American Renaissance Cancelled After All

This message was sent to all conference registrants at 7:00 p.m. today.

Dear AR Conference Registrant,

We regret to inform you that at 6:30 pm today, February 17, the Capitol Skyline hotel, which had promised to withstand pressure, canceled the conference.

We informed the hotel of all circumstances surround the previous cancellations, including death threats, and the hotel still agreed to hold the conference. We had every reason to believe it would hold firm. We feel just as betrayed as you do.

We will be in touch later to discuss how to handle refunds of conference registrations and other matters.

Best regards,

Jared Taylor

(Posted on February 17, 2010)


  1. If death threats didn’t do it then what did?

    I just heard about a judge set to try a black rapist/murder has retired from death threats. The public statement is he did it because of health problems, but a person on the inside told me it was from threats to him and his family. So all it takes is some hoodlums to make threats and white men give in.

    There was a belligerent caller to the Derrick Black show who asked why Derrick was so afraid of a non-white majority in this country. Derrick couldn’t answer him, which surprised me, but it should be obvious. They make violent threats against us now as a minority, these tactics and abuses will only get worse, not to mention degenerating our race and culture even further.

  2. Mark: And, it will be very interesting-watching the non-Whites literally overthrow the White Leftists.

    Wait for the Nancy Pelosi-types to get replaced by a Chinaman or a Brown Hispanic. Wait for a Keith Olbermann-type to get replaced by a “better-looking” Latino!

    These elite race-traitors need a very strong lesson on self-sustaining strategies and what is not so.

  3. Either way, this is a TREMENDOUS OPPORTUNITY for our people in the White Rights/Advocacy movement to realize…


    …and thinks that this group (and only THIS group) DESERVES NO RIGHTS OR PROTECTIONS THEREOF AT ALL!





    If this (and this only) wakes up and challenges the imbecilic PHILO-SEMITISM which plagues so many a neurotic ‘White Nationalist’s’ head — than consider a cancelled conference and all the rest of the trouble as A SACRIFICE DONE FOR OUR GREATER GOOD!

    *Oh, and one more thing — Jeff ‘Imp the Wimp’ STILL NEEDS A F-CKIN HAIRCUT!

  4. Wait for the Nancy Pelosi-types to get replaced by a Chinaman or a Brown Hispanic. Wait for a Keith Olbermann-type to get replaced by a “better-looking” Latino!

    Indeed, it already happened with Obama. They’re getting what they’re advocating for, so they shouldn’t complain about it. Then when they resist and try to get elected like Hillary did, she and Bill were called racists. LOL!

  5. “We urge all to Choose Love, Not Hate.”

    I suppose it would be redundant at this point to note the evolved affinity we have for our most closely genetically related others which manifests itself phenomenologically as love, and the more difficult it is made to live in accordance with what is our nature, not only atomization will result, but so too, and even more, the seeds of hatred will be sown. If what is called evil can be considered the maximization of conditions which cause suffering and want of fellow-feeling, then it can be said with perfect justice that Imp is an evil man. Whither the West, whither our people, why must they die to satisfy the insane, insatiable megalomania of Jews messianism? There is no reason, and they must not. Nor will they.


    Great points.

    Does any of you here really think that what happened to Jared Taylor and American Renaissance could have occured without massive Jewish support , and especially, insider connections, especially being able to make extensive death threats toward innocent third parties and not (supposedly) being able in this day and age with the technology that exists to trace where the terroristic threats were being made from??

    Especially in this ‘post-9/11’ world obsessed with ‘security’?

    If you do believe that, I got a bridge to sell ya. Really cheap.

  7. Is Jeff Imm a Self-Hating Jew?

    He writes:

    “Choose Love, Not Hate.”

    Why is he telling people to follow Jesus Christ and reject the filthy Satanic Talmud?

  8. I doubt any actual death threats can be traced back to anybody. They were probably emailed or phoned in from Tel Aviv by professionals who know how to cover their tracks.

  9. Since when is supporting the people who share your heritage and want to protect and preserve it an act of anything but love?

    How is it that people gathered together to share ideas for creating a better society can be seen as hateful? When you gather and break break and work to create a better world, even if you are mistaken in the specifics, you are working for unity, idealism, and improvement; in short, in a spirit of love.

    By contrast, if you threaten hotel staff and harass those who create a space for people to come together and commune then you are manifesting hate and oppression.

    Someone clearly does need to choose love and not hate. Ironically, the person stating the mantra of “choose love, not hate” is the one most in need of following their own advice.

  10. Is Jeff Imm a Self-Hating Jew?

    Imp is even worse than a so-called ‘self-hating’ Jew (does such a creature really even exist?), he is a Traitor to his own kind who sold his ‘soul’ to them for narcissistic attention-whoring by the Jewish-dominated “American” establishment.

    Judas sold out for ‘Thirty Pieces of Silver’ — ‘Imp the Wimp’ sold out for (about) two-hundred and thirty (kosher) pounds of a women to push him to betray his faith and country.

    Nothing worse and lower than excrement than a filthy, vile traitor.

  11. Imm & Taylor are just playing a game with you suckers.

    Taylor goes on about how wonderful Jews are, and organizes his Jew-loving get-together, and invites the Zionist Griffin to speak, and probably passes on all the info gathered from would-be participants and attendees up to his handlers. Then Imm et al start screaming insanely about “antisemites”. Then Taylor acts dismayed and bewildered about death threats. Then he plays coy — now he’s gonna do it, now he’s not, now… Then Imm comes here to stir things up. It’s a good racket they’ve got going on.

    I notice something on that OPP site. Imm (or whoever’s writing there) states that on the “English Nationalist Party’s website” somebody has called for the likes of Antifa etc to be killed. No citation given. And what is the so-called “”English Nationalist Party” anyway? Even if there is such a thing, calling for blood, you can be sure it’s actually being run by Special Branch or the Mossad or whoever. Another nice racket.

    This is how they operate; how they cause confusion and keep the pot boiling.

  12. Boo-hoo. Jared Taylor the Jew-loving African-American photo-op loving anti-anti-semite can’t hold a conference in the hotel that David Duke did.

    White zogbux money-grubbing wanna-be elites supposedly can’t even “stand their ground” against Juicy Imm calling up hotels. The Mormon owned Marriott chain wants to avoid “controversy.” And this Taylor guy has said he hates “anti-semites” and “loves Israel” or some-such.

    Oh, I feel so sorry for the Ivy League White Elite who is so vilified – why, those Jewish Marxists even pushed him at the hotel! That made for great youtube.

    I’m officially bored with the Jared Taylor/Amren Jeffrey Imm/ADL soap opera Days of our Jewy Lives.

    Can any of you “white advocates” name your county sheriff? Can any of you “white advocates” name the chiefs of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, CIA, NSA, FBI, DIA?

    Some fag Republican got his hotel room canceled – boo-fscking-hoo.

    Now let’s all rally around how crazy White Vietnam Vet with a beard kicked the ass of some dumb black loser on the bus!

    Fuck it, go with the hold it outside in the park idea – but some prissy little Jared Taylor wanna-be might get grass stains on his gaberdine ass.

  13. From “Think Israel”:


    By Robert Locke

    “The depth of the crisis facing Israel and other Western nations from Moslem terrorism, and more profoundly from Moslem immigration, is such that some unconventional political allies deserve a glance they would not otherwise merit.

    “Let’s…look at the changes in the British National Party…

    “The National Front…was at one point in the early 70’s the 4th-largest political movement in Britain, after Labour, the Conservatives, and the Liberal Party. But in the late 1990’s, elements of the British National Party, as a faction of the NF had renamed itself, sought to break out of fringe politics and go mainstream….

    “In the BNP…in 1999…Mr. Tyndall was ousted and replaced by Nick Griffin, a charismatic Cambridge-educated lawyer. …

    “The party’s transformation is not wholly complete as of this writing. …

    “The BNP’s new ideological complexion…seems to be real. …

    “I interviewed chairman Nick Griffin about his party at his farmhouse in the mountains of Wales

    “In the last year or so, the BNP has completed the final stages of its ideological reforms. The three big things that had to go were anti-Semitism, anti-Americanism, and fascist-socialist economics. To wit:

    “1. The BNP has now evolved to the point where it doesn’t have any significant antagonism towards Jews as such, or towards Israel. … Britain, although snobbish, is simply not a particularly anti-Semitic culture by European standards. It has historically had, going back to Benjamin Disraeli’s tenure as Prime Minister in the 1870’s, a greater presence of Jews on the political right than, say, the US or France, let alone Russia or Germany. Thatcher had a lot more Jewish support in her country than Reagan had in the US.

    “…Britain’s great religious enemy right now, Islam, is not only obviously not Jewish, but is itself an obvious enemy of Jews, and thus tends to put British and Israeli nationalists on the same side of a global struggle. … On the specific question of anti-Semitism, Griffin said this: “Look — we have very serious enemies in this country, both at home and abroad. If you’re going to go with that old [National Front] nonsense of Jews under every bed and responsible for all the ills of the world, then you’re going to have a crazy strategic vision of who you’re fighting and what to do about it. The idea that ‘the Jew is the enemy’ is simply over for us now, and not a moment too soon, because now we can get on with the real struggles. … We insist on the right to criticize individual Jews who do wrong or Jewish groups which use the influence and power that all organized and motivated groups have to lobby, for example, for British foreign policy to take directions at odds with our national interest. But there is a world of difference between such criticism and the old fantasies about Learned Elders of Zion controlling the world, and the rabid anti-Semitism that they reflect and incite.”

    “Clearly, this qualification is elastic, and could be abused. But one notes that it would rule out, if sincere, even a Pat Buchanan level of anti-Israelism or anti-Semitism. And the BNP does seem to have dropped the Jewish Conspiracy angle …

    “2. The old National Front had been suspicious towards the United States as a foreign power occupying Britain, an antagonism muted during the Cold War by fanatic anti-communism. But the BNP has now adopted a foreign-policy stance whose self-described essence is “staying out of trouble,” i.e. avoiding foreign conflicts. So while it is unwilling to fight wars on behalf of the US, it has rejected doctrinaire anti-Americanism. It even suggested, in its official 2005 manifesto, that it would allow American military bases to remain on British soil …

    “The EU…has been giving a billion Euros a year (roughly a billion dollars) to the Palestinian Authority, plus the legitimacy of recognition. The BNP’s opposition to such funding, and to the EU itself, therefore places it in a very interesting position for anyone who cares about Israel….”

  14. Imm is a strawman—he means nothing in real world politics.

    The people and organizations who wanted the Taylor-Griffin Amren Conference shut down, call Griffin a “holocaust denier” among other names.

    I’m not goingto spell it out here for you, because I expect Taylor to sue and get a big payday from the people and organizations who shut down his right to free speech, assembly, and the press.

    One of the funniest things I think Taylor has ever said is that he considers Jews to be White. Think about that for a minute. You have to be a tard not to appreciate that comment.

  15. To the commenter on #17: Although your suggestion of an open-air conference is good, your nickname and your inflammatory syntax show you are not a serious person. How dare you disrespect Jared Taylor and his efforts?

    Your best bet is to go masturbate into your swastika flag with the rest of the beer-swilling tattooed boneheads. Scum like you are a greater curse upon our race than the Jews. I would rather have a half-Jew like Crypto-Aryan fighting alongside me than some unpredictable drunken skinhead who’s vandalized his body with AB tattoos.

  16. This song/poem is dedicated to all those fine White Americans who refuse to betray sell out their country and their People in this, Our most darkest hour, and how the rest of Us have nothing but the most undying love, respect and gratitude for you and for your character, courage and BRAVERY in the face of Our most malicious, demonic and treasonous foe that We ever faced as a People –


    THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. – Thomas Paine


    Just before the Battle Mother

    Just before the battle, mother,
    I am thinking most of you,
    While upon the field we’re watching
    With the enemy in view.
    Comrades brave are ’round me lying,
    Filled with thoughts of home and God
    For well they know that on the morrow,
    Some will sleep beneath the sod.

    Farewell, mother, you may never
    Press me to your heart again,
    But, oh, you’ll not forget me, mother,
    If I’m numbered with the slain.

    Oh, I long to see you, mother,
    And the loving ones at home,
    But I’ll never leave our banner,
    Till in honor I can come.
    Tell the traitors all around you
    That their cruel words we know,
    In every battle kill our soldiers
    By the help they give the foe.

    Farewell, mother, you may never
    Press me to your heart again,
    But, oh, you’ll not forget me, mother,
    If I’m numbered with the slain.

    Hark! I hear the bugles sounding,
    ‘Tis the signal for the fight,
    Now, may God protect us, mother,
    As He ever does the right.
    Hear the “Battle-Cry of Freedom,”
    How it swells upon the air,
    Oh, yes, we’ll rally ’round the standard,
    Or we’ll perish nobly there.

    Farewell, mother, you may never
    Press me to your heart again,
    But, oh, you’ll not forget me, mother,
    If I’m numbered with the slain.

  17. For those who are still clueless:

    Party: MPS – Scottish Parliament – Welsh Assembly – NI Assembly – EU Psrliamentarians

    Labour: 350 – 46 – 26 – 0 – 13

    Conservatives: 193 – 17 – 12 – 0 – 25

    Liberal Democrats: 63 – 16 – 6 – 0 – 11

    Democratic Unionist Party: 9 – 0 – 0 – 36 – 1

    Scottish National Party: 7 – 47 – 0 – 0 – 2

    Sinn Féin /IRA: 5 – 0 – 0 – 28 – 1

    Plaid Cymru, Party of Wales: 3 – 0 – 15 – 0 – 1

    Social Democratic and Labour Party [NI]: 3 – 0 – 0 – 16 – 0

    Independent Kidderminster Hospital and Health Concern: 1 – 0 – 0 – 0 – 0

    Respect Coalition [George Galloway Vanity Project]: 1 – 0 – 0 – 0 – 0

    Ulster Unionist Party: 1 – 0 – 0 – 18 – 1

    UK Independence Party: 0 – 0 – 0 – 0 – 13

    Scottish Green Party: 0 – 2 – 0 – 0 – 0

    Alliance Party of Northern Ireland: 0 – 0 – 0 – 7 – 0

    Progressive Unionist Party [NI]: 0 – 0 – 0 – 1 – 0

    Green Party in Northern Ireland: 0 – 0 – 0 – 1 – 0

    Green Party of England and Wales: 0 – 0 – 0 – 0 – 2

    British National Party: 0 – 0 – 0 – 2

  18. Reality versus fantasyland does not hinge upon some conference. Why not move on from this dead end drama? Here’s some Sun Tzu for everyone:

    Thus the highest form of generalship is to balk the enemy’s plans

    supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting.

    The clever combatant imposes his will on the enemy, but does not allow the enemy’s will to be imposed on him.

  19. AA

    your nickname and your inflammatory syntax show you are not a serious person. How dare you disrespect Jared Taylor and his efforts?

    Your best bet is to go masturbate into your swastika flag with the rest of the beer-swilling tattooed boneheads. Scum like you are a greater curse upon our race than the Jews. I would rather have a half-Jew like Crypto-Aryan fighting alongside me than some unpredictable drunken skinhead who’s vandalized his body with AB tattoos.

    Hilarious. Let me know when the Ivy League, responsible, include-Jews “I can’t even get a hotel room in Washington DC” strategy works out for you.

    You sound like a Keith Olbermann type talking about “skinheads” or something. That’s ok, you kow-tow to Jews all you want, if whites are going to collaborate with other races, it’s more likely to be Japanese, Chinese, Indian, Brazilian, etc.

    How foolish I was to actually think this Jared Taylor/Jeffrey Imm nonsense was somehow relevant. Damn, I’m gullible.

    Forget Jews, I’m joining the Japanese-American Friendship Committee.

  20. @ 23 Akira

    Why thank you, and you can tell Leo that his fat French Roman Catholic ass will be in a sling both here in the US, and back in his Canadian homeland.

    For a French Canadian citizen of Canada to interfer in American politics, and, deprive American citizens of their Constitutional Rights is a serious crime, and a violation of American law!

    He has not only opened his organization up for lawsuits, but, he may find there are serious personal legal consequences too.

    I’m right there with the fellows from Cornwall…LOL.

  21. Footnote to Comment 23:

    Lab-Con-Lib-Dem is basically one Judeo-Masonic establishment party, with 778/1002 (i.e. 78%) of all elected representatives for the U.K.

    The Zionist BNP has 0.2% of all elected representatives for the U.K., and 0% of all elected representatives in the U.K. Any electoral gains (i.e. more than 0% will be a victory for Jewry/Zionists.

  22. “I would rather have a half-Jew like Crypto-Aryan fighting alongside me than some unpredictable drunken skinhead who’s vandalized his body with AB tattoos.”

    Then you have given in to the vanity and folly of elevating an ideal that leads you away from what you putatively value most – the continued life and being of your own people. By the very logic implicit in your statement, your hypothetical skinhead would have shown you loyalty based in love of blood more common between the two of you than with a half-Jew in that he was willing to fight along side you, presumably for the very purpose of defending said common blood. To flesh the point out further, if a man’s first duty is the defense of his family and himself – those most genetically similar to him – then his next duty, and so on, is the defense of co-ethnics most closely related to himself. Perhaps Taylor is owed more loyalty than the skinhead, but the half-Jew in not owed more loyalty than the skinhead.

  23. Does any of you here really think that what happened to Jared Taylor and American Renaissance could have occured without massive Jewish support , and especially, insider connections, especially being able to make extensive death threats toward innocent third parties and not (supposedly) being able in this day and age with the technology that exists to trace where the terroristic threats were being made from?? — Landser

    I doubt any actual death threats can be traced back to anybody. They were probably emailed or phoned in from Tel Aviv by professionals who know how to cover their tracks. — Andrew Anderson

    Here are the real, violent psychopaths responsible for getting the hotel to cancel on Taylor and the American Renaissance (sorry Imp, obviously you had little to really do with it… and are still a Wimp) –

    JDO plans on financially wrecking the hotel if they rent to these neo-nazis! This means effort and letting everyone also know the owners the manager be called and demand the neo-nazi meeting be cancelled immedaitely! This campaign is specifically aimed at the hotel, and its “rent to the Nazis” manager who rented unknowingly and eagerly to a band of neo-nazis that has hosted Nazi KKK pig David Duke speak about the “evil Jews” at its conventions. The neo-nazi that runs this group is one Jared Taylor. When JDO launched its campaign 8 weeks ago thousands called, and cabled Welliver to cancel this upcoming neo-nazi convention. Well, he allowed the neo-nazis in anyway. The only conscience the hotel has are its pockets, and if we financially wreck the hotel through a serious boycott every hotel will remember what JDO did to Welliver and his once proud hotel punished and brought to financial ruin by reaching out and getting every possible customer to cancel any parties planned there.

    The neo-nazi American Renaissance is holding their 9th biennial conference at the ??? on February 19-21, 2010 We just got word that the hotel cancelled the Nazi scum convention. Stop calling them, they did not know who they were renting to. Any info on where Jarad Taylor and his speakers will hold their nazi meeting would be greatly appreciated now that this hotel has cancelled. PRESS RELEASE

  24. I doubt any actual death threats can be traced back to anybody. They were probably emailed or phoned in from Tel Aviv by professionals who know how to cover their tracks.

    Don’t forget which country supplies most of our telecommunications infrastructure and security.

  25. Re: “Forget Jews, I’m joining the Japanese-American Friendship Committee.”

    Good thinking!

    Japan also closed down all Masonic lodges in the 1930s and confiscated all their files. Unfortunately, the Judeo-Masonic USA reinstated kosher power in 1945.

  26. Mr. Taylor should be proud that he’s distracting Jewry from such trivial matters as preventing Iran from getting Nuclear Weapons, and Law Enforcement from such trivial matters as preventing the next Terrorist Attack by Non-Whites.

    Lead on, Pied Piper.
    Lead on, Pied Piper.
    Lead the Rats
    To their Graves.

  27. @27 Akira
    “The Zionist BNP has 0.2% of all elected representatives for the U.K., and 0% of all elected representatives in the U.K. Any electoral gains (i.e. more than 0% will be a victory for Jewry/Zionists.”
    I guess that’s why Leo wrote, and published on his organizations website that Griffin is “a holocaust denier”.

    This ain’t looking good for fat Roman Catholic Canadian Leo—I’m sure he will want to settle out of court with Taylor!

  28. @ Tom Watson:

    The official Jewish definition of Holoco$t Denier:

    Any person who doesn’t wail and moan about the Sacred 6,000,000, and kowtow to the circumcized unbaptized overlords, and demand war with Iran, and call for the ethnic cleansing of all Arabs from Palestine, and hand over all global property and assets and funds and treasures and resources to Jewry, and call for a One World Government, and burn down all Churches.

  29. If this (and this only) wakes up and challenges the imbecilic PHILO-SEMITISM which plagues so many a neurotic ‘White Nationalist’s’ head — than consider a cancelled conference and all the rest of the trouble as A SACRIFICE DONE FOR OUR GREATER GOOD!

    Notice that the super-supplicating little philo-semitic apologist ‘Goy White’ has not a damn thing to say over this whole Jared taylor travesty — someone whom he claims to ‘greatly admire’ and was his ‘role model’!

    You’re a bitch as always, ‘Goy the Toy’ Weiss.

  30. Notice that the very rationale for Jared Taylor’s refusal to mention the Jewish role in our racial decline is his fear that Jewish power will be further brought to bear in tightening the screws. And the Jews visibly tighten the screws anyway. So by Taylor’s logic, the proper response is to placate Jewry still more, not less. The thinking of a masochist.

  31. MSM: A Jew debating with a Jew on/in a Jewish-produced show/article about something some Jew said about another Jew on/in another Jew-produced show/article. Hence, MSM = JSM.

  32. Socialite and art collector, cook Jennifer Rubell, owns the hotel as you can see from this Wash Post Story. Like her uncle Steve (RIP) Jennifer is Jewish!!! Here is her contact info. She is also on facebook. She probably doesn’t know anything about this but…

    Why the Jewish Defense Organization Launches a Successful Boycott of a Hotel for allowing a Neo-Nazi Convention

    Gee, suprise suprise that the Capitol Skyline Hotel is owned by a Jewish family!

    It never ceases to amaze me that in a country that is still 65% White ‘gentile’ – cannot own a hotel or significant piece of commercial property they can call their own.

    Maybe “Panhandlin’ Pete” Brimelow can use some of the money he routinely, and shamelessly begs for, from his V-Donate warchest to put toward these very practical ends, that of White Advocates buying and securing tangible property for themselves and their comrades so messes like this can be avoided in the future, hopefully.

  33. Akira, I’m a White American, and I propose friendship and collaboration with the Japanese, a great race and people. Anti-Japanese bigots who want to ruin their nation with non-Japanese immigration and the like I oppose, just like Jews that want to ruin White American with immigration.

    Too much ink is spilled about Jews and Jew-enablers and the like. Who gives a shit about Jews? White Americans need to work on promoting mutually beneficial relationships with Japanese, Chinese, and Indians. All Whites – from American to England to France to Germany to Russia – are all in this together.

    Too much time is wasted worrying about the freak-o Jews with their bizarre fanaticism. Forget Jews, nobody cares. Time for a new paradigm.

  34. If only one could “forget about the Jews”!

    If only it were possible.

    Definition of “Main-Stream Media” in the West

    Main-Stream Media:

    (1) A Jew or Jews debating with another Jew or other Jews on or in a Jew-produced show or article on or in a Jew-owned-and/or-run network or publication, about something some another Jew or other Jews said about another Jew or other Jews on or in another Jew-produced show or article on or in a Jew-owned-and/or-run network or publication in relation to the activities of another Jew or other Jews.

    (2) Jew-Stream Media (JSM).

    (3) Jew/New World Order. (JWO/NWO)

    [For example: Charles Krauthammer and Jonah Goldberg and David Horowitz debating with Michael Lerner and Naomi Klein and Amy Goodman on ABC about something Bill Kristol and Dennis Prager and Norman Podhoretz wrote about Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky and Norman Finkelstein in the New York Times, in relation to Ruth Bader Ginsburg or Susan Sontag or Karl Marx or Mark Levin or Lev Trostky-Bronstein or Benjamin Satanyahoo or Honest Abe Foxman or Rosa Luxemburg or Theodor Herzl or Joe Lieberman or Bill Maher or David Miliband or Nicholas Sarkozy or Naomi Wolf or Erica Jong or Paul Gottfried or Andrea Dworkin or Gloria Allred or Daniel Ellsberg or Harvey Milk or Gloria Steinem or Emma Goldman or William Kunstler or George Soros or Rabbi Meir Kahane or Ayn Rand or Rabbi Schmuley Boteach or Rahm Israel Emanuel or Benjamin Shalom Bernanke or Alan Greenspan or Betty Friedan or Adam Gadahn or Murray-Sumner Rothstein-Redstone or Larry Kramer or Rob Reiner or Kivie Kaplan or Stanley Levison or Allen Ginsberg or Sandra Bernhard or Steven Spielberg or David Geffen or Jeffrey Katzenberg or Murray Rothbard or Felix Frankfurter or Irving Kristol or John Podhoretz or Abbie Hoffman or Jerry Rubin or Marty Peretz or Jeff Jacoby or Norman Ornstein or Richard Perle or John Stewart Liebowitz or Ken Roth or Jerry Zucker or Annie Liebowitz or David Brooks or David Frum or Michael Eisner or Bernard Kouchner or Shimon Peres or Wolf Blitzer or Ted Koppel or Dennis Ross or Larry King or Andrea Koppel or Mike Wallace or Barbara Walters or Michael Ledeen or Donald Graham or Phil Bronstein or Michael Savage or Michael Medved or David Reznik or Sandy Berger or Woody Allen or Roman Polanski or Richard Cohen or Ariel Cohen or Mortimer Zuckerman or Alan Dershowitz or Jeffrey Goldberg or Henry Kissinger or Robert Reich or John Deutch or Robert Rubin or Mickey Kantor or Madeleine Albright or William S. Cohen or Larry Summers or Ari Fleischer or Elliott Abrams or Paul Wolfowitz or Douglas Feith or Irve Lewis “Scooter” Libby or Michael Chertoff or Joshua Bolten or Michael Mukasey or Carl Levin or Arlen Specter or Frank Lautenberg or Dianne Feinstein or Barbara Boxer or Russ Feingold or Charles “Chucky” Schumer or Bernie Sanders or Teddy Kaufman or Al Franken or Barry Goldwater or Jacob Javits or Paul Wellstone or Norm Coleman or Henry Waxman or Barney Frank or Gary Ackerman or Ileana Ros-Lehtinen or Jane Harma or Jerry Nadler or Steve Rothman or Robert Wexler or Shelley Berkley or Jan Schakowsky or Brad Sherman or Anthony D. Weiner or Eric Cantor or Susan Davis or Steve Israel or Adam Schiff or Allyson Schwartz or Debbie Wasserman Schultz or Steve Cohen or Gabrielle Giffords or Paul Hodes or Steve Kagen or Ron Klein or John Yarmuth or Ed Perlmutter or John Adler or Alan Grayson or Jared Poli or Tom Lantos or Ben Cardin or Ron Lauder or Michael Bloomberg or Laura Schlessinger or Milton Friedman or Joseph Stiglitz or James Wolfensohn or Paul Krugman or Lawrence Kaplan or Marvin Hier or Eli Rosenbaum or Elliot Spitzer or Samuel Gompers or Kathy Boudin or Mark Rudd or Saul Alinsky et cetera ad nauseum.]

  35. Taylor has sneered quite a few times over the years at White advocates who raise the JQ. It will be interesting to see what he has to say now given that Jews have spit in his face once again.

  36. Tanstaafl: “I ad nauseumed four lines into that list Akira.”

    Don’t worry, Tan, it’s all uphill from here.

    Andrew: “Taylor has sneered quite a few times over the years at White advocates who raise the JQ.”

    Ain’t that a bitch.

    “It will be interesting to see what he has to say now given that Jews have spit in his face once again.”

    Well, what did Oliver Twist say? “More please.”

    One of these days the lemmings will learn, just don’t ask me which one that’ll be.

  37. @Akira,
    “Imm & Taylor are just playing a game with you suckers…Taylor goes on about how wonderful Jews are, and organizes his Jew-loving get-together, and invites the Zionist Griffin to speak, and probably passes on all the info gathered from would-be participants and attendees up to his handlers. ”

    Jared Taylor is obviously committed to ending immigration and teaching about race realism. He has spent a great deal of his own money and time in this enterprise. While not a White Nationalist, he is a strong ally of the movement. Your conspiracy theory here is inappropriate.

    Griffin is no Zionist, he spent quite a part of his life as a “Holocaust Denier”. He is very cognizant of the Jewish question. Political realities make certain party positions mandated if a party is to win elections. England would benefit immensely if the BNP was able to carry out its main goal of shutting down immigration. As time goes on, and public opinion changes in England, the BNP will have the opportunity to change its stance on Israel.

    Akira, I suggest you concentrate your attacks on the enemy, not the ally.

  38. “Charles Krauthammer and Jonah Goldberg and David Horowitz debating with Michael Lerner and Naomi Klein and Amy Goodman on ABC about something Bill Kristol and Dennis Prager and Norman Podhoretz wrote about Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky and Norman Finkelstein in the New York Times, in relation to Ruth Bader Ginsburg or Susan Sontag or Karl Marx or Mark Levin or Lev Trostky-Bronstein or Benjamin Satanyahoo or Honest Abe Foxman or Rosa Luxemburg or Theodor Herzl or Joe Lieberman or Bill Maher or David Miliband or Nicholas Sarkozy or Naomi Wolf or Erica Jong or Paul Gottfried or Andrea Dworkin or Gloria Allred or Daniel Ellsberg or Harvey Milk or Gloria Steinem or Emma Goldman or William Kunstler or George Soros or Rabbi Meir Kahane or Ayn Rand or Rabbi Schmuley Boteach or Rahm Israel Emanuel or Benjamin Shalom Bernanke or Alan Greenspan or Betty Friedan or Adam Gadahn or Murray-Sumner Rothstein-Redstone or Larry Kramer or Rob Reiner or Kivie Kaplan or Stanley Levison or Allen Ginsberg or Sandra Bernhard or Steven Spielberg or David Geffen or Jeffrey Katzenberg or Murray Rothbard or Felix Frankfurter or Irving Kristol or John Podhoretz or Abbie Hoffman or Jerry Rubin or Marty Peretz or Jeff Jacoby or Norman Ornstein or Richard Perle or John Stewart Liebowitz or Ken Roth or Jerry Zucker or Annie Liebowitz or David Brooks or David Frum or Michael Eisner or Bernard Kouchner or Shimon Peres or Wolf Blitzer or Ted Koppel or Dennis Ross or Larry King or Andrea Koppel or Mike Wallace or Barbara Walters or Michael Ledeen or Donald Graham or Phil Bronstein or Michael Savage or Michael Medved or David Reznik or Sandy Berger or Woody Allen or Roman Polanski or Richard Cohen or Ariel Cohen or Mortimer Zuckerman or Alan Dershowitz or Jeffrey Goldberg or Henry Kissinger or Robert Reich or John Deutch or Robert Rubin or Mickey Kantor or Madeleine Albright or William S. Cohen or Larry Summers or Ari Fleischer or Elliott Abrams or Paul Wolfowitz or Douglas Feith or Irve Lewis “Scooter” Libby or Michael Chertoff or Joshua Bolten or Michael Mukasey or Carl Levin or Arlen Specter or Frank Lautenberg or Dianne Feinstein or Barbara Boxer or Russ Feingold or Charles “Chucky” Schumer or Bernie Sanders or Teddy Kaufman or Al Franken or Barry Goldwater or Jacob Javits or Paul Wellstone or Norm Coleman or Henry Waxman or Barney Frank or Gary Ackerman or Ileana Ros-Lehtinen or Jane Harma or Jerry Nadler or Steve Rothman or Robert Wexler or Shelley Berkley or Jan Schakowsky or Brad Sherman or Anthony D. Weiner or Eric Cantor or Susan Davis or Steve Israel or Adam Schiff or Allyson Schwartz or Debbie Wasserman Schultz or Steve Cohen or Gabrielle Giffords or Paul Hodes or Steve Kagen or Ron Klein or John Yarmuth or Ed Perlmutter or John Adler or Alan Grayson or Jared Poli or Tom Lantos or Ben Cardin or Ron Lauder or Michael Bloomberg or Laura Schlessinger or Milton Friedman or Joseph Stiglitz or James Wolfensohn or Paul Krugman or Lawrence Kaplan or Marvin Hier or Eli Rosenbaum or Elliot Spitzer or Samuel Gompers or Kathy Boudin or Mark Rudd or Saul Alinsky”

    So you mean to tell me we really are justified in saying it is “The Jews!” (yes, all of them) when we name the bane of our existence? Apparently so.

    Btw, that’s not “Holocaust denier,” it’s ‘Hoaxoco$t affirmer’. Word to the wise.

  39. Akira and SSSS,

    I like what I read. I can’t confirm or deny all the info that Akria posts about Griffin and the whatnot, too well informed for me, but you guys have the attitude that is lacking here. T. Watson, Captianchaos and Tanstaafl seem to be on the same page as well. Time to get busy, all due respect to the intellectuals such as HW, without him we wouldn’t have the forum, but Civil War analysis and debates on the death penality need to take a back seat to planning how to establish and run a new nation.

    Tanstaafl, what is with Svigor on Antisemitica and his great admiration for the Jews, to the point he wants me to wax poetic about “what I admire” about them? Is he fucking nuts? I didn’t have the balls to post “zero”.

  40. Nemesis,

    Do not use this forum to announce the private addresses of your political opponents. Your post has been deleted.

    Thank you.

  41. “Imm & Taylor are just playing a game with you suckers.”

    Suckers….what kind of mollusk has suckers? Hmm.

  42. RealityCheck good post and others on this organization. You can save the JDO webpage saying this in Google cache.

    Search on “JDO plans on financially wrecking the hotel”

    Please save a copy of the cached page, because what is in cache in Google can go away. Its important to have a copy of the original of this.

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