Jost on the Caste System

The Caste System: An important Awareness of Reality

By Jost Turne

Our Forefathers understood that the abilities and capacity of an
individual varied directly with his or her evolutionary level. A
somewhat corrupted form of this ancient wisdom has been preserved
for us in the Hindu caste system. It is, of course, fashionable
today to denounce the Hindu caste system as simple bigotry, and
considering the present day Hindus, this is probably true. But the
original caste system, as put forth by the Aryans who built the
great civilization of Ancient India, was hardly bigotry. It was,
and is, a most important awareness of reality. Here we might note
that many historians feel that the Hindu caste system was designed
only to prevent intermarriage between the Aryan ruling aristocracy
and the darker aboriginal Indians. While the caste system was most
likely applied in this manner, further investigation shows that
the original concept of the caste system was the differences in

Recent archaeology has shown that the culture, religion, and values
of the Aryans of ancient India came from a common source with that
of their Aryan brothers, our own Forefathers in Northern Europe.
As would be expected, our Forefathers had a caste system very
similar to their Indo-Aryan brothers. However, since our
Forefathers were not living within a growing mass of dark-skinned
aborigines, we can see that the original Aryan caste system, while
obviously applicable to the races, was designed to gauge individual
evolution – something that would be of incomparable value for
today’s National Socialists for recruiting, propaganda, or
evaluating an individual’s capacity for responsibility and trust.
More than a thousand years ago, our Forefathers put forth their
understanding of the caste system in the allegorical poem,

The Rigsthula

The Rigsthula describes how the God Heimdall (known as the
“whitest” of the Gods) came to earth and, using the name Rig,
visited with three different couples. The God’s first visit was to
a rickety shack in which lived Ai and Edda (Great Grandfather and
Great Grandmother). Nine months after Heimdall left, Edda gave
birth to a son, , whom they named Thrall. Thrall became the
forefather of all Thralls, which corresponds directly to the Hindu
Sudra caste, the caste of servants and slaves.

The next visit was to a farmstead inhabited by Afi and Amma
(Grandfather and Grandmother). Nine months after Heimdall left,
Amma gave birth to a son whom they named Karl. Karl became the
forefather of all Karls, which corresponds directly to the Hindu
Vaisya caste, the caste of yeomen, artisans, and merchants.

Finally, Heimdall visited a great hall in which lived Fathir and
Mothir (Father and Mother). Nine months after the God left, Mothir
gave birth to a son whom they named Jarl. Jarl became the
forefather of all Jarls, which corresponds directly to the Hindu
Kshatriya caste, the caste of warriors and kings.

Heimdall returned to Jarl, and identified himself as Jarl’s real
father. He then taught Jarl the mysteries of the Runes. Jarl
transmitted this wisdom to his youngest son Kon – but not to any
of his other children. Here we can see that the highly evolved
Jarls have the capacity to realize oneness with the Gods, that is,
to evolve even higher, to a Superhuman Species. Unfortunately, the
Rigsthula breaks off here, the rest being lost. We can only assume
that Kon transmitted the mysteries to his youngest son, and that
Kon corresponds to the Hindu Brahman caste, the caste of priests
and seers.

The poets imagery of the progression of castes from Great
Grandmother’s Thrall to Grandmother’s Karl, to Mother’s Jarl, and
then from Jarl to his youngest son, Kon, gives us the distinct
feeling of mankind’s natural evolution throughout the ages,
evolving from the lowest caste in ancient, times, to the highest
caste in the future.

Individual Evolutionary Levels

Each individual, regardless of race, is at a particular
evolutionary level. There are four basic evolutionary levels,
corresponding to the four castes. There are, of course, different
levels of each basic level, and various combinations of these
levels as well – which can become somewhat complicated. However,
with an understanding of the basic evolutionary levels and some
intelligent observation, one can become a reasonable judge of any
individual’s evolutionary level. It is important to understand that
individuals at a particular evolutionary level operate on a certain
level of energy, and that this energy level corresponds to his or
her desires and abilities, and that this limits, or enhances, his
or her overall capacity.

The caste which our Forefathers called Thrall is on the lowest
evolutionary level, and thereby the lowest energy level.
Individuals on this level simply lack the capacity (energy or
desire) for any motivation beyond satisfying the most primitive
human needs – food, shelter, procreation, and diversion. As a
result, their inclinations are toward servant or laborer positions
which provide close supervision. This caste is, of course, very
common in the lower races, but it is growing steadily in our own
race due not only to generations of thoughtless breeding, but to
drug and alcohol consumption as well.

The caste which our Forefathers called Karls is on a much higher
evolutionary level. Individuals on this level are motivated by
self-interest and personal gain. Their desires lead them toward
accumulation of possessions and status, and they have the capacity
and sufficient energy to satisfy these desires. Karls are
epitomized by the self-reliant yeoman, and they are inclined to
become artisans, businessmen, farmers, and entrepreneurs. There
have always been a large number of highly developed Karls in our
race, which accounts for much of our high civilizations and
economic stability. However, due to generations of improper
breeding, excessive alcohol and drug consumption, this caste is
diminishing within our race – and being replaced by nonaryan
(Asian) immigrants!

The caste which our Forefathers called Jarls is on a very high
evolutionary level. Individuals on this level have begun to evolve
beyond the desire for the accumulation of possessions and status,
that is, beyond self. While Jarls have the energy and capacity for
any position sought by the Karl, and they often hold such
positions, their desires lead them toward higher ideals, and in the
true spirit of the warrior, they are often willing to give their
lives – or sacrifice their possessions and status for these ideals.
Their desires lead them toward idealistic fields, such as political
activism, social welfare, and, of course, the true warrior. While
every race has its Jarls, they are not very numerous in any race.
Traditionally, Aryans have always had more than others. However,
many Aryan Jarls have been misguided into activism which has
sabotaged their own race – this includes early christian activists
as well as today’s civil rights activists. Jarls too can be easily
reduced to Thralls by drugs and alcohol.

The caste which our Forefathers symbolized by Kon is on the highest
evolutionary level, having evolved completely beyond selfishness,
and capable of thinking and acting in accordance with inner
awareness. (We can safely say that Adolf Hitler was a good
representative of this caste). This evolutionary state is very
rare, and we will save further discussion of it for later.

While caste, or evolutionary level, can correspond to occupation,
economic position, education, or birth, this is not always a good
indicator. In today’s society such positions can be very
misleading. A true Jarl may hold a laborer’s job, not being
interested in money or status, but holding his energies in reserve
for higher ideals. Meanwhile, a simple Karl may be leading a hard-
core racial organization, taking advantage of being a “big fish in
a small pond”, and much more interested in the status it gives him
than in any true idealism. The real indicator of evolution is
energy and desires. What must be ascertained is not just the amount
of energy, but more importantly, how that energy is focused, that
is, whether the energy and desires are focused on self, or beyond

A clear understanding of evolutionary levels is an important and
valuable tool for determining an individual’s capacity for
responsibility and trust. We recommend that all Aryans, especially
leaders and activists, be very familiar with it.


  1. The Maltese, Ashkenazi, and Berber don’t have enough European admixture in them, in my opinion, to explain their Whiteness away with that.

    Why not, Berbers are predominantly European as are the Maltese, and depending on the Ashkenazi they have significant European ancestry. Sexual selection plays a part as well, men like fair women.

    I don’t know what your perception of white is anyway, it’s not just about skin tone. The racial average of Malta and North Africa is far different from Northern Europe.

    But take Jews, even among them there is a range from more white to less white by the European contribution, from Ashkenazim to Sephardim to Mizrahim.

    There are plenty of highly mixed people, like Paula Abdul, Jessica Alba and Vin Diesel that are on the lighter side when not tanned, but are not White.

    I hesitate to use White, because most people are primarily concerned with skin tone and not ancestry or admixture, so white, being skin tone or partial resemblance to the original Europeans, is more appropriate. That’s the problem with old physical anthropology, they went by resemblance, they didn’t have DNA.

  2. “What strikes me as queer, regarding the Nordicist theory, is how we’re supposed to be the ones adapted for the Arctic, yet there’s a whole parade of races, all of them darker, less attractive, and less intelligent, who were to the North of us”

    I think that’s your misconception. Nordics are not adapted for the arctic- mongoloids are. The mongoloids at Lake Baikal in Siberia were such people. Hence the slanted eyes, shorter extremities, fatty pads on the face, and round hollow hairs which retain heat better on the head. Also the higher intelligence. And what would attractiveness have to do with evolving in a colder climate?

    Whites were primarily adapted to a more temperate climate, with Nordics being adapted to a cold, foggy, and damp environment. Northern mongoloid arctic hunters also got vitamin D from fish, which prevented them having to develop lighter skin to avoid rickets. Nordics possibly live somewhere more inland away from the sea or hadn’t developed fishing tackle, which necessitated their developing lighter skin to deal with lack of vitamin D. That’s the theory I’ve read, anyway.

  3. There’s also a theory going around that whites only developed in the last 5,000 years because of diet and climate. So eat the right foods and stay out of the sun and third world Africans will turn into Nordics! If it were only that simple.

  4. Mark said…
    Sexual selection plays a part as well, men like fair women.

    Everybody knows this is so, that men prefer women who appear youthful, fertile, and ample in the secondary sexual traits. We all know what Tiger and Barack Sr. are looking for, but we hesitate to extrapolate what that would mean in actual evolutionary terms.

    The thing about Vitamin D deficiency is a “just so” story, in my opinion. There’s no reason to believe that the deficiency was problematic enough to have that acute effect, especially given that there were no indoors. One would think from the conjecture that Black office workers are dropping like flies. There’s a “just so” story behind all the major physical differences we have, but hotness covers them all and can be confirmed to remain a critical selective factor in the present.

    Finally, the whole confusion with the Mongoloids and the North Asians and the East Asians is confusing and misleading. You suggest that the Northerly climes select for intelligence, yet they get dumber the farther North you go, until you get Snow Mexicans. The Rushtonian habit of referring to East Asians from East Asia as “North Asians” is a distortion – albeit not a deliberate one.

  5. “You suggest that the Northerly climes select for intelligence, yet they get dumber the farther North you go, until you get Snow Mexicans.”

    Is there evidence for this? Did Rushton ever provide I.Q. results for Inuit, for example? I recall reading material on racial maze tests years ago. I remember that eskimos were supposed to have scored well. But I suppose that in addition to evolving intelligence in a northerly climate, seasonal changes would be helpful as well in developing planning and foresight. I think mongoloids would have had such conditions in their native habitat in abundance.

    “One would think from the conjecture that Black office workers are dropping like flies.”

    Blacks still get rickets in much higher rates than whites, even though diets have changed since the ice ages.

  6. “Q. Why did the ancient Norse lack a priestly caste?”

    Due to geographic isolation.

    Much of Scandinavia is mountainous. This led to many smaller groups maintaining the Old Ways in a much more de-centalized fashion.

  7. Sexual selection plays a part as well, men like fair women.

    Everybody knows this is so

    Everybody on this site maybe, but not the masses. For instance the black doll experiment with child subjects was used as part of the Brown v. Board of Education ruling against segregation, because they believed it caused an inferiority complex, since black children preferred a white doll. Well, similar experiments since integration, to this day, show that more children of all races prefer the white doll, certainly a lighter-skinned doll. People still believe this is evidence of racism in our society, when in fact it’s a natural preference for lighter skin.

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