Ben Stein Drops the A Bomb

Larry King hosted a discussion between Ben Stein and Ron Paul on Monday that was ostensibly about the airline security fiasco. The discussion quickly turned into a heated debate between Stein and Paul about the root cause of the terrorist attack. Paul exhorted Stein to “think like a scientist” and try to figure out the real motivation behind these attacks. Stein tried to parrot the party line platitudes about them being enemies of America and bad people and stuff until he could no longer tolerate this sacrilege taking place right out in the open on his media

Ron Paul insisted that “We’re the occupiers” one last time before Ben terminated the debate: “No, we’re not occupiers. That’s the same anti-Semitic argument we’ve heard over and over again.”

The typically unshakable Ron Paul was taken aback, blustering “That’s a vicious attack!”

Actually, no. It’s a desperate defensive maneuver. It’s a testament to the fact that the neocons have exhausted America’s reserves of jingoism and are running out of believable arguments to con the American people with. If there were a better argument, Ben Stein would have known it and used it. He’s perhaps more of a master of the zeitgeist than any other living person, simultaneously up to his (enormous) ears in legislation, economics, news media, pop culture, and religious influence.

Stein may have merely slipped up and admitted the obvious: that the entire thing is about Jewish influence on our foreign policy. Rejecting Middle Eastern imperialism is anti-Semitic. The truth is anti-Semitic. But I don’t think a man as intelligent and poised as he is would do something that consequential by accident. I believe this is the beginning of a sea change in political strategy, one in which a direct campaign tries to bury the Ron Paul Revolution and its Tea Party Movement under a tidal wave of negative publicity and accusations of neoheresy.Anti-Imperialism = Anti-Semitism

There’s a worn-out Gandhi quote that Ron Paul likes to repeat, “First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win.” I believe the establishment has transitioned from the phase of ridiculing the Alternative Right to fighting them. This was most likely triggered by the recent polls which showed that the American people have become more favorable toward the Tea Party movement than either of the major parties. The likelihood of a Rand Paul victory in Kentucky confirms the seriousness of the threat.

Ben Stein, the mainstream establishment’s very own Baghdad Bob, is pulling out the big guns. If the Tea Party crowd thought they were going to be able to simply nominate and elect their own candidates to topple the current regime, they’re woefully mistaken. They’ll be called anti-Semitic. They’ll be called racist. They’ll be called conspiracy theorists. They’ll even be accused of terrorism. They’ll find themselves buried in a web of guilt by association.

We’ll find out in the coming months whether Middle America has become angry enough to stand up and remain standing for their sovereignty and their way of life. My money is on the establishment winning the upcoming electoral round, but at the cost of driving tens of millions of White Americans out of the mainstream and into our sphere of influence

About Matt Parrott 98 Articles
Matt Parrott is a low IQ wignat LARPing costume clown.


  1. I think Ben Stein slipped up. It was an inadvertent admission. He conflates Jewish (Israeli) interests with US foreign policy; therefore to attack US foreign policy, as Paul did, is ‘anti-Semitic.’ This is significant in that Stein uttered it on national media. The reality of Jewish control over US policy is in the open now.

    Ben Stein has the kind of smug Jewy face that makes good men want to punch it. He reminds me of the little old Jewish bankers I worked with on Wall Street in the 1990s-early 2000s. Old Jewish men like to present a carefully cultivated image: cute, cuddly, harmless, wise. But beneath the facade lies a special vein of viciousness and Judeo-supremacist hate.

  2. I’m glad to see Wikitopian is in at least implicit agreement with me in endorsing a ‘good cop, bad cop’ approach to exposing and opposing our enemies. How so? Well, Ron Paul in this scenario is functionally the ‘good cop’ who plays coy in baiting the Jews into exposing themselves and then acts all hurt and offended when the desired reaction on the part of his interlocutor is elicited. Wikitopian, the ‘bad cop’, then explains to our people that the Jews, in this case Ben Stein, react with such hysteria and announce the truth themselves because they have a consciousness of guilt (or at least responsibility whether or not they feel in the least bit guilty). For most even to say ‘the Jews are to blame for our woes’ is decidedly ‘bad’. But, nonetheless, someone has got to say it, or so we here – some of us, and with varying levels of commitment to consistency – think.

    So too is our dynamic with L*nder (I’m not supposed to mention him). Incrementalism, with different men manning the various rungs on the latter. Overton Window, not thrown out the window.

  3. “He reminds me of the little old Jewish bankers I worked with on Wall Street in the 1990s-early 2000s. Old Jewish men like to present a carefully cultivated image: cute, cuddly, harmless, wise. But beneath the facade lies a special vein of viciousness and Judeo-supremacist hate.”

    Stalin gave his Jewish opponents a chance to say, Holy Israel, before he put a bullet in the back of their head.

  4. So too is our dynamic with L*nder (I’m not supposed to mention him). Incrementalism, with different men manning the various rungs on the latter. Overton Window, not thrown out the window.

    Thank G-d! I thought I was the only person that would have to keep hammering this point home. Whether or not we have some fundamental disagreements with the men, we can still appreciate the utility he offers as a punching bag.

  5. Anti-Imperialism-that-benefits-Jews = Anti-Semitism. The biggest nepotists in the game show their hand once again.

    I’m not so much against Israel as I am against our involvement in it and foreign aid to them.

    I agree with Ron Paul’s stance and that of George Washington: “It is our true policy to steer clear of entangling alliances with any portion of the foreign world.” ~ George Washington

  6. “Thank G-d!”

    Well now, I’m sure I ain’t none too bright enough to be an intellectual, but I can game it. As Patton remarked about Churchill, the latter was more cunning than he was brilliant, but he got shit done. Of course so did that other guy with the funny mustache, and the other guy with the mustache to the East of the guy with the funny mustache I hasten to add.

  7. This is why I advocate open ‘anti-semitism.’ If you oppose the foreign policy directed by the Israel Lobby, for whatever reason, they’ll call you anti-semitic. It’s time to be honest and say, “Yes, I believe that our foreign policy is being directed by Jews. There is significant documentation to prove it. Because of this and many other Jewish activities I am anti-semitic.”

    Imagine how Ben Stein would have reacted. What can he say?

    “The Jews don’t control the United States. That’s an anti-semitic canard.”

    Then you can reply:

    “Jews have been lobbying for this war for years. William Kristol and Robert Kagan were pushing for regime change in Iraq since 1997. When Madeleine Albright was asked if she thought the death of 500,000 Iraqis was worth the sanctions imposed on Iraq in the Clinton years, she answered yes. A major architect of the Iraqi war was Deputy Secretary of Defense Wolfowitz. All of these Jews were responsible for the horrible loss of life in Iraq.”

    If they let a REAL anti-semite on national television we’d give the Jews a run for their money!

  8. Off topic, it’s obvious to me Urak was a toy soldier for Mossad/CIA, and this is why his Visa was not pulled. To think a report by his father would be missed, ‘stovepiped’ – not in this world. These inexplicable omissions constantly occur when a terrorists is needed. The mysterious handlers in Yemen goofed the payload fortunately – lack of vigilance all round.
    The subject of confrontation between Stein and Paul was definitely factored into the equation. Testing the waters? A nervous probe?
    An interesting move of knight against bishop. Experts in this game think many moves in advance of their strategy. This is a very interesting move.

  9. Ron Paul and I had an old mutual friend, now dead. My take on Paul is that he is your typical crazy aunt in the attic. You love the old dear, but, she can’t be trusted around sharp objects or money. Particularly, money.

    The Paul family has some real Billy Carter characters in the attic too. So far the press hasn’t flushed any of them out. LOL.

    That $30 or $40 Million Dollars Paul raised will “hep” his family out in the future. I’m not saying that Paul is a sham—maybe just a harmless sham-wow like Patio Buchanan and his $30 or $40 Millions…LOL.

  10. I don’t wish to engage or fraternize with those who actively destroy channels through which White Advocates are reaching White Americans, CaptainChaos. I don’t know what you’re talking about but it appears that you perceive me to be some sort of stepping stone between the public and “him”. I pray that is not the case, as I would rather suffer under the current Zionist regime than the one he fantasizes about.

  11. Come off it Wiki, has L*nder got you so bamboozled that you will not even mention his name, or so flummoxed that you rationalize the former by relating to “him” as being so ‘beneath you’ that you will not even acknowledge the existence of said? It must be that, as – as Sam Davidson keeps pointing out – EXPLICIT PROCLAMATIONS OF ANTI-SEMITISM AND RACISM get many if not most to stuff up their ears and fall to the ground crying MLK’s name. ‘BLASPHEMY!’ they say.

    “He” is there, like it or not. I say use that. Btw, not even the (actual) National Socialists stepped over any line so beyond the pale (according to you) that you would say, ‘nope, I’d rather the path of slow genocide than that’. And if ‘it’ didn’t’ happen then, then ‘it’ (cryptic euphemisms are fun) most likely won’t happen now. And no, ‘it’ did not happen then, despite what some (I’m not naming pseudonyms) may think.

    P.S. Takimag goes into the lime pit and Spencer starts a new site that is more radical (and if it ain’t I just might have to pay him a friendly visit in the virtual realm). See how that works? They call it leverage.

  12. There are still VNN kooks who comment here, invariably the worst commentators on any WN blog. Some of them aren’t even white.

    I wish I had that recording of Craig Cobb having a mental breakdown on one of VNN’s broadcasts. He makes Jim Giles look tame.

  13. Daniel, somehow I think you might have a different opinion if he was outing you and attacking you personally.

    I think he is a Jew and a Fed. He is useful despite this.

    I also just wanna whip the shit outta of him but I feel so bad about his Jew stomach disease that I couldn’t bring myself to do it. However, that is the last time I state my opinion on the matter because it lowers the quality of the blog. Linder is only useful as a target of criticism.

  14. If they let a REAL anti-semite on national television we’d give the Jews a run for their money!

    He’d look like a backwards hick no matter how intelligent, thoughtful and feeling he tried to be.

  15. As Patton remarked about Churchill, the latter was more cunning than he was brilliant, but he got shit done. Of course so did that other guy with the funny mustache, and the other guy with the mustache to the East of the guy with the funny mustache I hasten to add.

    So…. In addition to the philosophy degree, I’m gonna start working on my facial hair.

    Cap’n… Might I just say you’ve got ‘budding Aristotelian’ written all over you? Life isn’t worth living qua life (in the Darwinian sense) and I think you’ve known that all along. You’re more than capable of defending alternatives.

  16. Daniel, on the contrary I think it raises it, but that’s at your discretion. I think you’re one of the better commentators here and with a good sense of humor.

  17. Yet another example of how the Jews are more exposed now than ever before. Among well-read readers on websites and blogs, right or left, the accusation of “anti-semite” is almost universally regarded as a joke. Even saying stuff like “Jews run the media” is hardly controversial anymore, and lots of Whites say all this stuff plainly, if mostly anonymously, online.

    I’ve read various reactions to Stein’s attack on Ron Paul here, and again, right or left, pro or anti-Ron Paul, this seems to be something similar to the Polanski thing, the vast majority of regular Whites just aren’t buying the Jew bullshit anymore.

    Direct, reasoned, moderately worded attacks on Jewish power are more important than ever. Hopefully we’ll see some openly Judeo-skeptic politicians in the next few election cycles, whether they win or lose, the public discussion needs to be out there.

  18. Over the years, I’ve reduced a few Jew professors to tears on C-Span. LOL.

    Jews can dish it out. But, Jews can’t take it.

  19. A man will instinctively (usually I take it) laud and exhort the type of society in which he has the status and security in which he can maximize his reproductive fitness, and rationalize said as what is ‘moral’. Hence, ‘all the psychos have got to be burned, er, I mean silenced, I’m not like them, but then again, if I could get someone to do it for me’ (translation: fuck those bullies and their getting in their reproductive fitness, it’s my turn now).

    Not that I pine after a world fallen to barbarism, not in the least, just keepin’ it real. And trying to keep this operation on the right track.

  20. Daniel, on the contrary I think it raises it, but that’s at your discretion. I think you’re one of the better commentators here and with a good sense of humor.

    A revolution without dancing and without laughing is not a revolution worth having…

  21. I honestly don’t see how kooks like cob even become an issue. I mean, he looks like a John Wayne Gacy painting come to life and has the oratory skills of Sylvester the cat. The guy even got banned on his own co-partners site (VNN) because he was to unstable and busy slandering people. If you want to get in on the latest rumors in the WN scene you can go 2 places, the SPLC website or Podblanc. That fact should tell you something. I mean really can cob point to one guy around and say “I woke him up”? I doubt it, his only use is to scare away people.

  22. “it’s obvious to me Urak was a toy soldier for Mossad/CIA”

    That’s the kind of stupid shit that only serves to discredit serious criticism of Jewish influence.

  23. Mark, in addition to being a funny guy, you have a at least sharper than dull sense of where the jugular is. What a pity it would be were Cobb off his medication, if indeed he needs any to maintain his sanity (funny how a sword often has two edges).

    Time to bury it (the sword I mean, and not what Giles would have some of us bury)?

  24. Ben Stein is a filthy Jew liar. His ‘opinions’ can therefore be ignored entirely: they meaning nothing to those in pursuit of the truth.

    Y’all must understand that many Jews, especially the more prominent and public ones such as Stein, are disgusting liars out only to protect the corrupt Jewish macro-system of control — thus, everything they say must be taken with a grain (actually, a mound) of salt.

  25. 32 ATBOTL

    That’s the kind of stupid shit that only serves to discredit serious criticism of Jewish influence.

    Valid point. Sorry to lower the tone…. carry on with your serious criticism dynamite….you really have Jewish influence by the collar now . If they feel anything close to the dread of approbation of something like ABOOTL I feel. there must be billions being transferred into offshore accounts at this moment. Oh wait, thats just more silly talk…..carry on guv’ners.

  26. I think Ron Paul’s 9/11 Trutherism discredits him. We have many enemies, but Muslims crazies have been so from the get-go, the Crusades, Vienna, etc. This is undeniable. He is too tolerant of idiots. That said, the reflexive criticism of any Israel critics–and yes our Israel policy has much to do with Islamic enmity but not everything to do with it–as anti-Semites is total bullshit and should be ridiculed.

  27. What’s interesting to me is how young Southern or Midwestern guys with little or no exposure to Jews, can reach the same conclusions as those of us who grew up around the little vermin.

  28. Linder runs a White Nationalist version of the Gong Show. He gives any kind of White character a try out, and, when their act fails he gongs ’em.

    I’m not going to get into the who is a homo, and who’s not debate. I tend to think that the number of homos is wildly exaggerated. I also believe that homosexuality is a learned behavior, and although there maybe some very very small proclivity for it in people, that too has been wildly exaggerated.

    In other words, those who wish to be homosexuals, are homosexuals. It is a decision that they make as individuals to practice the homosexual lifestyle.

    I don’t see any place in White politics for homosexuals and their lifestyle.

  29. Linder just banned me for calling him out on his insinuations that Greg Johnson is a pedophile. He was furious that I would imply that he libeled Greg. No, he’s just doing what the jew Walter Winchell always did, smearing through hints and dishonest, tortured arguments. A tactic Winchell invented to avoid libel suits, I should add.

    In Linder’s mind insinuating that Greg Johnson is a pedophile based on a movie review he wrote for VNN is honest, but calling him out on it is a lie. Here’s the ban message I got.

    vBulletin Message
    You have been banned for the following reason:

    Date the ban will be lifted: Never

    I’ve seen Linder do this before. When he’s losing a debate he finds some weak excuse to claim the poster is lying, then bans them.

    He knows that he’s libeling Johnson so he’s lashing out like a cornered rat.

  30. Roach and ATBOTL, when McCarthy said the State department was full of Communist spies they said it was a “conspiracy theory” but of course he was correct. Everyone has some nutty conspiracy theory about 911 but not even the 911 Commissioners believe the Bush administration’s cover story. They have said as much publicly.

    You don’t gain any credibility from believing transparent propaganda:

  31. #39 The Admiral
    What’s interesting to me is how your Southern or Midwestern guys with little or no exposure to muslims can reach such erroneous conclusions abut them.

    <i<We have many enemies, but Muslims crazies have been so from the get-go, the Crusades, Vienna, etc. This is undeniable.

    What is interesting about this comment is that it is historically and evidently false, of the Crusades, of the historical causes of the siege of Vienna, of western meddling and interference in lands of a different faith and culture, indifferent to the muslims equally valid wish to live without interference, ignorant of basic honesty and decency. and yet said is such good faith.
    I guess it’s a matter of whether you think global scale hypocrisy and stupidity is welcomed or detested. If you think it will be welcomed, maybe your strategy and your criticism of Ron Paul is valid.

    LIke ABOOTL’ez comment above, now is the time more than ever for the serious work to begin. And only the blinkered, completely ignorant of anything beyond the grasp of Readers Digest need apply. The is a job for Soccer Dads and smalltown college graduates. The masses of America are incredibly obtuse, maybe only the annoyingly slow-to-understand can really move them. Thus Ron Paul is way too fancy.
    I wonder if you may have something there. And you know, you just might.

    The only thing you leave out, and I apologize for silly talk…., feel free to ban me . But your opponents are not stupid and annoyingly slow-to-understand. Nor are they graduates from some tin can college. Their Wasp interlocutors maybe. But not they. They pride themselves in being 10 steps ahead of John Doe and his Wasp thought machines.

    And I do know the Jews…from all walks of life, in Europe and N. America. As I do muslims. I’ve travelled the entire middle east and N Africa, not to drink bourbon, and stay at a Ramada for the cable and free towels, but to learn about the world.
    Maybe knowing what I talk about is why it comes out all silly. Sorry

    Again feel free to ban me. There a lot of times where I see I can be no use to this forum.

  32. Grim,

    there must be billions being transferred into offshore accounts at this moment. Oh wait, thats just more silly talk

    Bernie Madoff the founder of NASDAQ running a ponzi scheme for decades? Anyone who would say such a thing in 2005 would have been laughed off as an anti-semetic conspiracy theorist. I mean, wouldn’t somebody talk? How could they keep such a thing secret?

    We should stick to responsible criticism of Jews, not crazy conspiracies about them harvesting the organs of Palestinian children or similar canards.

  33. The Muslims invaded Jerusalem and North Africa early in their history, but those lands were Christian first. Their “desire to live in peace” included a large-scale war of conquest against the Christian world, which they have only temporarily ceased due to various orgizational problems.

  34. #44 W.T, Mann
    This statement is true, certainly it’s essence. We have to know at all times whether the safety is on, or off, our weapon. In any fight, one must always look through the corners of ones eyes and use all senses.
    Anything at the right time, can be used with lethal effect.

    ABBOTOL is in many ways correct….It is crazy to talk crazy, if crazy is going to hurt you, not your enemy. But not to be aware of everything,, not to look with a sane eye at even what is usually termed crazy, is…. I coin a term here, crazyblinded .

    Ron Paul once again opened the Overton Window and let in some air. He’s a soccer Dad. one with a real backbone. People here criticize him. But he called the spade a spade. He did a honest job. We should be clapping and saluting, and honour this man. If you were standing on central park west, the sounds of breaking glass.shattered porcelain and fumbled safety deposit box keys must of echoed through the tree’s.

  35. The Muslims invaded Jerusalem and North Africa early in their history, but those lands were Christian first.

    And before they were Christian, they were Pagan.

  36. Roach
    Israel/Jerusalem was colonized by pagan Rome. Before that the Greeks, the Persians. It was a semi autonomous colony, not a province. Byzantium inherited it, The Byzantines never built but a small church and monastery in Jerusalem in respect of this, despite being the greatest church builders in the world. They lost Jerusalem to the Arab Caliphate in 638 CE.

    The distance between Jerusalem and Damascus is 300 klm or 190 miles, between Constantinople 1200 klm, Rome 2300 klm. Thus a city in their lands Syria, was a moslem city for 500 years. The Crusader sojourn in 1100 was more a shift in control than a true possession. North Africa is also a semitic land, not a European one.
    The invasions or conquests of Byzantium and Eastern Europe are progressions of the laws of Nature, not man. Man lives by them. They have no blame in this. .

    Their have never said ‘they desire to live in peace’. They desire to live in peace under a muslim caliphate. We are the same way.

    They have been , considering the laws of nature, a perfect neighbor. They have never attacked unless we were disunited, causing our unity. They are too weak to challenge us under normal circumstances, too strong for us to invade. Too poor and dissimilar to aid internal division, and we have not had an immigration problem with them until the 1980’s. They have remained united for 1500 years and served as a buffer and sponge for the monguls and turkics to wear themselves on.

    Despite the hysteria about moslems being poorly disguised devils from hell….Islam is a noble religion of brotherhood and community. I will not forget walking the streets of the poorest parts of Izmir, and being invited into a house that would be an embarrassment as a chicken coop in America, and seeing the utter cleanliness and order in so poor a home, the books and flowers watered, dusted and clean, the children in washed and orderly clothes with tied books and combed hair getting ready for school. This was a ghetto of people who made $400 a year. There was no crime to speak of. I was treated with a hospitality and unasked for generosity that matched the hospitality and straight forwardness I found in the south and mid central States. The same soul of human decency and uprightness. I will never forget it.

    You call them evil…, something I learned in the real world , not on the internet. An evil man who will look you in the face and tell you he means evil if he can get away with it – respect him. he is truly an ally, a true friend in these circumstances. You know to guard yourself well from him. When you depart from him, he will curse you as you leave, …you are safe as long as you respect the reality of your situation. You can learn from him things that can be learnt no other way.

    The truly evil is him who looks you in the face and tells you he is your friend, and waits patiently for you to believe it. You will learn nothing but lies from him. You must always be on guard against him. When you depart he will follow telling you he is your friend. And if you ever falter, that is when he strikes. This is the true enemy.

    The muslim is the former. Respect him.

  37. I agree, Grimoire, the Muslim is our friend. If Ron Paul’s foreign policy was in effect, they would be our friends in fact, not just in theory.

    You’d think Dr. Paul would be more prepared to deal the anti-Semitic rhetoric. He was subject to it enough during his campaign, you’d think he would have a standard answer by now.

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