The Next Step

At Occidental Quarterly Online there is an interview posted with French New Rightist Guillaume Faye.  Faye, a graduate of the elite French school known as Sciences-Po (Instituts d’etudes politiques) and leader of the French New Right in the 1980’s, has a lot of interesting things to say in this interview, but nothing more interesting than this:

Question: In the review Réfléchir et Agir, you recommended a “withdrawal” on associative action, following the example of that which the extreme-Left made. Could you develop this point?

Guillaume Faye: It is not a “withdrawal,” but a general-purpose strategy. One needs parties, publishers, associations, trade unions. It is necessary that there be in civil society a presence of our ideas. But all the forms of action are necessary: it does not do to want to make metapolitics against politics. All actions, political, cultural, should be connected by the same vision of the world. It is not a strategy of withdrawal, but of spreading out, comparable with that which the Trotskyists had — who are today at the head of the State and of the Catholic Church!

 * * *

People in our circles are for order, but they are disorganized and inactive, whereas the Trotskyists, in spite of their ideology, are organized people. It is necessary to move! I am struck by the poverty of the associative activity in our camp….

If I had to condense into one paragraph what is wrong with the White Nationalist movement and describe its cure, I could not do any better than this straight-forward statement from M. Faye. 

Three quick points: 

I.  We’re Defeated

Like the Trotskyites of old, our people were engaged in a power struggle for the central ideology of a major state and lost.  Our enemy triumphant, they then set about erasing us from history, completely discrediting our ideas and ideals and training the young to react to any possible re-introduction of our ideas into the body politic as the physical body reacts to the introduction of a deadly virus. 

We haven’t a charismatic, capable, intelligent war-leader, but if we did he’d long ago have had the equivalent of an ice-pick in his head just the same.  If one emerges, the same fate will await him, though given the legal-procedural state the United States has become it would most likely be a legal condemnation rather than a simple blow to the head. 

Get this through your head: we lost, badly.  We aren’t coming back on a wave of popular support any time soon.  No new political party or movement is going to return American Trotskyism (that is, White Nationalism) to power by democratic means.

II.  Weapons At Hand – Cadre Building 

Having been roundly defeated, we are left with only the weapons at hand.  Fortunately for us, the advance of technology has left a very powerful tool for connecting and getting our message across.   

Unfortunately for us, this same powerful tool allows people to think that they are advancing or fighting for the cause by simply talking on the Internet.  Action, comrades. If talk leads to action, then talk is beneficial.  If talk leads to simply a modified version of an Japanese Anime enthusiast Internet community with a different focus for its enthusiasm, then nothing has been done.  Worse, the appearance of action has set us back. 

I believe that the Internet has become for us a net negative.  What we should be engaged in is good old-fashioned cadre building.  As Trotsky’s boss put it in What Is To Be Done?: 

“A dozen wise men can be more easily wiped out than a hundred fools.” This wonderful truth (for which the hundred fools will always applaud you) appears obvious only because in the very midst of the argument you have skipped from one question to another. You began by talking and continued to talk of the unearthing of a “committee”, of the unearthing of an “organization”, and now you skip to the question of unearthing the movement’s “roots” in their “depths”. The fact is, of course, that our movement cannot be unearthed, for the very reason that it has countless thousands of roots deep down among the masses; but that is not the point at issue. As far as “deep roots” are concerned, we cannot be “unearthed” even now, despite all our amateurism, and yet we all complain, and cannot but complain, that the “organizations” are being unearthed and as a result it is impossible to maintain continuity in the movement. But since you raise the question of organizations being unearthed and persist in your opinion, I assert that it is far more difficult to unearth a dozen wise men than a hundred fools. This position I will defend, no matter how much you instigate the masses against me for my “anti-democratic” views, etc. As I have stated repeatedly, by “wise men”, in connection with organization, I mean professional revolutionaries, irrespective of whether they have developed from among students or working men. I assert: (1) that no revolutionary movement can endure without a stable organization of leaders maintaining continuity; (2) that the broader the popular mass drawn spontaneously into the struggle, which forms the basis of the movement and participates in it, the more urgent the need for such an organization, and the more solid this organization must be (for it is much easier for all sorts of demagogues to side-track the more backward sections of the masses); (3) that such an organization must consist chiefly of people professionally engaged in revolutionary activity; (4) that in an autocratic state, the more we confine the membership of such an organization to people who are professionally engaged in revolutionary activity and who have been professionally trained in the art of combating the political police, the more difficult will it be to unearth the organization; and (5) the greater will be the number of people from the working class and from the other social classes who will be able to join the movement and perform active work in it.

Substitute White Nationalism for Communism in this passage and you have the gist of our current situation. 

We have been defeated, but we cannot be uprooted, because the basic truth of our ideal does indeed have countless thousands of roots deep down among the masses.  But our organizations, such as they are, are strictly amateur-hour.  What is needed is a White Nationalist vanguard along the lines ol’ Vlad recommends: professional, committed, engaged, and most importantly, one that has taken the bold step of declaring that it, and it alone, not only leads but has the moral right to lead and is completely justified in doing so. 

It’s this last point that is most critical.  It’s easy to start a new “party,” a new webpage.  What is needed is for recognized leaders to come together face-to-face and hammer out a common program that is as broad as possible while still effective.  The Bolsheviks came to power with one slogan: peace, land and all power to the soviets.  The Nazi Party came to power with a simple 25-point program.  Our Vanguard should follow those examples.

III.  Layers of Work

Once this Organization is formed, it can proceed in its work on multiple fronts.

In secret, it should recruit cadres: writers, students, workers, business leaders, police officers, teachers, government employees, military officers, trade union members.

In secret, it should subsidize and support up-and-coming nationalist students and writers.

In public, it should produce a dizzying array of front organizations.  A new theatre company will write and stage plays from a nationalist perspective.  New bookstores will be community centers for the growing nationalist community.  Special-issue organizations will be formed to fight day-to-day political battles on this or that bill or government program.  Campus organizations will be formed.  A printing press is necessary.  Various websites need to be brought under fraternal control to promote a common program.  Visual propaganda is needed, including simple poster campaigns. 

It all needs to say: We’re bigger than you think we are, we are here, join the fight, we’re going to win; or, as M. Faye would recognize: Je Suis Partout.

In short, the Vanguard will proceed as the Trotskyites did before it: a long march through the organizations, with the pay-off many, many decades ahead.

As Faye put it, for the party of order, we’re pretty damn unorganized.  It’s time for that to change if we are to have a chance.


  1. Matamoros,

    The chief difficulty this movement faces is that it’s constantly being suppressed by the ruling powers, who have also succeeded in poisoning the minds of many would-be recruits. How does a movement organize under such conditions? Perhaps in a follow-up essay you could outlines strategies that might overcome some of these difficulties.

  2. “…one that has taken the bold step of declaring that it, and it alone, not only leads but has the moral right to lead and is completely justified in doing so.”

    A self-declared elite? You must be joking. Unacceptable, if these ‘leaders’ don’t want to get fragged. The elites will arise in a time of war. We aren’t there yet. But I can imagine some of the pedestrian intellects on display on the interwebs can help fill the gaps until we are.

  3. “They will have to be weeded out.”

    Having already suffered the grievous loss of WN’s yang, Bill White, we would only compound of our misery by dispensing with its yin, uh (a Pyrrhic victory in its own right). WN’s meta-ego cannot be restored to balance in this way. LOL!

  4. Guys, WN is a revolutionary movement. I’m sorry, but there you have it. Part of being a revolutionary is saying: the current regime is illegitimate, has no right to rule and should be replaced by X, with X being the revolutionary organization’s goals.

    No one votes on X. X is a program.

    Basically, the X party gathers, votes the program, announces it’s right, everyone else is wrong, and starts fighting with everything it’s got.

    Now, this decision is obviously fraught with moral danger. What if the self-declared leaders of X are wrong? They may be.
    But that’s all part of being an adult and having to make serious decisions.

    Look at it this way: Back in the 1770s a group of British subjects sat back and decided that the current government–entirely lawful and proper–was not in their interest. They acted accordingly. They were a minority in the Continental Congress, a very small one, right up to the point where the British made the mistake of unleasing Mohawks against White settlers in upper New York.

    But the point is that this small elite, some in Congress, some outside of it, always had one goal: complete and total independence from Britain. And they fought for it by any means necessary, sometimes with the pen, sometimes by contesting elections, sometimes by burning down customs houses.

    They made the choice: Even though we’re a small group, we’re right, this is what we’re doing and this is what we’re fighting for.

    Again, this choice is dangerous. But necessary.

  5. From the essay “Envy and Aristocide” – – by Nathaniel Weyl (who was at least partially Jewish, but probably mostly European/Aryan):

    “By aristocide, I do not mean destruction of artificial aristocracies of pedigree and status. I use the term to denote the extermination of what Thomas Jefferson called “the natural aristocracy among men” grounded on “virtues and talents,” and constituting “the most precious gift of nature for the instruction, the trusts, and government of society” (Jefferson, 1813). Jefferson believed that the preservation of this elite was of cardinal importance. The “natural aristocracy” possess not only high intelligence, but also “virtue”–in more modern terms, character and humanity.

    The problem with Jewish rule is not that they lack the intellect to rule, as Jewry overall has plenty of that; but rather the problem is that they lack the VIRTUE to rule (the “character and humanity” mentioned above), as Jewish rule has always resulted in mass-exploitation, degradation, decline, madness, and ultimately collapse.

    Another interesting quote from the article:

    “Alienated Intellectuals as Catalysts: The leadership element of revolutions is rarely composed of indignant peasants or enraged lupenproletarians. It generally consists of frustrated, alienated and misguided intellectuals, without whom the envy of the masses would remain directionless, nothing more than sullen and silent resentment. Alienated intellectuals serve as catalysts, inciting and actuating the prevalent sentiment of envy, providing it with a seemingly legitimate target, even gracing it with an ideology and a meretricious sort of moral justification. Yet many converts to totalitarian movements themselves come from the upper and middle classes. They belong not to the ranks of the enviers, but to those of the envied. How does one explain this paradox?”

  6. “When it is far too late.”

    No, when we finally have a chance. The time for debate and discussion is over. Do you honestly think the current regime will transfer power peacefully as a result of democratic elections? Do you think they will give a shit?

  7. A major problem in attempting to build a WN elite is that, in the last few centuries, the Jews have partially infiltrated or wormed their way in to the native European/Aryan elite in many White nations (see: and thus the two have become indistinguishable in some cases.

    In the future, should WNists ever manage to gain any significant power, we’ll have to be very careful in avoiding ‘aristocide’ via the wholesale expulsion of many who have partial Jewish ancestry due to the attempted infiltration of Jews in to the European/Aryan elite. Genetic testing, physiognomy, intuition, character studies, and plain ol common sense can be utilized to separate the mostly Jewish chaff from the European/Aryan wheat.

  8. No, they won’t transfer power peacefully as a result of democratic elections.
    But their power is less than they think. Our current leaders remind me of the frozen old Bolsheviks on top of Lenin’s Tomb. They’re hanging on to an ideology that reality (that is to say, nature) is rejecting at an ever-increasing rate.
    When it all tumbles, it will be as quick, and as shocking, as the USSR.

  9. TA:”The time for debate and discussion is over.”

    No it isn’t. As a ‘movement,’ White nationalism doesn’t even have an agreed-upon ‘platform’ or list of primary goals yet to present to the public — we are still debating and arguing amongst ourselves about the policies and plans which we believe should be implemented in the future.

    However, as others have mentioned here before, the ‘Jewish Century’ is certainly winding to a close, and a new era is slowly dawning as the control-mechanisms which they used in the past to manipulate things to their favor increasingly fall by the wayside; in general though, a whole lot of Whites (and non-Whites) the world over are just fed-up with corrupt Jewish rule and seek a newer and better way.

    I say that about 2-3 years from now (around 2012) is when we ought to start taking our ideas and plans out in to the public sphere — between now and then we need to clearly spell out our goals/plans for the future and fervently organize, organize, organize.

  10. Matamoros ~ I hope you’re right.

    WP ~ I mean, Debate and discussion–with the others. Amongst ourselves (or yourselves), it is natural.

  11. “When it is far too late.”

    No, when we finally have a chance. The time for debate and discussion is over. Do you honestly think the current regime will transfer power peacefully as a result of democratic elections? Do you think they will give a shit?

    No. But a ragtag band of small-armed imbeciles is not going to take power from them or make them give a shit.

    Your only hope is a military coup. For you cannot arrange a class war (absent foreign intervention), as is your premise – and when this continent is attacked from abroad, it will be too late if informed military leadership is not already in place and prepared for it.

  12. No one here is suggesting a “a ragtag band of small-armed imbeciles,” so it’s unclear where you got that notion. A military coup, on the other hand… I think it would be quite easy, and fairly popular. The problem would remain, though, of the large populations of non-whites, white Marxists, and stubborn Jews. At which point, the new government (providing logistical support) could simply send in paramilitary groups to do the, er, dirty work. But I’m getting ahead of myself here, again. 😉

  13. American White Nationalism is held back by a desire to see results now. That’s why so many can’t give up on the idea of taking over the GOP or some other pre-existing movement or party.

  14. “Your only hope is a military coup.”

    LOL! No Big Brass would be willing to risk a death sentence by sending his soldiers ours way unless there was already a politicized climate of popular support in place. Now don’t scare the kids this Halloween with your $20[ ] cap guns.

  15. “Your only hope is a military coup.”

    LOL! No Big Brass would be willing to risk a death sentence by sending his soldiers ours way unless there was already a politicized climate of popular support in place.

    Chicken and egg problem. And not enough time.

    Now don’t scare the kids this Halloween with your $20[ ] cap guns.

    You are so mean. Kimber wanted to show off her $1100 Compact CDP Custom job so bad. And the other one is P-O-ed at you, $900 worth. They hope *you* don’t get any candy.

  16. What qualifies the Jews to rule us is that they intend to do so – and we intend not to rule or be ruled – which cannot be.

    We are thus ruled by default, if by nothing else.

  17. Greg Johnson writes: “What disqualifies Jews to rule us is not their lack of character, but simply the fact that they are not us.”

    The importance of this simple statement cannot be overstated. In one simple statement, the entire tortious debate over the Jewish Question–the entire single cause vs contributory cause, the entire debate about how culpable Jews are, the entire debate about Jewish influence–becomes irrelevant.

    We European-American people are a distinct people, and we are entitled to self-determination and self-rule, free of the influence of other races, be they French, Arab, Vietnamese or Jewish. Period.

    Tactically, THIS IS THE WAY TO GO.

    We say: we don’t hate anyone, we don’t want to hurt anyone, we aren’t after any group of people: we want to be let alone. After all, the Jews have their homeland, do they not?

  18. The will of the Jew to destroy his hated racial enemy, even if it costs himself everything, is an end unto itself. I do not believe they can help themselves, it is a genetic compulsion.

  19. The will of the Jew to destroy his hated racial enemy, even if it costs himself everything, is an end unto itself.

    Jewry is a parasite that fatally weakens its host before moving on to the next clueless victim.

    See Russia and Great Britain for example.

  20. A military coup is unlikely and undesirable, given that the military has been selected and shaped by the establishment and is therefore far worse than the average American both morally and ideologically. The military does not recruit people who think like us, and they weed out those who do get in. They even employ personality tests to exclude or winnow out people who might come to think like us. By the time someone gets promoted to the leadership, they are thoroughly vetted and brainwashed, not to mention corrupted, with their various corruptions documented in inch-thick blackmail dossiers held in Israel. We are more likely to find sympathizers among the people who leave the military, or who are weeded out of the military, than in the military itself. Most of the military brass are Republicans. Looking to the military for salvation is like looking to the Republicans for salvation.

  21. A military coup is unlikely and undesirable, given that the military has been selected and shaped by the establishment and is therefore far worse than the average American both morally and ideologically. The military does not recruit people who think like us, and they weed out those who do get in. They even employ personality tests to exclude or winnow out people who might come to think like us.

    Which might be a good thing, if such as us are inclined to secessionist fantasies and the “live and let live” drivel as a self-concept.

    By the time someone gets promoted to the leadership, they are thoroughly vetted and brainwashed, not to mention corrupted, with their various corruptions documented in inch-thick blackmail dossiers held in Israel. We are more likely to find sympathizers among the people who leave the military, or who are weeded out of the military, than in the military itself.

    We do not need “sympathizers” so much as we need those who can recognize a mortal threat to the existence of the continent’s population.

  22. A new theatre company will write and stage plays from a nationalist perspective.

    Oh God. Do we have any playwrights here? Someone had better step up unless you want CvH doing Panizza revival at the new WN Guignol.

    The time for debate and discussion is over.

    And yet it goes on.

    No Big Brass would be willing to risk a death sentence by sending his soldiers ours way unless there was already a politicized climate of popular support in place.

    You sound awfully skeptical, Cap. And I agree with this: just why the Iranian military eventually broke from the Shah. That clinched it.

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