’s hope the multicult shtick/government funded niche for leftists is running its course. Notice that Sally and her ilk are all salaried . . . we are all volunteers here. We’re playing for keeps, Sally is singing for her supper.

  7. “Apart from the cultural and social benefits of multiculturalism (which we don’t put a price tag on but should value quite highly) …”

    And just EXACTLY what are these supposed ‘social and cultural benefits’ of multi-cult-ism that should be putatively valued ‘quite highly’???

    Sally Kohn – Clean up your own house first, since Israel — and especially the persecuted Palestinians — need your social/racial activism far FAR MORE than does arrogant, pampered Blacks and Mestizos do here in ‘Amerika’.

    *Being that you are a Trotsky-Zinn-ite, you may claim, even vociferiously, that you are indeed are staunchly anti-Israel… and that would be super.

    Here’s the rub though: Now is your chance to PROVE your anti-Zionist bonifides.

    The Palestinians need you more than ever, Sally. Don’t let them down.

  8. Kievsky, excellent reply.

    It amazes me that these people can still say, with a straight face, that racial diversity is a strength. The assaults, rapes and murders; people living under de facto house arrest that are afraid to take a simple walk at night; section 8 types and immigrants scooping up the affordable housing; public schools ruined; the public realm degraded…

    Sounds great!

    That’s just for starters, yet it makes no impact whatsoever on the opposition’s party line. None at all. Notice how they try to avoid any mention of the disasters that their policies inflict, instead they simply claim that racial diversity is an unalloyed good. Utterly shameless.

    We are dealing with people who are either pathological liars, or just plain nuts. Also, I skimmed over the study that she links to. I don’t have time to give it a complete read right now, but based on a cursory inspection, it seems utterly absurd. Apparently what the “researchers” did was take the Captain Obvious fact that booming cities serve as magnets for immigrants and conclude that, therefore, diversity causes (or at least correlates with) economic prosperity.

    Umm…it’s a revelation that immigrants tend to head for booming areas? Why wouldn’t they? They move toward prosperity, which is not the same thing as causing it. Just ask Detroit, or any of the other American cities that in an earlier generation took in large numbers of internal black migrants. The blacks were attracted to the prosperity created by whites, moved in…and those places have been paying for it ever since. Hiroshima got nuked, and today is a prosperous and successful city. Detroit got Negrified, and today has yet to recover. Maybe Kohn’s researchers should do a study on that? Perhaps they would conclude that it is quite literally easier for a city to recover from being nuked than to rebound from an infestation of blacks.

    I’m only half joking here. The historical record would suggest that this is quite literally true.

    The reality is that parasites of course flock to a healthy host. Obviously, this does not mean that the parasites caused said health. Now, if you are a pathological liar like Kohn (I’m assuming that she can’t be that stupid) the truth will not slow you down for a minute. As they say, a lie can get around the world before truth can get its boots on.

    Liars love to confuse correlation with causation, it’s an old schtick. Another thing that they do, of course, is cherry pick stories that lead to false impressions, knowing that much of the audience won’t be able to see through the charade. The Duke rape story is a prime example of this. The media never touted statistics, because that of course would reveal the truth of the matter: black on white rape is sickeningly common, white on black rape practically nonexistent. So don’t mention the stats, don’t even claim that white on black rape is common (it isn’t). Instead, just cherry pick a story, pile drive it into the public consciousness, and let the public assume the worst about whites. Rinse and repeat.

    Ah, the anti-white Left. Real sweethearts, eh?

  9. Great insights Kievsky!

    The following paragraph in its entirety that Kievsky wrote says so much:

    “Blacks aren’t idealistic and energetic about work projects, which is what Whites are all about. It would be impossible……”

    I have seen this for some time, that blacks can work, but will only do so when necessary and out of obligation. It is the attitude and approach to what they do that makes all the difference. I am experiencing this right now as we speak on the job. Any enthusiasm that I may exhibit to my two Bantu co-workers about production is always taken as “Why ya tellin’ me what ta du?”

    I think that this is one reason, although not the only one and not the most important, that Jews find it so easy to promote Bantu culture: a strong aversion to real work. They both have this in common. The only real significant difference is the much higher IQ of the Jew that gives them the option to push a pencil, and/or manipulate others as their “employement”.

  10. When the left researches, they look inside their head.
    How to make yourself into a liberal-
    Have three stiff cocktails. Put a bag over your head. Start talking.

  11. Blacks are lazy, but attributing the same to Mestizos is mistaken. Mestizos have stamina which undoubtedly comes from their aboriginal genetics, where weak bodies died off young. The women stay home and drop babies, the men work 10 to 12 hour days, 6 to 7 days a week. If you get to know Mestizos most of them, practically all of them, have physical stamina which translates into bravery and the famous macho stuff. The women are tough too.

  12. What does it say that Sally & co. want to force the “benefits” of “diversity” on us, “benefits” that we categorically reject? What does it say that Sally & co. throw self-determination and free association, natural rights due all men, into the trash heap without a nanosecond’s consideration?

    The argument over the merits & demerits of “diversity” and “multiculturalism” is a worthy one, but in shorthand discussions like this I think it’s better to skip it; Sally doesn’t give a shit about it, and we should point that out, not get sidetracked on the particulars.

    Sally & company want to deny us our right to self-determination and free association. This is unAmerican, unWestern, illiberal. It’s totalitarian. Period. Full stop.

    Sally Kohn – Clean up your own house first, since Israel — and especially the persecuted Palestinians — need your social/racial activism far FAR MORE than does arrogant, pampered Blacks and Mestizos do here in ‘Amerika’.

    Better yet, Sally should explain why her tribe gets to have an exclusive ethnic demesne, but we of the racial second class (whites) don’t.

  13. If you get to know Mestizos most of them, practically all of them, have physical stamina which translates into bravery and the famous macho stuff. The women are tough too.

    Guess what? Spend a year busting your ass out in the heat and you’ll discover that practically all whites have physical stamina, too. And wow, gee, sustained physical exertion gives you a “t” boost and you’ll pick up a bit of swagger too.

  14. Hiroshima got nuked, and today is a prosperous and successful city. Detroit got Negrified, and today has yet to recover.

    WONDERFUL comparison.

    Negroes, more dangerous than nukes!

  15. Sally gives tips her hand when she says we can’t put a price tag on the “benefits” of diversity. She knows full well the “benefits” begin and end with the hot air expelling from her mouth.

  16. “Guess what? Spend a year busting your ass out in the heat and you’ll discover that practically all whites have physical stamina, too. And wow, gee, sustained physical exertion gives you a “t” boost and you’ll pick up a bit of swagger too.”

    I’m a laborer that works outside. I don’t think what you are saying is strictly true. Civilization selects for a host of different attributes. A weak body will not doom you within a civilization. Tribal culture pretty much demands physical strength.

  17. And tactically these anti-genocidal freaks have taken to using the hate crimes laws against whites while excluding them from the protection of them. Another piece of evidence we can use in their trials for genocide. I write this about reading of another hate crime committed against a white girl in Oakland by blacks that is not being pursued by “law enforcement.” This is Sally Kohn’s responsibility.

  18. No doubt her comment moderation will kick in as soon as she feels she is losing the argument.

    A year ago, Sally coauthored an article that heaped praise on Japan, pointing out things such as the economic stability of its middle class, the lack of resentment between classes, and the strong tendency of Japanese companies to “contribute to the common good.”

    Right, which perfectly contradicts her belief that multiracialism/multiculturalism makes a better society. Japan is monoracial and monocultural at its core.

    We also need to make the distinction that not all cultures and races are equal in value, that’s a typical Boasian false assumption they start with. Multiple European cultural influences may be a good thing, but third world cultures certainly are not.

  19. It’s been shown that immigrant work ethic dies off after 1 or 2 generations and they become lazy just like the rest of Americans. 🙂 It’s not some kind of mestizo hybrid vigor, they’re just coming from a backwards, dirt-poor country, where life is harsh. They acclimate to the easier life soon enough.

  20. It’s been shown that immigrant work ethic dies off after 1 or 2 generations and they become lazy just like the rest of Americans. It’s not some kind of mestizo hybrid vigor, they’re just coming from a backwards, dirt-poor country, where life is harsh. They acclimate to the easier life soon enough.

    As well, some White folk are afflicted with “Favorite Minority Syndrome” (FMS), where they just gotta have their non-White ‘friend’ or ‘colleague’ … pretty much to ‘prove’ to others (primarily themselves) that there not ‘racists’ (read ‘red-necks’).

  21. Randy said,

    “Blacks are lazy, but attributing the same to Mestizos is mistaken. Mestizos have stamina which undoubtedly comes from their aboriginal genetics, where weak bodies died off young. The women stay home and drop babies, the men work 10 to 12 hour days, 6 to 7 days a week. If you get to know Mestizos most of them, practically all of them, have physical stamina which translates into bravery and the famous macho stuff. The women are tough too.”

    In my experience, the Mestizo men may work “10 to 12 hour days, 6 to 7 days a week” but the pace is slow and not as productive as it should be. For example, I was out of town one weekend and my father hired a crew of five Mestizos to shovel a copious amount of snow around his house. It took them 1 1/2 days to do what I, as a single white man, do in about 3-4hrs. So, yes, they hung around and “worked” all day at my Father’s house, but their pace is slow and unproductive. Oh, and they were kind enough to leave their trash spread around after their 2hr lunch and piss on the property.

    IMO, don’t be deceived by their “strong work ethic” because it’s BS. They like to hang around for a long time and give the impression that they’re working hard. As an experiment, I encourage anyone to test and see how long it takes several of them to do something and then see how long it takes a single white man to do it.

    Again, IMO, I don’t think their physical stamina is that great. I smoked a group of fit Mestizos in a half marathon. And I think “bravery and the famous macho stuff” has more to do with tequila and low IQ.

  22. “As well, some White folk are afflicted with “Favorite Minority Syndrome” (FMS), where they just gotta have their non-White ‘friend’ or ‘colleague’ … pretty much to ‘prove’ to others (primarily themselves) that there not ‘racists’ (read ‘red-necks’).

    I suppose you referring to me? Like I say, I’m a laborer and a racist to boot, not a liberal, but I have this White habit, that gets me in trouble all the time, of saying what I think, and I don’t see spics being lazy, and I live pretty close to spic central. I have a few Mestizo friends it is true. Some of them are in fact decent people. What can I say? It’s the truth.

  23. “This doesn’t actually work in reality, because it’s very easy for the plutocrats to buy off the Blacks. Whites would give them the choice to work; the plutocrats offer welfare and political rights over Whites. Most Blacks go for the latter without a second thought.”

    So what to do about the back-stabbing plutocrats?

  24. Travis,
    What to do about the plutocrats is fight over every economic niche there is. There are more of us than them.

    We need enough of us on the same page to work to replace every economic transaction we make that empowers the plutocrats, into an economic transaction that benefits our collective. I just came in from working in my garden today. I have planted already hundreds of carrots, beets, peas, and a few dozen cabbage and broccoli seedlings that I started myself.

    So I fight for the food niche, and I can say this is very empowering. Not just financially empowering, but emotionally empowering. I am happier and healthier as a result of snatching back the food niche from the plutocrats.

    A bit of low hanging fruit would be the private auto system. If I had enough people living in my town who were willing to suffer a little bit of inconvenience for economic empowerment, I would do a car sharing or even van pooling group. If a group of 20 of us could get by with one van, one pickup truck, and maybe 2 or 3 station wagon cars, we’d save a fortune. From

    1) Certain nations feed off the labor and resources of the rest of the world. 2) The citizens of these nations need to be paid off or distracted, or they will violently revolt. The Romans called this “bread and circuses”. 3) One of the big ways we are paid off is through extremely high wages. I would add, we mistake these for low wages because the Beast immediately steals this money back from us through rent and interest, so we need extremely high wages to not be homeless. Instead of pitying Africans who live on a dollar a day, we should ask, “What if our society was set up so that we could live on a dollar a day, and still make $15 an hour?”

    What we need to be able to do is save enough to have our money work for us, and at the same time enfranchise others. We are going to have to do some sort of “communal” existence, just to survive the economic contraction, at least communal vehicles. It will work a hell of a lot better with same-race people, of course. There will be a lot of “judgmentalism” going on, a lot of ostracism of slackers and freeloaders. We’ll really see what kind of character our neighbors have.

    You can save a lot of money pretty quickly if you don’t live a consumerist existence. I know of a single schoolteacher woman who never married, didn’t inherit a dime, and saved over a million in her lifetime. No heirs. She should have taken more vacations.

  25. “I have a few Mestizo friends it is true. Some of them are in fact decent people. What can I say? It’s the truth.”

    Randy, I don’t doubt your personal experience. What follows is not so much an answer to you personally, but rather an answer for those people that say, in effect, “Not all non-whites are bad,” as if this constitutes a sound refutation of white nationalism.

    I have non-white friends as well, one in particular that I respect more than most whites that I know. Does this alter my commitment to my own people by so much as one iota? Not at all. The issue for me is not that all non-whites are bad, but rather that my people must survive. I do not expect other races to go extinct just because one of their number happens to like me as an individual, and I expect the same courtesy in return. The idea that, simply because I may like or respect a member of another race, therefore the survival of my own people is somehow forfeit, is quite simply absurd. It is a total non sequitur, but yet it is something that white nationalists get hit with all of the time.

    The real issue is not whether they are “good” or “bad.” The real issue is simply that they aren’t us, yet they are intruding upon us. An invader is an invader, be he a good guy or not. Someone who threatens the very survival of my people is a threat, whether he is lazy or not. If this were not the case, being swamped by five hundred million hard working Asians would be no problem. Obviously, that would be a huge problem that would mark the end of us as a people on this continent.

    For what it’s worth – I’m a good guy, really A+ material. Modest too!

    I’m polite and do my best to be considerate of others. I don’t take unfair advantage of people, even when there is no way that I could be caught. I do my best to honor my commitments and pay my bills on time. Perfect credit rating, never so much as a late. Aren’t I a pretty swell guy? Does the fact that I’m such a swell fella give me the right to invade the countries of other people? Of course not.

    Today, we live in an Alice in Wonderland world. No white would believe, just because he is a nice guy, that he has the right to invade other countries. But that same white has been taught that others do have the right to invade his nation, as long as they are here for more “opportunity.” Utter nonsense, but it is one of the major memes out there that is used against us. We need to learn how to deal with it.

  26. Kievsky,

    I posted about a month ago that I am looking to physically unite with the like minded. I work seasonally on a ship, am acutally sending this message from the dock right now. My work will transport me at their expense to and from the boat from anywhere in the country , so I can relocate to anywhere I wish. I’m currently based in the P.N.W.

    This type of work also allows me to have extended periods of time off, which are great for someone who wishes to commit themselves to an endeavor. Your ideas of downsizing one’s life and living in a communal way have been my own for quite some time. I have actually lived a pretty non-consumerist existance for my whole adult life, I would now just like to apply this frugal life-style with some others on the same philisophical page.

    I can be contacted at (e-mail address edited out to stop spam) if you are serious about fulfulling your plans and would like to begin to discuss this further.

  27. Trainspotter

    “Randy, I don’t doubt your personal experience. What follows is not so much an answer to you personally, but rather an answer for those people that say, in effect, “Not all non-whites are bad,” as if this constitutes a sound refutation of white nationalism. ”

    Hey, bro I like your commentary so don’t take this amiss, but it is ludicrous the knee-jerk reaction around here if someone says something truthful and positive about non Whites. Look at this your statement: ““Not all non-whites are bad,” as if this constitutes a sound refutation of white nationalism. ” Where in Hades do you come up with the conclusion that I am trying to refute White Nationalism? I am a died in the wool ethnic and racial patriot. Live and breath it every day. But that doesn’t alter the fact that Beaners are not properly characterized as being lazy like Blacks. They just are not, generally speaking. Being working class myself I have first hand experience with them.

  28. Kievsky’s strategic essays – like Rob Freeman’s – always leave me in an awed but enlightened state; Sally Sarah Kohn may “believe in free speech”, but I think the Jewess will make an exception when she sees his smackdown replay to her racially self-interested Marxist drivel. When it somes to explaining How Things Are, and Why they are, Kievsky-Freeman is on the same level as Revilo Oliver, William Pierce, and Kevin MacDonald. It is past time for Kievsky-Freeman to get all his ideas out in a larger format, a book, so we can study and learn more effectively from them. However, I have problems with some of the postings in this thread, if only from the viewpoint of racial tactics. I don’t know, but strongly suspect, that blacks were at one time a substantially more righteous people than they are now: that is, before they Jews hooked and ruined them via the welfare-illfare state, the crime lobby legal system, and the drug culture….kosher control mechanisms all. Same with the Latino influx, whom the Jews intend to similarly hook and ruin. Right now I’d guesstimate that at least 10% of the blacks and 30% of the hispanics still utterly despise their Hebrew masters and, properly handled, will be willing, when the time comes, to join our uprising (rather than Sally Sarah’s) against the Plutocracy. This is vital because way more than 50% of the whites in America remain in complete thralldom to the Jews, bought-off and/or brainwashed. In short, let’s keep in mind who our main enemy is: organized Jewry, not their ethnic dupes.

  29. Randy: “Where in Hades do you come up with the conclusion that I am trying to refute White Nationalism?”

    Randy, simple misunderstanding. I didn’t come to that conclusion. I made it clear that my answer wasn’t directed at you, but at the generic objection that we so often get. Any white nationalist who has spent more than five minutes spreading our ideas knows that this is a common objection meant to refute our position. I was offering an approach to this silly but common objection that has worked well for me in the real world.

  30. No scam here Mark, straight to the point and forward. Send me a letter and let’s talk. I have been posting on this site for a few months now, follow it almost everyday. And you will notice that I provided my personal e-mail address, so if there is any risk to anyone it would be myself, no personal or financial information has been asked about anyone like you claim.

    I have been monitoring the WN movement for sometime to see if it is anything worth commiting to, as I have found many viewpoints very similar to my own. I have stated this before on the site. I have to say that out of all the sites that I have frequented, OD seems to be of the highest calibur for intellectual content. But unfortunately, the bar often isn’t set very high. Some of the regular posters and featured writers here are excellent, but another great many seem to be stuck in a typical adolescent fantasy world, much like the mainstream left. They wish to debate and analyze endlessly, but when it comes to actually talking with their feet, there is nothing there. Even HW himself admitted upon his move to Virginia that this movement is miles behind any of its adversaries.

    One of the best examples of what I am saying was the Jeffery Imm video that had two of the so-called “leaders” or organizers of this site childishly “calling out” Red Jeffery like a couple of immature teenagers, stupid profanity and all. It was then posted as representative of the mentallity of the movement on the site for the whole world to see, including your enemies. It isn’t that I have a problem with using profanity, I can cuss with the best of them, or confronting Red Jeffery, but anyone with any common sense involved in a serious political endeavor would know that there is a time and place for everything. That was the worst time and place that could have been chosen to reflect upon your movement to have it taken seriously. This latest comment by Mark is in the same light. Someone offers a sincere hand, and it is received with infantile ridicule.

    Why didn’t Pip Pockets and HW confront Jeffery Imm with logical debate on the issues? Approach him, say where they are from, what they are about, and start a debate. Tear him to shreds. That would have gained respect and admiration. What was done was just embarrassing, name calling behind a camera and giggling like little girls.

    I am not trying to be disrespectful here by any means, just to the point. Call it a wake- up call if you will. I have already met some serious, mature, like-minded individuals through this site and in this movement. That part needs to be nourished. The other “fantasy adventure world” part needs to get with the program or go away. It seems they don’t realize that in all reality, if this “thing” ever gets anywhere near to fruition, what it means is prison or death for most of us. If you don’t understand that, you have no idea of what what you are up against. That is if you are sincere about achieving progress on this issue. True victory, if it ever comes, will be won by future generations in this fight.

    This isn’t a time for name calling and giggling. That is what got us in this nightmare of a situation in the first place. A population that wants to stay boys and girls forever. Wannabe Jews.

  31. My guess is that Sally will reply with more talking points of anti-white monsters than actual facts.

    “Diverse urban areas are faring the best economically”? Good one Einstein, too bad those areas in major cities which happen to contain the heart of industry and finance. Gee, I wonder if that has anything to do with it? Well, empirical observation is for white supremacists, I think with DIVERSITY.

    It’s like saying patients in hospitals are supremely knowledgeable about anatomy because they’re surrounded by doctors.

  32. 1.) Jeffrey Imm is not interested in “debating” the issues. He spouts the same propaganda at his “public awareness events” that he repeated here and on his website. I’ve tried “debating” him before. He always responds like a robot with his talking points. He never goes off script.

    2.) Read Saul Alinsky. Ridicule is a more effective tactic at discrediting your opponent than “debating” them. Conservatives want to “debate” the opposition. It is one of the reasons they always lose.

    3.) If we had got in Red Jeffrey’s face, he would have instantly came on the internet and screamed at the top of his lungs about fascist thugs trying to intimidate him. Actually, we showed up in Kenyon Park at the request of someone else, and we were specifically told not to engage him.

    4.) What would you have us do? Snap photos of ourselves? Show ourselves on camera? Why? Just to make a point on the internet. I can’t think of any other reason. That’s a bad idea. It would only limit our effectiveness, namely, our ability to work in the real world and raise money to support this project.

    5.) I didn’t see anyone else there. You didn’t show up. It is fine to criticize the activism of others, but if you really want to impress, let’s see you stick your neck out and suffer the financial consequences next time.

  33. HW,

    I believe every word you say about Jeffery. All it takes is one look at the guy to see he is a clown, so I wouldn’t have gone, and neither should have you if you knew you couldn’t present yourself in a serious manner.

    Saul Alinsky? Sounds like a Jew. Because he says ridicule is effective that makes it true? According to what model? The political one of Western society of the last 150 years that have landed us in this mess? Printing Jew money and going into massive debt to finance everything isn’t success, its theft, corruption and a capital crime against humanity. Exploiting foreign peoples for the right to go to the mall isn’t success. Show me one serious political endeavor of the past century that has been a success. There have been many great technical achievements, but political?

    Someone gave you instructions not to engage Jeffery? Who are you taking orders from? I take mine from God.

    Who cares what some no name Jew says. Look at the reality of people that achieved things without a playbook but with real experience, and you don’t have to agree with them to see how effective they were. Studying your enemy is a necessity. I don’t agree with them in the least, but can’t deny they achieved a lot, whether positive or negative. Have you read Che Guevara? I don’t have any use for his end results or his politics, but a hell of a lot of people followed him. Was he reading a Saul Alinsky? When he spoke at places like the UN, you saw a committed, serious person. It was all about debate of facts, even if biased or twisted. Same can be said for Mao Tse Tung. Fought revolutionary war for some 30 years or more. Have you read his essays? No cuss words, no infantile, American (read Jew in its current state) political discourse, serious, to the point, “this is how a problem will be solved”. Period. Even Ho Chi Min. I can go on and on. Even feminist bitches or sodomite activists.

    Can you imagine Conferderate generals ever intoducing themselves and their position to the world, had video existed at that time, in the way that you guys did? Correct me if I am wrong, but I think that was the first video you posted on this site representative of yourself. If it wasn’t the first, it was one of very few and pretty high profile considering how much attraction the incident with Amren received. A lot saw it for sure.

    You say that conservatives always debate and they always lose. What conservatives in the mainstream? They went extinct probably 75 years ago! They don’t exist. I never lose a debate, using almost your exact platform. You can’t. It is the truth.

    How many debates has JT lost? I haven’t heard one. Nor have I ever heard him engage in ridicule. Ever. And I have watched or listened to at least 20 or more of his debates. And he is even PC (the JQ) about a lot, which puts him at a great disadvantage. He is a Khazar ass-kisser, but a smart one.

    Stick my neck out? I am working with Bantus right now. Just had a conversation with one the other day about race relations in the middle of work. That right there is grounds for termination, and I am mangement. I got told how easy it is for me because I am white, she has it hard, blah, blah. I told her it is obvious that she and many blacks feel the same way, I don’t have it easy, but we will always be the “white devils” in their eyes, so how about separation? “Oh, no, we learn so much from one another!” LOL. I stopped the conversation there. This is a massively dominated liberal company filled with sodomites. I am in danger of getting fired every day, actually, they hate my guts, but I am a top producer, so I get to stay. For now. And I use it to push the barrier everyday. Last night, after work, I had an hour long conversation with a white kid about AA, diversity and race-relations. I’ve been fired before for my “personality”, I will be again. It is only a matter of time. Or I will walk, and go on to the next shithole that the work environment of this nation has become.

    This activism doesn’t count? Because I don’t have a website? I offered my services to your site and movement a month ago, relocation and all, and didn’t hear a thing. But I did get a response from Matt. He puts his face on camera all the time. Brave man. If the offer still stands, I may be visiting him in the near future.

    You want to talk about financial sacrifice? Have you ever been stuck in a third world country by making bad choices, been the only white guy amongst several hundred thousand Bantus and mulattos, and taken a job for $30 a week to survive, because you had no choice? Washed your clothes by hand for a couple of years? Lived on beans and rice only for months at a time cause that is all a few dollars a day buys to eat? Planted plantains for 2 dollars an hour for extra money after work? And when you out worked them all, so you became their boss, they hated your fucking guts so much they tried to kill you? But even still, they disgusted you so badly, that when they saw they couldn’t intimidate you, they tried to cry “poor us, you have it so easy white boy”, and you just told them to shut their heathen mouths and get to work, so they hated you even more?

    Do you really know sacrifice? Do you want to talk about it? Really?
    Born and raised in “Amerika?” of today? Your enemies do. They know a lot about sacrifice.

    I could go on indefinitely, I haven’t even started. But this isn’t the point. It isn’t me against you. I have no problem with you, actually admire what you have done, and admire many of the posters. All I was saying is there was a very obvious tactical mistake on something that was presented.

    I am telling you this with all sincerity and in good faith HW. I am not trying to be condescending or disrespectful. You have got to become militant. More like Kievsky. You’re a smart guy. Be even smarter.

  34. 1.) We went to Jeffrey Imm’s protest with a specific purpose in mind: to see if Imm was connected to the violent anarchist thugs and, if possible, get this on tape.

    2.) A “serious tone” is a bad idea. Most people in this movement take themselves too seriously. They give themselves elaborate titles and come across looking ridiculous.

    The videos that get the most hits on YouTube are funny, entertaining, and counterintuitive. We wanted people to laugh at Jeffrey Imm. Returning to Saul Alinsky, the Left has long known the power of humor and ridicule to discredit the opposition. Left-wing activists are trained by various progressive organizations in how to use these tactics.

    3.) We didn’t want to come across as a stereotypical “hate group.” Instead, we sounded like a couple of college kids poking fun at a pretentious rabble rouser. This creates cognitive message between Jeffrey Imm’s propaganda line and our videos.

    4.) I spend more time than 90% of the people involved in this movement promoting our ideas and building a platform to disseminate our message into the mainstream.

    5.) No, I have never been stuck in a third world country. I have no reason to visit such a place. Why do you ask?

    6.) What are you referring to? Did you email me or post something in the comments? I might not have gotten an email. I usually don’t read the comments here closely.

    6.) I like Jared Taylor. He is a friend of mine. But Jared is too polite for his own good.

    7.) Conservatives dominate what passes for the Right in the United States. We want to learn from the winners. The Left never debates us. They denounce us, ridicule us, poke fun at us, and impose penalties upon White Advocacy (financial and social) that deter people from openly embracing our message.

    8.) Re: Confederate generals. No, I cannot. Why should we tailor our message toward Antebellum sensibilities? Communication is about connecting with your audience in familiar terms. Our target audience was young people – mostly college students – who surf YouTube looking for humorous videos.

    8.) Yes. Someone asked us to show up at Imm’s rally and videotape him. I’m not in a position to disclose the identity of this person though.

    9.) Good advice is good advice regardless of the source. Political technology can be used by anyone. The bottom line is that the winners are on the Left and the losers are on the Right. We should adopt the tactics of the winners.

    10.) We have too many wannabe dictators in the WN movement. The last thing I wanted to do is come across as another Commander Schoep or World Commander of National Socialism Bill White. That would have gotten us instantly dismissed as just another “hate group.”

  35. I deleted Mark’s comments. He was accusing Aservant of being a scammer. That’s a bullshit charge, and by the way, I replied with an e-mail to Aservant and gave him my contact info. If someone wants to find a Little Europe community, I’m going to offer him or her a chance to meet me in person so I can have a look and make sure the person is normal. I’m 99% sure Aservant is a normal person, but I always require an in person meeting before I recommend someone to other people, such as April Gaede’s little community in Kalispell.

    Also, Mark’s spat with Randy was B.S. I think White nationalists should practice Taqqiyah in public life. Like Al Pacino’s character in the Devil’s Advocate “Don’t ever let ’em see you coming.” As far as the debate about manual labor, I saw some mestizos working on a lawn at the Rhodes Island Philharmonic yesterday. Slooooowwwwww! Real slow.

  36. 39Kievsky
    I deleted Mark’s comments. He was accusing Aservant of being a scammer.

    You’ve shown yourself to be a dishonorable man, as well as tyrannical. You also misrepresent someone’s post to justify your biased moderation. This isn’t the first time either, you’ve deleted whole posts and everyone’s comments to suit your whim.

    I never accused him of being a scammer, just that his post had a similar composition. It was a joke.

    Also, Mark’s spat with Randy was B.S. I think White nationalists should practice Taqqiyah in public life.

    You mean taqiyya, similar to the Jewish Kol Nidre, is duplicity in behavior. Figures you would advocate that. You and some others here are definitely more Semitic in your behavior than Occidental.

    I expressed my concern before to Hunter on how OD has gone way downhill by having writers that don’t represent the quality and focus it once had (except Robert, he is an erudite addition), and Hunter agreed with me.

  37. Mark,

    If Hunter ever expresses to me that he doesn’t like my writing, I will write somewhere else. What you said to Aservant was scurrilous and had no place in my thread. I have no use for commenters who attack other commenters in general.

    When you live under an enemy regime, dissimulation is the way to go. Everyone I know agrees with me on this point, and I have a significant WN’ist social network.

    On the other hand, Kevin Macdonald recently did an interview with Sunic and called for people to come out of the cold and talk about the legitimate ethnic interests of White people. This is a good way to put it, and if you can do it without financially ruining your family, and you are well spoken, then this is a good thing to do.

    However, Taqqiyah is a good rule in general because it prevents stupid people from saying intemperate things and going to prison. It’s so damned easy for law enforcement to nail people for what amounts to “talking tough” that I advocate the Taqqiyah rule in order to counter the American cultural habit of macho posturing and tough talk.

  38. I have no use for commenters who attack other commenters in general.

    I didn’t attack him, and you’re completely biased in that application. You’re attacking me and impugning my good name by deleting my comments, disallowing my ability to defend myself while under attack from multiple degenerates. That is corruption and abuse of moderation powers.

  39. When you live under an enemy regime, dissimulation is the way to go. Everyone I know agrees with me on this point, and I have a significant WN’ist social network.

    I’ve never understood the (strong) undercurrent in WNism that says otherwise. These “honorable” types seem more interested in dying in a pile of bodies surrounding their Fuhrer than winning. I suspect it’s the subculture thing – they’d rather be a cool subculture than victorious mainstreamers.

    They’re always the arbiters of whiteness, and their whiteness is always noble and doomed.

  40. Let me proffer my own, contradictory version of whiteness: adaptable, honest with himself and his kin, victorious.

    Funny, but I just realized that these same types that think lying to the enemy is “unwhite” also tend to be the ones dreaming about exterminating the enemy en masse. Funny, lying to win is bad, genocide to win is good.

  41. Hunter, I don’t see any useful parallels between the Conservative desire to debate the left, and the WN desire to debate the left. Conservatives would lose a debate with the left because they’ve already agreed to exist within the circle of leftist lies and assumptions about race and human nature. WNs win debates with the left because they knock over the whole rigged game.

    I agree that running around after leftists looking for debates is a waste of time. I suggest synthesizing our aforementioned advantage into talking points and ridicule. We make our debate supremacy a talking point. If leftists take the bait, we beat them at the debate table in front of everyone. If they don’t, we ridicule them as cowards.

  42. Svigor: “Conservatives would lose a debate with the left because they’ve already agreed to exist within the circle of leftist lies and assumptions about race and human nature. WNs win debates with the left because they knock over the whole rigged game.”

    Exactly. Which is why leftists love to debate “conservatives,” but refuse to debate us.

  43. Let me proffer my own, contradictory version of whiteness: adaptable, honest with himself and his kin, victorious.

    In other words act like Jews.

    The problem is that people who view truth as merely a tool to be exploited to their advantage, the same as lies, won’t stop at some imaginary line of kin. It becomes pathological. We see evidence of that in this thread.

  44. Mark said,

    “In other words act like Jews.”

    I have to say I am in complete agreement with you with that observation.

  45. Being honest among enemies is asking to lose. In my initial years of White activism, I was open and honest about my views. Other Whites who weren’t WN’s were ingrateful bastards who would have gladly put me in jail or lynched me.

    In a sense, White nationalists are an “us-them” tribe like Jews. So are Mormons. So are Hindus. So are Han Chinese.

    We don’t own the country any more. We are the rightful owners, I believe, but our forefathers lost control. Now we have to act like just another “market dominant minority.” If you don’t accept that or like it, good luck wearing your views on your sleeve.

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