Call in to a Tea Party radio show tonight, Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Call in and give your .02 cents!

A message to all members of Patriotic Resistance

Tonight, Resistnet Radio will be hosted by Bill Turner, Special Projects Coordinator for the Patriotic Resistance. Bill will be
updating you on all the news the state run media won’t cover. Steve
Elliott and Ron De Jong will give us an update on the state of resistance in America on Grassfire Nation.
Bill will spotlight the Flip This House philosophy and an as yet to be
named partner group. His special guest tonight is Patriotic Resistance
member Opus #6, who is a blog trainer for Smart Girl Politics
and conservative activist.

Don’t miss tonight’s exciting show. Bill will announce who next
weeks special guest is….and you won’t want to miss that show either.
Resistnet Radio, where patriots unite!

Call in number: 347-215-6929

9-11 Eastern
8-10 Central
7-9 Mtn
6-8 Pacific

Click on this link:


  1. They keep saying,

    Patriots Heart Network

    and it sounds like something else. Very bad choice of name.

    It seems like they are mostly commenting on TV news shows, rather than taking on things of true import.

    It’s a derivative, watered down conversation, like commentary on commentary, which is itself just manufactured political gossip.

  2. I got on, and I tried to record it, but I had the webcam on, and it picked me up but not the replies. The guy just said, “you’re talking revolution but we can still effect change by protesting against Obama” and he cut off my mike.

    What a droning PayTriotard!

    Duh! But I plugged Occidental Dissent! Yee ha!

  3. Call in and give your .02 cents!

    Call in and give your two-tenths of a cent?

    (Sorry. I just couldn’t resist. 😉 )

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