Conservative losers

Andrew Breitbart denouncing Jared Taylor

Why let Max Blumenthal put you on the defensive about a thoroughly fabricated “sin?” That hissy fit was not attractive at all, and no way to deal with a Marxist Jew like Blumenthal.

Learn from the Arabs in how they deal with Israeli and Diaspora Jew reporters — ignore what the Jew is saying, and say your talking points. And smile confidently, because you know you are going to win. So much in an interaction happens below the surface. If you feel calm and confident, it will be reflected in everything you say. Breitbart didn’t come off as calm and confident, and he inadvertently praised Max Blumenthal.


  1. Breitbart is emblematic of all that is wrong with conservatives and neo-conservatives who pretend to be blind to race. Blowhards like Breitbart, Hannity, and Beck are far more damaging to whites than the likes of Max Blumenthal

  2. I had an idea about this. Anyone who actually gets to do politics for a living, should join a local community theater and practice at acting.

  3. Breitbart gets a bit hysterical, but Blumenthal definitely comes off as a hypocritical, egotistical, obnoxious juvenile, as many Jews are. He admits that he believes non-whites can organize but whites can’t. Watch the whole thing.

    Reminds me of when Griffin denounced Duke in an interview. It only helps our enemies and makes the person saying it look weak.

  4. “Why let Max Blumenthal put you on the defensive about a thoroughly fabricated “sin?” That hissy fit was not attractive at all, and no way to deal with a Marxist Jew like Blumenthal.”

    I guess this is what happens, when we let the genocidial Jews frame the debate(s)!

  5. The anti-White Jews put us on the defensive.

    (by the Jews’ terms) We have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt, that we want to become extinct. Even obvious Republican supporters (of White extinction) are constantly put on the defensive, to prove they support White extinction. To oppose White extinction would be “racist.”

    What we need, is to bring honest justice back! The burden of proof should be on them proving we should be extinct-not us having to prove why we should be allowed to exist, and then proving we support our own extinction.

  6. Blumenthal blatantly lied about Rep. Steve Cohen.

    Cohen voted down the line with the Congressional Black Caucus, and yet for some mysterious reason they didn’t want him to join them.

    Why did he lie?

    Because he wanted to avoid coming out and saying that he supports Non-Whites having explicitely racial groups that discriminate based on race.

    If he came out and said that, it would expose his attacks on Jared Taylor as having no other motive than Racial Bigotry.

    Too bad Breitbart was too stupid and too obsessed with joining in on the fun of attacking Taylor to bother pointing that out.

    Anyways, the REALLY important thing is that Hannah Giles is still looking fine…

  7. They are both Jews right? One’s a Left-Wing Liberal-Marxist nebbish nut and the other is Neocon nebbish nut. Why do we care if they shout at each other? Neither give a damn about us and of course Breitbart is going to condemn men like Jared Taylor when confronted. They can bite each other’s heads off for all I care. I love it when Jews call each other racists. It just demonstrates how unhinged they are.

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