White activism in the 21st century; it’s about making us more successful and better adapted in relation to the Other

The White nationalism of the 21st century is about making us better adapted to globalism, and thus more successful. If we are more successful, we are more likely to have the clout to create conditions suited to us — open spaces, low population densities except in cities, low impact on the ecology, racial homogeneity with an answer to the “diversity” troublemakers before they even get started.

It really isn’t about “hating” the other. It’s really more about annoyance and irritation at seeing our environment changed to look like an overcrowded, third world country, or at seeing White unemployed while foreigners own ALL the convenience stores and take high tech jobs.

This irritation, like a grain of sand in an oyster, must force us to evolve and adapt to deal with the irritation. We shall begin to pay attention to things that matter. It’s more important that a White family own the local convenience store, than whether the Red Sox win the World series.

Evolving a new tribalistic culture will be the absolute worst nightmare of those who are enjoying a free ride at our expense. It will be worse for them than all their Hollywood Nazi nightmares, because we will become a culture that can say No, and does everything possible to say No, to them.

It won’t be anything violent, and only marginally “illegal,” to the extent that our new culture violates the ridiculous and unconstitutional “anti-discrimination laws.”

I have been running into Tea Party people, and Ayn Rand fans and such. I get them talking about sterilizing the welfare rabble, and I haven’t met a single person who takes the Jewish party line about “sterilization of the rabble is what the Nazis did.” Everybody is in favor. I even mention that “the reason we don’t sterilize the underclass is because it’s associated with Nazis,” and they wave it off, “Do it anyway, who cares, that was so 70 years ago!”

So the culture really is changing. The cornucopian assumptions are ALREADY out the window. Whites are hunkering down, frustrated as hell. Our culture is changing as a result of the economic contraction, as I have predicted for years, and it’s only going to get more pronounced.

Forget the Turner Diaries. Forget the Third Reich. It’s just going to be a radical shift in the culture that makes Whites a much less hospitable environment for non-whites and less hospitable for socially activist Jews. A lot of Jews simply let go of Judaism and assimilate, and the other ones are moving to a “Jew central” type area. Which is why it would be a mistake to organize public displays of anti-Semitism. Public open anti-semitism would preserve Jewry. The processes in place right now are thinning the ranks of committed Jews.

As we learned in the excellent movie, “Defamation,” the social activism that irritates the hell out of us is mostly the hobby horse of non-religious Jews. This social activism is paid for by the surplus wealth of an expanding economy. But now we have a contracting economy.

In this contracting economy, White nationalists should strive to become merchants and traders and store-owners, even though it’s not glamorous or heroic. From there, we become First Selectmen and Mayors and Police Chiefs. All the while, we practice Taqqiyah — we maintain plausible deniability about our true Agenda. This is what needs to be done in order to occupy the the leverage points of any local area.

Get the idea out of your head that it’s about gunfights and car chases. That was implanted in us from years of television and movie. Truly effective White nationalist activism is not glamorous or heroic; however, it doesn’t lead to the prison cell or the grave either. Effective White nationalist activism will lead to your being financially comfortable and the parent of White children, and raising successful White children is in itself one of the most effective things any of us can do.

Look to the Christian home-schoolers for a living example. They have built something that will last generation after generation. They are quietly fanatical. Their results are not televised. But their results are very real and lasting.


  1. “I even mention that “the reason we don’t sterilize the underclass is because it’s associated with Nazis,” and they wave it off, “Do it anyway, who cares, that was so 70 years ago!” “


    That is the nice thing about Science (of which Eugenics is a part), it doesn’t change, it just keeps marching right along. Also being in a new millennium is a great advantage to us. Someone brings up non-sense about policies from the last century, just shrug it off and continue in White Advocacy tailored to contemporary times. Jared Taylor has been doing this for almost twenty years and it is the way to go!

    ” The cornucopian assumptions are ALREADY out the window. Whites are hunkering down, frustrated as hell.”

    Wow! This is great! I knew that Spenglers Pessimism would eventually prevail! So long to the linear-upward Progressive world-view! Laugh out loud. Ah it feels so good to say good-bye to that non-sense.

    Now the hard work of CHANNELING Whites frustration into the realm of White Nationalism begins! 🙂

  2. We should push for piracy and file sharing to be legalized (and I mean making it legal on a industrial scale, like selling high-quality pirated DVDs and CDs in stores for a dollar) in order to break Hollywood and the music industry by cutting off their revenue. Best of all, we can co-opt the left in doing so by framing it as a fight against big corporations.

  3. I agree with Kievsky about most of what he said. I disagree with him on the ability to have “plausible deniability” of our true agenda. I think whites need to be open about their racial views. Once we get rid of that fear, our enemy is done. Also if anyone thinks that any revolution will occur without violence directed toward us from the “other side” is in denial. We are already in a physical war, it’s just that only one side is doing the killing. Once white people’s souls and pride are rebuilt, the real revolution will begin.

  4. Ryan – right you are. We should be OPEN. Why hide our views? We must stand up for our views. EVERYTHING is on our side. History, science, philosophy – the FACTS are everywhere, still to be witnessed.

    We must shred EVERY illusion, about Raceial Equality. We must challenge EVERY-ONE, and do so vociferously, when they spout that suicidally-destructive insanity. No let up, no quarter. We MUST put the Utopianists on the spot. On the hot seat. Keep ’em there til THEY roast.

    And you are quite correct about physical violence being used AGAINST us. We must be ready to defend our very selves, in every way.

  5. The existing order- politics and religion- has received almost total support from whites. Niggers equal? Right.
    Jews chosen? Right. Anti-discrimination laws? Fine, just fine. Keynesian economix? Spend away, gimme my stimulus, Dr. Skinner. School monopolies? We love them. The left, by rights, has every reason to believe that whitey IS IN BASIC AGREEMENT WITH THE ESTABLISHMENT. A huge WTF? moment is just over the horizon, when White Man EXPLICITLY rejects the left’s premises. . .

  6. Also if anyone thinks that any revolution will occur without violence directed toward us from the “other side” is in denial. We are already in a physical war, it’s just that only one side is doing the killing. Once white people’s souls and pride are rebuilt, the real revolution will begin.

    If you mean that to get what we want, we’re going to have to face violence from TPTB on a large scale, I disagree. I don’t have a crystal ball so I don’t know the future, but I can imagine plausible scenarios that end with our success and no violence from TPTB. The opposition is pragmatic at heart and would cut us loose if that’s where the money was.

  7. No large scale violence, I mean. I can see them detaining key people, maybe “rendering” them off the map on occasion, if faced with having to cut us loose, but if they start rounding people up wholesale then they’d be shooting themselves in the foot.

  8. The problem is incrementalism. We’re frogs being boiled slowly so we don’t perceive the heat rising until we’re too enervated to jump out of the pot. If the cook starts spearing frogs in the pot before it’s too hot for us to jump he could lose the whole pot. So really it would be in our interests if the cook started spearing frogs. Depending on your enemy to do something in your interests like that is a good way to be disappointed.

  9. Great post Kievsky.

    I especially agreed with: “If we are more successful, we are more likely to have the clout to create conditions suited to us — open spaces, low population densities except in cities, low impact on the ecology, racial homogeneity with an answer to the “diversity” troublemakers before they even get started. … It really isn’t about “hating” the other. It’s really more about annoyance and irritation at seeing our environment changed to look like an overcrowded, third world country, or at seeing White unemployed while foreigners own ALL the convenience stores and take high tech jobs.”

    That was excellently put – you summed up the main problems extremely well.

    Also: “In this contracting economy, White nationalists should strive to become merchants and traders and store-owners, even though it’s not glamorous or heroic. From there, we become First Selectmen and Mayors and Police Chiefs.”

    Not just middlemen (non-producing) merchants, traders, and store-owners, but most importantly Whites must again become small to medium-scale PRODUCERS — we must again become farmers and ranchers and gardeners, craftsmen, local and regional factory owners/workers, and so on.

  10. Great article. Very positive and realistic. The rules of the game are indeed changing rapidly and we must adapt.

  11. Excellent and thoughtful post Kievsky. I have been following your work for a long time now and while I don’t always agree with you, I always find you thoughtful and informative.
    I’ve been wondering about Russia. Russia seems pretty Judenfrei now and Putin acts like a Russian Bismarck. The American oligarchical class seem to overlook the gradual rebirth of Russia while proclaiming the coming rise of China (correctly) and India (with its societial divisions incorrectly). Isn’t possible that some form of White Racialism, maybe something akin to old fashion National Socialism could take off there and then such a movement could support our cause internationally? Do you or anyone know if whe activists couldn’t try to alter the political climate in a place like Russia?

  12. Murdough and Denise,

    No, there are many times when we should practice Taqqiyah, particularly when we are putting our people into sensitive positions such as mayor, first selectman, fire chief, police chief. Your position on “being open about it” is very naive.

    Also, the idea that the struggle is about violence is hopelessly naive. The Jews attained dominance via deception and group networking and Mind-Warfare, not violence. If you think we are going to undo what they did with a few gunfights and car chases, you are very naive.

    You guys need to read up on some books such as Robert Taber’s book on guerilla warfare, Victor Ostrovsky’s “By Way of Deception” and “The Other Side of Deception,” Kevin Mitnick’s book, “The Art of Deception,” and even “The House of Rothschild – Money’s Prophets 1798-1848” by Niall Ferguson. Also, any memoirs by retired spies and/or defectors such as “Aquarium” by Victor Suvorov, and any books about “regime change” or guerilla warfare that I haven’t cited.

  13. Kievsky has plenty of good, localist ideas. But he underestimates organized Jewry, whose puposes are lethal. ZOG intends to rapidly globalize America, the middle class, and the white race OUT OF EXISTENCE. None of this localist stuff will work unless supplemented by a strong white nationalist political movement and a strong white nationalist militia organization. And, though we may need to bide our time, there is no way to avoid local and systemic violence: my town has had four consecutive Jewess mayors, who declared it a “sanctuary city”, and it is now wall-to-wall mestizos. Their storm-troopers are ready. Are ours? They had better be.

  14. I completely agree with Kievsky’s thoughts. There is an old saying, that a lot of military organisations are “busy fighting the last war”. The French in 1870 and 1940 are prime examples.

    It is vital that the WN movement does not make the same mistake. Quoting Clint Eastwood from the movie “Heartbreak Ridge”: the key is to “improvise, adapt and overcome”.

    I like actionheroes as much as the next guy (see above movie quote *grin*), but intelligently adapting Sun Tsu and Clausewitz to the political and largely non-violent battle field is the only recipe for victory.

  15. The future, as envisoned by our enemies, sees us as a emasculated and defeated people. What is our vision of the future and who controls what is to be?

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