Ben Stein Drops the A Bomb II

Eric Dondero, a Libertarian Republican blogger, found and commented on my article about Ben Stein calling Dr. Paul an anti-Semite. His comment didn’t reference a single point made in the article, which he probably didn’t bother to read, but it provides an interesting opportunity to review and dissect the mindset of the Tea Party types that I hope we can engage and influence on some level.

It’s a relatively brief comment, but it’s stuffed with content…

It’s not the NeoCons who are anti-Islamo-Fascist and wanting to fight back against the maurauding Muslim onslaught, it’s us Libertarians.

Islamo-Fascism is inherently anti-Libertarian. How can one call oneself a Libertarian yet be supportive of Sharia Law?

Ron Paul may not be an anti-Semite, but he’s certainly anti-Israel, and decided weak on fighting our enemies – the Islamo-Fascists. He may be a libertarian on domestic issues, but on foreign policy he’s gosh-darn awful, cowardly, and a diehard surrenderist.

The first sentence is evidence of the power of controlling discourse. Just look at it. In one sentence alone, Eric asserts that…

  1. Islam is associated somehow with Fascism
  2. Muslims instigated the conflict
  3. Libertarians are united against “marauding Muslims”

Jewish mastery of discourse is so complete that this man who believes himself to be rejecting the “neocons” is doing nothing more than rejecting an obsolete front group for Israeli Likudnik interests while being inextricably brainwashed into perceiving geopolitics through the perspective they constructed. In a tragicomic twist, this White American military veteran has been bamboozled into loudly and proudly sending his comrades and countrymen off to die in the desert for a hostile foreign government.

This phantasm of “Islamo-Fascism” is inherently anti-Libertarian, Eric claims. But his next sentence inverts things: Libertarianism is inherently anti-Muslim. This is “inherently” silly. An elementary understanding of libertarian ideology demonstrates that violating the will of other individuals to join a collective is an imposition on their liberty. It’s very easy to be a libertarian and be “supportive” of Sharia Law. As long as one isn’t personally forced into that Sharia Law collective, there’s no libertarian concern there.

His final paragraph proves that this poor guy has absolutely no idea where he just posted a comment, accusing Ron Paul of being “anti-Israel” for refusing to deliver our servicemen to fight its wars. This would actually be amusing if Eric’s farcical delusions hadn’t directly caused the unnecessary deaths of thousands of America’s finest young men and women. Dr. Paul is as far from a “diehard surrenderist” “coward” as they come, having fought a principled fight against the Israel Lobby in the belly of the beast for decades.

About Matt Parrott 98 Articles
Matt Parrott is a low IQ wignat LARPing costume clown.


  1. I’m skeptical of the talk of Islamo-Facism, as if there is any real capability of power projection by that basket case string of shitholes knows as the Islamic world. Islam is indeed anti-civilization and anti-Christian, but it’s also weak and would have little power if we didn’t follow the liberal/libertarian/Jewish policy of open borders and neoconservative imposition of democratic reforms through our military.

    Israel’s conflict with Muslims is a consequence of its reconquest of the Jews ancestral homeland. It hardly happened before that and many Jews lived in the Muslim world right up to 1948. The Palestinians’ resistance is thus both nationalist and Islamic based, but mostly nationalist. It’s no different a war from that the British fought in Indian or Kenya or the French in Vietnam. In other words, it’s a natural consequence of western-style attempts to inhabit and civilize places where they are an ethnic minority, and it has little to do with America’s interests.

    We have some common enemies, no doubt, but the Israelis also give these enemies a rallying cry, and Israel does nothing for us other than creating enemies. Alliances are supposed to be mutually beneficial; this one on net is not. If Israel were not receiving American money, we’d have less visibility and exposure in that part of the world and could more easily deal with the Muslims at arms length for commercial reasons like getting oil, without overly antagonizing or interacting with them. What happens to Israel is its own problem.

    I view Israel quite differently from “diaspora” Jews and harbor it no intense ill will, other than through the efforts of their conniving coreligionists at home to get us to finance their quasi-colonialist reconquest of their ancestral homeland. I don’t think we should be taking sides in third world national liberation struggles, particularly now that Soviet Communism is gone and such struggles are so incredibly irrelevant to us and our interests. South Africa and Rhodesia were one thing in that milieu, but it’s over, time to inhabit peaceably our own little corner of Europe, North America, and Australia.

    We need to regroup at home, kick out the foreign elements, and ignore and isolate the rest of the world and its problems without being sucked into artificial wars against artificial threats like Islamo-Fascism.

  2. Would someone like to comment, particularly Hunter though anyone is welcome, on the Patriotards and their view of “Islamo-fascism” and The Chosen? Having briefly delved into that world, one finds they are racialists and they certainly hate the “brothas” and “ragheads”. Though any mention of WHY things are the way they are and they all fall into place to protect The Chosen, Israel, and how the bible says they are our betters. How can one fight a belief like that?

    They have the numbers to accelerate our movement, however, they fall disastrously short on the JQ.

  3. All the dispensationalist heresies that elevate Jews above Christians are of recent vintage, have little theoretical basis, and violate pretty much every historical Christian belief.

  4. In 2001, I sounded like a patriotard myself. I was a poster. I watched FOX News. I read David Horowitz’s autobiography and followed

    Are you familar with my theory of discourse poisoning? That’s how I would explain it. Our political views and identities are shaped by the type of discourse we are immersed in. If you ever got those people out of that milieu, terms like “Islamo-Fascism” would lose circulation.

  5. I can’t take anyone seriously who writes about “Islamo-Fascism.”

    Same here. Its origins aren’t clear but the term reeks of Trotskyism and sure enough it was made popular by Trotskyists Christopher Hitchens and Stephen Schwartz right after 9/11. For them their enemies – be they Muslims, Stalin, paleocons, or even left wingers against Israel, – are always “fascists” of some kind or another.

  6. What this ‘Dondero’ individual is saying, if he’s sincere, and not a dissimulator, is a classical reflection of the toxified White American mindset. A perfect reflection of, excuse my vernacular, how deeply mind-fucked (intellectually Judaized) these types of patriotards really are.

  7. Along these lines, it’s poisonous to the intellect to only talk to people one agrees with. The basis of all successful rhetoric is to move from shared belief to further shared belief. It’s true, some people are just so different in interests the only thing you’ll realize is they are your enemy, but people like this are not the enemy. They’re persuadables to use Hunter’s phrase. Conservatives and patriots and anyone who is hurt by or disgusted by the current order is a persuadable. So it’s important to learn how to talk and think without talking about “Linderism” or ZOG or other short-hand forms that signal an entire, rather controversial worldview rather than just saying sensiblethings, such as, “why are over a milion immigrants a year moving to the US when we have such high unemployment?” or “Israel’s never helped the US fight any war, and creates problems for the wars we do fight (such as GWI), so what kind of ally are they?” or “these Wall Street types are getting trillions in government bailouts and then cry about free markets when some accountability is asked for, that’s not free markets and that’s not fair” etc.

  8. If you ever got those people out of that milieu, terms like “Islamo-Fascism” would lose circulation.

    WNists would be better spending their time at that milieu helping them to see who their enemies are. After all they probably outnumber WNists by at least 1000 to 1.

    Lately I’ve noticed at many sites that are popular with “patriotards” such as American Thinker, Pajamas, Big Hollywood, etc, posters bringing up Jewish support for Obama and the left, as well as a lack of gratitude to Christian America for being good to Jews and Israel. I’m pretty sure these are not WNist infiltrators but people who’ve been posting standard GOP/neocon stuff for a long time and are just confused by what they see. Such people are potential recruits. It can’t happen with them surrounded by GOP/neocon shills nor can they be berated into becoming WNists. If intelligent readers of this blog were to go to such sites, get to know their audience, then introduce themes or ideas likely to get the audience thinking and seeing things differently it would do more good than years of talking to ourselves or discussions about Alex Linder.

  9. Here’s an example of what I’m talking about from Big Hollywood on Dec 23 regarding writer Michael Tolkin’s insults of “Teabaggers” from a poster called Joe S:

    An Open Letter To Mr. Tolkin-
    What’s one difference between (mostly conservative) Mormons and liberal American Jews?
    A) The U.S. Government has never sought to exterminate Jews in America.

    But you would never know this judging by the reflexive hatred of American patriotism you and many of your fellow Jews in the media and academia share.

    You and many of your fellow co-religionists in Manhattan and Beverly Hills also maintain a paranoia concerning public expressions of committed Christianity, that’s why you write anti-Christian hit-pieces like “The Rapture” – a tale that sinks to the levels of defamation and hatred found in “The Protocols of The Elders of Zion” or the anti-Semite rants of Hitler’s Der Sturmer.

    Despite the myriad hate crimes directed at early followers of Joseph Smith, Mormons remain overwhelmingly patriotic and are not afraid of being a religious minority living side-by-side with Traditional Catholics, Evangelicals, or Fundamentalist Protestants. Fortunately, they realize that evangelical Christians like myself can learn from the mistakes of American history and we all can live without fear of each other without compromising our differing beliefs.

    So why do writers like yourself and the legendary Mel Tolkin (your dad- writer for ALL IN THE FAMILY) need to project your resentments of the Czar and the Russian Orthodox Church on a completely alien culture (American Christians)? I’m sorry about the Pogroms of in Russia from 100 years ago – but rest assured that I plead not guilty to having any part in this historical travesty. I am neither a marauding Cossack nor Archie Bunker.

    I also plead NOT GUILTY to the anti-Semitism evidenced by the revolutionaries of the National Socialist Party in Germany- Neo Pagans and socialists in origin and character. (And as a Marine Corp vet, I’m part of a tradition that has lost a lot of blood fighting Fascist empires- real ones).

    I would never resort to the dishonest calculus that equates all Jews to Bernie Madoff, Marc Rich, Ivan Boesky, or Julius Rosenberg. It would be nice for Jews like you extend some good faith back to an American Christian culture that has admirably extended open arms to more Jews than any other culture in history.

  10. Excellent points, Roach & Matra. I’ve always felt that penetration of the ‘tea party’ groups, to soften them up about race realism and WN, is good theory and practice. This is, after all, a struggle for the racial soul of our people.

  11. I do read your site on occasion, and do know exactly where you’re coming from. As with Ron Paul, you all’s views on economics are outstanding.

    Not a shameless plug, but allow me to invite each and every one of you to view the two articles we just uploaded onto Libertarian Republican blog.
    “Ben Stein schools Ron Paul on Foreign Policy, support for Israel”
    “Peter Schiff shifts Pro-Defense away from Ron Paul, along with Rand Paul and Gary Johnson”
    (link above.)

  12. Check it out now “libertarian Republicans” want a piece of the WN action. It must be getting lonely there at GOP headquarters, not enough suckers to vote for your crypto-zionist candidates? Having trouble whippnig up support for bombing another Muslim country?

    This from libertarianrepublican:

    “Paul has been receiving a great deal of praise and support from mostly 9/11 Truther blogs”

    Republicans are shit in human form.

  13. I can’t take anyone seriously who writes about “Islamo-Fascism.”

    It is Islamo-Marxism. Use it. Love it. Spread it. Stamp everything we know to be of foul design with Karl’s label and the Republicans will swing our way.

  14. It is Islamo-Marxism. Use it. Love it. Spread it. Stamp everything we know to be of foul design with Karl’s label and the Republicans will swing our way.

    Or maybe join “Islamo-Fascism” at the hip to the term “Judeo-Marxism.” Or “Islamo-Marxism” and “Judeo-Fascism.” Kinda hard to object to either term once the other’s in use.

  15. Islamo Fascimo is a hollywood boogieman. These fascists are fighting for their people and their land to be free of American Zionist influence. They are fighting the same fight we are, because American Zionists want you to dissapear too – and they call you Fascists and antisemites too. Connection? Hmmmmm……
    Anyone who calls a towelhead freedom fighter a fascist is a Zionist stooge. And don’t give me any lies about how they treat their women. It’s their land and if they want to live in the dark ages thats their business. Don’t tell me we have to murder a million innocent people and bankrupt the nation to bring some Arab women the vote. Your an Israeli agent, or a useful idiot. And your of no use to the American people….your an enemy of the American people.

  16. Republicans are the enemy who looks you in the face and tells you he is your friend. They want to be a friend, stop the lies.

  17. Eric,

    You’re calling for nothing short of a race war against the entire Muslim World and carrying on about how dissidents ought to be physically assaulted or worse…

    Choose now! You’re either a friend of Liberty and preserving our Homeland, or you’re a sympathizer with our Enemies. During WWII those sympathic to the Nazis were either tarred and feathered or shot.

    Yet, somehow, you manage to be “alarmed” by our “fringe” proposition that we’re being duped into the middle of a conflict between Jews and Muslims?

    However, it’s quite alarming that individuals such as the fringe bloggers mentioned above, gain inspiration from Paul’s anti-intervenionist talk to use for their own racist means.

    American people need to wake up and realize that YOU’RE the hatemonger. You’re a true warmonger. You can pretend to be morally superior to us all day long, but more people are awakening to the truth. More people see what you’re doing. As the interview showed, people are no longer going along with your shrill cries for death and destruction.

  18. Oh wow, surprise surprise, Jew Peter Schiff comes out pro-war. Schiff the “libertarian” hero who’s going to get the Ron Paul types back in the GOP with his “libertarianism” – oh and what do you know, the kike wants more war for Israel, and wants to “deregulate” Jew bankers too. Who could have seen that one coming?

    Just take a look at that sewer of a website “Libertarian Republican”

    Real libertarians believe in protecting the homeland first and foremost

    How is this “libertarian”? Sounds like the same old Jew-blather to me.

    Don’t be a Losertarian! Let’s win this War on Islamo-Fascism.

    Filthy Jew go back to Israel

    Oh but this one is priceless, a book with good ole George W Bush with his balls out titled “Join the Victory Wing of the Republican party!”

    Real men fight for the Homeland. Girlie men just sit by and bitch.

    Says the DC beltway faggot – it’s an open secret that the aides of the Republican Congressmen are all homos, and every year another Republican is caught sucking cock in an airport bathroom or “sexting” with little boys.

    The Jews are spamming the conservatives with Peter Schiff, just as they are spamming the liberals with Alan Grayson. Pick your Jew, it’s not like it matters which one.

    Did I mention that Republicans are shit? I think I did.

  19. The problem is not that an interventionist attitude.

    It is intervening in the wrong places and supporting liberal democracy. Saddam Hussein imo should have been an ally against Sharia law.

  20. Hey Donald, could you do me a favor? Please identify which views of mine below are “NeoCon”?

    Legalize Drugs
    Legalize Prostitution
    Pro-Swingers Rights
    Repeal of All Seat Belt laws, EVERYWHERE!
    Ban all Smoking Bans
    Pro-Pornography for Adults
    Privatize Social Security
    Abolish all Fed Government Agencies except Defense
    Immediate Abolishment of the IRS

    Yupper, I’d be real welcome at a NeoCon convention with the likes of Bill Bennett, Bill Kristol, Gary Bauer, Pat Robertson, and Fred Barnes.

  21. Iceman, it’s a complete myth that Saddam Hussein was “secular.” He was a diehard Islamist who supported and funded Islamist causes most especially Hamas and Hezbollah.

  22. Wikiotopian, au contraire. I fully support freedom fighting Muslims like those fighting the regime in Iran, those brave Kuwaitis who stood up to Saddam Hussein in 1990/91, those Iraqis who joined us in overthrowing Saddam Hussein, and all the brave moderate Muslims in Sudan, Somalia, Morocco and most especially the Yemenese Government who are standing up to Radical Islam.

  23. Outside of partisan hacks, saluting 19 year olds, and red team/blue team morons; who actually supports the war in Iraq and Afghanistan anymore?

  24. Sorry W. T. Mann but ain’t no “homo” cowards here.

    Proud heterosexual and Proud Veteran of the United States Military – honorable discharge, and decorated including War service (Persian Gulf). Two tours in the Gulf – USS Kittyhawk and guided missile destroyer USS Luce.

    I’d thank you for thanking me for my service.

    Somthing tells me you um, “opted out,” of the military, or as we Veterans would say “cowarded out.”

  25. “Wikiotopian, au contraire. I fully support freedom fighting Muslims like those fighting the regime in Iran, those brave Kuwaitis who stood up to Saddam Hussein in 1990/91, those Iraqis who joined us in overthrowing Saddam Hussein, and all the brave moderate Muslims in Sudan, Somalia, Morocco and most especially the Yemenese Government who are standing up to Radical Islam.”

    Thanks for the Republican (Neo-con) talking points.

  26. Pro-Swingers Rights Pro-Gambling Pro-Pornography

    He wants your daughter in his porn movies as well.

    Repeal of All Seat Belt laws, EVERYWHERE!

    Oh great, this is surely a priority, the great oppression of seatbelt laws. The evil government is not allowing people to ride motorcycles without a helmet too!

    Privatize Social Security

    We already did that, we called it the Wall Street Bailout, remember?

    This is typical austistic libertarian bullshit, they are probably big Ayn Rand fans too. This platform is for children still living with their parents, drugs and sex and hookers for freedom! The stereotype is oh so true – Libertarians are gay Republicans who like to smoke pot. For freedom! of course.

    This whole platform is just for show obviously, the real point is war for Israel, with the weed thrown in to get the college kids on board.

  27. Grimoire, actually the term “Islamo-Fascist,” was invented and popularized first by Libertarians, members of the Libertarian Party.

    The very first time I remember seeing the term was on Bob Hunt’s Individual Sovereignty Yahoo Group in the early 2000s.

    I believe the individual who invented the term was Tim Starr, of the California Libertarian Party, though I admit I could be wrong and it might have been Kevin Bjornsen of the Washington State LP.

    You see very early on, we Libertarians used the term to describe Muslims who wanted to outlaw booze and sex, and were opposed to the Libertarian Party’s civil liberties agenda.

  28. Eric, in your list there, #30, why didn’t you put the last two items first and the first one last? Wait, I think I know — 90% of libertarians are in it because they want to be free to smoke marijuana.

  29. W.T. Mann: Guilty as charged. I and other Pro-Defense Libertarians are huge Ron Paul fans.

    In fact, our Number One Female Guru is Pamela Geller of the highly popular blog “Atlas Shrugs.”

  30. “it’s a complete myth that Saddam Hussein was “secular.””

    Saddam was personally a believer in Islam, which is really saying nothing more than he was a religious man, but was the spread of Islam the primary motivation for which he wielded power? Hardly, the man was a gangster whose motivation was the empowerment and aggrandizement of first himself, and then close family and fellow tribesmen. Most of his henchmen were selected from the village of his birth. His favorite movie was The Godfather. Wasn’t Don Corleone also a religious man?

  31. Fred, because my Number One issue in life, is Repeal of Seat Belt laws. While I favor legalizing marijuana, I’m not a marijuana smoker, and could care less about the issue from a persona perspective.

    I do however, drive a pick-up truck. And it absolutely PISSES ME OFF!!!!!! that the goddamned government has any right whatsoever to tell me that I have to wear a mother-f*cking seat belt in my car.

    I paid for the goddamned truck. I’m not no damned Welfare Rat who got a free ride through the Cash for Clunkers program. How dare they tell me I have to wear a seat belt in MY PROPERTY!!!!!!

  32. All the same…, The republican right must be engaged and brought over to our side. They are our natural constituency. They are in fact begging for our input, to the point of bieng ready to get on their knees. They are ours to absorb. They have the right instincts, just the wrong information. Many here were once republican, and were moved to re-examine their political outlook, that something was gravely wrong, that republicanism is failing the republic. In their way, they are honest folk seeking to protect their homeland and people.

    Fred Brown took the stance that we had to align with the JDL to access the mainstream power and electoral juice. I considered him a deluded fool if not an outright traitor. But he was right on one thing, in his wrong way,

    ‘take the main roads, not the back roads’.

    The G.O.P is the main road. I understand if you call this heresy. I only ask you to think about it.
    This can be done without a sell out. This is a party we can at the least directly influence, if not change their orientation entirely.Think about it. We would be plugging into a ‘big’ amp.

    I took the rabid stance in the comments above because yesterday ‘The Admiral’ and myself shared a joke about being yahoo’s, and water boarding everyone who didn’t submit instantly. This was not serious and irresponsible on my part. Sometimes the humour in these comments are the best things about them, even if obscure.

    My suggestion is we don’t miss any chance to influence the pubs. We make a strategy to pull them, and a strategy that doesn’t compromise or sell out anything we know to be true and vital. They are more important to white nationalism at this point than the irrational nutbar segment of the movement.

    Call me a traitor – we should take a paternal stance toward earnest Republicans.

  33. Iceman, it’s a complete myth that Saddam Hussein was “secular.” He was a diehard Islamist who supported and funded Islamist causes most especially Hamas and Hezbollah.

    He wore a suit and tie and killed religious people all the time. Saddam Hussien is one of my idols.

  34. Eric, you apparently refuse to engage matters of substance in favor of exulting in the repetition of placards. I cannot help but picture a child with a ‘secret’ by virtue of which he feels ‘special’ to which he will only offer cryptic hints, and if you can’t guess what his secret is then you are not ‘in’, one of the elect, as he is, just not ‘special’. Altogether feminine and infantile. Just how is it you expect to be taken seriously?

  35. Well, White men, here’s your chance. The Republican party is willing to covertly invite you “racists” into the fold, if you’ll just vote for them. I mean, you would rather have General Petraeus as President than Obama wouldn’t you? A nice White, non-Jew face on TV so you don’t have to think about it anymore.

    All you have to do is line up your kids to fight for Jews. Come on, be a man and fight ragheads! When your son comes home dead in a box they’ll even give you a flag. But hey, you’ll be spending your hard earned tax money on Israel and Jew bankers instead of lazy blacks. What a bargain.

    Oh yeah and no seatbelts too!

  36. Eric: Your support of aggressive interventionism and empire-building in the middle east squarely takes out away from the Libertarian camp. Sorry bud.

    If you want to say that you agree with Libertarians on some issues but disagree on others (such as your foreign policy viewpoints), then OK, go ahead, but that doesn’t make you a Libertarian.

    Many neoconservatives, although not all by any means, have a very libertarian outlook on a variety of issues. Many of the neoconservative think-tanks such as the Heritage Foundation and American Enterprise Institute fit into this category.

    However, you are not a Libertarian, no matter how desperately you want to be one. I will say it again: you are a neocon.

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