Review: Moon

Moon*Spoiler Alert*

I watched an excellent psychological thriller recently called Moon. Ostensibly, Sam Bell is an employee of a company that extracts resources from the dark side of the moon. He’s patiently whiling away his three year contract in crushing isolation when he is in an accident, trapped in his lunar rover to die a slow and miserable death. The sense of dread it provoked reminded me of when I listened to Space Oddity as a child. This may not be coincidental, as David Bowie’s son directed the film.

If you thought it couldn’t get more pathetic and depressing than dying a slow and agonizing death trapped under a boulder on the dark side of the moon, you would be mistaken. He rescues himself a bit later, with the remainder of the movie consisting of the two clones attempting to make sense of their situation. After wasting time arguing over which of them is real and which one is the clone, they realize that they’re both clones, that the base has hundreds of cryogenized clones to animate when the previous one dies.

The clones are animated, fed a line of bullshit about where they came from and where they’re going, and mindlessly serve the interests of their overlords until they expire. This is a dark metaphor for our own lives and traditions, rendered all the more depressing by the fact that there is no true escape: to deviate from our own tradition is to fall victim to scavengers whose tradition is to consume those who stray from the shepherd.

In the film Memento, the protagonist suffers from a memory condition which impairs his ability to create new memories. He has tattoos on his body with instructions and notes that he keeps with him to try to keep his future self on the trail of his wife’s killer. Our traditions, our sacred texts, and our priesthoods are analogous to this: primal screams from patriarchs in our distant past, echoing through numberless generations of “clones”. But, as the movie Memento implies, we can’t uncritically accept these messages. They may well be muddled, corrupted, or replaced.

I sympathize with Sam Bell and Leonard Shelby in my own struggle, scrambling frantically with limited knowledge, limited intellect, and precious little time to figure out what instructions to offer future generations before I’m gone. From what I can grasp, it appears that our own traditions are collapsing around us, that we’re losing to very powerful opponents. We’re either too late or that the door is closing fast on the possibility of a good future for my people. I’m beginning to see the subtle signs of aging in my hands and on my face, yet I feel like I’ve barely begun to unravel this mystery.

About Matt Parrott 98 Articles
Matt Parrott is a low IQ wignat LARPing costume clown.


  1. Hunter,

    Note the utilization of an Amazon Associate account in the link to the movie. With an AA account, you can monetize your site transparently. Each time you link to something somebody could purchase, set the link up as an AA link and you get a kickback from Amazon. I believe that those who would be compelled to purchase products based on our reviews would be glad to have that opportunity.

    I am very excited about your Conversion on the Road to [D]amas[C]us regarding the importance of establishing sustainable and self-supporting organizations. The motivation of the activist elite, of people like ourselves who do this all for free…that’s the seed corn. The time these people invest really needs to be in goading, incentivizing, and even paying the circle of semi-motivated and sympathetic people to be active.

    I suggest that you take the time to read the book I posted a review on, G.W. Plunkitt’s How to be a Statesman. It provides a journey into the mind of a political hustler, elucidating how the political process actually works in this depraved and fallen world of ours.

  2. Oh, and if you had an account for the site, I would use your ID. It’s kind of sleazy for me to do that without your knowledge and permission, but I’m doing it here as a demonstration. I encourage you to set one up then modify the link and get all the contributors on the same page with that.

  3. This is a sobering post.

    All that this poster says is indeed true, or feels like it is. We who are concerned must consider realistic (and optimistic) alternatives
    to fight back, not succumbing to despair.

    Personally, I am involving myself in the fight for secession. It is a realistic alternative, with white historical precedent. Think the Irish Civil War, or the collapse of the Soviet Union and the liberation of Eastern Europe and the Soviet Republics. I have spent 10 years as a racial activist, being for some time aligned with the National Alliance under Dr. Pierce. Since I have mentally and emotionally come around to the point of view of secession…I find myself becoming more optimistic about our future, by the day. Secession within a limited area (such as the Northwest) is doable, and realistic. Hard men of our people will come to the realization that the talk and analysis have gone on long enough, it is time to remove ourselves from the internet and physically act in the real world. This hand-wringing and bemoaning the powers-that-be is unfitting, and unproductive. We must act. We must physically engage. This will have the unintended effect of brightening our outlook, and therefore lending us even more strength.

    I would urge all of you comrades that post regularly to this site to consider the secessionist argument – no – to COMMIT to the secessionist path…join us at the NorthwestFront.

  4. Wiki, your comments here are worthy of another post.

    For those not familiar with it there is an entire very lucrative industry known as Internet Marketing. By doing things like creating monetized back links, affiliate marketing, and information products you can create money streams that support your involvement in this movement.

    This is worth researching for anyone who would like some practical steps to take that help with spreading of ideas, networking with like minded people, and of course making some money.

    Wiki, in regards to your article’s final thoughts, don’t despair. What is happening is a necessary phase in the rediscovery of a tribal mindset for Whites. It has to be this way. The wheat must be separated from the chaff.

    Those who care enough will prevail.

    In regards to traditions it is worth noting that of all the world’s races Whites have been the most likely to discard traditions and invent new ones. In this process there is always risk. Imagine sailing to a new shore. Of course crashing upon the rocks is a threat, but without venturing forth the New World can never be discovered.

  5. Plig,
    I’m not actually despairing. I’m just attempting to convey the gravity and urgency of the situation. Rereading my review, I see that it probably doesn’t achieve the intended effect. You should email me, wikitopian at gmail. We appear to be on a similar wavelength.

  6. Great, now I have to get a bigger truck and go to Costco for my anti-depressants. ;o) Seriously, though, that is a very sobering and succint description of our people’s situation.

  7. “I sympathize with Sam Bell and Leonard Shelby in my own struggle, scrambling frantically with limited knowledge, limited intellect, and precious little time to figure out what instructions to offer future generations before I’m gone. From what I can grasp, it appears that our own traditions are collapsing around us, that we’re losing to very powerful opponents. We’re either too late or that the door is closing fast on the possibility of a good future for my people. I’m beginning to see the subtle signs of aging in my hands and on my face, yet I feel like I’ve barely begun to unravel this mystery”

    I must say that I am in great sympathy with these words because I am in a similar position but without the advanced age.

    To make a long story short, I propose that you begin [fervently] reading the writings of two men; Friedrich Nietzsche and Martin Heidegger. They are THE gateway to a comprehensive understanding of our predicament, doubly so given that we are European-Americans and thus don’t even have the continent to fall back upon. They should also be understood within the context of each other; Heidegger was the direct heir of Nietzsche. For a holistic view of not only their influence upon history, but specifically upon America, seek out Allan Bloom.

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