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Terminators in Pakistan

The Terminator has come true, although “Skynet” has human operators:

The kohl-eyed Hakimullah Mehsud probably is dead. He was the target for a missile fired last month from an unmanned aircraft hovering over the Afghan-Pakistani border – but launched by an operator in the US.

Mehsud was the ruthless mastermind of multiple suicide bomb attacks in Pakistan. He was part of a suicide mission on December 30 at Khost, just across the border in Afghanistan, which killed seven CIA agents who were working on the covert operation that now appears to have ended Mehsud’s brief and brutal leadership of the Taliban in Pakistan.

In the artistry of war, the insertion of a Jordanian double-agent who detonated his explosive vest inside this super-sensitive CIA bunker was flawless. But, in their payback, the enraged Americans confirmed the breadth of a new horizon in modern warfare – launching 15 clinical drone attacks in which more than 100 people died along the border, as Washington’s electronic eyes and guns sought out Mehsud and his Taliban and al-Qaeda allies.

War does not get more radical than this – technically, politically and, perhaps, ethically.

Consider: for the first time ever, a civilian intelligence agency is manipulating robots from halfway around the world in a program of extrajudicial executions in a country with which Washington is not at war.

Think they won’t be using Hunter-Killers against us? Think again. We’re going to need something more than 19th century hot lead technology to deal with flying killer robots.

I predict the emergence of an international anti-drone, anti-aircraft, anti-missile militia, probably made up of Germans and Scandinavians who just wuv humanity, and Russian and Muslim scientists who hate America. They will not be affiliated with any state, and they will fabricate surface to air devices and EMP devices to knock out killer drones and bombers and ships that are loaded with cruise missiles. Getting the submarines will be a tougher nut to crack though.

There’s no way Indo-European humanity is going to tolerate this Terminator shit.


  1. Just to be clear, I DO advocate violence against things and people that launch missiles and bombs in these insanely one-sided, targeted assassinations.

    If you are reading this, you are the Resistance.

  2. The weakness of remote controlled drones is the control signal and the feedback transmissions. Jam that and the drone is useless.

    Autonomous killer drones won’t have that problem.

  3. Double-edged sword much? How long before Joe Schmoe can DIY his own killer drones with parts from Wal-Mart and Ebay? The rising tide lifts all boats.

  4. In Black Hawk Down, the Somalis used lookouts and cell phones to stay one step ahead of the attackers. It won’t be long before drones will be tracked and intercepted.

  5. I have relatives fighting in Afgahnistan, so for me they can use all the bombs and drones they want, so long as it is minimizing Norwegian losses.

    What I don’t really understand down there though, is why the Taliban is not using one off cannons made from plastic pipes and concrete. My guess is that you could easily make one who would shoot a lamppost straight throuh a tank, since you don’t have to contruct the cannon to survive the shot.

    (Making cannons from all sort of small pipes was one those thing I was forbidden to do as a child, so we naturally did it a lot. For gunpowder, we used ammoniumnitrate from the gardenshed and sugar)

    Also when you are suicide bombing from trucks, using reinforced concrete would give you a directional blast, in stead of spreading the enegy all over.

  6. Volksverhetzer,

    I hope your relatives will come out of Afghanistan unharmed. If they don’t, it’s the people that sent him there that are to blame, not the Afghans fighting in their backyard.

    I called in to the Lee Elsie show this morning, on, to talk about Afghanistan. I said that the drone thing is going to lead the Muslims to ramp up the asymmetric warfare (terrorism) here on American soil, which in turn will be justification for even harsher military measures in Afghanistan. The neo-cons are going to have to live under heavy armed guard, and pass from gated community to barbed wire compound, and back.

    Lee Elsie said, “since we are there, what do we do,” and I said, “when you are doing the wrong thing, there’s no right way to do something wrong.” He said something about the Afghans using women and children as human shields when they fire at Americans. But when you are invading people, they will (and should) use ANY tactic to win. I can’t begrudge the Afghans not fighting by Marquis of Queensbury rules when they are getting blown to pieces from satellite targeting and cruise missiles. That’s the point — this is asymmetric war. If you are going to wage asymmetric war, you can’t expect the enemy to play by any rules of restraint. Using women and children as human shields is pretty tame compared to what they could be doing, which is wrecking the US infrastructure and putting us into the dark ages here. They could basically turn the US into one big bloodbath of anarchy and breakdown, and they may do just that.

    My sense is that the globalist powers are in a panic. Bombing Afghanistan and shutting down Amren are on the same spectrum, although one is obviously more violent than the other.

  7. @Kievsky

    I don’t mind a war with the muslim world, since I think it is the only way we can get away with forcefully sending home all the muslims from Europe.

    “But when you are invading people, they will (and should) use ANY tactic to win. I can’t begrudge the Afghans not fighting by Marquis of Queensbury rules when they are getting blown to pieces from satellite targeting and cruise missiles. That’s the point — this is asymmetric war. If you are going to wage asymmetric war, you can’t expect the enemy to play by any rules of restraint.”

    Of course they should use any mean to dispose of the enemy, but according to my relative, only a few do this. Most with power, is just focused on how they can get ahead of their cousin, who usually is the closest rival for the power you hold.

    Sure to say, he don’t think the war is winnable in the sence that democracy will ever come to Afghanistan, since the whole Afghan society is structured around shifting loyalities of strong men in smaller or bigger hierarchies, and that is not something you change in a few short years.

    “Using women and children as human shields is pretty tame compared to what they could be doing, which is wrecking the US infrastructure and putting us into the dark ages here. They could basically turn the US into one big bloodbath of anarchy and breakdown, and they may do just that.”

    They are already doing a form of civil war here in Europe with random rapes and violence against white europeans, and we europeans are answering by becoming more racist. This again create more resentment among the muslims, who feel they are unfairly targeted, that again justifies new attacks on white europeans, and we have the whole evil circle that will give a real armed conflict down the line.

    “My sense is that the globalist powers are in a panic.”

    I don’t believe in globalist powers in panic, only socipoaths and narcissists batteling out trying to play holier than though, to get more power. Among these monster and idiots, you have some who is capable and manage do do enough that the system keeps floating.

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